September 7, 2009
Hey, guys, once you’ve gotten your fill of Trevor, Mitchell, Amy, and the contents of Mitchell’s suitcase (and if you missed Trevor’s Word of the Moment earlier this week, you might want to go catch up and weigh in with your thoughts), be sure to stop over at Alice’s Restaurant.
Yep, I’m hanging with my good friend Alice Audrey today. Come join us.
Alice Audrey
September 7, 2009 11:37 am
You are such a great guest! Thanks for everything I’m going to put you through this week. *evil grin*
.-= Alice Audrey´s last blog ..Susan Helene Gottfried =-.
September 7, 2009 11:26 pm
Okay, I’ll see what’s going on at Alice’s place.
.-= Petula´s last blog ..Monday’s Muse: Least traveled road =-.
Thomma Lyn
September 9, 2009 9:31 pm
Now I’m going to have “Alice’s Restaurant” running through my head the rest of the evening. 🙂