Summer Hidden Treasures Contest!


A lot of you have said you’re interested in joining us for our summer contest (I’ll get to “us” in a minute). I know a lot of you are already doing summer reading challenges or other contests. Too bad; here’s one more. Read on; you’ll dig it.

It’s time for the West of Mars, Breeni Books, Morsie Reads, Eclectic Closet, Writing Aspirations Summer Reading Contest!

The rules are simple:

1. Find a book that’s a Hidden Treasure. That means a book that hasn’t made it to a best-seller list anywhere that you can find. A suggested reading list is available at Feel free to find your own treasure, though.

2. The book MUST be from a royalty-paying publisher. If in doubt, ask.

3. Read it.

4. Post a review somewhere on the Internet between July 15 and August 15.

5. Sign the Mr. Linky at West of Mars. Include the permalink for your review. (yeah, that link brings you back here.)

6. Yes, you can use a Hidden Treasure book that fulfills another contest or reading challenge.

7. Yes, you can review more than one book.

8. If, for some reason, you don’t want to win a prize, let Susan know.

9. If you have suggestions for the Hidden Treasures Suggested Reading List, or a prize for the winners, drop Susan an e-mail. You can also contact Janelle; she’s giving me a LOT of help (so be sure to surf over and thank her).

10. Prizes will be awarded August 20. Winners will be contacted and winning list will be posted no later than 22 August; be sure to have a way for us to contact you!

So, there you go. Got a prize to offer? Got a favorite book that you want more people to know about?

Leave a comment or e-mail me. I’m a bit slow lately, but I’m still here.

Kudos to friends for helping spread the word: Nimrodiel,



  1. Palm Springs Savant

    June 16, 2007 12:14 pm

    Susan- just stumbled on your blog and been reading thru. Nice job! I’m enjoying it. Stop by and say hi sometime.

  2. Lauren

    June 16, 2007 1:20 pm

    Alright I’m looking through the list!BR/BR/When did you get a new logo over at West of Mars??

  3. Wylie Kinson

    June 16, 2007 1:53 pm

    Sounds good! Any excuse to READ READ READ and I’m there.

  4. craziequeen

    June 16, 2007 2:23 pm

    If you’re looking for suggestions, I can offer up my all-time fave book….Wild Swans by Jung Chang.BR/BR/Michele sent me to see what you’re up to, Susan….BR/BR/cq

  5. Susan Helene Gottfried

    June 16, 2007 2:24 pm

    Thanks, cq! I’ll tell The Tour Manager to add this to our list. BR/BR/And Lauren, I did the logo awhile ago. I think you commented on it, too…

  6. Carmi

    June 16, 2007 4:51 pm

    I love this, Susan. I’ll get my brain thinking as soon as I’m finished connecting the Wii to our wireless network. Yeah, the joys of new-technology parenthood!BR/BR/Got your comment re. your D50. I came THIS close to buying one last year. Although I ended up with the D80, my contention has always been that the camera matters far less than the person carrying it. I’ve seen so many people buy D80s – or the latest and greatest of ANY vendor – and they take mediocre pictures because they believe the camera takes the shot.BR/BR/Not quite.BR/BR/I’m especially proud of the mondo images I’ve brought home with my wife’s supposedly lowly Kodak point-and-shoot. Thankfully, the D50 is waaaaay more flexible than my poor Kodak! David Pogue, the New York Times tech columnist, agrees with me: he shoots with a D50, and his work is unbelievable.

  7. karen!

    June 16, 2007 5:32 pm

    Fantabulous!BR/I’ll post to my blog later today.BR/:D

  8. littlebirdblue

    June 16, 2007 10:51 pm

    Should this be a book still in print or available for purchase new?

  9. Susan Helene Gottfried

    June 17, 2007 8:57 am

    Up to you, birdie! Just find something that you’ve never heard of and you’re pretty sure no one else has, either, and have some fun!

  10. Dara

    June 17, 2007 3:58 pm

    sounds like great fun! i will have to pass since i will be gone from july 4 to aug 14 but will check on the results when i return. michele says hi

  11. David

    June 17, 2007 8:39 pm

    from michele today , but will need to return to check this out

  12. Dewey

    June 17, 2007 11:34 pm

    Sounds great! I’ll definitely be participating.

  13. Sophisticated Writer

    June 18, 2007 7:28 am

    Not sure I’d be able to join 🙁 Lots of stuff going on here, so I’ll see about that.BR/BR/Anyway, this is a great contest and a well done job, Susan.BR/BR/Tagged you on my blog so stop by soon 🙂

  14. scooper

    June 18, 2007 4:00 pm

    I love the contests y’all run. It’s a great way to promote authors and reading. I don’t know what I’m gonna read for the contest yet, but I’ll drop by the suggested reading list and see what’s there.BR/BR/Keep up the good work!

  15. pussreboots

    June 18, 2007 5:27 pm

    Sounds like most of the books I read will qualify for this contest. I have a few questions:BR/BR/1) Do I have to get the list approved before the contest begins?BR/BR/2) By “royalty paying” I guess you mean books that are currently in print. So out of print books wouldn’t work? BR/BR/3) Is there a publication date range of books I should stick to?

  16. Susan Helene Gottfried

    June 18, 2007 6:06 pm

    Hello, Sarah!! Glad you’ll be playing along. BR/BR/Let’s see here…BR/1. Nope, no need to get the book approved unless you’re unsure of the publisher.BR/BR/2. Out-of-print books are absolutely fine. It makes it harder for anyone who sees your review and wants to get the book themselves, of course, but with a little digging, pretty much anything can be unearthed. BR/BR/By “royalty-paying publisher,” I mean no subsidy or vanity press where the author has to pay to be published. iuniverse, lulu, publishamerica all come immediately to mind. BR/BR/There’s nothing wrong with those presses; they all serve purposes. But we are trying to focus on the traditional model of publishing, as that’s what’s most commonly discussed when we talk about authors, careers, and sagging book sales. BR/BR/3. Nope, no date range of publication needs to be adhered to. Just find a book and let the world know about it!

  17. Lisa

    June 21, 2007 8:21 am

    Ok, I’m off to check out your suggested reading. Sadly, I’m too lazy to seek out a book on my own. Please, Internets, tell me what to read.

  18. cheesygiraffe

    June 23, 2007 12:09 pm

    I wanted you to know I posted it to my blogspot, my livejournal, and to my myspace blog. ;)BR/I hope that helps. *smooch*

  19. Susan Helene Gottfried

    June 23, 2007 2:28 pm

    Get me the links, Cheesy! I’ll give you proper thanks at the website, where we are keeping track of all these things.

  20. J at

    June 25, 2007 3:58 pm

    I’m in. I chose a book off of the New York list, Sepharad, by Antonio Munoz Molina. I’ll let you know when I read it! 🙂

  21. Susan Helene Gottfried

    June 25, 2007 4:03 pm

    Nice to meet you, J! Glad you’ll be playing along, and happy reading!

  22. Amelia June

    June 26, 2007 6:21 pm

    I’m in! I’ll work on a book (does Scalzi count as unknown?)

  23. Susan Helene Gottfried

    June 26, 2007 7:16 pm

    I’d say so. BR/BR/So long as there’s no best-seller attached to the guy, discover him and share him with the world! Or… at least the Internet.

  24. Callista

    June 29, 2007 1:04 pm

    I wanted to participate but I can’t find any books that match your criteria that are at my local library. I don’t have money to buy a book. I search lulu publications and tried to find books that looked interesting at my library with no luck. 🙁

  25. gautami tripathy

    July 10, 2007 11:35 am

    Hope I am not late for it, susan.

  26. Jill

    July 16, 2007 8:35 pm

    What do you mean by royalty paying thing?? I might have found a hiddent treasure, but I,m not sure if it did meet all the criteria!!(did the critic, but still need to translate it in english)

  27. bunnygirl

    July 17, 2007 7:40 pm

    Aha. I was a little unclear on the concept. I might try to write up a book review before the 15th. Work, blogging and getting ready to move into my new home are taking oodles of time, though.BR/BR/But I don’t want you thinking no one likes your contest, so I’ll do my best! 🙂

  28. Erin

    July 24, 2007 5:21 pm

    Thanks for the comment on my site, Susan. I’m in!

  29. Susan Helene Gottfried

    July 24, 2007 5:25 pm

    Erin, I think I’m a goober and just left you ANOTHER comment, inviting you to join…BR/BR/Yeah. Anyone seen my HEAD lately???

  30. Linda

    August 10, 2007 7:00 pm

    Hello! I can’t find where you replied again–but to answer–that makes perfect sense to me! It’s not about “self-pub = bad” so much as about “conventional publishing is a needlessly throwaway industry” and this is a way of supporting the books that never made it because publishers never promoted them. BR/BR/So, cool!

  31. Susan Helene Gottfried

    August 10, 2007 8:34 pm

    I don’t remember it, either, Linda. Must’ve been in the Enter Here entry.

  32. West Of Mars — The Meet and Greet » Blog Archive » Summer’s Hidden Treasures: Enter Here
  33. West Of Mars — The Meet and Greet » Blog Archive » Susan Speaks: THIS is a rocking blogger wench?
  34. West Of Mars — The Meet and Greet » Blog Archive » Fiction Outtake: Lyric and Mitchell (The Early Days)
  35. West Of Mars — The Meet and Greet » Blog Archive » Summer’s Hidden Treasures Contest Incentives!
  36. West Of Mars — The Meet and Greet » Blog Archive » Thursday Thirteen #35 — Susan Proves her Worth
  37. West Of Mars — The Meet and Greet » Blog Archive » Monday Poetry Train: Burying Treasure

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