Tag Archives: speaking engagement

Susan Speaks: Yes, Yes I do


So last week, I was full of the news that I was named one of the best freelance SFF editors out there. I’m still very flattered by that.

But this week, I’ve got more cool news for you. I’m leaving Chez West of Mars and making another personal appearance! The wonderful folk at Three Rivers Romance have invited me to come speak and present my workshop on what makes a great review.

Which means that yes, if I can fit it into my crazy busy life, I’m totally available for speaking engagements, workshop presentations, even to be editor-in-residence at your weekend retreat or conference. And you know what? I love to get out and interact with authors. So much so that a friend and I are looking into running our own retreats.

I have a couple other irons in the fire, as well. Things you may not expect from me unless we’ve worked together for any length of time… Things you’ll like.

Come join me. If you can’t make it to TRR this weekend, why not invite me to your next meeting or conference? I’d love to do it and as any of my clients can tell you, I have plenty to say. Wait. Let me put that in a better light ’cause I’m not really the blabbermouth I just made myself out to be. I have plenty of experience I’d be glad to share.

And here you thought I liked to sit (or stand) behind a monitor all day. As much as I do, I like to get out and see people, too.
