Tag Archives: Charnelle Pinkney Barlow

Weekend Catch-Up


The general intent is to take weekends off, since I like to sleep in on Saturdays, if I’m not at a book event, and just have down time on the weekends.
Speaking of book events! I’m at Lolev Brewery here in Pittsburgh today for an Adult Book Fair. Making new fans, networking with other authors, hanging out, and checking out the beer and other crafters. Gonna be a good time.

But I want to catch up on the Book of the Day that I’ve been posting up to now, since these books deserve more attention. So I’ll be listing them, oldest to newest, a few each weekend until we’re caught up. Check them out!

Jaye Wells, Dirty Magic

Susan Helene Gottfried (hey, that’s me!), ShapeShifter: The Demo Tapes (Year 1)

Beverly Jenkins, To Catch a Raven

Charnelle Pinkney Barlow and Jodie Patterson, Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope

Poncho Bosque, Chronicles of Heroes

Let me know if you can figure out what all these books have in common, and if you have suggestions for future Books of the Day!
