May 5, 2010
Mother’s Day – Twitter Chats Blog Tour
Welcome to the Twitter Chats Blog Tour, organized by Mariana N. Blaser at mariblaser’s randomities and Anne Tyler Lord at Don’t Fence Me In. Today’s theme is Mother’s Day.
You’ll be traveling with us through the blogs of some of the fantastic authors and writers who participate in our weekly — funny, entertaining and educating — Twitter chats. This tour will feature writers from #writechat, #litchat, and #fridayflash.
You will be directed to your next stop at the end of this post. Please feel welcome here, and have a happy Mother’s Day!
(I’m supposed to insert a separation here, but damned if I know how to)
Sonya held the precious bundle more securely and bowed her head over it. Her boy. She and Patterson had made a boy at last.
Even though Patterson had Beth playing baseball in their back yard, she knew he privately hoped for a boy he could play with. Patterson was good with their two girls and they adored their daddy, but Sonya believed it was true: every man pined for a son. Sons didn’t grow their hair long. They didn’t wear earrings. They played baseball, not softball. In the Voss family, boys were as American as hot dogs, apple pie, and the Fourth of July.
Sonya smiled, remembering the Christmas just past. The two grandmothers had stood in Sonya’s kitchen and stared at her swelling baby, debating. Boy or girl?
Everyone had agreed: it was a boy in there, a boy who would eventually come out of Sonya and drag half her innards along with him. Or so it felt. It hadn’t mattered once she’d laid eyes on him, of course, the doctors working frantically above her. The baby was perfect. Boy or girl; all that mattered had been the perfection.
It was later, during these quiet times, when Sonya could reflect on how important it had been to her, too, to have a boy. Especially after this little one had made sure the family was complete. It was as if he’d said he was special enough, there could be nothing to follow him. It didn’t matter that his parents had wanted four children. No one would follow Mitchell into the world.
He scrunched his face, yawned, cracked his eyes, and smacked his lips. The perfect baby.
Sonya’s heart melted as her son started rooting, hungry again.
Three children had never seemed more perfect.
(I’m supposed to insert another separation, but I’m still damned if I know how to.)
Thanks for stopping by! Your next stop for the Mother’s Day Twitter Chats Blog Tour is Tony Noland of Landless.
The complete list of participants can be found at the host’s blogs: Mariana N. Blaser and Anne Tyler Lord.
Cathy Olliffe
May 6, 2010 6:56 am
Susan, what a beautiful story! Almost makes me want to get pregnant again… almost…
.-= Cathy Olliffe´s last blog ..My Secret =-.
Laura Eno
May 6, 2010 10:11 am
A wonderful way to describe a mother’s feelings of giving up everything for the child she holds. Happy Mother’s Day!
.-= Laura Eno´s last blog ..Mother’s Day – Twitter Chats Blog Tour =-.
Donna Carrick
May 6, 2010 10:51 am
Great story, Susan! Thanks for sharing it. Of course, the Carricks were just the opposite — we already had 2 boys, and Tammy-Li completed our family, dragging her weary parents half-way around the world and back to get her! ha ha (I felt in many ways as if my innards had been dragged out, especially during the evil travel sickness!
Deanna Schrayer
May 6, 2010 10:56 am
Oh, the memories this brings! You do a great job with description. There’s no “or so it felt” about it – they do drag all your innards out!
I knew, with both my pregnancies, that I had boys all along, or at least I prayed for boys. I was a tomboy growing up and just couldn’t imagine playing with dolls and having tea parties. And I’m so glad I did have my two boys.
Happy Mother’s Day weekend!
.-= Deanna Schrayer´s last blog ..Mother’s Day Twitter Chats Blog Tour: The Ones Who Turn Stumbling Blocks Into Stepping Stones: Mothers =-.
Mariana N. Blaser
May 6, 2010 12:50 pm
Great piece Susan! I love the description of the little boy smacking lips and yawning. You make me want to have one. Well, not yet, but almost, heh.
This made me chuckle: In the Voss family, boys were as American as hot dogs, apple pie, and the Fourth of July.
Cool, heh.
.-= Mariana N. Blaser´s last blog ..Mother’s Day – Twitter Chats Blog Tour =-.
Marisa Birns
May 6, 2010 3:11 pm
Wonderful story! Love the last line.
And laughed at how you said you couldn’t insert a separation!
I, too, had problems so I cut and pasted.
It was fun sharing this blog tour with you, and pleased to meet you.
.-= Marisa Birns´s last blog ..Mother’s Day – Twitter Chats Blog Tour =-.
Tony Noland
May 6, 2010 5:27 pm
What a great gift, even if the road to it was vomitously hard. I don’t envy the kid for having two older sisters, but still…
Happy Mother’s Day!
.-= Tony Noland´s last blog ..Mother’s Day Blog Tour =-.
Anne Tyler Lord
May 6, 2010 5:53 pm
Beautiful story about a mother’s love. I miss the baby days – but not the nights.
Thanks for joining us on the tour!
BTW – So funny about the separation – the squiggly we used is on my computer keyboard on the top (shift to get it) of the key in the upper left – next to the number 1.
Alice Audrey
May 7, 2010 1:12 am
Talk about back story! This is great. Thanks.
.-= Alice Audrey´s last blog ..291/365 Me, three of six =-.
Mariana N. Blaser
May 7, 2010 9:37 am
Oh yeah, sorry about the separation thing!
Anne, we’ll have to choose better next time, eh?
.-= Mariana N. Blaser´s last blog ..Mother’s Day – Twitter Chats Blog Tour =-.
May 7, 2010 1:52 pm
Don’t the guys always want a boy? *grinz* very nice peice, and Happy Mother’s Day!
.-= Angie´s last blog ..Mother’s Day Blog Tour =-.
Thomma Lyn
May 7, 2010 7:31 pm
Awwww, this is just precious.
Happy Mother’s Day, my friend!
.-= Thomma Lyn´s last blog ..In the Garden =-.
May 8, 2010 12:49 am
Such a sweet story, there’s nothing like those little moments of perfection.
.-= CalicoCrazy´s last blog ..Looking at the sky on Friday #28 =-.
May 8, 2010 7:06 am
Jumping over from Weekend Writer’s Retreat. Great story, Susan – perfect for Mother’s Day. Isn’t it amazing when you hold perfection, all the pain and anxiousness flies out the window
.-= Janet´s last blog ..Bath or Shower? =-.
May 8, 2010 12:33 pm
A lovely story, this brought back many memories of being present at the birth of my daughter, for which I thank you whole-heartedly.
.-= Sam´s last blog ..#FridayFlash: UCF #8: Hangman’s Passage =-.
May 8, 2010 4:01 pm
This is a beautiful vignette. And I agree with the Mariana — the smacking of the lips was the perfect touch, and a perfect description of what babies do. Great stop on the blog tour!
May 8, 2010 7:15 pm
what the heck is a separation? LOVED the shirt by the way. Wings are my favorite things
I loved the story too – no long hair or earrings? Famous last words LOL
.-= Dee´s last blog ..Where I Would Go =-.
May 8, 2010 7:16 pm
guess I should have explained that I read the Fashion right before I read this one. oops.
.-= Dee´s last blog ..Where I Would Go =-.
May 9, 2010 12:33 am
A nice warming story for this day of days.
PJ Kaiser
May 10, 2010 12:19 am
Very nice story! I like your casual, honest tone. What’s that song “we’ll have a boy for you and a girl for me?” I have one of each and couldn’t be happier! Ididnt know u b4 the tour, so it’s very nice to meet you
.-= PJ Kaiser´s last blog ..“Gold Star Mothers†(FridayFlash) =-.
Julia Smith
May 10, 2010 11:36 am
Wonderful peek at the world premiere of a future star – when every baby is a superstar.
Happy Mother’s Day!
.-= Julia Smith´s last blog ..Poetry Train Monday – 151 – The Best is Yet to Come =-.
Carolyn Burns Bass
June 6, 2010 1:13 pm
I get the feeling there is much more to this story! I’m dying to know if Mitchell grows out his hair and gets earrings. Reminded me of a phone call I received from my college-age son recently: “Mom, how do you take care of newly pierced ears?”