December 6, 2010
Yeah, tonight’s the Monday during Hanukkah and by rights, I ought to be bringing you the Musical Hanukkah Celebration. But there’s still more pre-celebration stuff to post, and hey, it’s fiction. Time’s flexible in fiction.
Fozzy held it out to Scott. One drawing, done. Complete with color. Every line perfect.
That’s how it went with Fozzy. He didn’t do things half-assed. That’s what made it worthwhile having him in the band. As far as lead guitarists went, he wasn’t the best out there, but he could hold his own among pretty much the rest of the pack.
“Go on. Take a better look,” Fozzy said.
Scott set his DS down on the couch beside him and took the drawing. A big building filled the background; it had a giant Jewish star on the front. Scott guessed that was supposed to be the Temple that got fought over in the Chanukiah story. It was so big and dominating, it was hard to look at the people in front, dressed in the usual short, white tunics and sandals with the gay straps that wrapped around the leg up to the knee.
“Them’s the Maccabee people,” Fozzy said, pointing to them. He picked up the paper Scott had handed him. “See? They’re right here. Headed off to war.”
Scott studied them. “They have the Hatchet.”
“You know they lost the war?”
“That’s what those papers said,” Fozzy said. He pulled on his earlobe. “But they won in the end, right? People remember ’em for trying. They got a holiday out of it. The Hatchet’s never been part of a holiday before.”
The DS beeped, but Scott ignored it. “I think we nailed this motherfucker.”
Fozzy bobbed his head, his wheat-brown curls exaggerating the movement. “The Hatchet comes through again.”
“Who knew the Maccabees had such an ally?”
“Then why’d they lose?”
“It’s a better story if they do,” Scott said.
Fozzy scrunched up his face, trying to make sense of that.
Scott left him. He wasn’t a fan of history, either, but trying to explain this to Fozzy would only make both their brains hurt. It was enough that the special t-shirt for the Musical Hanukkah thing had Judah Maccabee marching into battle, carrying the Deadly Metal Hatchet.
Robin from Israel
December 7, 2010 7:01 am
So it’s not the Hammer of Judah, it’s the Hatchet ;)?
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.-= Robin from Israel´s last blog ..Slowly moving on =-.
December 7, 2010 8:49 am