Tag Archives: Athena

Teen Girl Rocking Reads: Goddess Girls Athena the Wise by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams


Book five of the goddess girls series starts with Athena being called down to Zeus’s office. Zeus asks Athena to keep an eye on the new mortal, Heracles. Although Athena likes Heracles, he does some kind of bold things, and can be rash at times, Athena finds herself helping him with the 12 tasks he was given to try to earn a place at MOA, and a chance at immortality. Unfortunately, he only has a few days left to complete 11 of the tasks. With Athena’s help, he is able to complete some of the task. Along with this, the mortal Arachne seems to think she is better then a goddess!!!!

I like this book because it’s an interesting way to tell the story of Heracles, although it’s closer to the myths than the other books in the series. It also has an interesting spin on the myth of Arachne’s challenge.

If you like my review, read Goddess Girls Athena the Wise!!!

Athenaa the wise cover




I forgot to add a cover picture for Goddess Girls: Athena the Brain, and here it is.

Athena the Brain cover


Teen Girls Rocking Reads: Goddess Girls: Athena the Brain


This is the first book in the Goddess Girls series by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams. The series is a twist on the Greek Gods and Goddesses where many of them go to a school on Mount Olympus called Mount Olympus Academy; also known as MOA. Book 1 starts down in a village in Greece in a house where Athena lives with her best friend, Pallas. As the book continues, Athena is taken away to Mount Olympus, starts school, and becomes friends with the three most popular goddesses at the academy: Aphrodite, Artemis, and Persephone. But in her first class, she is called down to the office by the principle: Zeus!! But once one of her inventions goes horribly wrong, Athena must find a way to save all the mortals down on Earth.I like this book because it’s showing Athena in a way most myths don’t: as a kid. In most myths, Athena springs from Zeus’s head, fully grown, in full greek battle armor. The authors have made the characters seem real, not just mythical.
If you like my review, read Goddess Girls book 1: Athena the Brain!!
