Tag Archives: Joshilyn Jackson

Mail Call! Joshilyn rules


Since it’s been quiet over here, I’m posting my weekly mail call (a merge of In My Mailbox and Mailbox Monday) here instead of at Rocks ‘n Reads.

I only got one book, but it’s a doozy (when don’t I get a doozy, though? You guys know me. I adore books). My friend drey sent me her ARC copy of Joshilyn Jackson’s newest book, Backseat Saints. Backseat Saints

I haven’t read anything by Ms. Jackson since gods in Alabama, which I thought was a brilliant book. From what I’m hearing of Backseat Saints, this won’t disappoint (neither will the intervening books, but I need to get my hands on them before I can judge properly).

So that’s it. One book. My attempts to tame the TBR mountains continue…

(News of Trevor’s Song in print to come, along with the cover art. In the meantime, you e-book readers should head over to Smashwords and pick up a copy in your preferred format. Half-off this month as part of the Summer Sale!)
