March 26, 2025
I truly hate being between edits. Y’all can fix that, I’m sure.
Writing: I had a meeting last night at the temple, so I only got a bit of writing in, but I worked on a short piece that’ll be available only at my direct store.
Book of the Day: Pardon my Frenchie by Farrah Rochon
That’s it! No real plans for the day — I need a good tea ball and some ice trays, so if you have recs, I’m all ears! — and am hoping for some serious writing today/tonight.
March 25, 2025
Last December — because construction takes twice as long as they promise it will — I started a massive construction project on my house. New siding, new roof, new deck. No pictures for privacy’s sake.
Today’s the second scheduled day of punch list items. The end is in sight!
By the way, they’d promised me 11 weeks, and last time I worked with this contractor, they’d come in ahead of schedule, so I’m not stressed about the delays. They’ve all been justified and I’ve been very taken care of.
Writing: I developed a horrific migraine around noon, so no writing happened. That’s not common.
Editing: I’m still between edits, gosh darn it. Whenever the economy slows and book sales tank, authors stop using editors — and sometimes stop writing entirely because they need that income.
I promise you, authors, you’ll be glad you coughed up the cost for an edit, and not just because you’re helping support someone else’s small business.
And since I know this is actually what you’re here for…
Book of the Day:
We Could be So Good, by Cat Sebastian
Like what you see? Instead of a subscription Patreon, just buy me a bottle of fountain pen ink.
March 24, 2025
WHAT a weekend event!
It was the first ever adult book fair at Lolev Brewery, brought to us by Eeeek Creative and what an awesome time. I hit a few milestones: I sold out of a title! (I’d only had three, so maybe this doesn’t count?)
It was my highest earning show, but the second-highest number of books sold. (That’s because I’m selling the Trevolution books cheap… be sure you get yours before they are gone! No more print copies!)
Planning a book fair? I work with a group of authors and am glad to connect you not only to myself, but to the group as well.
I’m working on a couple different manuscripts right now, just kind of skipping from one to the next as I’m inspired. I need to pull up a short story I’d written and get it ready to be my 2026 newsletter magnet. (If you’re not on my author newsletter, why not? You get a free story that’s only available via my newsletter, and only for one calendar year.)
I’m writing this Sunday afternoon and still waiting for manuscripts to land in my inbox. So I’m working on my To Do list instead.
Book of the Day:
Their Just Desserts by Alechia Dow and Tracy Badua
Having fun with this new series of posts? Instead of a Patreon or subscription, I invite you to buy me a bottle of ink.
February 20, 2024
Woo hoo! It’s here! It’s here! It’s here!
Yep, book three in the Tales from the Sheep Farm series, Safe House, releases TODAY. Thanks to everyone who bought it — and its two predecessors, Maybe the Bird Will Rise and Populated — at its presale pricing.
I don’t know what to tell you about this book. It continues the story of Mack and Tess and their hunt for the answers of the Mackenzie treasure and legacy. It’s my pandemic book, in its own way. And it’s a story of a person with a lot of baggage and secrets that simply cannot remain hidden any longer.
Of course, like the entire Sheep Farm project, there’s plenty of found family here.
Oh, heck. Here’s what the back cover says:
A deadly virus is bearing down on the world and Emerson Mackenzie, CEO of PharmaScience Technologies—now back in its ancestral home of Port Kenneth, Tennessee—opens up the historic Mackenzie house on the family’s defunct sheep farm to six people: himself, his wife Tess Cartieri, his house manager, two members of his board of directors, and his executive assistant, Taylor Alexander.
Taylor won’t abandon Emerson, but at the same time, they don’t want to be there. Taylor has secrets, a past and memories they cannot face, and they fear that being locked in a house with five others will be entirely too revealing.
Taylor’s passion is to be outside, hiking, in a world that makes sense to them, and Emerson harnesses that, asking Taylor to map the boundaries of the old sheep farm and maybe help discover secrets buried on the land. Taylor is glad to do so, although the secrets they help Emerson and Tess discover are immediately darker and more disturbing than any had expected.
As the virus rages, as tensions across the country simmer, as relationships within the house change, and as the land gives up its secrets, Taylor realizes time has grown short. Their secrets cannot remain hidden any longer.
When they spill, Taylor is exposed for all in the house to see.
And every person inside the house responds in ways Taylor never expected.
Like the first two books in the series — and the ones coming after — this was a ton of fun to write.
Pick up your copy. As always, my books are available at every retailer who’ll carry them, and via such library apps as Hoopa and Overdrive/Libby. Yes, I get paid if you read the book via the library! So if your book budget is thin, there’s a solution for you. (Granted, not all library systems play nice with Hoopla or Libby, and may not carry certain books. But go ahead and ask for ’em anyway. It’s good for them to hear what you’d like to read.)
A reminder for you Large Print lovers: All books in the Tales from the Sheep Farm series are available in Large Print. I recomment either B&N or
As always, I am eager to know your thoughts. You’ve seen me say it over and over, but it’s so very true…
The best way to help an author is to buy a copy of a book for a friend.
The next best way is to tell a friend.
The third best way is to leave a review online. And in fact, if you’d like to join my reviewing team, drop me an email! I’d love to send you a free copy, and there’s no need to be all “I am afraid to leave a one-star review” in my world. Your opinion matters more than an algorithm.
People are treasures too. That includes you and your opinion of my books.
November 8, 2023
Cover for Populated, written by Susan Helene Gottfried
Two weeks to go.
I know I’m throwing books at you fast. That’s the idea: The faster I get ’em to you, the happier the people who like to see most, if not all of a series up for sale before they start reading. And it makes for better promotions when there’s a long backlist. Readers like those, and Populated will be my tenth release.
Now, if you picked up Maybe the Bird Will Rise (and over a thousand of you did! Thank you!), you may think you know what to expect.
If you’re expecting a tale set in the fictional city of Port Kenneth, TN, you’re right.
If you’re expecting something like Maybe the Bird Will Rise, which gets into heavy territory with Mack’s family history, well, think again.
Populated is the story of Delia Ford, street photographer and Port Kenneth social media darling, and what happens when someone breaks into the Woolslayer Gallery and steals all her art. And only her art.
We’re not kidding when we say all. Delia is suitably impressed.
Add in a slow-burn romance with a man early readers said is their new book boyfriend, an across-the-hall neighbor who is retired from the Bank of Port Kenneth, a family you love to hate (or hate to love), and oops, the ire of one of the less savory families in town, and you’ve got a story that expands the world of Port Kenneth into directions you may not have seen coming.
Grab your copy ASAP. I’m not doing any price drops until after the new year, so once the price goes back up after release day on the 21st, it’s going to stay there.
October 2, 2023
Let’s welcome Linda Griffin back to West of Mars!
If you’ve missed her in the past, you can catch up with her here:
Guilty Knowledge
Love, Death, and the Art of Cooking
Reluctant Hearts
Look at that backlist! If you haven’t explored it yet, why not? It’s all right there, so have some fun!
Today, though, Linda is back with a new book. This time, it’s called The Axe, and somehow, I don’t think we’re talking about the body spray.
But before we get into what sort of Axe we’re talking about, let’s get into the tunes. I mean, let’s face it. Tunes make the world a happier place. Although it’s true that so do good books.
So… Linda Griffin, what song makes you think of your new book, The Axe?
“Lizzie Borden” by the Rumjacks because the murder victims were “hacked to death in daylight.” But remember that Lizzie Borden was acquitted…
Oh, my! WHAT are we in for????
(Also, this song? Is wild, y’all, as one of my editing clients would say.)
Here’s the book description. Are you ready? I am sure curious!
Sweethearts Eric Leidheldt and Desiree Chauveau are spending a weekend at his uncle’s cabin when they encounter two strangers cutting wood. Eric is knocked unconscious, and Desi is viciously attacked. The following day two police officers come to their apartment to arrest Desi. Her assailants are dead, murdered with an axe, and her fingerprints are on it. She confesses–but is she really guilty? Eric is determined to stand by her, but the physical and emotional effects of the attack severely challenge their relationship.
WHAT???? This sounds crazy, and in all the good, nightmarish ways. (Or am I the only one who’s been terrified of being framed for something I never did? Really?)
Grab a copy because hello, what’s really going on here?
Google Play
Remember, if you pick it up and read it, the best way to thank an author is to buy a second copy for a friend. The second best way is to tell a friend about it. And the third best? Leave an online review!
Also, connect with Linda online.
One more thing to keep in mind: I do this as a labor of love to help out my fellow authors. If you’re an author, or if you have a friend who is, or heck, even an enemy, send ’em over to fill out the form and I’ll feature them as well.
August 31, 2023
I honestly never thought this day would come. And to be honest, being primarily an editor is great fun and I love it and I hope that no matter where this author ride takes me, I remain an editor first.
I had a couple days back in March without editing work. And that’s NEVER good. Idle Susan equals trouble, in big, fat, screaming capital letters.
So I decided to channel that trouble and dig through my hard drive. It wasn’t as much of a mess as I thought, which is good. And I knew all this material was there, so it was a matter of taking a good hard look at it through my editorial lens, not my Susan-who-wrote-this lens, and I decided I have enough material to bring you a collection of short stories.
I know. I know. Believe me, after the Demo Tapes, I know! Short stories don’t sell.
In this case, I don’t care. There’s some strategy here, but mostly, this collection is full of material I’m really proud of, really confident of. And I want to share it with the world. (That means you.)
So. Permission to Enter.
Now, I hope a few (only ten!) copies will have arrived by the time the Books Books Books Festival in Lititz, PA happens at the end of September (If you’re nearby, come see me!). BUT in 2024, you’ll be able to pick up special editions with special covers. The content will remain the same. It’s just going to be an in-person bonus of sorts with a slick cover that’s kind of opposite this one, and it’s just perfect and I love it too.
So go and pick up your own copy of Permission to Enter.
Oh! Wait! You need to see the official description, especially because I love it as much as I love the stories themselves.
Permission to Enter
Women feature in this collection of short stories and one novella. Women regaining their power, moving forward through life, learning to face and deal with their pasts. These women have lived, loved, and lost. They have optimism for the future and darkness in their pasts. They have been granted permission to enter, they have seized it, or else they stand ready to do so.
Really, they’re just like us.
Okay! Universal Buy Link to make sure you can pick up the book where you’d like! If your library supports Overdrive or Bibliotheca, you can read it that way! Hoopla is coming at some point, if that’s your poison. I do encourage and support library use, so I hope you do the same.
And, as I say every time I post a Featured New Book Spotlight, remember that the best way to thank an author for their hard work is to gift a copy to your friend. The next best way is to recommend it. And the third? Leave an online review.
Have at it. Have fun.
I’m really proud of this little collection!
August 28, 2023
Holy smoke. This book makes the sixth one Alana Lorens has dropped in to tell us about. Sixth! I don’t know about you, but I’m in awe of that sort of prolific output. (She must keep her editors busy and I approve of that, knowing the trouble I get into when I am not busy.)
Today’s book is called Remnants of Fire, which is such a provocative title. That can mean so much!
So let’s get to it. Alana Lorens, what song makes you think of your new book, Remnants of Fire?
Newspaper reporters are driven to dig deep for their stories, even when the subjects of their investigations don’t want people to see what’s buried there. This is true for Sara in her new position at the paper, as well a her friends.
“Music of the Night” from Phantom of the Opera would be it. Not only did I discover Phantom during the period I first wrote this, but there are comparable themes in the stories. Heroine Sara Woods is swayed by her teacher into certain beliefs that could save her life–or end it.
Comparable themes? Yikes! But at the same time, you’ve got to read the official book description of Remnants of Fire… Ready? I am!
Looking for a fresh start, Sara Woods takes a job as a news reporter in a small town. Her first assignment for the Ralston Courier is to investigate of a string of deaths, all young women, all her age.
To deal with chronic back pain, she seeks help at a local healing center. She soon becomes convinced that there is something strange about the Goldstone Clinic. Its doctors and nurses are all the picture of perfect beauty and health, while their patients at first seem to improve and then mysteriously deteriorate.
Dr. Rick Paulsen, a physician at the local hospital, offers to teach Sara how to access her internal power, enhancing hidden skills and revealing secrets from her past.
Police officer Brendon Zale also takes an interest in Sara, watching her every move and trying to get close to her.
The deeper she digs into the Goldstone, the harder it is to deny links to the paranormal. Can she figure out what is going on and who to trust before it’s too late?
NB: This story was previously released as Love Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me. It has been rewritten and new material added.
That is NOT the comparison to Phantom that I was expecting — and I am glad of it! (This actually sounds way better and the paranormal twist has me certainly extremely curious.)
Get your copy!
And hey, before you connect with Alana Lorens, check out her past time in the bright light of the Featured New Book Spotlight!
Second Chances
Tender Misdemeanors
A Rose by Any Other Name
Prophecies and Promises
Okay, now it’s time to connect with Alana so you can talk to her about Remnants of Fire
Amazon Author Page
Book Trailer
And remember! The best way to say thanks to an author for a good book is to buy it for a friend. But other really good ways include telling friends about it — and strangers, too, via a review. Be sure to leave a review online; it helps make a book more visible to the buying public. And we don’t want to keep these gems all to ourselves, do we?
No, no we do not.
July 3, 2023
Let’s welcome my fellow Pennwriter, Kathy Otten, to West of Mars!
Kathy has a new book out that she’d like to tell us about, so let’s get to it. Kathy, what song makes you think of The Solace of Denim?
Music has a power to heal and guide us when we are at our most troubled. The father of the murdered boy in this story is a former band member and follows his rock idols when he is his most despondent at the loss of his son. The denim jacket his son wore–the one that comes to young Joey, our hero–is bedecked with patches from the great bands of that era.
The song that makes me think of this story is Bob Seger’s TURN THE PAGE, a song about the ups and downs of life on the road. (In fact, it’s also the title of the musician’s biography, written by Edward Sarkis Balian.) Lines like “You pretend it doesn’t bother you/but you just want to explode” define the journey Joey is going through to a T. He is coming from one of the worst experiences a child can have–nearly murdered by his own father–to being accused of the murder of the only friend he has in his lonely foster child existence. But he finds help in the most unlikely place he can imagine.
Now, longtime readers and fans of West of Mars will recognize that I am a total Rock Fiction junkie. Which means that no matter how heavy this sounds, I’m there. (Also? “Turn the Page” was the song for Trevor’s Song, my first novel.)
What’s the book description, though? In case this wasn’t enough to hook you?
The victim of a horrific crime, fifteen-year-old Joey Kowalski has bounced around in the foster care system for six years. When his only friend Luke is murdered, suspicion falls on Joey.
As evidence mounts against him, Luke’s denim jacket appears in Joey’s closet. When he puts on the jacket, he gets visions of Luke’s murder and hears Luke’s voice in his head. Can Joey convince Luke’s father, Detective Marek, to look past his grief and help him find the real killer?
Whoa… mystery clothing! I’m there. Are you?
Pick up your copy of The Solace of Denim:
eBook at Apple
eBook at Kobo
eBook at Smashwords — on sale for 99 cents in July!
And connect with Kathy!
Amazon Author Page
Book trailer
Remember that the best way to show thanks to an author is to buy copies of their books for your friends! Next to that is telling people about a great book, and then we have the old “leave an online review” option. All are great, and when you can do all three, authors benefit. We want authors to benefit — if they don’t, they won’t keep publishing their writing for us to read! (Yes, it really IS that simple.)
And, as always, be sure to send your friends and your colleagues over for their turn in the spotlight. I’m glad to host them!
May 22, 2023
I love repeat offenders around here, and Hannah E. Carey (or just Hannah Carey, or just Hannah, as I know her) is always a favorite in particular. Today, she’s got The Scout: Legends of Pern Coen to tempt us. And let me tell you…
I’m excited to bring you news of an impending release! Order it now and either wait until tomorrow, or, if you’re reading this on Tuesday the 23rd or later, you won’t have to wait at all! How can you argue with that timing?
I sure can’t.
So let’s get to the book because you’re going to be itching to read this once you get through this post and I’m going to warn you now: You’ll need to read the first installment (The Shifter) to get the most out of this one. Ready?
Hannah, what song makes you think of your book?
A Storm Is Coming”- Tommee Profitt & Liv Ash
The Scout is Book 2 in a trilogy and as any good middle installment, everything more or less goes to hell. The first book really built up the brewing darkness in the land and in the second installment, the heroine, Seren, and hero, Bran, are forced to deal with the storm that’s been created by that darkness. This line of the song in particular really resonated with me:
A storm is comin’
That you can’t escape
Tears are fallin’
Like blood and rainSeren’s father (who is also the clan leader) has been trying to ignore the darkness that’s right in front of him, but as it grows in power, there’s no escaping it. And while Seren and Bran know this, there are many in their clan, Seren’s father included, who don’t want to heed their warnings and want to live in denial instead. But that denial costs the clan greatly, in both bloodshed and heartache, and it’s up to Bran & Seren to put a stop to it all.
Yeah. This. I don’t think the book description can get any better, but here it is:
Will they survive Fianna’s flames?
Seren has saved Bran’s life, but their hardest battle is yet to come. Fianna is gaining ground in the land of Blaidd as Cadfael refuses to unleash the full power of the war band against it. The future of the clan looks bleak and Seren is hearing whispers in the Spirit Realm. Ones that speak of a power that hasn’t been woken for over a hundred years.
If they want to save their people and their land, Bran and Seren will have to defy Cadfael in every sense imaginable. But will it be enough? And will they, and their love, survive the flames of destruction that threaten to devour them?
Epic fantasy meets shifter romance in part two of this Celtic inspired romantic fantasy trilogy featuring elaborate world building, shapeshifters, a fierce heroine, a morally grey hero with a hidden heart of gold, dark magic, fire monsters, forbidden love, and low spice romance.
Woo, right? And sheesh. This song! I think it was Hannah who first introduced me to Tommee Profit and wow wow wow. That’s one artist who’s become a favorite around here, and this song’s no exception.
Get your copy NOW! Lots of buying options, so pick your favorite:
My Direct Store
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
And be sure to connect with Hannah. She’s one of those people you want in your social circle. (Just not so much that she runs out of time to write!)
If you’ve missed Hannah’s other visits here at West of Mars, here you go!
The Hunter’s Featured New Book Spotlight
The Betrayer’s Featured New Book Spotlight
The Shifter’s Featured New Book Spotlight
Of course, if you’re still here and not busily buying Hannah’s backlist, let me remind you that leaving online reviews — thoughtful reviews that are oh, so much better than high school critical papers — is always the second best way to show appreciation for an author’s hard work. The first way, of course, is a tie between buying the author’s books and telling your friends to buy their books.
April 24, 2023
Let’s welcome our buddy Linda Griffin back to West of Mars!
You all know I love repeat visitors, and I hope you’re having fun following the careers of these authors. I personally love watching authors grow and mature and settle into their craft of writing. And man, do we get some good books for it!
Today’s book is Reluctant Hearts, and let’s let Linda tell us what song makes her think of it:
“I’ll Never Fall in Love Again” by Burt Bacharach and Hal David because the characters in Reluctant Hearts aren’t ready for new relationships. Unexpected love may triumph though!
Whoa, this is an oldie, but wow, has it held up well. Not as a contemporary song but as a song that stamps the time it was written and made famous. It’s so much fun! Be sure to give it a listen.
Let’s get back to the book.
So you know, this book releases today!
Ready for what it’s about, so you know what you’re buying?
Four couples, four stories:
Darien Francis and Richard Li meet during a bank robbery, but she’s afraid to love again.
Shane Kenniston and Beth Parker are reacquainted years after she had a crush on him, but she is a recent widow, and Shane’s life was upended by a false accusation.
David Early and Kate Howard meet in the laundromat, but her life is consumed by the needs of her disabled child, and David isn’t ready for the responsibility.
Realtor Frank Ellison meets Kayla Barnes at an open house, but a mistaken first impression derails any chance of romance.
Can they all overcome the obstacles to love?
Lots of trauma and messiness in here… just like real life, no? I love it. I love messiness.
Pick up a copy of Reluctant Hearts!
Amazon print
Barnes and Noble
Connect with Linda:
If you’ve missed Linda’s past visits, this is a great time to go check them out, too!
Love, Death, and the Art of Cooking
Guilty Knowledge
Remember: The Featured New Book Spotlight is here for you if you’re an author, your friends, the authors you love to hate, whoever! If you’ve got a book that makes you think of a song, come on by.
February 20, 2023
Let’s welcome Joyce Reynolds-Ward to West of Mars with her book, The Enduring Legacy!
Let’s dive right in, shall we? I love talking books and music… It’s my happy thing. Joyce, what song makes you think of The Enduring Legacy?
“My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys” as performed by Willie Nelson. It sums up the saga of Gabriel Martiniere, from star-crossed billionaire heir testifying against his family company’s abuse of mind control technology, to ranch hand on the run, to billionaire again and his ongoing crusade to reform the abuses of indenture and mind control tech.
Hello? Mind control tech?
I. Am. There. (Mostly because I am worried we’re not that far off from that day in our present society. Yikes. Something I never thought I’d have to say!)
Reaady for the cover description? I sure am.
Series Standalone.
Ruby Barkley and Gabriel Martiniere have made it. They’ve defeated Philip Martiniere, and Philip’s suicide leaves them an opening to reform the Martiniere Group as well as the Martiniere Family. To create their own, positive legacy.
But. The legacy of the Martinieres isn’t so easily repaired. Forty-five years of dominance by Philip doesn’t just go away overnight. Gabe and Ruby have a lot of work to do, especially since Philip’s toxic legacy endures in unexpected places.
New foes arise—including the specters of age and health. The mysterious worm that interferes with digital and living memories, and glitches their newest biobot designs.
Then Gabe begins to wonder—is Philip truly defeated?
Can he keep his legacy safe? Or is he doomed to lose his second family, only in a slower manner than the plane crash that killed his first family?
What will it take for Gabe to guarantee that his legacy endures?
Now, this is the fourth (Smashwords says fifth; Amazon says fourth and yes, I’ll ask and update when I get an answer) in a series, but it’s listed as a standalone, so… dive in here, or back up and go hunt down the first three books as well as this one. Your call! (I love when authors give you choices. It’s like Choose Your Own Adventure for grown-up bibliophiles.)
Grab your copy!
Connect with Joyce! I can’t say we’ve done that yet. YET. You all know how I love to chat with authors about their books and their worlds and their processes.
Substack link to the books
Joyce’s main
And as always, be sure to refer your author friends (including yourself) to the Featured New Book Spotlight submission page. This is my labor of love and… I’d love to exercise that love in your direction. Or your friend’s direction.
One last note? Leaving reviews helps other readers find good books, so be sure to leave a few thoughts!
January 16, 2023
Let’s welcome Cerine Marrouat and her short story, The Train, to West of Mars!
(Throw confetti. Okay, it’s paper shreds to reduce plastic and be good to birdies. And maybe some dryer lint for nest building.)
I’ve gotten to know Cendrine via Counter.Social and its lovely writing community. I’m really delighted to host her today, which means… let’s get right to it, shall we?
Cendrine, what song makes you think of your new short story, The Train?
While writing my short story “The Train,” I often listened to Leigh Nash’s “Nervous In The Light Of Dawn.”
I chanced upon the song a few years ago and immediately fell in love with Nash’s haunting voice. It also has some of the most beautiful lyrics I have ever heard. To me, they speak to the need for self-love and the importance of introspection, which feature heavily in “The Train.”
The first note of this song is, indeed, haunting. And Nash’s voice is nice and light… this is lovely music! And yes, a new-to-me musician, so YAY for that, too. I love it when my author friends widen my musical horizons.
What’s the story about? I’m curious, especially as the song plays.
You never know what a train ride may have in store. Maggie is about to find out as she journeys to Coueuses to visit her family.
“A powerful and deeply touching story with layered characters that all felt real.” – Berneta L. Haynes, author of Eve and the Faders
Ooh. All the potential… and then this song? I’m there. Are you?
Note that The Train is currently a preorder, BUT the release is later this week, so you won’t have to wait for long! Go buy barely-in-the-future you a present!
Here’s a universal link for you. You all know how much I love these; you get to pick your retailer!
Of course, connecting with Cendrine is the way to go.
More links can be found here
Remember, if you’re an author, have a friend who’s an author, know someone with a book to promote, the Featured New Book Spotlight is here! It’s such a lovely way to meet new authors, see what they are writing and listening to, and expand all our musical horizons, all with one simple question!
October 3, 2022
We’re back after a short blackout (I hate those!) with a return visit from my new friend Tara Conrad.
You can visit her first post, featuring Submitting to Him, here.
Which means Tara’s an old hand at this already. I mean, of course she is after only being here once before. This isn’t hard stuff, gang — and that’s by design. I want it easy for you, both as spotlit authors and as readers. Which means, we gotta get right to it, no?
Tara Conrad! What song makes you think of your new book, His Melody?????? (Lots of question marks ’cause I really want to know and yes, today is a MOOD. Go with it.)
Viktor and the girl he ends up with (I can’t give away who it is) both believe they’re damaged beyond repair. Both of their pasts are filled with loss, pain, and more trauma than any person should have to endure. Neither of them believe they’re worthy of love.
Their paths cross–their worlds collide and they can’t ignore the pull to one another.
But, there’s one big problem, their love is forbidden.
This song? One of my all-time favorites! And I want to one day write a book that makes me think of this song. It’s so… mmmm. Everything. Yum.
And if you didn’t notice, by Tara’s refusal to let us know the female lead’s name, this is one in a series — the fourth, to be precise. So you might want to backtrack and catch up before reading this one! (Hey, the first book? I linked to it above! It’s Submitting to Him!)
But before we think about that, let’s talk about the official book description. Ready? I sure am!
Everyone seems to believe time heals all wounds. But is that really the truth or something people say to ease their conscience?
The pain from loss never completely goes away. Instead, we learn to live with the suffocating grief.
I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up. A man like me doesn’t get a happily ever after.
I knew better. That mistake won’t happen again.
This time, I’m starting over with nothing left to lose.
I just hope when the dust settles, everyone I care about can forgive me.
Ooh! Tara STILL didn’t spoil the woman’s name!!! Notice what she did there!
I gotta know. Do you gotta know?
Here’s the way: Amazon only book you gotta read
And here’s how to connect with Tara… well, how to get signed paperback copies, anyway! They make great gifts…. just sayin’…
This is that spot where I remind you that if you can’t gift a copy to a friend, and if your friends are tired of you talking up all the great books you find here and want them to know about, the next best way to help an author raise their visibility is to leave a review online! Another good way is to send them here, for their chance to stop into the spotlight.
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September 19, 2022
Calling my dark fiction lovers! Author Eileen Troemel herself describes Fractured: Love of the Broken as being dark, and c’mon. That title says it all right?
Let’s let Eileen Troemel tell us all about the song that makes her think of her book, Fractured: Love of the Broken. Ready? It’s not some bizarre death metal (hey, I listen to death metal), I promise.
Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) Kelly Clarkson
Zulma’s space transport crash lands on Laken a Prisoner of War planet. She’s been sent there after being captured during a war with Dolians. She’s been through the ringer. Drugged, tortured, raped, she’s a mess. She’s greeted by four Conasians who have been prisoners on the planet for a long time. They’ve survived the drug addicts they call Sleepers but they’re tired of fighting to survive. Drake, Parker, Claud and Stuart take her back to their leader as ordered.Zulma is RAW from her experiences. She doesn’t know who to trust or believe. She’s been beaten down by the Dolian Premier. He tried to break her in every possible way. But she stayed strong, barely. She feels shattered but her four men help her cope with the trauma and terror she went through.
Four men, huh? Should I be winking at that? I don’t know! We’ll have to read the book!
Want to know more? I don’t know if that explanation can be topped, but let’s see. Here’s the official book description for you:
This is a Reverse Harem dark scifi romance. There is cursing and violence. Rape and torture are referred to.Sent to the prison planet Laken, Zulma expects to be raped and tortured. What she finds there may save her and her people.
Ordered to a crashed Dolian ship, Conasian prisoners of war Drake, Claud, Stuart, and Parker hope to survive the trek through the dangerous sleepers. The downed ship is vital. What they discover will change their future if they survive the sleepers and their own men.
Yep, I shoula winked. My instinct was right.
If you are offended by the use of the term reverse harem, I apologize. I know it’s a loaded term, that there’s a huge controversy about its use and meaning, and what good alternatives are… romance is HARD, y’all.
Anyway, regardless of the term, pick up the book. It sounds like it’s a dark book with a redemption or healing arc, and couldn’t we ALL use a bit of that right now? I sure could.
And make sure you make note! It will not be for sale until October 15! But if you preorder now, it’ll magically show up on your device on the fifteenth, like a gift from past you.
Here’s your universal link.
And visit with Eileen Troemel! She’s lovely, and I so enjoy our chats. Here’s her linktree — again, universal links, so have at it and have fun exploring her world. You’ll be glad you did!
Remember, if the book strikes and emotional chord with you, leave a review somewhere online, in addition to sharing copies with friends. Reviews help a book become more discoverable, which in turn means more sales, which in turn means authors who can make a living bringing you amazing books to read. See how you’re a part of that? You ARE important too.
And if you’re reading this and you are an author, or you have a friend who’s an author, send them over to the Featured New Book Spotlight! This is how we all find great new reads, hear great songs, and support each other. There’s room for everyone!
August 22, 2022
Let’s welcome Stevie Turner to West of Mars! I’ve known Stevie for a long time now, via Triberr, and so I’m very excited to finally host a spotlight for one of her books. This one is called Cruising Danger, and that title alone is awesome, is it not? And before you ask, this is an older title, but that’s fine! It’s new to me, so that’s what counts.
Stevie Turner, what song makes you think of your book, Cruising Danger?
My book is ‘Cruising Danger’, a mystery/suspense story.
Whoa! That’s an old one! And a good one; musically, it’s held up. Takes me right on back, although I’d say it’s more soothing than suspense and mystery, but yeah, I can see it.
So what’s Cruising Danger about?
When Pauline Edmunds agrees to accompany her workmate Shirley on a Caribbean cruise, she is disappointed to be left alone almost at the start when Shirley starts a holiday romance with Joe Collins, a guitarist in a band working on board the ship. However, Pauline does not like the look of Joe, and tries to dissuade Shirley from continuing the affair. When Shirley cannot be found one morning, Pauline begins to investigate her friend’s disappearance, opening up a whole can of worms amidst a background of Caribbean scenery and sunshine.
Oh, my! Did the guitarist do it? Or… well, I mean, it’s a mystery, so I guess we’ve got to read it because you know it’s not going to be that easy.
Be sure to grab your copy. It’s an Amazon exclusive, but that does not mean you can read and return it! (That’s super-duper tacky. Don’t be tacky, let alone super-duper tacky.)
And, of course, be sure to leave a review online somewhere once you’ve read it, okay? That helps more readers find a book, and that’s always a good thing! So is buying a copy for a friend, or simply telling others about a good book, too. Do all three! It’s easy!
If you’d like to connect with Stevie Turner — and why wouldn’t you? You can find out more about books like Cruising Danger–here’s how!
Amazon Author Page
About Me
Remember, if you’re an author or you have friends who have written books, I’m glad to host them for a day and let them take their turn in the spotlight. There’s even a handy-dandy form for them to fill out.
August 15, 2022
Let’s welcome Aimee Eddy to West of Mars!
To be honest, I have no idea how how Aimee found us, but let me tell you how glad I am that she’s here. The full title of her book is “Escape to the Garage: Family Love Overcomes Bullying” and just from that title, I can tell you we need more of this kind of goodness in the world. (And I say this as a parent who pulled her own kids back from the “high-risk” label, so I get it. I really do.)
There’s a LOT to explore about this book. We’re not going to get to it all, so I encourage you to explore on your own because me? I’m starting with the usual… Aimee Eddy, what song makes you think of your book, Escape to the Garage?
Taylor Swift’s song, Mean reminds me of my memoir, Escape to the Garage: Family Love Overcomes Bullying. She sings about being put down and how it affected her. In my book I show how I was bullied and that led to a decline in my mental health. Her lyrics, “Words like knives,” tells how the rotten things people say feel like. In my memoir I show how words cut the soul like a knife and tear me down. Taylor Swift sings about how she rose above the bullying and proves the person wrong. In my memoir I rise up to show my worth.
From the opening lyrics, I got the connection here. This is a perfect fit, song to story. (Also? I really want a metal or hard rock version of this song.)
Aimee Eddy, would you please share the book description with us?
Unable to do classwork in first grade, Aimee Eddy is called a retard by her teacher. This label follows her throughout elementary school and forces her to endure daily bullying from classmates and teachers alike. Low self-esteem and hopelessness threaten to swallow her.
Despite the hardships at school, she finds love and acceptance in one place-the family garage. Aimee, her siblings, and cousins disappear into their imaginations. There they build forts in the junkyard and roll down hills in inner tubes. The love her family shares with her at the garage gives her the courage to withstand the deep depression school produces.Then tragedy strikes, and the family loses the garage. Without this place of refuge, how will she find the strength to stand up to bullies?
Whoa! Like… this reads like fiction. I’ll say it. This is a fabulous hook and I want to know what happens to the family and how Aimee manages to come out on top. I mean, gumption and guts and courage and resiliency, sure. But… there’s ALWAYS more to it than that.
I need to read this, in case it’s not obvious! Don’t you?
Grab your copy! It’s an Amazon exclusive, it looks like.
And connect with Aimee. Authors are always fun to connect with, and Aimee is doing very important work.
As always, remember to leave a review online if you’ve read this and/or tell a friend. Or buy a copy for a friend! The more you spread the word of a good book, the more you help make the book discoverable to others, and that means more sales, which means more royalties for the author, which means all good things. (Also? Don’t download, read, and return, okay? That’s tacky AF.)
And, of course, send your friends and the authors you know on over for their turn in the spotlight. It doesn’t hurt, I’m a lot nice to chat with than I am in my book reviews (ulp), and you never know where your biggest fan is going to come from!
August 1, 2022
Let’s welcome Hannah Carey back to West of Mars! Hannah Carey has been here twice before, in fact, if you’ve missed her and her romantic fantasy set on the island of Pern Coen. Here’s the link to The Hunter, and here’s the link to The Betrayer. And today, she’s here to tell us about her new book, The Shifter.
I really like Hannah’s books. If you like Tamora Pierce, I suspect you’ll like Hannah Carey’s world and her vision. That’s who immediately comes to mind.
Lucky for us, Hannah’s willing to drop in and talk music. (Although, to be fair, I’ve never invited Ms. Pierce to step into the spotlight.) And so, let’s get right to it: Hannah Carey, what song makes you think of your new book, The Shifter?
I listened to this song pretty consistently while writing The Shifter and I really felt like it fit both the main characters. Both the male lead, Bran, and the female lead, Seren, go on their own sort of “hero’s journey” over the course of the story and have to choose whether or not they’re going to step into the roles that await them. For Bran in particular with his troubled past, this song really felt like it fit. This song was definitely inspiration for one of my favorite moments in the book:
She saw something I didn’t. Something I didn’t dare hope to believe.
“I’m not a hero, Ren,” I quietly told her. “Not like you want me to be.”
“You are one to me,” she replied, holding my gaze.
If you’re looking for artist and title, since Hannah’s teasing us (fair!), it’s Tommee Profitt with Fleurie, and the song is called There’s a Hero in You.
And yes, the song fits the book. Totally. No argument from me.
Plus, I really like Tommee Profitt. I’ve got some of her music on my daily work playlists. So if you ever feel like no one cares what song you pick, you are WRONG. I care and I listen to it all. I really do.
So what’s the full book about? What do those three lines mean? Take a peek:
Bran has spent his life being hunted for what he is. Born with the gift of shape shifting, his very existence is in danger from the ruler of the Clan of Blaidd, Ri Cadfael. Bran has sworn his loyalty to a man who has vowed to see Cadfael brought to ruin, until a chance encounter with the Ri’s daughter leaves Bran questioning his future. Seren saved him years ago and the memories of her, and of his old life, aren’t so easily forgotten.
In the end, Bran must make a choice: kill Seren or spare her. And if he does spare her life, he will be forced to risk his very own. Can Bran turn away from his questionable past and help Seren save the clan from the Dark Spirit bent on destroying it? And will Seren lose her heart to a dangerous shifter in the process?
Sound good? I think so. Also, I may have already read it and know. Maybe. I’m not saying for certain.
Get your own copy, and then be someone who can and does say with certain — because leaving an online review is so important to help other readers find their next read.
Direct/My Online Store (eBook)
Smashwords *Affiliate link, so you know and so I can maybe earn a few pennies
Lots of options! Pick your favorite!
And be sure to connect with Hannah, too. She’s good people.
Remember, if you’re an author or friends with an author, the Featured New Book Spotlight is open to all — and I’d love to host you. Why not take a few minutes and let the spotlight shine on you?
July 25, 2022
Woot! I have been sharing posts for books by Regina Jeffers for literal years and I’m so excited to host her today in the Featured New Book Spotlight. It’s always fun to get a better, closer look at a book I’ve seen bandied about on social media — and this is another reason why stopping in here is always a smart thing to do! I’m so ready to learn about your books, I can’t tell you.
So let’s get right to it, shall we? Regina Jeffers, what song makes you think of your new book, The Earl’s English Rose?
If I were to choose a song to accompany “The Earl’s English Rose,” I would choose Amanda McBroom’s “The Rose,” sung beautifully by Bette Midler as the soundtrack of a movie by the same name. Yes, I know, my choice seems so obvious, as such is the heroine’s first name, but there is more to the lyrics which speak of the “ease” of the young woman to give her heart to a man she realizes is both her savior and her nemesis and his “inherent” lack of trust in “LOVE” itself.
Some say love, it is a river
That drowns the tender reed
Some say love, it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love, it is a hunger
An endless aching need
I say love, it is a flower
And you, its only seedThe heroine, Miss Rose Vickers, although young, recognizes the fear of romantic heartbreak as real, but she does not avoid the possibility. Instead, she accepts what she cannot control and plunges head first into a relationship with a man dead set on only being her guardian.
It’s the heart, afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
It’s the dream, afraid of waking
That never takes the chance
It’s the one who won’t be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul, afraid of dying
That never learns to liveMeanwhile, Jacob Casper, the 13th Earl of Everwalt, believes his life of dissipation is all he requires until he must marry and provide the earldom the traditional “heir and a spare.” Love has nothing to do with begetting a child on his future wife. However, as Midler’s “The Rose” tells us, there are certain endeavors in life, including most importantly, falling in love, which require a considerable degree of courage on the part of participants.
When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed that with the sun’s love
In the spring becomes the roseSo, although some consider this song has something to do with dying, as it is often played at funerals, and because such was the plot, which is loosely based on the rise and fall of Janis Joplin, I think otherwise. I dwell on the lines , “I say love, it is a flower, and you its only seed” in the first verse and the last two lines of the third verse, which say, “Lies the seed that with the sun’s love, in the spring becomes the rose.” The song speaks to the durability of love. Therefore, I offer the book’s tagline: The True Beauty of a Rose Lies in its Contradictions.
OOH! What an explanation! I love it! I also love where Regina says, “There are certain endeavors in life, including most importantly, falling in love, which require a considerable degree of courage on the part of the participants.”
So. Much. Yes.
If that’s not enough for you (yet), I’ve got more! And so does Regina, thankfully. Ready for the book’s official and actual description (although what we’ve already gotten is pretty darn good)?
The new Earl of Everwalt was not one to appreciate being bamboozled by an obstinate, headstrong girl, though pretty she may be. If he did not require her to repair his reputation, he would leave her to the schemes she had concocted to save her father’s estate.
Just because he was now her guardian, the Earl of Everwalt had no right to decide who she might marry. Therefore, Miss Rose Vickers sets out for London to provide the new earl a piece of her mind, only to run into a highwayman. As if scripted, the new earl proves to be her savior, but it would be some time before the suspicious Rose and the extremely susceptible Everwalt learn the depth of their connection and the true meaning of love.
Are you ready to grab your copy? I sure am!
“The Earl’s English Rose” is one of six tales in The Regency Summer Garden Anthology.
Also Available to Read for Free on Kindle Unlimited
And remember: the best way to show your appreciation for a book is to leave an online review for it. Some of my favorite reviews are short; others are thoughtful and perceptive. And other favorite reviews of mine are in between. There are no rights and wrongs — so long as you are honest.
Be sure to connect with Regina Jeffers! It’s free! It’s fun! It’ll let you learn about more of her books!
Every Woman Dreams (Blog)
Austen Authors (Blog)
Amazon Author Page
You Tube Interview
Regina Jeffers’s Website
Remember if you’re an author or have a friend who’s an author, the Featured New Book Spotlight is waiting to be filled by you (or them)! This is my labor of love, my way of helping readers find new books. Join me. Grab one of the books you see featured here. Send your friends over. Fill out the form yourself, if it’s your book. Because no one can talk about your book if they don’t hear about your book!
July 18, 2022
We are back after a few weeks off with the new release (TODAY new!) from our friend Carol Kilgore. And when I say “Our friend Carol Kilgore,” I mean that. I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Carol over the past few years and not only are her books a LOT of fun, but she’s become one of my favorite people. And okay, I have a lot of favorite people, but Carol’s up there among the fierce competition.
And so I’m super excited to host Carol Kilgore for the first time ever today! Why hasn’t she been here before? Good question! I’ll let you ask her that, since the one and only question I promised to ask wasn’t that one. It was… I mean, hello, if you’ve hung out here for any length of time, you know what it is: Carol Kilgore, what song makes you think of your book, Witches and Fairies and Tacos… Oh My ?
Well of course there’s “Witchy Woman” by the Eagles, even though both my witches are blondes. But I couldn’t stop there, not when the tagline for this book is PRACTICAL MAGIC meets BEWITCHED.
So I have to add The Bewitched theme song and the theme from Practical Magic as well. Sometimes I would wake up in the night with the Practical Magic song in my head because many days I listened to it over and over as I wrote.
I haven’t heard Witchy Woman in years and WOW, not only is this such a blast from the past, it’s a song that’s really held up and oh, the memories. BUT it’s absolutely perfect for the book. Yes.
The Bewitched theme song just made me laugh. I used to love that show, but I think Carol’s witches are way cooler. And much, much better dressed. And as for the Practical Magic theme? What a lovely, uplifting piece of music.
Yes. I approve, Carol. I approve. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane!
Need to know what more this all adds up to? Yes, you do. This is FUN STUFF, folks.
Practical Magic meets BewitchedFirst Book in the House Witches Mystery Series
Charli Quinn and her sister Brielle own House Witches Cleaning and promise to clean like magic. They may not be your everyday, run-of-the-mill witches, but they are… something.
When Charli finds the husband of one of their clients dead, the wind warns her to beware the man with eyes of green. As the sisters search for the ominous man, they find themselves in danger and rely on their real magic to outsmart the killer.
Along the way, Charli and Brielle have help from a group of fairies, and even a talking cow. And Charli falls head over broomstick for a tall, sexy deputy with dreamy blue eyes who saves her from being hijacked by a water sprite.
Of course, it wouldn’t be Texas without tacos.
They are:
+ Best friends
+ Work partners
+ Sisters
+ Witches… wicked good witches
Yes, right? A talking cow? A group of fairies? A bit of romance and a water sprite?? Only here, folks, and it is So. Much. Fun.
Get your copy now! It’s Amazon exclusive, but we love Carol anyway. Actually, I think it was her who explained to me why, and it was a very very wise reason. Like I said, Carol is one of my favorite people for a reason!
Come see why and connect with author Carol Kilgore:
Amazon Author Page
As always, if you’re an author or have a friend who is, the Featured New Book Spotlight would love to highlight you and your book. Or your friend and their book. We aren’t picky; we just want to highlight books and music and have some fun. What’s stopping you from joining us?
And, of course, the best way to say thanks to an author for taking the time to do promo, for writing a great book, for… anything! Is to write a review and post it online. It doesn’t matter where; the idea is to get people talking about a book you like (or hate; yes I’m a fan of a well-written review that isn’t gushing praise of a book) in order to help others discover it.