June 16, 2010
MEU?? What the heck?
It’s one of the (many) reasons I’ve been quieter than usual over here. I’m busy getting Trevor’s Song ready to bring you guys, and it’s being a TOTAL PITA. Trevor would be proud of the chaos he’s causing except he’s as anxious to be putty in your hands as you guys are anxious to read his story.
My head is bloody from beating it on my desk. And keyboard. And monitor. And I’ve gone through a few replacement windows, as I’ve thrown things (well, books written by other people) through them. Cut my feet on the glass shards, too, when I’ve gone out into the front yard to retrieve the books. It’s been rainy so far this summer break (all week of it). I can’t let a book get ruined!
And now I’m the official MEU.
Mom Entertainment Unit.
I don’t mind. We’re having fun. But I’m not getting much work done.
Still, you gotta live life in order to be able to write what you know. Books about me staring at glowing computer screens would be dreadfully boring. Trust me. Living it is dreadfully boring.
Thirteen ways I’m the MEU
1. I’ve got The Boy Band joining me in the first-ever biathlon at the Hoity Toity Health Club. In the past, they’ve sponsored a summer triathlon, where you have one month to complete Ironman distances in the run, swim, and bike. This year, they’ve added a biathlon for us non-swimmers (that pool water might turn my hair green, don’tcha know) and shortened the distances. My progress is often my Facebook status, so be sure to keep an eye on me.
2. POOL! We challenged the weather today and won — severe storms were forecast and there were some ugly, dark, heavy clouds overhead, but they didn’t last long.
3. Wii/computer games. ‘Nuff said there.
4. Netflix, TiVo and other televised goodies. Again, ’nuff said there. Fortunately, these last two allow me to actually get a bit of work done.
5. Friends. This is the bane of summertime. Friends scatter. People travel, go to camp, hang out in the neighborhood. Finding friends to occupy my kids’ time is difficult.
6. Funnel Cake. I couldn’t make Burgh Baby‘s funnel cake party, but she was kind enough to share the recipe anyway. This is on our to-do list still, while I wait for my arm to heal.
7. Make Candy. One of my sisters bought The Boy Band a candy making kit for his birthday a few years ago. We’re still experimenting. Like the funnel cake, this is currently on hold while I heal.
8. Rainy day fun: Science Center.
9. mini-golf. Imagine my surprise this weekend past when the quiet, mild-mannered grandmother schooled all of us (except in deference to my poor arm, I didn’t play).
10. Play places! Yeah, like Dave and Busters, but also the places aimed for the kids, with ball pits and climbing tunnels. You know: like Chuck E. Cheese. Where a kid can be a kid.
11. bike riding. You guys know me. If not, see above and the biathlon. ‘Nuff said. Except… I’ve seen enough snakes this year. Including the one the Boy Band rode over on our last outing. Gross, the way the snake tumbled out from under his wheel. Survived, too. That was the cool part.
12. hiking. There are enough parks of the state, local, and national variety (don’t ask where the latter are; I’m not sure. Shush!) to keep us occupied for awhile.
13. I’m sure they’ll cook up something by the time I blink next… Feel free to add your own. Some days, I need the inspiration.
Calgon, take me away!
June 16, 2010 10:05 pm
Yikes. You will have a busy summer. Hope the healing continues!
.-= CountryDew´s last blog ..Thursday Thirteen =-.
June 16, 2010 10:54 pm
Great list … funnel cake? Don’t think I have ever had one.
Rick Moore
June 16, 2010 11:07 pm
Boy, have you got lots going on! And since I used to work at Calgon years ago, I can really appreciate your final comment!
.-= Rick Moore´s last blog ..Warming up for "The White Death" =-.
Shelley Munro
June 17, 2010 5:02 am
We’ve had heaps of rain too. I couldn’t go for a bike ride for almost a week. Yuck about the snake. I’m so glad we don’t have them in NZ!!!
.-= Shelley Munro´s last blog ..A Wealth of History on the Thames =-.
Kimberly Menozzi
June 17, 2010 6:40 am
Dang. Hope your arm heals up soon so you can get to making some funnel cake and candies!
Hootin' Anni
June 17, 2010 7:02 am
This was a riot…love it all. Literally LOL here on the ‘still healing’ from the candy making kit.
And Calgon….you betcha!!
Come join me and read my Thursday post of you can. It’s HERE
Adelle Laudan
June 17, 2010 8:44 am
Ohhhh I can hardly wait for summer holidays. Bored teenagers are sooooo much fun! Somebody hold me…
Happy T13!
.-= Adelle Laudan´s last blog .. =-.
June 17, 2010 8:53 am
I love swimming so I put my hair up and attempt to keep it dry (I am a ‘natural’ expensive blond).
Have a great Thursday!
.-= Harriet´s last blog ..Remembering Dad-Father’s Day Centennial: June 20, 2010 =-.
June 17, 2010 10:19 am
Did someone just say they hadn’t had funnel cake??? REALLY!!!??? Do you not go to carnivals??? Go to a carnival right now and get a funnel cake! Or IHOP they have them too. hehehe
Hope things get better soon! Sounds like you’re having fun with the boys. I notice you didn’t mention reading. Set those boys down with a book!
What about fishing? Do they fish? If they don’t then they should learn. Fishing is fabu.
June 17, 2010 10:29 am
We’re both MEU’s with a lot of ideas in common. Except for the funnel cakes and candy
.-= Jill´s last blog .. =-.
Robin of My Two Blessings
June 17, 2010 11:30 am
Life with active boys – keep us in shape. Sounds like lots of fun for the summer.
.-= Robin of My Two Blessings´s last blog ..Mr. Darcy Broke my Heart by Beth Pattilo =-.
June 17, 2010 11:51 am
Sounds like a lot of fun!
mmm.. now I want funnel cake! LOL
.-= Laurie ´s last blog ..Thursday 13 – Guilty Pleasures: Movie Edition =-.
June 17, 2010 12:12 pm
Isn’t summer great?
June 17, 2010 12:14 pm
Hiking!!! I can’t wait to do more of it
Julia Smith
June 17, 2010 12:42 pm
Very, very girl-squealy about Trevor’s Song…sounds like it may almost have been worth the broken glass and cut feet. Love ‘Calgon, take me away’!
.-= Julia Smith´s last blog ..Thursday Thirteen – 163 – 13 Things About My First Year of Acupuncture =-.
Alice Audrey
June 17, 2010 11:14 pm
My kids were sprung this Monday, too. I’m getting diddly squat done and very frustrated. Worse, it keeps raining on us (more parallels) which drops the temperature. I broke down and turned the furnace back on today.
.-= Alice Audrey´s last blog ..333/365 Birds =-.
Mari Juniper
June 19, 2010 11:09 am
What a busy woman. Go mum go! heh ;P
.-= Mari Juniper´s last blog ..Like a Weird Dream – #FridayFlash =-.
June 21, 2010 1:16 pm
hey hope you heal soon! it must really ache!
check mine at http://bit.ly/bNGC3a
Brenda ND
June 24, 2010 6:12 am
Yep, one of the joys of summer is the changing routines. You’re not alone.:) Hang in there.
.-= Brenda ND´s last blog ..I Scream. You Scream. We All Scream For Ice Cream! =-.