Thursday Thirteen: Don’t be a Boor


In celebration of yesterday, when a woman at the pool wouldn’t give her lounge chair to a woman with a bad back but instead insisted that it go to her friend’s apparently invisible kids, I bring you…

Thirteen Examples of Bad Behavior, ShapeShifter style

1. Call Mitchell Mitch.

2. Argue religion with Eric. Deliberately.

3. Scalp counterfeit ShapeShifter tickets.

4. Sell unauthorized t-shirts in the parking lot for ten bucks before and after the show.

5. Shove die-hard fans out of your way so you can be in the front of the pit, where you prove to the world you don’t know the band’s songs.

6. Approach any of the guys when they’re out at a restaurant, having a meal. Bars are fine; ask for all the autographs you want. But don’t come between a ShapeShifter and his food.

7. Jumping on top of the two girls beside you to get the pick Eric’s just thrown into the crowd.

8. Bugging the band for an autograph that you turn around and sell on eBay.

9. Ladies who hog Trevor. There’s more than enough of him to go around.

10. Fans who tailgate before the show, getting so drunk, they puke and pass out before ShapeShifter hits the stage.

11. When the band reaches out to slap your hand, don’t grab on. Fingernails, even short ones, can cut.

12. Saying, “You look taller on stage.” Particularly to Trevor, who’s not giving the Tallest Man in the World any night sweats, ifyouknowwhatImean.

13. Anyone who tries to steal the band’s gear. Any band’s gear. Hands off. Get your own.



  1. Adelle Laudan

    June 17, 2009 10:20 pm

    LOL Wise words, and sad but true!

    Happy T13!

    Adelle Laudan’s last blog post..

  2. Malcolm

    June 17, 2009 10:21 pm

    Not only is puking and passing out before a show alcohol abuse, but it’s a perfectly good waste of a concert ticket.

    Malcolm’s last blog post..Please Take A Moment To Vote In the Current "Friends" Poll… Thank You

  3. Alice Audrey

    June 17, 2009 10:33 pm

    Just goes to show how often folks can’t see past the end of their own nose.

    Alice Audrey’s last blog post..13 Tweets

  4. Brenda ND

    June 17, 2009 11:22 pm

    Oh poor Trevor. I like short men. Happy TT!

    Brenda ND’s last blog post..What Phyllis A. Whitney Says About Writing

  5. Shelley Munro

    June 18, 2009 4:58 am

    Food is very important. People shouldn’t interrupt a perfectly good meal. I agree with the band 100% on this point.

    Shelley Munro’s last blog post..Lie to Me

  6. Thorne

    June 18, 2009 6:34 am

    Definitely bad form, all!

    Thorne’s last blog post..13 Ideas for Creative Upcycling

  7. CountryDew

    June 18, 2009 8:19 am

    Not sure where good manners have gone, but I don’t see them very much anymore.

    CountryDew’s last blog post..Thursday Thirteen

  8. PopArtDiva

    June 18, 2009 9:39 am

    I’m sorry but #8 cracked me up. I think you should write a “Band Groupees Etiquette” book – although it’s probably too late for old groupees like me, lol.

    I guess times aren’t all that different now then when I was hitting the concert scene in the 60s – I remember one dumbass who set my purse on fire by dropping their lit “doobie” in it when a security guard walked by!

    Speaking of changing times, this week my post is: 13 Things I DIDN’T like about “the good old days”

  9. Robin

    June 18, 2009 9:57 am

    I’m with Malcolm – bad manners, and a waste of a ticket to boot.

    Summer Stock Sunday is off and running – have you joined in yet?

    Robin’s last blog post..Jerusalem’s Cardo

  10. Carol

    June 18, 2009 10:27 am

    All bad behavior, definitely. I think I’m getting too old for the pit now, anyway.

  11. Marie Burton

    June 18, 2009 10:37 am

    As if the invisible kids were even going to sit down long enough to lounge.

    And I was coming by to see what you wrote for a Booking Through Thursday post, you really need to check it out. I thought of Y O U immediately when I read the topic.

    Marie Burton’s last blog post..Booking Through Thursday – Fantasy

  12. Dawn - She is Too Fond of Books

    June 18, 2009 10:40 am

    Maybe I’m part ShapeShifter 🙂 I don’t have fans coming up to me in restaurants, but it seems the waitstaff ALWAYS asks me a question when my mouth is full. I’m a very slow eater, too, and they never fail to TOUCH MY PLATE and ask “are you done with this?” (I am now!)

    Dawn – She is Too Fond of Books’s last blog post..Spotlight on Bookstores: Rakestraw Books in Danville, California

  13. susan

    June 18, 2009 10:47 am


    All I can say is EEW.

    susan’s last blog post..Day 9 of Drey’s Birthday Bash – C.E. Murphy

  14. Celticlibrarian

    June 18, 2009 7:02 pm

    Argh! Rudeness.

    And foo on the lady with the lounge chair.

    Celticlibrarian’s last blog post..13 World Records

  15. Sandy

    June 19, 2009 6:29 pm

    Did you tell the woman what a jerk she was at the pool? I know I would have, that kind of behavior is beyond nasty and someone needs to call them on it.

    Hope you’ve got something good planned for the wkend, like maybe throwing something sticky on the woman in the chair next time you see her at the pool that will attract the bees.


    Sandy’s last blog post..Traveling with Kids, SPECIAL Trip Ticks

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