Tag Archives: make suggestions

The Book Question of the Week! Women Sleuths


West of Mars

Over at the West of Mars Facebook Page, I’ve started running Book Questions of the Week. I’d love it if you’d drop in and leave some suggestions and links there, but if you’d like to leave ’em here, too, go for it.

After all, one can never have too many suggestions for great books to read.

This week’s theme: Women Sleuths, contemporary age. This is, of course, to celebrate Women’s History Month, and don’t ask how contemporary women sleuths make up Women’s History, except women are making history, maybe. It’s a bit of a stretch, but too bad.

Leave suggestions and/or links here or there. You can suggest your own books, you can suggest a friend’s books, you can suggest a book (or series) you love… it’s all good! And, of course, along with your links, feel free to actually (shocker alert:) talk to each other about your suggestions.

You just might make some new friends.

I love new friends. Especially book friends.

So let’s hear it. Women sleuths, licensed or not. Contemporary age.

Who are your faves?

And don’t forget that we’ve got the Featured New Book Spotlight and Lines of Distinction for your promotional needs. Take advantage: they cost you NOTHING!

And hey, if you’re still reading… if you’re a new client and your manuscript IS the BQOTW, speak up before the next one gets posted and you’ll get a discount on your editing needs!


Help a Teen Girl Out


So the Teen Girl continues to read voraciously and has discovered a new love: The late Tudor period, extending into the Stewart period, says my good friend Marie Burton at Burton Book Review. Of all the bloggers and readers I know, Marie knows historical fiction the best, so when I told her what The Teen Girl was reading, she helped me hone in on that period.

But … Marie’s an adult and the Teen Girl is… well, she’s not officially a teen yet. She’s still a pre-teen.

That means Marie doesn’t know the YA historical fiction world as well as the Teen Girl would like her to. Meaning: intimately, inside-out, AND completely, all rolled into one ball of knowledge.

Have you read anything from this time period? Got any titles to recommend? Written any?

Bring ’em on.

And yes, I hope to encourage Teen Girl and Teen Boy to get off the Minecraft and get back to blogging. I miss them around these parts. Hope you do, too.
