April 22, 2013
I belong to a couple of writers’ organizations. Big ones, that have been around a long time. I belong to some newer ones, too, but right now, we’re focusing on Pennwriters, an awesome group of mostly (but not entirely) Pennsylvania writers.
I’m happy to host Alana Lorens today. Her new book, Second Chances, is set here in Da Burgh — that’s Pittsburgh for you not hip enough to know the name of the beloved major city I live near. Second Chances is the second in the Pittsburgh Lady Lawyers series. But I bet you can read this one before picking up the first.
So… Alana, what song makes you think of your book?
Recipe For Love— by Harry Connick, Jr. My 40-something heroine Inessa Regan finally allows herself to give in to her feelings for her much younger Iraq veteran honey Kurt Lowdon, while sitting in the office they share late one night, reviewing secretary resumes, drinking wine and listening to old Harry sing as only he can. She wakes up the next morning singing this song and blushing like a much younger woman, happy in love.
Harry Connick, Junior! Been awhile since I’ve heard his name!
On to the book blurb:
This women’s fiction story begins the day attorney Inessa Regan receives a pink slip after ten years of faithful service. She’s been a mid-level associate her whole career, partners telling her what to do, providing her with an office and everything she needs. Thrown out into the legal world on her own, she doesn’t know how she’ll survive.
Her neighbor brings her first client, Kurt Lowdon, a young Iraq veteran with cancer, who’s looking just to have a will made. Inessa struggles to give Kurt what he needs, and he helps make it easy for her.
Once his immediate needs are met, he takes her under his wing and brings her more clients as well as a place to open an office to see them. Things begin to fall together for her, including a very special friendship with Kurt that becomes something more.
But his past military service, and the friends he’s made there, begin to cause problems for them both, as well as issues his drug-addicted sister delivers to his doorstep. He still hasn’t kicked his cancer, either, and Inessa wonders if falling in love with him is a blessing or a curse.
Here’s the book trailer for SECOND CHANCES
Buy at Amazon
Barnes and Noble
4. Please provide any personal links you’d like to include: your website, your blog, Facebook, Twitter, GoodReads… and/or anything else I may have forgotten
Alana Lorens
April 22, 2013 11:46 am
Thanks for having me here today! Pennwriters are wonderful at supporting each other.
Amy Bovaird
April 22, 2013 11:51 am
Mom is reading it right now! Great theme and wonderful book! Don’t miss out on this romance, folks!
Kathy Otten
April 22, 2013 12:20 pm
Hi Fellow Pennwriters,
I also love the crooning voice of Harry Connick Jr. Like the layers of your story and that your characters are not the stereotypical characters. Best Wishes.
Barbara Burdette
April 23, 2013 6:47 am
Your book sounds intriguing. I will tell my sister about it–she loves stories about lawyers.