Tag Archives: Thursday night fiction time

Now where’s the flash?


Personal friends of my Facebook page might have seen the status last night: at library. Or something to that effect.

You guys know that Thursday nights are my writing time. So… where’s the writing?

Well, it’s stored in Dropbox, half-finished. I spent most of my time working on other stuff — bouncing ideas around with a couple of clients, writing a guest blog post. Productive stuff that I’m proud of.

Yet producing new fiction remains a struggle.

So… get ready for Demo Tapes 4 next month. Spread the word, pick up copies of the backlist, book me now for guest blog spots and interviews. Heck, I’m always available for promo, about anything you’d like to talk about. My fiction? Editing? Reviewing? Even my gig as a foster cat mom?

But while my editing clients keep me so gloriously busy, though, know it’s going to cut into my Thursday night fiction time.
