February 23, 2023
More from the list of homophones — or, as I like to call ’em, words that sound alike and get confused ALL the time and please stop.
I know. homophones is SO MUCH more concise. Maybe that’s why it’s the more commonly used word.
What’s on the chopping block today? PAST versus PASSED.
I first started noticing this one from my Black clients, or those who use some degree of AAVE. Which of course creates a conundrum: Is it AAVE? I’m no expert — far from it (she says with a snort) — but given that the rest of the book wasn’t in AAVE, then yeah, it was something to call out as incorrect, and to query in dialogue. Because not all characters talk with correct grammar. (I mention that a lot when I edit for you.)
Let’s take a look…
Things that are over with. Think in terms of “The past, the present, the future.”
Our past lives.
I am past the age of eating nothing but chicken nuggets and mac and cheese. (No, you’re really not.)
I walked past the garden today.
See? It’s all stuff you put behind you.
Webster’s, of course, breaks it down differently and maybe better. Judge for yourself.
This is also something that happened previously. (In the past. How about that? Ha!)
BUT it’s a bit different because it’s the past tense (there I go again) of the word PASS. And oof, if you’re going to go read this definition, do it with a full beverage and maybe some snacks. It’s a LONG one, as many good, variable words produce. This is why English is so great and so much fun and why you need people like me in your corner!
Grandma passed away.
We passed the garden today. (Note how this is different from “We walked past the garden today.” See the subtle differences? Need me to unpack this?)
I passed the fifth grade. Barely.
These are WAY more active sentences. And that’s your quick test for past versus passed. Unless, of course, you struggle with active versus passive. And I can help with that, too.
Oh, the many things a good editor can do for you!
February 20, 2023
Let’s welcome Joyce Reynolds-Ward to West of Mars with her book, The Enduring Legacy!
Let’s dive right in, shall we? I love talking books and music… It’s my happy thing. Joyce, what song makes you think of The Enduring Legacy?
“My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys” as performed by Willie Nelson. It sums up the saga of Gabriel Martiniere, from star-crossed billionaire heir testifying against his family company’s abuse of mind control technology, to ranch hand on the run, to billionaire again and his ongoing crusade to reform the abuses of indenture and mind control tech.
Hello? Mind control tech?
I. Am. There. (Mostly because I am worried we’re not that far off from that day in our present society. Yikes. Something I never thought I’d have to say!)
Reaady for the cover description? I sure am.
Series Standalone.
Ruby Barkley and Gabriel Martiniere have made it. They’ve defeated Philip Martiniere, and Philip’s suicide leaves them an opening to reform the Martiniere Group as well as the Martiniere Family. To create their own, positive legacy.
But. The legacy of the Martinieres isn’t so easily repaired. Forty-five years of dominance by Philip doesn’t just go away overnight. Gabe and Ruby have a lot of work to do, especially since Philip’s toxic legacy endures in unexpected places.
New foes arise—including the specters of age and health. The mysterious worm that interferes with digital and living memories, and glitches their newest biobot designs.
Then Gabe begins to wonder—is Philip truly defeated?
Can he keep his legacy safe? Or is he doomed to lose his second family, only in a slower manner than the plane crash that killed his first family?
What will it take for Gabe to guarantee that his legacy endures?
Now, this is the fourth (Smashwords says fifth; Amazon says fourth and yes, I’ll ask and update when I get an answer) in a series, but it’s listed as a standalone, so… dive in here, or back up and go hunt down the first three books as well as this one. Your call! (I love when authors give you choices. It’s like Choose Your Own Adventure for grown-up bibliophiles.)
Grab your copy!
Connect with Joyce! I can’t say we’ve done that yet. YET. You all know how I love to chat with authors about their books and their worlds and their processes.
Substack link to the books
Joyce’s main
And as always, be sure to refer your author friends (including yourself) to the Featured New Book Spotlight submission page. This is my labor of love and… I’d love to exercise that love in your direction. Or your friend’s direction.
One last note? Leaving reviews helps other readers find good books, so be sure to leave a few thoughts!
January 19, 2023
Books: They tell our stories. Support the NEA or NEH
I wasn’t going to do this yet. I mean, I’ve been sitting on this for well over a year, and the plan was to wait until the website is live and launched.
Life happens when you make plans, huh?
My daughter is doing a study abroad this semester in Africa. Ghana, to be specific. It’s through the university and the group of 12 of them have a faculty member from home present with them; the whole thing has been seamless. They are there to take a deep dive into tropical ecology, as this specific program is designed for Biology majors. But they are also there to learn about their host country, of course. How can you not?
On Friday the 13th, she toured Elmina Castle.
I mean, you can’t talk about the west coast of Africa, the former Gold Coast, without talking about the atrocities committed there. Forced migration. Enslavement. Killing. Murder. Death. Rape. Starvation. Disease.
The Door of No Return.
But even before this, long before we knew for certain that my daughter was going on this adventure, I’d been thinking. Watching, really, as diverse author after diverse author (and even some editors!) got the shaft from the big publishing houses (and some small ones, too). I have spent years listening to some well-published LGBTQ+ authors bemoaning the lack of support they receive, the difficulties they’ve had getting respect from their own publishers. Authors who are searching for a literary agent, only to be told, “I really like your book but I already rep an author whose book features a Jewish main character.” And my favorite: “If you’re disabled, you should be writing about disabled people. That’s what’s hot right now. Not this very good book you’ve put in front of me.”
Yep. All true.
“Tell the whole story,” my rabbi said in a sermon in 2022. “Teach the suffering, teach the pain, and remember it, share it. Because the only way to move beyond it, the only way to return to a more healthful way of getting along with each other and interacting with each other is to tell the story, to remind ourselves of the low that we suffered together.”
Powerful words.
When I heard them, I knew what I had to do. I had this book, this story that has since become MAYBE THE BIRD WILL RISE, the first book in the Tales from the Sheep Farm series, and it begged me to do just this. To tell the whole story, pieces of which I cannot even begin to fathom because I am not the right person to tell it.
There’s only one option: To make this a Shared Worlds project, where I’ll invite others into my fictional world and let them tell stories — fictional of course, but fictionalized is super as well — so that we can, together, move beyond the pain we inflict on each other in the world.
“If we can figure out a way to make ourselves see the other more favorably, to view the other not with a sense of dread or fear, but to see in the other the same holiness that we want for ourselves, then we can tell this story [he was referring to the story of Passover] in a way that builds us all up and builds up our society and builds up our nation.
“So follow the path of the Torah. Tell the story. Look for ways to find goodness in the other. See our own holiness as we look into the eyes of another person.
“If we do that, if we can figure out a way to tell this story, we can figure out a way to use it to remind us to seek the good…”
Join me. If you’re an author with a story to tell and would like to be part of the world of Tales from the Sheep Farm, let’s talk. If you’re a reader who’d like to read more stories of and by diverse authors, stay tuned.
The website’s being built as we speak. I’ve been waiting a long time for it, but when you hire the best, you have to wait for the perfect site. It’s going to be worth it.
But today, as I’m thinking of history of Elmina Castle and my daughter, my heart, standing in those dungeons into which human beings were forced, as I think of her there, looking at the Door of No Return, I just can’t be quiet about what I’m up to.
Tell their stories…
And so I will strive to. Because as the tag line for this project states, People are treasures too.
January 16, 2023
Let’s welcome Cerine Marrouat and her short story, The Train, to West of Mars!
(Throw confetti. Okay, it’s paper shreds to reduce plastic and be good to birdies. And maybe some dryer lint for nest building.)
I’ve gotten to know Cendrine via Counter.Social and its lovely writing community. I’m really delighted to host her today, which means… let’s get right to it, shall we?
Cendrine, what song makes you think of your new short story, The Train?
While writing my short story “The Train,” I often listened to Leigh Nash’s “Nervous In The Light Of Dawn.”
I chanced upon the song a few years ago and immediately fell in love with Nash’s haunting voice. It also has some of the most beautiful lyrics I have ever heard. To me, they speak to the need for self-love and the importance of introspection, which feature heavily in “The Train.”
The first note of this song is, indeed, haunting. And Nash’s voice is nice and light… this is lovely music! And yes, a new-to-me musician, so YAY for that, too. I love it when my author friends widen my musical horizons.
What’s the story about? I’m curious, especially as the song plays.
You never know what a train ride may have in store. Maggie is about to find out as she journeys to Coueuses to visit her family.
“A powerful and deeply touching story with layered characters that all felt real.” – Berneta L. Haynes, author of Eve and the Faders
Ooh. All the potential… and then this song? I’m there. Are you?
Note that The Train is currently a preorder, BUT the release is later this week, so you won’t have to wait for long! Go buy barely-in-the-future you a present!
Here’s a universal link for you. You all know how much I love these; you get to pick your retailer!
Of course, connecting with Cendrine is the way to go.
More links can be found here
Remember, if you’re an author, have a friend who’s an author, know someone with a book to promote, the Featured New Book Spotlight is here! It’s such a lovely way to meet new authors, see what they are writing and listening to, and expand all our musical horizons, all with one simple question!
January 5, 2023
As authors, we walk an interesting, fascinating line: that between emotionally engaged and not. We need to emotionally engage in order to write the heart-wrenching stuff that our readers demand. We also need to be emotionally engaged enough to be able to create an emotionally appropriate, fully-rounded character. Because believe me, if the author doesn’t care about his or her characters, neither will the reader.
But we also need to be detached from the emotional games that go along with emotional involvement. And that’s because we are both the puppet and the puppet master. (No. Wrong Master of Puppets!)
When we’re wearing our author or editor (or beta or crit partner) hats, it’s easier to disengage. It really is. We have the space we need, physically and emotionally. We can put the book or manuscript down and walk away and think.
Our characters usually can’t. And often, they shouldn’t have this distance. Sometimes, your character needs to be playing the bad guy’s emotion game. Your character probably needs to be more emotionally vested than you are, especially if your character is going up against a narcissist, a sociopath, or a psychopath. This is because until the character — the victim, the target — knows what s/he is dealing with, the emotion game is impossible to avoid.
What’s it look like?
Shock. Disbelief. An inability to wrap your head around a consistent set of actions. A refusal to accept the reality you’re faced with — and not necessarily the reality you’re living (that gets into the whole area of gaslighting) but the reality that this is how the bad guy behaves over and over again and isn’t going to change that. The character self-righteously claims they are refusing to normalize abnormal behavior.
Yet their shock and disbelief and anger continue to play the exact role the bad guy is feeding to them. And the bad guy wins.
Let’s take a step back.
Shock, disbelief, anger — these are emotions. Emotions have good points and bad points and advantages and disadvantages. (kind of like everything else in life!)
If you retain nothing else from this post, remember this: When your character is caught up in the cycle of expressing emotion, your character is not able to gain the upper hand on his or her enemy, something that requires emotional distance and clarity to achieve. And so long as your character is emotional, they are off-balance. Off-balance means easier to manipulate.
Bad guy wins.
Yes, it IS that simple.
So, as authors, it’s your job to, to an extent, get caught up in this emotional cycle — insofar as the character needs you to, in order to create an authentic experience for the reader.
BUT as authors, you also need to know how to rise above that emotion, how to break the cycle. There are many ways to do this, of course; what works for one person or character may not work for the next. Method isn’t nearly as important and being able to sever that emotional reaction. Once your character can get past the emotion game, your character comes out the winner.
Sounds simple, right? But look around you in your own life. Take a good, cold, hard look. Notice how many people are caught up in the drama of the emotion game. Because, hey, it’s drama! Friends respond to drama (at least until you tip the scales into the land of the drama queen). They hear you better when you are passionate!
Except… guess what? You are also too emotionally invested, and you can’t think clearly and critically. You are unconsciously holding yourself down in a position of weakness under the narcissist/sociopath/psychopath/asshole who is using your emotions to manipulate you and keep you under his/her thumb.
Yes, you are allowing yourself to be abused.
In fiction, we expect the abused to be able to rise above, end the emotion game, and triumph in the end. We cheer the main character as they embrace their agency, find their strength, and defeat the agents of evil.
So why aren’t we doing it in real life?
Take a deep breath. And a step back. What do you respond emotionally to? Are you playing someone else’s emotion game in the name of resisting the abuse?
Is your character?
Is that where you want to be? Is that what you want your character to be doing?
Think about it. Think hard.
October 3, 2022
We’re back after a short blackout (I hate those!) with a return visit from my new friend Tara Conrad.
You can visit her first post, featuring Submitting to Him, here.
Which means Tara’s an old hand at this already. I mean, of course she is after only being here once before. This isn’t hard stuff, gang — and that’s by design. I want it easy for you, both as spotlit authors and as readers. Which means, we gotta get right to it, no?
Tara Conrad! What song makes you think of your new book, His Melody?????? (Lots of question marks ’cause I really want to know and yes, today is a MOOD. Go with it.)
Viktor and the girl he ends up with (I can’t give away who it is) both believe they’re damaged beyond repair. Both of their pasts are filled with loss, pain, and more trauma than any person should have to endure. Neither of them believe they’re worthy of love.
Their paths cross–their worlds collide and they can’t ignore the pull to one another.
But, there’s one big problem, their love is forbidden.
This song? One of my all-time favorites! And I want to one day write a book that makes me think of this song. It’s so… mmmm. Everything. Yum.
And if you didn’t notice, by Tara’s refusal to let us know the female lead’s name, this is one in a series — the fourth, to be precise. So you might want to backtrack and catch up before reading this one! (Hey, the first book? I linked to it above! It’s Submitting to Him!)
But before we think about that, let’s talk about the official book description. Ready? I sure am!
Everyone seems to believe time heals all wounds. But is that really the truth or something people say to ease their conscience?
The pain from loss never completely goes away. Instead, we learn to live with the suffocating grief.
I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up. A man like me doesn’t get a happily ever after.
I knew better. That mistake won’t happen again.
This time, I’m starting over with nothing left to lose.
I just hope when the dust settles, everyone I care about can forgive me.
Ooh! Tara STILL didn’t spoil the woman’s name!!! Notice what she did there!
I gotta know. Do you gotta know?
Here’s the way: Amazon only book you gotta read
And here’s how to connect with Tara… well, how to get signed paperback copies, anyway! They make great gifts…. just sayin’…
This is that spot where I remind you that if you can’t gift a copy to a friend, and if your friends are tired of you talking up all the great books you find here and want them to know about, the next best way to help an author raise their visibility is to leave a review online! Another good way is to send them here, for their chance to stop into the spotlight.
Be a good reader. Share the name of your favorite book or author with the world.
September 19, 2022
Calling my dark fiction lovers! Author Eileen Troemel herself describes Fractured: Love of the Broken as being dark, and c’mon. That title says it all right?
Let’s let Eileen Troemel tell us all about the song that makes her think of her book, Fractured: Love of the Broken. Ready? It’s not some bizarre death metal (hey, I listen to death metal), I promise.
Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) Kelly Clarkson
Zulma’s space transport crash lands on Laken a Prisoner of War planet. She’s been sent there after being captured during a war with Dolians. She’s been through the ringer. Drugged, tortured, raped, she’s a mess. She’s greeted by four Conasians who have been prisoners on the planet for a long time. They’ve survived the drug addicts they call Sleepers but they’re tired of fighting to survive. Drake, Parker, Claud and Stuart take her back to their leader as ordered.Zulma is RAW from her experiences. She doesn’t know who to trust or believe. She’s been beaten down by the Dolian Premier. He tried to break her in every possible way. But she stayed strong, barely. She feels shattered but her four men help her cope with the trauma and terror she went through.
Four men, huh? Should I be winking at that? I don’t know! We’ll have to read the book!
Want to know more? I don’t know if that explanation can be topped, but let’s see. Here’s the official book description for you:
This is a Reverse Harem dark scifi romance. There is cursing and violence. Rape and torture are referred to.Sent to the prison planet Laken, Zulma expects to be raped and tortured. What she finds there may save her and her people.
Ordered to a crashed Dolian ship, Conasian prisoners of war Drake, Claud, Stuart, and Parker hope to survive the trek through the dangerous sleepers. The downed ship is vital. What they discover will change their future if they survive the sleepers and their own men.
Yep, I shoula winked. My instinct was right.
If you are offended by the use of the term reverse harem, I apologize. I know it’s a loaded term, that there’s a huge controversy about its use and meaning, and what good alternatives are… romance is HARD, y’all.
Anyway, regardless of the term, pick up the book. It sounds like it’s a dark book with a redemption or healing arc, and couldn’t we ALL use a bit of that right now? I sure could.
And make sure you make note! It will not be for sale until October 15! But if you preorder now, it’ll magically show up on your device on the fifteenth, like a gift from past you.
Here’s your universal link.
And visit with Eileen Troemel! She’s lovely, and I so enjoy our chats. Here’s her linktree — again, universal links, so have at it and have fun exploring her world. You’ll be glad you did!
Remember, if the book strikes and emotional chord with you, leave a review somewhere online, in addition to sharing copies with friends. Reviews help a book become more discoverable, which in turn means more sales, which in turn means authors who can make a living bringing you amazing books to read. See how you’re a part of that? You ARE important too.
And if you’re reading this and you are an author, or you have a friend who’s an author, send them over to the Featured New Book Spotlight! This is how we all find great new reads, hear great songs, and support each other. There’s room for everyone!
August 22, 2022
Let’s welcome Stevie Turner to West of Mars! I’ve known Stevie for a long time now, via Triberr, and so I’m very excited to finally host a spotlight for one of her books. This one is called Cruising Danger, and that title alone is awesome, is it not? And before you ask, this is an older title, but that’s fine! It’s new to me, so that’s what counts.
Stevie Turner, what song makes you think of your book, Cruising Danger?
My book is ‘Cruising Danger’, a mystery/suspense story.
Whoa! That’s an old one! And a good one; musically, it’s held up. Takes me right on back, although I’d say it’s more soothing than suspense and mystery, but yeah, I can see it.
So what’s Cruising Danger about?
When Pauline Edmunds agrees to accompany her workmate Shirley on a Caribbean cruise, she is disappointed to be left alone almost at the start when Shirley starts a holiday romance with Joe Collins, a guitarist in a band working on board the ship. However, Pauline does not like the look of Joe, and tries to dissuade Shirley from continuing the affair. When Shirley cannot be found one morning, Pauline begins to investigate her friend’s disappearance, opening up a whole can of worms amidst a background of Caribbean scenery and sunshine.
Oh, my! Did the guitarist do it? Or… well, I mean, it’s a mystery, so I guess we’ve got to read it because you know it’s not going to be that easy.
Be sure to grab your copy. It’s an Amazon exclusive, but that does not mean you can read and return it! (That’s super-duper tacky. Don’t be tacky, let alone super-duper tacky.)
And, of course, be sure to leave a review online somewhere once you’ve read it, okay? That helps more readers find a book, and that’s always a good thing! So is buying a copy for a friend, or simply telling others about a good book, too. Do all three! It’s easy!
If you’d like to connect with Stevie Turner — and why wouldn’t you? You can find out more about books like Cruising Danger–here’s how!
Amazon Author Page
About Me
Remember, if you’re an author or you have friends who have written books, I’m glad to host them for a day and let them take their turn in the spotlight. There’s even a handy-dandy form for them to fill out.
August 15, 2022
Let’s welcome Aimee Eddy to West of Mars!
To be honest, I have no idea how how Aimee found us, but let me tell you how glad I am that she’s here. The full title of her book is “Escape to the Garage: Family Love Overcomes Bullying” and just from that title, I can tell you we need more of this kind of goodness in the world. (And I say this as a parent who pulled her own kids back from the “high-risk” label, so I get it. I really do.)
There’s a LOT to explore about this book. We’re not going to get to it all, so I encourage you to explore on your own because me? I’m starting with the usual… Aimee Eddy, what song makes you think of your book, Escape to the Garage?
Taylor Swift’s song, Mean reminds me of my memoir, Escape to the Garage: Family Love Overcomes Bullying. She sings about being put down and how it affected her. In my book I show how I was bullied and that led to a decline in my mental health. Her lyrics, “Words like knives,” tells how the rotten things people say feel like. In my memoir I show how words cut the soul like a knife and tear me down. Taylor Swift sings about how she rose above the bullying and proves the person wrong. In my memoir I rise up to show my worth.
From the opening lyrics, I got the connection here. This is a perfect fit, song to story. (Also? I really want a metal or hard rock version of this song.)
Aimee Eddy, would you please share the book description with us?
Unable to do classwork in first grade, Aimee Eddy is called a retard by her teacher. This label follows her throughout elementary school and forces her to endure daily bullying from classmates and teachers alike. Low self-esteem and hopelessness threaten to swallow her.
Despite the hardships at school, she finds love and acceptance in one place-the family garage. Aimee, her siblings, and cousins disappear into their imaginations. There they build forts in the junkyard and roll down hills in inner tubes. The love her family shares with her at the garage gives her the courage to withstand the deep depression school produces.Then tragedy strikes, and the family loses the garage. Without this place of refuge, how will she find the strength to stand up to bullies?
Whoa! Like… this reads like fiction. I’ll say it. This is a fabulous hook and I want to know what happens to the family and how Aimee manages to come out on top. I mean, gumption and guts and courage and resiliency, sure. But… there’s ALWAYS more to it than that.
I need to read this, in case it’s not obvious! Don’t you?
Grab your copy! It’s an Amazon exclusive, it looks like.
And connect with Aimee. Authors are always fun to connect with, and Aimee is doing very important work.
As always, remember to leave a review online if you’ve read this and/or tell a friend. Or buy a copy for a friend! The more you spread the word of a good book, the more you help make the book discoverable to others, and that means more sales, which means more royalties for the author, which means all good things. (Also? Don’t download, read, and return, okay? That’s tacky AF.)
And, of course, send your friends and the authors you know on over for their turn in the spotlight. It doesn’t hurt, I’m a lot nice to chat with than I am in my book reviews (ulp), and you never know where your biggest fan is going to come from!
August 8, 2022
Woot! I love welcoming back repeat friends, and Eileen Troemel has certainly become a repeat friend. Truth be told, I’d love to be as prolific as Eileen Troemel, although as an editor, I laugh at my prolific clients because sometimes, it’s hard to get other clients’ works in, too — and I need the palate cleanser that other styles and voices bring to my desk.
Here’s the list of Eileen’s last visits, so you can check out her backlist. Backlist books deserve love, too, you know! And of course, they ALL deserve a few thoughts in the form of a thoughtful review.
On the Line
Celtan Dilemma
Celtan Dilemma
Today, though, the main focus is on Solana, Eileen Troemel’s newest book. It’s the second book in a projected four-book series, and if you want it NOW, sorry, but you’ll have to wait a tiny bit, as the release date isn’t until August 20. But that’s not so far away! You can make it!
Eileen, let’s hear it! What song makes you think of your new book, Solana?
You Can’t Hurry Love by the Supremes
Solana is excited to arrive at the fire geyser site to study what she believes are fire dragons. She’s even more excited when she meets Lowkas – the ranger in charge – because he’s her mate. Except Lowkas doesn’t believe in mates. He denies they exist and isn’t interested. But when Solana touches him, their markings change and meld together. Her heart longs for him and she wants to be with him. Lowkas is firm. When she connects with the hidden fire dragons, they urge her to pursue Lowkas and to heal his pain so he will be her mate. But it’s a struggle because Lowkas denies it all – their being mates and the existence of dragons.
Ooh, the kindness baked into this story… she’s got to help heal his pain. Or just outright do it for him. And ordinarily, I’d be all, “You can’t do it for someone else,” but we’re dealing with fire dragons here and someone sunk really far into denial and hurt. This dude probably isn’t in a position where he’s even able to do it for himself, poor guy.
And how much do we love the Supremes? That’s some classic music, right there. I am thinking I neglected my kids’ musical education by not exposing them to the Supremes. (I am also about to cue some up on Tidal, which will get interesting, as I’m currently listening to Blind Guardian and hello! Musical whiplash!)
I should get myself back on track here, and the best way to do that is to read the official book description for Solana. Ready? Here we go!
Fire dragons are easy for Solana. Mates? Not so much.
On his own since he was ten, Lowkas learned early how to survive alone. Stationed at the fire geysers, he finds home and comfort from a source he didn’t expect. When Solana shows up exposing things he’s kept secret, he’s suspicious.
Will Lowkas put his past behind him, or will it take a dragon intervention?
There ya go! Short and sweet, it pretty much says it all. And it’s still interesting stuff. I need to catch up on my reading so I can pick up more of these books I feature. (Yes, I heard authors everywhere cringe. Come on. I’m not THAT mean.)
Grab your copy! (And again, let me rave about these universal buy links. They’re really super.)
Connect with Eileen Troemel! She’s wonderful; I promise! I mean… universal links, right???
Remember, the Featured New Book Spotlight is here for you and any of your author friends, and I’d love to host you (or them) and have fun getting to know all the musical tastes and all the books. It’s fun for me and I hear that it’s hard but fun for you.
August 4, 2022
This was originally posted on the West of Mars Facebook page, but I thought I’d put it here too so more of you can see it, given what Facebook does to business pages.
Romance writers! (And those who want to know what the fuss is about)
Check out Beverly Jenkins’ new book, To Catch a Raven. SO MUCH RIGHT is going on here.
One thing in particular that I want to point out is how she handles what amounts to the billionaire trope and gift-giving. I know there’s a popular sentiment that Christian Gray/Pretty Woman is the way billionaires give gifts.
I push back on it every time.
Know why?
Because it’s actually abuse. It’s a gift for the man, so that his woman fits more perfectly into his world and spares him from looking bad — which is the fear of all narcissists. The people around him should only reflect glory onto him.
Instead, check out how the more affluent Braxton showers the less affluent Raven with gifts. Note that they’re truly gifts for HER. Like bath salts. For a bath that she takes without him around; he purposely gives her space. He’s all about her me time.
And then take a look at how Ms. Bev handles the gift of a fancy dress. We see it all the time in billionaire romance.
But here, Raven has no clothing. Long story why, but she’s left her wardrobe behind. And now she’s in Boston and needs something stylish. Brax had bought a bolt of silk previously, saying only that as a tailor, he couldn’t resist.
As he offers up the silk, as he slips undergarments and gloves and other accoutrements that she needs into the purchase, it’s clear he’s doing it for her. Because he recognizes she is a woman who deserves to move among his peers comfortably — and because it is her comfort and her feelings and her emotions that matter. Not his. SHE matters, not his society circle. SHE matters, not whether or not she conforms properly. His intent is HER, not himself.
And that, my friends, is the difference. Too many billionaire trope gifts are about him, and that’s how and where they cross lines.
But when the gifts are true gifts, given for the enjoyment and pleasure of the recipient, then we’ve got romantic magic.
Yes, I work on romance novels! However, I do not have room for a new client until mid-October, at the earliest. If you need me, let’s talk!
August 1, 2022
Let’s welcome Hannah Carey back to West of Mars! Hannah Carey has been here twice before, in fact, if you’ve missed her and her romantic fantasy set on the island of Pern Coen. Here’s the link to The Hunter, and here’s the link to The Betrayer. And today, she’s here to tell us about her new book, The Shifter.
I really like Hannah’s books. If you like Tamora Pierce, I suspect you’ll like Hannah Carey’s world and her vision. That’s who immediately comes to mind.
Lucky for us, Hannah’s willing to drop in and talk music. (Although, to be fair, I’ve never invited Ms. Pierce to step into the spotlight.) And so, let’s get right to it: Hannah Carey, what song makes you think of your new book, The Shifter?
I listened to this song pretty consistently while writing The Shifter and I really felt like it fit both the main characters. Both the male lead, Bran, and the female lead, Seren, go on their own sort of “hero’s journey” over the course of the story and have to choose whether or not they’re going to step into the roles that await them. For Bran in particular with his troubled past, this song really felt like it fit. This song was definitely inspiration for one of my favorite moments in the book:
She saw something I didn’t. Something I didn’t dare hope to believe.
“I’m not a hero, Ren,” I quietly told her. “Not like you want me to be.”
“You are one to me,” she replied, holding my gaze.
If you’re looking for artist and title, since Hannah’s teasing us (fair!), it’s Tommee Profitt with Fleurie, and the song is called There’s a Hero in You.
And yes, the song fits the book. Totally. No argument from me.
Plus, I really like Tommee Profitt. I’ve got some of her music on my daily work playlists. So if you ever feel like no one cares what song you pick, you are WRONG. I care and I listen to it all. I really do.
So what’s the full book about? What do those three lines mean? Take a peek:
Bran has spent his life being hunted for what he is. Born with the gift of shape shifting, his very existence is in danger from the ruler of the Clan of Blaidd, Ri Cadfael. Bran has sworn his loyalty to a man who has vowed to see Cadfael brought to ruin, until a chance encounter with the Ri’s daughter leaves Bran questioning his future. Seren saved him years ago and the memories of her, and of his old life, aren’t so easily forgotten.
In the end, Bran must make a choice: kill Seren or spare her. And if he does spare her life, he will be forced to risk his very own. Can Bran turn away from his questionable past and help Seren save the clan from the Dark Spirit bent on destroying it? And will Seren lose her heart to a dangerous shifter in the process?
Sound good? I think so. Also, I may have already read it and know. Maybe. I’m not saying for certain.
Get your own copy, and then be someone who can and does say with certain — because leaving an online review is so important to help other readers find their next read.
Direct/My Online Store (eBook)
Smashwords *Affiliate link, so you know and so I can maybe earn a few pennies
Lots of options! Pick your favorite!
And be sure to connect with Hannah, too. She’s good people.
Remember, if you’re an author or friends with an author, the Featured New Book Spotlight is open to all — and I’d love to host you. Why not take a few minutes and let the spotlight shine on you?
July 25, 2022
Woot! I have been sharing posts for books by Regina Jeffers for literal years and I’m so excited to host her today in the Featured New Book Spotlight. It’s always fun to get a better, closer look at a book I’ve seen bandied about on social media — and this is another reason why stopping in here is always a smart thing to do! I’m so ready to learn about your books, I can’t tell you.
So let’s get right to it, shall we? Regina Jeffers, what song makes you think of your new book, The Earl’s English Rose?
If I were to choose a song to accompany “The Earl’s English Rose,” I would choose Amanda McBroom’s “The Rose,” sung beautifully by Bette Midler as the soundtrack of a movie by the same name. Yes, I know, my choice seems so obvious, as such is the heroine’s first name, but there is more to the lyrics which speak of the “ease” of the young woman to give her heart to a man she realizes is both her savior and her nemesis and his “inherent” lack of trust in “LOVE” itself.
Some say love, it is a river
That drowns the tender reed
Some say love, it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love, it is a hunger
An endless aching need
I say love, it is a flower
And you, its only seedThe heroine, Miss Rose Vickers, although young, recognizes the fear of romantic heartbreak as real, but she does not avoid the possibility. Instead, she accepts what she cannot control and plunges head first into a relationship with a man dead set on only being her guardian.
It’s the heart, afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
It’s the dream, afraid of waking
That never takes the chance
It’s the one who won’t be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul, afraid of dying
That never learns to liveMeanwhile, Jacob Casper, the 13th Earl of Everwalt, believes his life of dissipation is all he requires until he must marry and provide the earldom the traditional “heir and a spare.” Love has nothing to do with begetting a child on his future wife. However, as Midler’s “The Rose” tells us, there are certain endeavors in life, including most importantly, falling in love, which require a considerable degree of courage on the part of participants.
When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed that with the sun’s love
In the spring becomes the roseSo, although some consider this song has something to do with dying, as it is often played at funerals, and because such was the plot, which is loosely based on the rise and fall of Janis Joplin, I think otherwise. I dwell on the lines , “I say love, it is a flower, and you its only seed” in the first verse and the last two lines of the third verse, which say, “Lies the seed that with the sun’s love, in the spring becomes the rose.” The song speaks to the durability of love. Therefore, I offer the book’s tagline: The True Beauty of a Rose Lies in its Contradictions.
OOH! What an explanation! I love it! I also love where Regina says, “There are certain endeavors in life, including most importantly, falling in love, which require a considerable degree of courage on the part of the participants.”
So. Much. Yes.
If that’s not enough for you (yet), I’ve got more! And so does Regina, thankfully. Ready for the book’s official and actual description (although what we’ve already gotten is pretty darn good)?
The new Earl of Everwalt was not one to appreciate being bamboozled by an obstinate, headstrong girl, though pretty she may be. If he did not require her to repair his reputation, he would leave her to the schemes she had concocted to save her father’s estate.
Just because he was now her guardian, the Earl of Everwalt had no right to decide who she might marry. Therefore, Miss Rose Vickers sets out for London to provide the new earl a piece of her mind, only to run into a highwayman. As if scripted, the new earl proves to be her savior, but it would be some time before the suspicious Rose and the extremely susceptible Everwalt learn the depth of their connection and the true meaning of love.
Are you ready to grab your copy? I sure am!
“The Earl’s English Rose” is one of six tales in The Regency Summer Garden Anthology.
Also Available to Read for Free on Kindle Unlimited
And remember: the best way to show your appreciation for a book is to leave an online review for it. Some of my favorite reviews are short; others are thoughtful and perceptive. And other favorite reviews of mine are in between. There are no rights and wrongs — so long as you are honest.
Be sure to connect with Regina Jeffers! It’s free! It’s fun! It’ll let you learn about more of her books!
Every Woman Dreams (Blog)
Austen Authors (Blog)
Amazon Author Page
You Tube Interview
Regina Jeffers’s Website
Remember if you’re an author or have a friend who’s an author, the Featured New Book Spotlight is waiting to be filled by you (or them)! This is my labor of love, my way of helping readers find new books. Join me. Grab one of the books you see featured here. Send your friends over. Fill out the form yourself, if it’s your book. Because no one can talk about your book if they don’t hear about your book!
July 18, 2022
We are back after a few weeks off with the new release (TODAY new!) from our friend Carol Kilgore. And when I say “Our friend Carol Kilgore,” I mean that. I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Carol over the past few years and not only are her books a LOT of fun, but she’s become one of my favorite people. And okay, I have a lot of favorite people, but Carol’s up there among the fierce competition.
And so I’m super excited to host Carol Kilgore for the first time ever today! Why hasn’t she been here before? Good question! I’ll let you ask her that, since the one and only question I promised to ask wasn’t that one. It was… I mean, hello, if you’ve hung out here for any length of time, you know what it is: Carol Kilgore, what song makes you think of your book, Witches and Fairies and Tacos… Oh My ?
Well of course there’s “Witchy Woman” by the Eagles, even though both my witches are blondes. But I couldn’t stop there, not when the tagline for this book is PRACTICAL MAGIC meets BEWITCHED.
So I have to add The Bewitched theme song and the theme from Practical Magic as well. Sometimes I would wake up in the night with the Practical Magic song in my head because many days I listened to it over and over as I wrote.
I haven’t heard Witchy Woman in years and WOW, not only is this such a blast from the past, it’s a song that’s really held up and oh, the memories. BUT it’s absolutely perfect for the book. Yes.
The Bewitched theme song just made me laugh. I used to love that show, but I think Carol’s witches are way cooler. And much, much better dressed. And as for the Practical Magic theme? What a lovely, uplifting piece of music.
Yes. I approve, Carol. I approve. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane!
Need to know what more this all adds up to? Yes, you do. This is FUN STUFF, folks.
Practical Magic meets BewitchedFirst Book in the House Witches Mystery Series
Charli Quinn and her sister Brielle own House Witches Cleaning and promise to clean like magic. They may not be your everyday, run-of-the-mill witches, but they are… something.
When Charli finds the husband of one of their clients dead, the wind warns her to beware the man with eyes of green. As the sisters search for the ominous man, they find themselves in danger and rely on their real magic to outsmart the killer.
Along the way, Charli and Brielle have help from a group of fairies, and even a talking cow. And Charli falls head over broomstick for a tall, sexy deputy with dreamy blue eyes who saves her from being hijacked by a water sprite.
Of course, it wouldn’t be Texas without tacos.
They are:
+ Best friends
+ Work partners
+ Sisters
+ Witches… wicked good witches
Yes, right? A talking cow? A group of fairies? A bit of romance and a water sprite?? Only here, folks, and it is So. Much. Fun.
Get your copy now! It’s Amazon exclusive, but we love Carol anyway. Actually, I think it was her who explained to me why, and it was a very very wise reason. Like I said, Carol is one of my favorite people for a reason!
Come see why and connect with author Carol Kilgore:
Amazon Author Page
As always, if you’re an author or have a friend who is, the Featured New Book Spotlight would love to highlight you and your book. Or your friend and their book. We aren’t picky; we just want to highlight books and music and have some fun. What’s stopping you from joining us?
And, of course, the best way to say thanks to an author for taking the time to do promo, for writing a great book, for… anything! Is to write a review and post it online. It doesn’t matter where; the idea is to get people talking about a book you like (or hate; yes I’m a fan of a well-written review that isn’t gushing praise of a book) in order to help others discover it.
June 20, 2022
Woo hoo! Tara Conrad and I have gotten to know each other over the past year or so, thanks to Pennwriters. If you’re looking for a top-notch writing group, that’s it. Right there.
But we’re not here to talk writer’s groups; that’s just your bonus tip of the day. No! We are here to talk about Tara and her new book, which is actually a re-release, cleaned up and made prettier and all sorts of better — for her and for us. And if you’re into BDSM fiction, this one’s for you. Need proof? Let’s get to it! Tara Conrad, what song makes you think of your book?
Caleb and Kelsey’s Medley: From this Moment/You’re Still the One
Alex and Natalie didn’t go to the club that night hoping to meet someone. They were both suffering from past hurts and wanted nothing to do with love. However, when they saw each other, they couldn’t ignore what they were feeling. The first lines of the song really speak to the heart of where Alex was at and what happened when he saw Natalie, “From this moment life has began…right beside you is where I belong.” Meeting Natalie brought Alex back to life. He found his soulmate, and he wasn’t going to let her get away.In the middle of the song, the lyrics read, “They said I bet they’ll never make it. But just look at us holding on. We’re still together still going strong.” This speaks to Natalie’s side, especially with her family discouraging her relationship with Alex. But despite all that, they were together and strengthening their bond.
Later in the song is the lyric, “And you’re the reason I believe in love. And you’re the answer to my prayers from up above. All we need is just the two of us. My dreams came true because of you.” For me, this is where Alex and Natalie have become a solid couple. Everything around them fades away. They’ve helped heal one another’s hearts. Love is no longer something they avoid, but is something they embrace.
The song ends, “So glad we made it. Look how far we’ve come my baby. I will love you as long as I live. From this moment on.” I don’t want to ruin the ending of the book, but these lines reflect on Alex and Natalie’s journey and the love the share. They’re going to need to rely on the strength of their love for the challenges that lie ahead.
Overall, I think the songs represent the beauty of two people finding each other and overcoming all the odds–finding that once in a lifetime love.
Ooh, wow! What a detailed, rich answer!
Ready for the official description? Here you go!
An act of betrayal, a call to 911, and a note from the brother she lost give Natalie the courage to embark on a journey of self-exploration.
Unknowingly set up by their friends, Alex and Natalie spend the evening together at New York City’s Fire and Ice Club.
Neither one is looking for love, but their chemistry is too strong to ignore.
They agree to a relationship with an expiration date—the insurance policy both believe will keep their hearts safe.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder, or so they say.
Forces outside their control seek to pull them apart, but they find their way back to one another.
The couple’s connection is stronger than ever until tragedy strikes Natalie’s family.
Mistakes are made. Words that can’t be taken back are uttered.
Sometimes it takes the love of friends to pick up the pieces.
Can two broken souls find their way back to one another?
Do you need a copy? Of course you do!
Readers can find Submitting to Him here
They can also find the pre-order links and physical book copy links for the other two books in the trilogy here:
Fighting with Him
Living for Him
They both release on June 21 — so preorder away and have a nice surprise waiting for you on the 21st (Hey, that’s my parents’ anniversary, too, so when your book magically shows up, be sure to send my parents anniversary wishes!)
Hey! Do you need a signed copy? Of course you do! Signed copies are available on Tara’s website
And get to know Tara, too. She’s lovely, and always glad to be active in the greater community to fundraise and be involved to help make the world a better place. You all know I love people who do that!
Newsletter Subscribe
June 13, 2022
Nope, you’re not seeing things! Eileen Troemel is BACK for another visit at West of Mars!
If you’ve missed her previous visits, here they are: Marelo, On the Line, and Celtan Dilemma.
Our friend Eileen is both a prolific writer AND catching us up on her backlist, as well. Because NEW can mean “new to West of Mars friends” as well as it can mean “brand spanking new” — and of course, backlist sales are always good things for all authors. If you read a book you like, take some time and investigate an author’s backlist. You will probably find some hidden gems! Like Seven Sisters, which is the book we’re here to discuss today. Shall we get busy?
Eileen Troemel, what song makes you think of your new-to-us book?
Song – Gloria Gaynor – I will survive.
Lydia has survived a deadly plague, foster care with unscrupulous people, and life on the street. Not only has Lydia survived but she’s joined forced with other abandoned children living on the street. She’s kept them safe and alive despite gangs, bad cops, and no resources.And then the aliens landed. As she’s trying to escape from a gang, she literally runs into an alien walking the street. Mycos holds her for a moment before she pulls from his arms. Lydia and her sisters live where they can. They avoid the gangs and live in abandoned warehouses. The older girls look out for the younger girls. An instinct tells Lydia they need to move but it’s already too late. Police surround and capture them but in the process they also hurt them. They are delivered to the aliens.
Mycos knows she’s his mate and women on his world recognize their mates. But Lydia doesn’t trust him and his men. She doesn’t submit to his demands. She stands her ground and as usual fights for her girls.
In this story, all seven of the females have suffered trauma – some worse than others. Sticking together, they’ve survived the worst this world has thrown at them. But the world of the aliens is completely different. Men, big men, all hoping to find their mate have invaded earth. Despite their own needs, they recognize the trauma the sisters have gone through and do their best to help them overcome the trauma.
The sisters are survivors. They fought to survive on earth against so many forces which tried to swallow them up. When those forces come at them again. Mycos and his men are there to help them survive and thrive.
I don’t know about you, but Eileen’s kick-ass women make me smile. And I love SciFi, as well… always have, since I was first introduced to it. I love the possibilities inherent in the worldbuilding and the opportunities for stories off the beaten path. And the creatures!
I particularly like that these aliens are kind. I mean… how can you NOT? And that Gloria Gaynor’s rallying cry across decades represents them???? Come ON.
Ready for the cover description? Here we go!
Aliens invade Earth!
Following prophecy Mycos traveled Across the universe to trade old technology to the backwards world in order to find his true mate.
Surviving the plague and life on the streets Lydia struggles to keep her six sisters alive and safe. Mycos demands Lydia submit to him. She refuses.
Will he compromise in order to win her over and open the world up for other Hylatians to find their fated mates?
The fates of both worlds rests with these seven sisters.
Can you stand it? I can’t. Grab your copy here.
And while we’re doing linktrees for Eileen’s contact information… I love linktrees, by the way. Everything in one nice neat spot!
Remember: the best way to appreciate an author’s book is to buy a copy or two for a friend or two. Or more! No one said you had to limit the book love! Be a book fairy! (I may be a bit punch drunk as I format this… Hmm…) And if you can’t do that, a few words in an online review pays the kindness forward numerous times. It helps a reader discover a new-to-them book, and that’s always such a gift!
As always, feel free to send your friends and colleagues over to the handy-dandy FNB form, and I’ll be more than glad to format a post so their books can take their turn in the spotlight, too. It’s one question! One song! A bunch of links! It’s EASY. And so much fun for all of us, too.
June 6, 2022
Let’s all welcome Naima Haviland and her new book, The Name I Chose, to West of Mars and the Featured New Book Spotlight!
(Insert sound of crowd cheering and confetti flying because it’s just that sort of day and we all need cheers and confetti.)
Naima Haviland and I share a mutual friend who sent her over… so if you would like to be a mutual friend, I’d love it! Your other friend will, too, I’m sure. After all, this is a fun place. (Points to cheers and confetti.)
Let’s put the focus back where it belongs, on Naima Haviland and… the song that makes her think of her book, The Name I Chose. (Awesome, kickin’ title, by the way.) Naima? What say you?
You’re Dead by Norma Tanega:
You’ll never get a second chance
Plan all your moves in advance
Stay dead, stay dead, stay dead
Stay dead and outta this world
Run fast don’t stand in the sun
There’s too much work to be done
You’re down, you’re down, you’re down
You’re down and outta this worldIt’s a last-minute warning to a sheltered society girl before she dives headlong into London’s underworld to catch up with the man she loves before her family sees him hanged.
Whoa. This is oldie but WOW goodie. I’ve never heard it before; had you?
And how about that last line? Does that make you curious, or WHAT? I mean, let’s just get right to the book’s cover description because whoo boy, it sounds like a don’t miss.
A story of passion and peril in alternative Victorian England.
It’s the late 19th century. Bold inventions usher in a new age, while genetic and cosmetic sciences reinforce an age-old class system. For the rich, immunity to disability and disease justifies their hold on power. Born disfigured, Mordecai Michaelson has employed his musical talent to rise above a life of poverty. Philomena Paulson appears no less perfect and no more talented than her upper class world requires. But she has secrets only Mordecai understands. Acceptance, trust, and a passion for music compose bonds of forbidden love between them. When chance discovery of Philomena’s darkest secret threatens scandal and revolution, she’s determined to save Mordecai from the gallows. But Mordecai is just as determined to keep her from social suicide, even if it costs him his life.
Whoo boy, there’s a lot going on there. And WOW.
I need a copy. Do you need a copy? Get yours here:
And be sure to connect with Naima Haviland, too! You never know when you’ll run into a lovely person, although I’ve been doing this so long, I feel safe in saying everyone who stops in here is lovely. Like attracts like, right?
As always, remember that the best way to thank an author for a good book is to buy a second copy for a friend. Or more copies for more friends, of course! But if you can’t do that for whatever reason, leaving a review online is also great and helps other readers find the book you’ve read.
Pay that kindness forward. Tell others about your reading experience.
And, of course, send your author friends my way, too! I love meeting new people, I love learning about new music, and I love hearing about new books. Win-win-win!
May 26, 2022
So… here’s an interesting one for you.
It’s from my own fiction, so I’m not bothering to change the line to protect the innocent. Let’s just let ‘er rip. (Also, if you want to know more about my own fiction, sign up for the newsletter, eh? Be sure to check the box for the author newsletter. And then stay tuned, because as soon as we have the new website and the book cover and the legal stuff worked out, we’re letting this project loose and I promise you’ve never seen a project like this one.)
Here’s the sentence:
It didn’t help that he still looked good, in a green collared shirt and tan dress pants—very expensive dress pants, she noted.
Pretty innocuous statement, no?
Here’s where it gets interesting: My proofreader, the amazing and wonderful April Hughes (so don’t you dare be thinking I’m picking on her or suggesting she’s not up to par because she totally is. I mean, hello? I PAY HER), suggested I cut the comma after good.
Except… this is where the comma changes the entire meaning.
Because without the comma, the sentence means that he looked good because of the clothes he’s wearing. His looking good is dependent on his clothes.
WITH the comma, the man just looks good, period, and the comma signals that we’re getting a description of his clothing.
Teeny tiny little bits of nuance… that even the best editors can’t catch for you.
Yep. This is one of those sentences, because of the twin meanings, that only the author can choose which message to send to the reader. They’re both grammatically correct. They both paint a vivid picture of the dude. The question is whether or not the dude needs his clothing to enhance his looks… and that’s something no editor can answer for you. All we can do is call it out and suggest the author take a closer look and consider the different messages the sentence is sending, with and without that comma.
For a little piece of punctuation, it’s sure got a lot of power.
Right, Grandma?*
If you’re one of those people who thinks you don’t need an editor, well, I can’t help you. But if you’re not, April and I would both love to work with you, and this isn’t the only project we’ve worked on together! I heartily recommend using one editor for different stages of editing, but most especially using a fresh set of eyes for that final look before you hit publish or submit to your agent/acquiring editor. Yes, it’s more expensive, but you’re worth it.
I promise.
*As in: Let’s eat, Grandma/Let’s eat Grandma
May 23, 2022
It’s another visit from our friend Alana Lorens! This is her FIFTH visit here, which might be a new West of Mars record, and one I encourage all my author friends to try to take on and exceed. And the author friends of my author friends, as well!
If you’ve missed her earlier visits, here they are:
Second Chances (in 2013!!!)
Tender Misdemeanors
A Rose by Any Other Name
Wow! And you ask why she’s one of my favorite people! Here’s only one example of why. Well, two. She’s prolific AND likes to drop in to visit. Plus, she’s really super, but we’ll talk about that part in a minute.
First, let’s find out what song makes Alana Lorens think of her NEW book, Prophecies and Promises. Alana, take it away!
Who doesn’t like pirates? Well, I suppose those enforcing the letter of the law may not be thrilled with them, but many ladies I know swoon over the romantic notion of a man who lives at sea and experiences the wild, free life! The mystery, the wicked pleasures …the sea shanties. Yes, the sea shanties, and there are several in PROPHECIES AND PROMISES, as sailors used the songs to set the timing for their tasks, pulling lines and setting sails, even swabbing the decks. When I was polishing this story, the pandemic was in full swing, and the sea shanty craze hit. I was inspired, of course, but this one hits my funny bone. I hope you enjoy it too.
Not only did I turn off TIDAL’s list of heavy metal to give it a watch and a listen, it summoned both my cats! Okay, maybe that’s only coincidence, but it happened. I swear.
So other than sea shanties and cats — although probably not cats — what’s Prophecies and Promises about? Alana Lorens, let’s hear it!
Tamsyn McKiernan thinks her dreams have come true. She’s engaged to a dashing Key West bachelor and finally in her widowed father’s good graces. But in her heart, she knows something’s wrong. She loves the ocean and the quiet pleasures of nature—so what does the aristocratic life she’ll lead truly hold for her?
Mercenary captain Drake Ashton is neck deep in preparations for the Spanish-American War, running guns and other supplies to Cuban natives who want out from under their Spanish masters. He and his brother Freddie risk their lives daily, focused on saving his friends on the island. Nothing else matters but his mission.
A chance encounter with a spiny sea urchin brings the two together, and neither of their lives will ever be the same again.
This might be the most intriguing Alana Lorens plotline yet, and I know I say that every time. I don’t know how she manages to top herself, but… she does. Also, the idea of shrugging off a life of propriety sounds mighty appealing. Maybe I just need a grand adventure, though. It’s possible. And this book just might be grand adventure enough!
Be sure to grab your copy! It’s not releasing for another week, but c’mon. You know how important preorders are, and you know that there’s no better gift to yourself than to wake up one day and find hey! A new book on your device!
Remember, the best way you can show your appreciation for an author’s book is to buy a copy for a friend or two. Or seven. But the second best way is to leave an online review, and I heartily encourage all readers to get in the habit of leaving reviews.
So. Ready to connect with Alana Lorens? Like I said, she’s pretty awesome.
Amazon Author Page
As always, if you’ve got author friends who’d like a turn in the spotlight, or if you’re an author wondering how to get in on the fun, follow this link to the handy-dandy form. Even if we’ve not met yet, I’d love to fix that and host you for the day!
May 21, 2022
And here we go! I’m auctioning off up to 100 pages of line edits as part of The Romance For Reproductive Justice movement.
I’m not going to get all political about the hows and whys. You know the stories, you know where you stand. This is where I stand, and I’m making myself available to one author who wants to work on their craft and up their game.
Please spread the word, bid, send your friends. If you’ve been wanting to work with me and can’t afford to, now’s possibly your chance to do so! And if you do work with me and want to support the cause, feel free to browse the other offerings. Or hang out and run the bids up. I won’t say no. It goes to a good cause, and it’s a chance to work with ME.
Really. How can you resist?