February 6, 2007
This is for Erica, who’s home sick with the flu. But while I have you here, let me point out that author Conor Corderoy stopped by to leave a comment here. If you haven’t picked a book to read yet for the Debut a Debut contest, why not his Dark Rain? A dystopia AND murder mystery; how can you refuse?I can’t!
And now… the outtake, just for Erica!
Daniel and Mitchell had gathered around Eric, who stared up at them from Trevor’s couch on the tour bus, his eyes glassy.
“Freaky,” Mitchell said with a nod. He pulled a potato chip out of the bag he’d bought at the rest stop half an hour ago.
“I think it’s a hangover,” Daniel insisted, holding out his hand for a chip.
Mitchell ignored him. “We weren’t drinking that much last night. And you don’t blow your nose as much as he’s been doing when you’re hungover. It makes your brain pound too hard.”
“Good point,” Daniel said. He tried to take the bag of chips, but Mitchell pulled it out of danger and tossed it toward the bus’ kitchen area.
Daniel took a wary step back, but Mitchell was fast and pinned the drummer to the couch opposite Eric. “You can fucking share,” the drummer snarled.
“No I can’t,” Mitchell growled back. “And let’s hope Eric doesn’t. He’s got the flu, you dumb fuck. All of us can get it.”
“We have a show tomorrow,” Eric moaned. “We can’t cancel.”
“True. ShapeShifter doesn’t cancel.”
“What do we do?” Eric’s moan turned sniveling. “I can’t fucking move. Do you know I spent the entire stop trying to get out of my bunk and up here?”
“Well, I wish you’d gotten here sooner,” Mitchell told him, diving for the potato chips before Daniel could grab them again. “’cause if we’d known, we could have picked up supplies.”
“Supplies?” Daniel asked, sucking on the thumb that Mitchell had bent backwards in his rush for the chips.
“Yeah,” Mitchell said, popping another chip into his mouth. “Soup, Jell-o.” He grinned. “We could have some real fun with the Jell-o that sick boy there doesn’t eat.”
“What girl’s gonna want to get on a bus that’s got a guy with the flu on it?” Daniel asked.
Mitchell winked. “Who said we’d tell them before we’re rolling?”
“Show tomorrow,” Eric said and pulled another tissue out of the box he’d propped on his chest. “Me. Gotta play,” he said and blew his nose. Hard.
Mitchell shuddered. Charlie, the band’s tour manager, jumped for the used tissue and put it into a plastic bag.
“What do we do since we don’t have any soup?” Daniel asked.
Mitchell shook his head uselessly and eyed his potato chips. There was something unappetizing about eating after listening to the goop that had come pouring out of Eric’s nose. He crumpled the top of the bag closed and offered it to Daniel, who winkled his nose and shook his head.
“You fuck heads,” Trevor said, getting up from his usual spot on the couch, at Eric’s feet. “There’s only one cure for the flu.” He pushed past Mitchell, who gave him a quick slap to the back of the head, and opened the fridge. He pulled out a beer and grabbed the opener. “You get him so drunk, he forgets he’s sick.”
“We might pickle him before that happens,” Mitchell said with a frown. He opened the potato chips and, without looking, fished one out of the bag and ate it.
“Pickle me!” Eric begged. “Just … make me better.”
Trevor handed over the beer. Daniel helped himself to a potato chip and shrugged at Mitchell.
It was worth a try.
February 6, 2007 4:57 pm
Seems like an awful lot of these debut writers have gotten wind of this contest! Which makes it even cooler :)br /br /Susan, how many books are you reviewing, at this point?
Susan Helene Gottfried
February 6, 2007 5:03 pm
Me? I didn’t think to do any for the contest; I’ve been too busy and besides, I’m not eligible to win prizes!!br /br /I WILL be working my way through quite a number of the books on a href=”www.http://westofmars.com“the list/a over the next few… uhh… years, though!
February 6, 2007 5:31 pm
Another outtake today! :obr /I haven’t even read it yet and I just had to post
February 6, 2007 5:35 pm
he he he…br /Trev always gives such good advice.br /I wonder how Eric’ll feel with the flu *and* a hangover.
Susan Helene Gottfried
February 6, 2007 5:40 pm
Lousy, I’m sure!
February 6, 2007 6:31 pm
There was something unappetizing about eating after listening to the goop that had come pouring out of Eric’s nose.br /br /Utterly gross, but thoroughly true. :Sbr /br /Is anyone else worried that the author might read the reviews? I feel all pressurised now …
February 6, 2007 6:46 pm
Eric will have fun for a bit but once he wakes up tomorrow he will feel like shit on a stick. LOL
February 6, 2007 6:54 pm
LOL!!!! Ok, the only alcohol I could drink yesterday was Nyquil. Although, it did make me feel better.
February 6, 2007 8:15 pm
lindsey, I think that as long as you aren’t bashing the book you’ll be OK.
February 6, 2007 9:52 pm
But, Karen, what if I WANT to bash the book?! :p
Susan Helene Gottfried
February 6, 2007 11:17 pm
Well, you could, but then why worry about what this guy, who’s been so nice to you, would think?br /br /Sadly, his book hasn’t been released over here yet. You’ll have to tell me how it is!! (and no bashing!)
November 13, 2007 4:15 pm