Tag Archives: Burton Review

Help a Teen Girl Out


So the Teen Girl continues to read voraciously and has discovered a new love: The late Tudor period, extending into the Stewart period, says my good friend Marie Burton at Burton Book Review. Of all the bloggers and readers I know, Marie knows historical fiction the best, so when I told her what The Teen Girl was reading, she helped me hone in on that period.

But … Marie’s an adult and the Teen Girl is… well, she’s not officially a teen yet. She’s still a pre-teen.

That means Marie doesn’t know the YA historical fiction world as well as the Teen Girl would like her to. Meaning: intimately, inside-out, AND completely, all rolled into one ball of knowledge.

Have you read anything from this time period? Got any titles to recommend? Written any?

Bring ’em on.

And yes, I hope to encourage Teen Girl and Teen Boy to get off the Minecraft and get back to blogging. I miss them around these parts. Hope you do, too.
