Thursday Thirteen: Around town


First off, open this link in a new tab. I’m guest blogging over at Beth’s Book Review Blog. And yep, a lucky commenter will win a free digital download (that’s an e-book) from

If you’re an old-timer around here, you might recognize some of these places in my fictional city of Riverview, USA. I’ve had to create some new places of late for some bigger stuff I’ve been working on, so I thought I’d share.

1. Java Bird — this is Lyric’s favorite coffee shop. It’s in walking distance from her shop (which you should all know about by now!) and she’s hooked. Addicted.

2. Fit Riverview — the city’s best chain of exclusive, yuppie, snotty health clubs. A number of the Riverview Otters belong there. There are four around the city, and each one is host to the city’s best after-work basketball team.

3. Baked With Love — corny name, great croissants.

4. Riverview Central Municipal Library — created for our Thirteen friend Celtic Librarian. Wait until you hear the story behind this place… you’ll have to wait until it figures into a longer piece, sad to say. (for you. And me, who needs the time to create it!)

5. Arts Unlimited — the arts supply store near Lyric’s shop. Kerri often shops there; in fact, most of the students at the Riverview Art Academy shop there. Sergei, the owner, gives nice discounts to long-time shoppers.

6. The Old-Fashioned Dime Shop — Just what it’s name says it is. If you can’t find it here, it doesn’t exist. Or else it costs a fortune. Because of their proximity to Lyric’s shop (next door!), they do a hefty business in batteries.

7. The Rocket Theater — the former drag queen only club, it’s slowly being converted into a venue for live rock music. If you’ve been to The Fillmore in San Francisco, you get an idea of what the concert hall is like. Complete with chandeliers.

8. Vic’s Vinyl — a record store that Mitchell used to hang out in. Vic, the owner, is one cool chick: half her face has a tattoo of a butterfly on it. A black, purple, blue, and magenta butterfly that’s angry and evil. Vic is a punk through-and-through, but her store’s as diverse as the rest of Riverview. (I have yet to do anything with this place except create it, but won’t it be fun to play with?)

9. All Access — You know those clubs that are guaranteed to have the cops show up? The ones that smell so badly of every bodily fluid imaginable (and some you haven’t thought of), of smoke, of beer — yeah, All Access smells so bad, you can smell it outside. People die inside All Access. It only holds about 200 people — 250 on a good night — but playing a show there gets you all the bragging rights you could want.

10. Elite Threads — a designer men’s clothing store. Our ShapeShifter boys shop there. Sometimes. (They do NOT do Trevor’s leather pants) It’s a bit too business-oriented, a bit too yuppie. Eric often finds clothes to wear to his father’s church there. Since, you know. Dad doesn’t appreciate ShapeShifter t-shirts on a Sunday morning.

11. I can’t let the opportunity go by without mentioning one of my favorite places in Riverview: Big Buck’s Best Barbecue. His Bodacious Sauce is legendary.

12. Zuckerman’s Famous Pig — Yeah, I might get sued for that one, but c’mon. What ELSE would you call a kosher deli????

13. The Slaughterhouse. More on this one to come. Much, much more.



  1. Shelley Munro

    October 1, 2009 2:23 am

    Just as well I don’t live in Riverview. I’d spend all my time at Baked With Love. Oh, maybe Java Bird too. I like my coffee!
    .-= Shelley Munro´s last blog ..Sale: Number Thirty =-.

  2. Celticlibrarian

    October 1, 2009 2:41 am

    The Library! Yay! *happy dance* If it weren’t fictional, I’d work there. 🙂

    Oh! And if you really want me to do that button for your site, just let me know what you’re looking for and I’ll give it a try. I’ve never done a button before…

  3. Hootin' Anni

    October 1, 2009 6:58 am

    Excellent blog

    My 13 is a mixture of funny and fact this week! I also started my 3rd year of October Halloween Treat hand outs on my blog to all the ‘visitors’ [trick r treaters] who stop by! Come on over!!!! [You’ll need to scroll down a bit below my Thursday Thunks Meme entry to view my 13] Happy day to you….see you at my October Abode!
    .-= Hootin’ Anni´s last blog .. =-.

  4. sandy

    October 1, 2009 7:32 am

    all unique names sandy

  5. Adelle Laudan

    October 1, 2009 8:05 am

    Very kewl. I’ve never created a fictitious town. Looks like fun. Happy T13~
    .-= Adelle Laudan´s last blog .. =-.

  6. Harriet

    October 1, 2009 8:37 am

    Wonderful names for towns and descriptions.
    Have a great Thursday!
    .-= Harriet´s last blog ..I Challenge You to Leave 1000 Comments!!!!!!! =-.

  7. Lidian

    October 1, 2009 9:05 am

    Those are great places – I wish I could go hang out in Riverview!
    .-= Lidian´s last blog ..Thirteen Ways Of Looking At A Piecrust =-.

  8. Chrissy

    October 1, 2009 1:09 pm

    Great list! I agree with Lidian – wish I could hang out in Riverview, USA!
    .-= Chrissy´s last blog ..Thursday Thirteen – Autumn Edition =-.

  9. Alice Audrey

    October 1, 2009 1:16 pm

    The Slaughter house? Oh, leave me hanging again, why don’t you?

  10. CalicoCrazy

    October 1, 2009 3:00 pm

    Riverview sounds like alot of fun. Java Bird and Baked With Love could keep my busy for a long time.
    .-= CalicoCrazy´s last blog ..Thursday Thirteen #9 – Another 13 Songs Off The MP3 =-.

  11. Starrlight

    October 1, 2009 3:48 pm

    I totally adore the name Java Bird =) Happy TT
    .-= Starrlight´s last blog ..Thursday Thirteen – Mad, Bad, And Dangerous To Know =-.

  12. Vicki

    October 1, 2009 4:58 pm

    Love your list!!!
    .-= Vicki´s last blog ..Thursday Thirteen =-.

  13. jillconyers

    October 1, 2009 6:04 pm

    The names just sound so cool.
    .-= jillconyers´s last blog ..13 Things Right Now =-.

  14. PopArtDiva

    October 1, 2009 7:35 pm

    This sounds like a town I wouldn’t mind living in! Why don’t you design towns??
    .-= PopArtDiva´s last blog ..13 Things I love about HALLOWEEN =-.

  15. Ann

    October 1, 2009 7:38 pm

    Ah man! Now you’ve got me hungry and jonesing for some java. I’d kill for some iced coffee (or some hot tea to go with the croissants- or maybe a scone?).
    .-= Ann´s last blog ..Weekend Update =-.

  16. Janet

    October 1, 2009 9:22 pm

    mmm, bbq! I’ve been craving that!
    .-= Janet´s last blog ..Goodbye, old home… =-.

  17. Julia Smith

    October 1, 2009 9:33 pm

    Ooo! Ooo! Sergei! I can’t wait to find out about Sergei!
    .-= Julia Smith´s last blog ..Thursday Thirteen – 126 – 13 Ways Fall Emerges =-.

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