Tuesday, March 25, Punching the List


Last December — because construction takes twice as long as they promise it will — I started a massive construction project on my house. New siding, new roof, new deck. No pictures for privacy’s sake.

Today’s the second scheduled day of punch list items. The end is in sight!

By the way, they’d promised me 11 weeks, and last time I worked with this contractor, they’d come in ahead of schedule, so I’m not stressed about the delays. They’ve all been justified and I’ve been very taken care of.

Writing: I developed a horrific migraine around noon, so no writing happened. That’s not common.

Editing: I’m still between edits, gosh darn it. Whenever the economy slows and book sales tank, authors stop using editors — and sometimes stop writing entirely because they need that income.
I promise you, authors, you’ll be glad you coughed up the cost for an edit, and not just because you’re helping support someone else’s small business.

And since I know this is actually what you’re here for…
Book of the Day:
We Could be So Good, by Cat Sebastian

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