July 1, 2009
Ahh, the things I dream about…
1. Getting The Demo Tapes 2 done on time. Release date is September 12. Shouldn’t be hard.
2. Seeing the Demo Tapes 1 be a best-seller for the Kindle. (You picked up on that, right? That’s what Trevor was going on about last week.) It’s only $4.99. Half the price of the print version!
3. Having the time to submit some of the short stories and outtakes that have piled up around here. And figuring out which of them should go up on the downloads page, instead.
4. Writing a guest blog for JM of Fiction Scribe about my self-pubbing experience, and why I’m glad I did it. Or maybe relieved is a better word.
5. Watching Win a Book grow and get more involved in helping authors get their names out. I’m a bit bummed with the hundred or so giveaways for James Patterson. The idea here was to help the mid-list, not the best-seller!
6. Doing more Featured New Releases here, and running more contests for the current one, for Hank Phillippi Ryan’s Prime Time.
7. Actually writing the fiction that has been dancing in my brain, teasing and tormenting me.
8. Working on the Merchandise Table. Have you seen the new logo shirt yet? I wore one at the Lori Foster event. Got a million and five comments on it.
9. Having time to catch up on the 500+ books waiting for me. Some have been here for years. That’s a travesty of good literature!
10. Back to that bit about the fiction dancing in my brain… more Trevor, Mitchell, Kerri. More of some of the minor characters you’ve met here. More blog fiction in general. I love it as much as you do.
11. Being able to make enough money from the Merchandise Table and the Demo Tapes sales that I can upgrade to a Premium store at CafePress AND pay Bridget for all the time she puts in a Win a Book.
12. Having time away from all this writing/blogging/book stuff. Like taking a bike ride. C’mon. Five miles. Is that too much to ask for?
13. Having more time to visit all YOU guys. You’ve got cool things to say. I dig it. Don’t stop. Don’t change, unless it’s to get better.
Julia Smith
July 1, 2009 10:17 pm
Fabulous 13 things, Susan – especially #1!!
Julia Smith’s last blog post..Thursday Thirteen – 113 – 13 Reasons to Read Baby in Her Arms by Stella MacLean
Yvonne Y
July 1, 2009 11:18 pm
Good list of things Susan. Hope #12 comes soon for you…it’s always nice to take a break!
Yvonne Y’s last blog post..13 ways to get more blog comments
Alice Audrey
July 1, 2009 11:34 pm
Yeah, you have some pretty good dreams going here.
July 2, 2009 12:41 am
I’m looking forward to seeing more fiction.
Time is always a problem, isn’t it? At least you’re never bored.
bunnygirl’s last blog post..Monday Bunday: Contemplative
Shelley Munro
July 2, 2009 3:52 am
Susan, if you’re dreaming all that it’s a wonder you’re sleeping! You’re a busy woman.
Shelley Munro’s last blog post..Stress!
Patty Reiser
July 2, 2009 5:22 am
You sound like me with a backlog of books to read.
Wishing you a scent-sational TT!
Patty Reiser’s last blog post..{POTD}Thursday Thirteen Edition #26
July 2, 2009 7:27 am
I smell big success!!
sandy’s last blog post..Thirteen Things you can bet a teacher IS!!!
July 2, 2009 8:14 am
Hi there.
I’ll never catch up I swear.
nice list.
Harriet’s last blog post..THE JULY COMMENT CHALLENGE!!!!!!
July 2, 2009 8:19 am
I have bookmarked your blog as I am getting more and more interested in what you are saying. I love nos. 5, 7 and 9. And about the bike ride – go go go! The air must be fresh out there. Happy Thursday.
Hazel’s last blog post..Thursday Thirteen: Exploring fairyland
Pamela Kramer
July 2, 2009 9:52 am
Good luck with the demo! Happy TT.
Pamela Kramer’s last blog post..Thursday Thirteen – Backstage Passes
July 2, 2009 11:14 am
Win a Book sounds fun! I’m going to check it out. Happy TT!
Devilish Southern Belle
July 2, 2009 12:19 pm
Just surfed in via Thursday 13. What kind of fiction do you write? I’m always looking for new authors to add to my Kindle
July 2, 2009 2:42 pm
Wow. Keep up all of the good work. You have now reminded me that I haven’t talked to JM for an age. I’d better go rectify that.
*does a little cheer routine for all of your hard work*
Celticlibrarian’s last blog post..13 Books that Have Never Been Filmed
July 2, 2009 8:43 pm
May all your dreams come true and so much more! You can do it.
Petula’s last blog post..Pesky mosquitoes
July 3, 2009 10:43 am
I dream that I have more time to dream!!! LOL.
PopArtDiva’s last blog post..Thursday Thirteen – 13 Positive Affirmations to Improve Life
Thomma Lyn
July 5, 2009 8:17 pm
Lots of great things to dream about! And I am excited about Demo Tapes #2.
Thomma Lyn’s last blog post..Garden Goodness
Dawn - She is Too Fond of Books
July 15, 2009 10:21 pm
Follow your dreams – that’s a great list!
Dawn – She is Too Fond of Books’s last blog post..Spotlight on Bookstores: Bart’s Books in Ojai, California