December 7, 2020
Do you LOVE this cover, or WHAT???
It’s what caused me to strike up a conversation with author Vickie Fisher, and then invite her to stop in today to tell us about the book itself. As if that cover doesn’t speak for itself. Ooh, baby. I am in love. With the cover. Don’t judge me.
So… Tell us, Vickie Fisher! What song makes you think of your new book?
What’s A Memory Like You (Doing In A Love Like This) byJohn Schneider. I have always loved this song and thought how amazing it would be to have someone love you so much that your memory is always just a moment away. Then of course the realization that the reason they are pining for me is that I didn’t love them the same way. And the happy feeling the song first gave me turned to sadness. I mean how could someone love someone so completely without that person loving them back. In my romantic mind, I had to fix it. After all, the foolish girl who threw that love away had to have a reason, right. Maybe she did love him like that, but something happened and she had to walk away from him. And so A Memory Like You was born.
Ooh, WOW. What a reason! I love books inspired by songs… obviously, right? Because what’s the one question I ask y’all around here? But to improve on the song and make it happy?
I’m there. Totally.
Check out the official back cover copy:
Anyone who knew them never doubted the love Cassidy and Shane shared was a gift from God.
When a misunderstanding blows their relationship apart, no one expects them to still be apart five years later. Champion bull rider Shane Cartwright has made too many mistakes in his life—the worst was letting Cassidy McDaniel go. Can she ever forgive him? With the rodeo season half over, he needs to convince her to once again pursue her dream of becoming the first female World Champion Bull Rider.
Can their time together mend broken fences, or will it take a miracle to bring their hearts back together?
And it’s a Western! The cover, the setting… this is my catnip, folks. Is it yours? Or maybe a friend’s? Pick up a copy:
Barnes and Noble
And connect with Vickie Fisher, too! We haven’t spoken much, but so far, I like her. She’s a fellow Pennwriter, after all. (And yes, I highly recommend the Pennwriters, no matter where you live. I have been a member for the past 20 or so years, and then for a short time before that, so yeah. 10/10. Highly recommend.)
Remember, the best way to thank an author for their hard work is to buy a copy of their book–and then to gift a copy, as well! But if you can’t do that and still want to pay it forward, think about leaving a review online. If you’re struggling with your review, let me know and I’ll help.
And if you’re an author who’d like to step into the spotlight, or have a friend who you’d like to see featured here, the Spotlight is open to all, even if we’ve never met before. Fill out the handy-dandy form and I’ll get to each entry in turn, usually on Sundays, after my bike ride. Because yes, I’m back on bikes and yes, that’s when I’m not busy editing!
November 30, 2020
Let’s welcome Brenda Sparks back to West of Mars and the Featured New Book Spotlight! If you missed her last visit in the early days of lockdowns and pandemics, here’s the link to remind yourself of all the goodness she brought us in March 2020.
Brenda is back today with the next in her Alpha Council Chronicles — the sixth book, actually! Wow! — and it’s called Alpha Eternal. But before we talk about the book, let’s go for the tunes. Brenda Sparks, what song makes you think of your book?
At the risk of dating myself, I can’t help but think of the song, Lovely Day by Bill Withers, when I think about my latest paranormal romance, Alpha Eternal. Having watched his fellow Alpha Council members find their heartmates, the hero of Alpha Eternal is ready to find a soul mate of his own, and he longs for that one person who will give him a reason for being.
Alex most definitely embodies the lyric from the song which goes, “When the day that lies ahead of me seems impossible to face. When someone else instead of me always seems to know the way, Then I look at you, and the world’s alright with me. Just one look at you and I know it’s gonna be a lovely day.”
Alpha Eternal is a dark paranormal story about a vampire who is sent to infiltrate a demonic compound. Unfortunately for him, a chance meeting in the past comes back to haunt him when he is assigned to a guard who despises him. Alex is a spy. Shira is his enemy. And yet for some reason, fate seems destined to bring them together…again and again.
Ooh, that funky bass line! And while the book may be dark, this song is not! How have I never heard this before?
Ready for the book description? I sure am!
Alexander Hall is a fun-loving vampire whose duty comes before all else, except maybe finding a heartmate. Discouraged when he is assigned to infiltrate a demonic compound, Alex plans on getting in and out fast, but fate has other plans. Once Alex discovers a sexy demon from his past is chosen as his guide, he couldn’t be more pleased.
Shira is a demon who likes to keep to herself, so when the demon king asks her to be Alex’s guide, she couldn’t be less pleased. Keeping the vampire from discovering demon secrets quickly becomes a full-time job. A job she didn’t ask for and most definitely doesn’t want.
With the vampire’s desire for someone to commit his heart to and the demon looking to run as far away as possible, how will fate intervene to bring this unlikely couple together?
A vampire-demon love… I love it! Fresh, unique… I love this sort of fiction!
Need a copy? Take note: The book doesn’t release until December 9, so you’ll be pre-ordering. Which means you’ll forget about it and then on December 9, you’ll open your e-reader and it’ll be there, a gift from your past self to your present self.
Be good to your future self.
Barnes and Noble
And connect with Brenda Sparks! Chatting with authors is fun.
Facebook Fan Page
Twitter Handle: @brenda_sparks
Facebook Author Page
Whew! Lots of ways to get to know a great author. Take advantage! What’s the point of social media if it’s not social?
And now, for the standard disclaimers:
* One of the best ways to show appreciation for an author’s book is to leave a review.
* The absolute best way is to buy a copy and gift it to a friend or family member.
* If you are struggling with a review, drop me a note and I will help!
* The Featured New Book Spotlight is open to anyone, so send your author friends over via this link. This is not something I only offer to certain authors. If you’ve published a book — or even a short story in an anthology! — the spotlight is yours to step into.
November 23, 2020
Let’s welcome Lyndi Alexander back to West of Mars! If you missed her earlier visits, Love Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me was featured here,and she featured Windmills with a spot in my Lines of Distinction fun here, as well.
So what has Lyndi Alexander have for us today? It’s her new release, Adversaries (The Color of Fear), and here she is to tell us what song makes her think of her book:
This book wraps up all the waiting that’s been building since Lin Kwan first saved her cousin from thugs in Hong Kong in the first pages of WINDMILLS. She has found her father and is poised to give him the herbs that can save the world. Xi San is in St. Louis and ready to have it out once and for all with the white supremacist Gabriel, who’s killed his friends and so many others. Assassin Jin Piao knows where to find his targets. Gabriel stands prepared to lead his Angels to cleanse what’s left of America of BIPOC. Battle is in the air….
This why “In the Air Tonight” by Phil Collins encapsulates this book, which takes place over only two weeks. IT’S COMING. WINDMILLS and DESTINATIONS have served to pull all the players into place; now all the pieces will fall.
Ahhh… Eighties music for the win, and this is a classic even beyond that.
And look at all these pieces coming together, along with the timely topics the book tackles — but what stands out to me the most is the tight timeline. The entire story unfolds in two weeks.
Here’s what this series-ender is about:
Life after the devastating biological terrorist attack that decimated the White population in the US is beginning to recover as Tzu Lin Kwan is finally able to deliver her precious cargo of herbs to her scientist father. Or is it?
The virus may be mutating, spreading to infect those previously immune. Tzu Shin and his fellow scientists—and now Kwan—are literal prisoners of the US military.
The White supremacist army of the demagogue Gabriel has invaded St. Louis. And the Chinese assassin Piao knows where to find his targets. Kwan and her friends Valery, Eddie, and San are ready to fight to the death to defend their recovering world. The question is: Are courage and determination enough?
Talk about timely… Wow!
Grab yourself a copy; you know you want to!
Zumaya Publications
And be sure to connect with Lyndi, too. Because it’s always fun to chat with authors.
Amazon Author Page
Smashwords | Lyndi Alexander
For the standard disclaimers:
* Remember that a review is one of the best ways to show an author appreciation for their book!
* Another good way is to buy a copy to give as a gift.
* If you want to leave a review but are struggling, reach out to me and I will help!
* Send your author friends the link to submit their own.
* Check back every Monday to see what books are being featured, help spread the word, and jam some great tunes.
September 28, 2020
My good friend Katie Zaber is back with the next entry in her Dalya series. If you missed out on the first one, you’d better get busy because this is a series that’s building into something that I fully expect to be monumental.
Katie, what song reminds you of Below Dark Waters?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have your childhood fears plague you instead of adult problems? Wouldn’t it be easier to hit rewind and relive your childhood when all you had to be afraid of was the imaginary monster under your bed?
Megan had to grow up fast, but that doesn’t mean she’s ready to make adult decisions. She’s constantly second guessing herself, afraid she will screw up or make matters worse. I think she would rather youth’s ignorant bliss than dealing with reality and all the lies she believed.
Ooh, so what does THAT mean? Well, you’re going to have to read the book to know!
And hey, Katie Zaber? I’m not an Indigo Girls fangirl — I like them well enough, I suppose, for a metal queen — but wow, I like this song. It’s moody. The harmony section fits the book. Nice choice!
So what’s Below Dark Waters about?
Princess Megan, who never had a reason to assume she was anything but human, has been on the run, protected by her friends. With each step toward the city of Delmont, she hopes they will have time to regroup before setting sail to the Ka’Pamau Islands, their final destination. Instead, her bad luck shadows her and chaos continues to ensue everywhere she goes—including a new part of the world that most air breathers have yet to explore. Confronted with another royal family and a smitten prince whose advances turn cold, she faces another life-altering decision with ramifications she can’t possibly begin to guess at.
Back on land, Lilly reveals more of her secrets, her story, and her goals. Monumental changes and challenges are headed her way as she embraces her new role in life.
On the sea, Aunt Carmia is stirring up trouble while continuing her hunt for the treasure she most desires. She experiences upheavals, but she is always prepared for the unknown.
As their stories unfold, they remain unaware how fate connects them in the world of Dalya.
Whaaaat? The song focused on Megan! What’s with these others?
Oh, my friends. Grab a copy and start reading — and yes, you must start with the first. Lucky for you, that’s only one book ago! (Unluckily for all of us, I have no idea where the third book is or how long we’ll have to wait for it.)
Here are your buy links:
Smashwords (This is an affilate link and will give me a few pennies of your appreciation.)
August 3, 2020
Let’s welcome Sadira Stone to West of Mars!
Sadira’s a new-to-me author, and I’m glad to meet her and host her here today. Let’s get right to business:
Sadira Stone, what song makes you think of your book?
Call me corny, but the song that comes to mind when thinking of my steamy older woman/younger man beach romance novella Gelato Surprise is “At Last” as sung by Etta James. This one’s popular at weddings, and for good reason.
Hubs and I are a late-in-life love story. Both divorced, we met while working at the same high school on a U.S. Air Force base in Germany—which makes him my high school sweetheart, I guess. 😊 At our wedding in 2014 my daughter, a gifted singer (proud mama much?), sang “At Last” for our first dance. Reader, there was not a dry eye in the house. I’m so grateful to have found my perfect partner, even if I had to wait 48 years to finally meet him.
Danielle Peters, the heroine of Gelato Surprise, goes through something similar. Forty-two and freshly divorced, Danielle is determined to keep her kids’ lives as normal as possible. But her ex spoils their annual beach vacation by whisking the kids away for a surprise Disney trip, leaving her stuck with a two-week rental. Her friends convince her to take the trip solo, time to think about her next chapter. Skeptical and glum, Danielle heads for the beach alone—until she meets Matteo, a gorgeous young Italian gelato vendor and furniture designer. She agrees to be his pretend date to the town’s Sons of Italy banquet in an effort to thwart the matchmaking nonna mafia, but their first kiss flares into something much hotter than make-believe.
Now she’s faced with an impossible situation: what she promised herself would be a no-strings vacation fling is quickly spinning into a deeper connection, but how can she reconcile that with her responsibilities to her kids?
Here’s a peek at Danielle’s dilemma.
Still holding her hands, Matteo drew her to a patch of shade beneath a cluster of anemic palm trees. He flashed an adorable, shy grin that crinkled the corners of his eyes. “Danielle, I really like you, but I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring you to do something you’re not ready for.”
I’m ready! Her id hollered and waved like an over-excited second grader.
He twined his fingers with hers and continued. “Unfortunately, Sal needs me this afternoon, and I’m driving him to Aberdeen tonight. How about tomorrow? We could do a picnic lunch on the beach. There’s a special spot I’d like to show you.” He dipped his head and nuzzled the sensitive crook of her neck. “Are you still up for it? Or have I scared you off with my grabby hands?”
The heat of his breath scrambled her brain. No doubt about it, he wanted her. And she wanted him so badly her teeth ached.
She sucked in a deep breath. “I’ll bet you get a lot of single women tourists throwing themselves at you.”
He shrugged. “A lot of women flirt. Doesn’t mean anything.” He rested his forehead against hers. “I collect drawer pulls, and doorknobs, and picture frames—not women.”
She pressed her lips together and dropped her gaze to their joined hands. This guy definitely earned an A-plus in handholding. Never had such a simple act felt so intimate, so sensual. The way his thumb traced arcs across her knuckles made her imagine what those hands could do on her bare body, stretched out on her king-size bed, the sea breeze lifting the curtains while his hands brushed over her breasts…
Her common sense made a last, futile stand. “Matteo, I’m old enough to be your—”
“No.” He squeezed her hand. “You’re not. Though you are old enough to be my sexy babysitter.” He quirked an eyebrow. “Every guy’s fantasy.”
I love a good May-December romance, and this one looks like sexy fun.
Ready for the description? Although after that intro, you may not. That was a GREAT answer.
She came to the beach to find herself—and found him.
Forty-two-year-old divorcée Danielle Peters ends up alone on her family’s annual beach vacation. Maybe time to herself is exactly what she needs. That and gelato from her favorite ice cream shop. But when the owner’s intoxicating young nephew offers more than sweet treats, she’s tempted to indulge in a hot summer fling before returning home.
Thirty-one-year-old Matteo Verducci craved a fresh start to mend his broken heart, and he’s found almost perfection in Ocean View, where he scoops gelato by day and crafts furniture by night. But when a sexy older woman stops to sample his wares—Mamma mia! He only has two weeks to convince her their passion is more than a delicious surprise.
Need a copy? I bet you do!
And be sure to connect with Sadira Stone. It’s always fun to get to know the authors whose books you admire and appreciate.
Amazon author page
Author newsletter
As always, if you’re a reader, remember that the best way to show appreciation for an author’s work — well, beyond buying copies to share with your friends — is to leave a review. If you’re stuck, struggling, or need help, drop me a line and I’m glad to do so. Remember: I am a former pro book reviewer! I know a few things about book reviews.
And if you’re an author or friends with an author, this spotlight is always open to you! The only requirement is that the book be new to my readers…
July 27, 2020
Let’s welcome Marilyn Barr to West of Mars today! She’s got a new book out, Bear with Me, and I’m curious. Are you?
Of course. That’s why you’re here.
Marilyn, what song makes you think of your book?
Strawberry Shifters Book 1: Bear with Me is a tale of a failing marriage between two people who love each other just like “Harmony Hall” by Vampire Weekend. Like in the song they “took a vow in summertime” but after 12 years of struggle “now we find ourselves in late December”. They have let their marriage crumble by not learning to communicate, listening to each other, and allowing the pull of financial success (and modern life) to tear them apart. When Grant gets the job opportunity of a lifetime, he asks his wife, Alison, to move to Strawberry KY for the “perfect time of that great surrender”. She decides to give Grant one last chance to prove he will listen to her and treat her as a partner.
Once in Strawberry, Grant is the workaholic he has always been but this time, Alison is not going to sit idly. The couple tentatively pushes boundaries until a car crash changes Grant forever. The cynical Pharma guy is thrust into a paranormal world which he vows to keep secret from Alison. “A wicked snake inside a place I thought was dignified”, Grant’s new Bergan Pharma job is a front for a paranormal nightmare. How can he promise Alison to be open and fight Sluagh demons from Celtic myth at the same time? “I thought that I was free from all the questioning but every time a problem ends, another one begins…”
What Grant doesn’t know is that Alison has a few secrets of her own. Ones that could make her his greatest ally or greatest weakness. He knows about her sensory processing disorder (which I share, #ownvoices) and finds her fascinating instead of strange. However, he treats her disorder as an excuse to keep her isolated from the world. Alison doesn’t want to push it by telling him her other secret she has had from birth until she can’t take it anymore. “I don’t want to live like this, but I don’t want to die…”
Will a new place, a fresh start, be enough, or will their magical secrets tear them apart? Find out in Strawberry Shifters Book 1: Bear with Me. #Strawberryshifters
Whoa! I. Am. Hooked.
And this song? Queue it up, folks. This is a new-to-me band (and song, obviously) and it’s now part of my various Spotify playlists. Thanks, Marilyn Barr, for expanding my musical horizons.
Ready to hear what the book’s about? Although, wow, that link to the song pretty much said it all, didn’t it? That might be the most in-depth answer ever, in all the years I’ve been running the New Book Spotlight, and that’s over ten years now!
Blue eyes, dimples, and silky brown hair; Grant Luther has all of Alison’s weaknesses.
When he asks for one last chance to save their marriage, she agrees to relocate their family to isolated Strawberry, Kentucky in pursuit of his career dreams. Grant views Alison’s sensory issues as limitations and protects her from outside threats. When he finds his new job includes changing him into a shifter in a war against the soul-sucking Sluagh he vows to keep the changes a secret. What he doesn’t know is Alison has been hiding a magical secret of her own. One that makes her a target of the Sluagh.
Will Alison emerge from Grant’s shadow to protect her family? And can Grant learn that being different can be a strength not a weakness?
Guys, I am blown away by this concept. There’s so much going on here, so much that’s fresh and yet so much that’s familiar, too. I… gotta read this. Totally got to read it.
Get your copy!
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
Lots of options, and not one of them is wrong! Chances are if you’d like to help out an independent bookstore, they can order this for you, as well. Just remember to leave a review when you’re done reading. And, as always, if you need help with your review, contact me and I’ll give you some guidance.
Connect with Marilyn Barr!
Amazon author profile
BookBub Author Profile
July 21, 2020
It’s been awhile since I’ve made the time to have things to say!
But it’s the weekend as I’m writing this, and it’s something I thought of as I am working — yes, working on a weekend, but hey, it’s ninety degrees outside and what else is there to do and don’t say clean my house — and thought I’d share right now.
For those of you who write scenes set in a med bay, usually within a fantasy setting, take a second and think. Do ALL of the illnesses your characters come down with require them to be in a bed? Have you ever had an illness or injury that could be dealt with while sitting… in a chair? On a table?
So often, we see hospital wards — and I’m still talking fantasy, primarily — that only have beds. A person gets sick, they’re taken to the med bay, they’re tucked into a bed. You assume the diagnosis is done there, as is anything invasive, and then any and all recovery needs to happen in bed, as well. But… does it need to?
Oh, I’m not pointing a finger at writers who will shrug and say, “That’s how it’s always done. It’s a fixture of fantasy.” To be honest, for all the fantasy I’ve read and edited over my lifetime — and it’s a lot, as it’s a genre I love — I’ve never thought about it until now, mostly because the sick character who triggered this thought doesn’t really need to be tucked into a bed.
As I think about the tradition of med bays and beds, it makes sense that we don’t think about chairs or tables to sit on and that we do think of beds. Most illnesses confine a person to bed, especially before the age of modern medicine. How often do you deal with a migraine by going to bed? And then think about how you feel when your body’s busy fighting off a virus. Pretty lousy and exhausted, and you only want to be in bed. And for things like stitches in your leg, I found out last year that hanging out in bed instead of on the couch… well, it would have kept those stitches from pulling.
Beds in the med bay make perfect sense. I don’t fault a single writer who creates a med bay with only beds in it, especially when that med bay is somewhere with limited space, like on a spaceship.
But then I think about being confined to a hospital room after I had my kids, and how I wanted to sit pretty much anywhere other than the bed. I wanted a chair! Thankfully, I was in a hospital that let me have both a private room and a chair (and that only expressed surprise when I ordered takeout for all my meals; I ate well, especially after the birth of my oldest). I could sit in my chair! And I did! I have the cutest picture of me, my son, and his day-old sister seated in that ugly, wide chair in my hospital room. No, you can’t see it. It’s not digitized, for one, and for another, the kids haven’t given me their permission to post it.
Just something to think about as you work on your worldbuilding. Does your med bay need only beds, or is there room and purpose for a chair or two?
Yes, I’ve got room for new clients! If you’d like to work with me, drop me a line, tell me about your project, and let’s see if we’re a good fit for each other.
July 6, 2020
Let’s welcome Barbara Meyers to West of Mars!
I do owe Barbara an official, public apology. My spam filter got a little aggressive and started dumping all correspondence from my website into spam. Imagine my surprise when I found this sitting there, just days away from being deleted entirely!
But we’re all here now, and life is good. (However, if you don’t hear back from me within a week to 10 days, drop me an email independent of the site. That should go through.)
Now that I’ve taken care of that, let’s get down to business because Barbara’s song for her forthcoming book is one of my all-time favorites. Ready?
Barbara Meyers, what song makes you think of your book?
It’s the first song I thought of when I saw the question, because it makes me think of love and the pain of loss. This song is personal to me because of a tragedy that struck our family and was played at the memorial service. Both the hero and heroine in If You Dare have lost someone important to them, and they find their way through grief together. But still, they never forget the person they loved and lost.
Wow! To be able to hear something so starkly personal and not keep the song only for that memory. That takes strength and an open heart.
The book doesn’t come out until September, but the presale is running, and so here’s what it’s about. Go preorder now and then when it arrives, it’ll be like a gift that magically shows up on your ereader! How can you resist? Your future self will thank you. Here’s why?
Can a man evolve from arrogant ass to Father of the Year?
Doug Winston looks into his newborn daughter’s eyes and vows to become the kind of man and father worthy of her. But he first must navigate the mess he’s made of his life.
Doug’s wife has left him. His baby mama dies and to avenge her death her sister, Josie, wants to prove him unfit and attain custody. The teenage son he raised despises him, the father he worships disowns him, and a child Doug never knew he’d fathered arrives on his doorstep.
As Doug embarks on his quest to live authentically, to make amends where he can and build relationships with his children and with Josie, he discovers that the father for whom he was never good enough is part of a vast criminal network.
Just as Doug and Josie cross the line from hate to love, and Doug has cobbled together the family he always wanted, can he bring the man he once idolized to justice in order to protect them all?
That’s some description, huh? I love a good redemption story.
Like I said, preorder your copy!
Universal link
And connect with Barbara Meyers online. You’ll be glad you did.
Facebook Author Pages
Amazon Author Page
Twitter URL
As always, remember to leave a review once you’ve read the book. Reviews help in many ways! If you’re unsure your review will pass muster, I’m always willing to help out. Drop me a line, although if you don’t hear back, contact me directly!
And, as always, if you’re an author, I’d love to host you for a day. If you’re not an author but have a friend who is, send ’em on over! The only requirement is that the book be new to my readers. I’ll let you decide what exactly that means.
June 8, 2020
Book Cover for book by Katie Zaber, Ashes and Blood
I’ve read it and I love it. So you all now need to go get your own copy and see how right I am.
As I said, this is Katie Zaber’s debut — wait. I didn’t say that. Well, now I am! It’s also the first in a series and I doubt I’m the only one foaming at the mouth for the next book. I use a mechanical keyboard, so this is NOT a good habit I’ve developed, let me tell you… plus the neighbors are a bit worried… okay, more than usual…
Katie, what song makes you think of your book?
Swan Dive by Ani DiFranco —
There is nothing like diving into an adventure, especially when you have no clue where your feet will land… or if they will ever hit solid ground again. And after impact, will you have the strength to get up?The song “Swan Dive” reminds me of Megan, the main character in Ashes and Blood. She is more pragmatic and sticks to her morals. When faced with impossible decisions, she still does what she believes is right, even if the outcome destroys her.
Yeah, I can see this… this is also new to me. I love it when you guys expand my musical horizons. (Really, this is why I love this feature so much. I get to learn stuff!)
Need the cover copy?
“I’ll start at the beginning. Long ago, before roads, before we built structures, before medicine was discovered, before the government was created, before man gained any knowledge, there were The Five. Independent from each other, The Five had a mutual respect for one another. They knew their roles in the world and their duty. They were gods…”
An adventure begins when an otherworldly tree captures the attention of Megan and her friends. The environment morphs around them, transferring them to an exotic planet. Stuck in a rural town still maimed by the plague, a chance encounter with a familiar face gives Megan and her friends some security during their adjustment period.
While settling into new, promising lives, they are attacked and stalked by planet Dalya’s humanoid inhabitants, who focus on Megan. One dark night, after an epic, magical attack, the Fae King’s knight is sent to fetch Megan. When she wakes up a prisoner, she learns that there is much more to this strange world, and it is oddly more like her own than she ever would have expected.
Guys, this doesn’t do the storyline justice! There is SO MUCH to this story and it’s new and it’s fresh and if you can’t tell how high I am on it, well, you’re not reading carefully enough.
Get yours!
Smashwords (This is an affiliate link, so you know, but it’s also FREE until July 4!)
Barnes and Noble
And, of course, connect with Katie! She is lovely and fierce and all sorts of good things. You’ll be glad she’s part of your life. I know I am.
Remember, once you’ve read this, be sure to leave a review! Reviews help books find new readers, and YES it is okay to leave a thoughtful, negative review if the book doesn’t work for you. But this one will. No worries there. And if you’re struggling with reviews, be sure to reach out. I’m more than glad to help.
Also, be sure to send over your author friends for their turn in the spotlight! Here’s the link to the handy-dandy form.
May 25, 2020
How awesome is the cover for Liz Garton Scanlon’s book, Thank You, Garden? Every time I see it, I just want to break out into a smile. Okay, I don’t just want to. I actually do. This is the happiness we all need right now.
So I’m especially glad Liz Garton Scanlon stopped in today to visit with us and tell us about her new book.
Liz, what song makes you think of your book?
I love Guy Clark’s Homegrown Tomatoes.
I think lots of folks immediately imagine the work involved in gardening but this song is all about the rewards, the pleasure, and the deliciousness that make the digging and tilling and weeding worthwhile!
This song is AMAZING. It’s so perfectly representative of its time and it, too, is making me smile as I’m listening to it.
Can we talk about how Liz focuses on the GOOD parts of gardening? I think we all need that, too. Especially if you’re like me and don’t like digging holes. Once they’re in, I’ll tend to them. But that planting day? I shudder. I do.
Liz, tell us more about Thank You, Garden:
In THANK YOU, GARDEN — written by Liz Garton Scanlon and illustrated by Simone Shin — a community garden unites neighbors in a celebration of all the things that grow there, from flowers and fruits to friendships. This ode to working together for a better world will have young readers wanting to plant gardens of their own!
My daughter’s headed to a college that has a partnership with their local community and supports a community garden. She’s already expressed interest in it (having zero interest in helping me in our own home, of course!), and so I doubly love all this garden love right now. Fresh food! Community! Breaking down barriers!
I am SO there.
Pick up a copy!
Barnes & Noble
Connect with Liz Garton Scanlon, because she’s pretty darn cool.
And, as always, the best way to give props to an author, short of buying their books for ALL your friends, is to leave a review. If you’re struggling and need help, reach out to me. Good writing takes both practice and instruction, and I’m glad to help.
Also, if you’re an author or have friends who are, don’t wait to be invited into the spotlight. It’s always open, ready to shine on you. Here’s the handy-dandy form.
Book Cover, Thank You, Garden
May 11, 2020
It’s an absolute honor to welcome Kayelle Allen back to West of Mars today. She’s one of my favorites in the book world because she’s all class, all the time, and her books… the scope of her imagination blows me away.
Today, actually, is the release for her newest book, A Stolen Heart. It’s part of the Antonello Brothers series, if you’re familiar with that series. (If not, what are you waiting for? Well, okay, finish reading the post and THEN go check it out.)
Kayelle Allen, what song reminds you of your book?
Uprising — that’s the song I played when writing A Stolen Heart. Recorded by Audiomachine, it has Latin lyrics, which is fine — I wouldn’t understand the language of my immortals either. It could just as well be sung in their Naro. The rhythm, the majestic sweep of notes, the latent force behind the song all speaks to my spirit. The hero, Luc, is a general who’s “retired” for this lifetime. Uprising could be his anthem. Listen to it and you’ll hear the troops he’s led to victory, and encouraged during defeat. Uprising his a powerful song for a powerful hero.
Was this song written for a movie soundtrack? I love it! This would indeed be awesome to work to.
Ready for the book description? I sure am.
When he rescues a half-human orphan, a glorified space pirate turned entrepreneur sets in motion a chain of events that threatens to topple the powerful Thieves’ Guild he once led.
Multiple layers of conspiracy unfold, reaching all the way to Luc’s immortal ex–the king. Hidden behind each mystery he solves looms an unseen foe, undoing the good Luc accomplishes. For the sake of this child, Luc must postpone his own freedom and master his desire for revenge or he will violate an ancient vow. Worse, he’ll put the toddler at risk.At war with his compassion for the vulnerable, loyalty to the king, duty to the Guild, and the bright lure of freedom he’s coveted for centuries, Luc seeks the right path. Will he choose liberty and unparalleled success, or restore the Thieves’ Guild to its former glory while overseeing the child’s training?
A hard choice for any man. For an immortal whose inner monster can destroy on sight? Impossible.
A pirate with a monstrous past can never be trusted with an innocent child. Luc must ensure the child is protected, safe, nowhere near danger. Nowhere near him. Even if this little boy has already stolen his heart…
Okay, I’m hooked. Totally and completely. Are you?
The book’s available TODAY, but only on Kindle.
And I usually write a short intro inviting you to connect with Kayelle Allen, but she’s got that covered, too! Check it!
Kayelle Allen writes space opera with larger than life, unforgettable characters. Come walk in her worlds and meet her misbehaving robots, mythic heroes, immortal gamers, and warriors who purr.
(I love her intro so much!)
Remember, if you’re an author, here’s the link for your own turn in the spotlight. And if you’re a reader (no “just” or “only” around here; readers are important people!), the best thing you can do for a book is to leave a review. If you need help, holler. Reviews are both an art and utterly simple, but if you’re struggling, reach out and I’m glad to help.
April 27, 2020
Let’s welcome Mercedes Rochelle to West of Mars! Yay!
I love the cover of her book, don’t you? It’s so perfectly period and yes, it makes me want to pick this up and read it. (I know. I want to read almost everything!)
This is the first in a new series, friends! The series is called The Plantagenet Legacy, and that says a lot right there too, doesn’t it? The cover makes even more sense.
So… Mercedes Rochelle, what song makes you think of your book?
I AM THE COMMON MAN by the Battlefield Band.
What better song for the Peasants’ Revolt in my novel, A KING UNDER SIEGE? In 1381, fed up with their mistreatment and the Poll Tax used to support the government’s reckless spending, the common man rose and terrorized England. Only the quick thinking of 14 year-old King Richard II saved London from destruction, though he was nearly a victim, himself. Here are the lyrics:
I am the Common Man.
I am the brute and the slave.
I am the fool, the despised,
From the cradle to the grave.
I am the hewer of coal.
I am the tiller of soil.
I am serf of the seas,
Born to bear and to toil.
I am the builder of halls.
I am the dweller of slums.
I am the filth and the scourge
When winter’s depression comes.
I am the fighter of wars.
I am the killer of men,
Not for a day or an age,
But again and again and again.
I am the Common Man,
But, Masters of mine, take heed,
For you have put into my head
Oh! Many a wicked deed.
If you’d like to listen, it begins at the 36:48, so use that fast forward button first and then go back and listen to the whole thing.
I’m intrigued. Are you? I hope so!
How about the cover copy, so you know exactly what the plot is?
Richard II found himself under siege not once, but twice in his minority. Crowned king at age ten, he was only fourteen when the Peasants’ Revolt terrorized London. But he proved himself every bit the Plantagenet successor, facing Wat Tyler and the rebels when all seemed lost. Alas, his triumph was short-lived, and for the next ten years he struggled to assert himself against his uncles and increasingly hostile nobles. Just like in the days of his great-grandfather Edward II, vengeful magnates strove to separate him from his friends and advisors, and even threatened to depose him if he refused to do their bidding. The Lords Appellant, as they came to be known, purged the royal household with the help of the Merciless Parliament. They murdered his closest allies, leaving the King alone and defenseless. He would never forget his humiliation at the hands of his subjects. Richard’s inability to protect his adherents would haunt him for the rest of his life, and he vowed that next time, retribution would be his.
I have so much respect for historical authors, I can’t tell you. The depths of their knowledge, the hours spent researching, the details they have to get right… My hat’s off to you, Mercedes and all of you who put in the time and work to make historical writing such an amazing thing.
Yeah… I totally am adding this to my wish list. Are you? Or are you just ready to grab a copy? Amazon only, I’m afraid.
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Connect with Mercedes Rochelle, too! She’d love to get to know you.
Remember, the best way to say thanks to an author is to share his/her/their book with your friends and reading circle. The second best way is to write an online review. If you’re struggling with the latter, I’m glad to help. Just drop me a note and we’ll work it out.
April 23, 2020
Let’s welcome my friend Hannah Carey to West of Mars!
I have read The Hunter, and I think you guys will really like it. So I’m SUPER glad she stopped in today to tell us about it!
Hannah, what song makes you think of your book?
Karliene — The Wolf and the Moon – Queen of Camelot
This song is a bit off the beaten path but the lyrics feel like they fit for the two main characters of “The Hunter”; Rhiannon and Conor. The wounded wolf perfectly describes Conor, especially at the start of the story. Conor, who is from the Wolf Clan, has had his whole life destroyed due to war and is struggling with the loss of his family and his home. Rhiannon comes into Conor’s life unexpectedly. As they both begin to confront the blows that they’ve been dealt, a relationship blossoms between them and they begin to help one another heal.
Yep, this is a totally new artist to me! Cool! The song is haunting and evocative. Check it out. I can see it fitting with The Hunter.
Hannah, what’s the official book description?
Confronted with the truth of her past and betrayed by her uncle, she is forced into the clutches of a vengeful outlaw. For Duchess Rhiannon of Solis, her summer stay at Vara Palace is her first taste of freedom. With her uncle, Emperor Stelios of Kelnore, occupied with his war on the island of Pern Coen, Rhiannon is able to live her life away from his hostile and manipulative influence. But her freedom is destined to end with an arranged marriage to her uncle’s steward awaiting her in the empire’s capitol city. Before Rhiannon can resign herself to her fate, she is confronted by a stranger carrying information linking her to the island across the channel. Rhiannon must deal with the stranger’s unnerving allegations and contend with her uncle’s treachery as she finds herself in the hands of Pern Coen’s most ruthless outlaw. A man the people of the island call “The Hunter”.
Ooohhhh…. guys… enemies to lovers?
Grab a copy! It’s unfortunately Amazon only, but your local indie bookstore should be able to order it anyway. I think? I don’t know. Give it a try and let me know!
Also, connect with Hannah Carey. She’s awesome, so you’ll be glad you did.
Before you go, let me remind you that leaving a few words of review is the second best way to show support for an author. (The first is to share the book with all your friends and family.) If you need help, I’m glad to help you with your review writing skills. Drop me a line.
April 20, 2020
My daughter is a high school senior.
Maybe you’ve seen the comments on social media about how these kids are getting hosed. They are. I, as a parent, am. After all, this is my youngest, my baby. I don’t get the milestone closure of her graduation ceremony that will begin my transition summer into being an empty nester. I may not even get the transition summer.
But this isn’t is post to mourn these losses, although they are real and they are significant and I encourage anyone who’s feeling it to, yes, grieve and mourn. Us, our kids, our families… it’s a true loss.
This post is about something bigger, deeper. It’s about what my daughter’s high school class has done: they’re submitting pictures of themselves along with their post-graduation plans. It’s a substitute for the traditional May 1 college shirt reveal day. I love it.
But as I’m looking at it, I’m realizing it’s so much more.
It’s their way of signing each other’s yearbooks. It’s their graduation program, where these plans are printed (aren’t they? The more I think, the more I think maybe they’re not. But I know they are in the band concert program!).
But let’s focus on the signing each other’s yearbooks aspect. There are a lot of “I love you!” and “Good luck in the next four!” comments, but there are also a number that gave me pause. The young man who announced his plan is to be a career firefighter, and someone left a comment that said along the lines of, “I remember you talking about this when we were young. Glad to see you doing it.”
That touched me.
That one comment told a story. Of a friendship that drifted apart, but that there’s still a tie, a connection. That the young firefighter never wavered in his commitment to reach this goal — and in a district like ours, one of the top in the country, that could not have been an easy goal to keep.
I felt privileged to see these comments.
They may not feel like much now, but one day, these kids will get their yearbooks. Almost half of their senior year won’t be in there: it all shut down after the high school musical. And they won’t be given a chance to write platitudes and even things of meaning in them. And one day, they’ll look back at this Instagram they collaborated on and that’s where it’ll be. Archived. Waiting.
Comments matter. Maybe not today, but down the road, they will matter.
April 2, 2020
Ever been reading along, happy as anything, and suddenly A knock sounded at the door?
Ugh. I can’t tell you how badly I hate that phrase.
First, it’s not even a word, sounded. Not really. Sure, if you go over to Webster’s and search for it, you’ll be taken over to the word sound, which includes it as a form under its verb forms. But notice something? There are no examples of it in use. This is because while they recognize that people use it, all the examples are problematic. There’s no good way to showcase this word, sounded. Maybe She sounded scared — but that’s an entirely different use of the word, isn’t it?
Here are some to look at. The first one is the perfect example of today’s rant. The others are legit uses of the word.
And here’s why I hate it so badly. The knock sounded at the door is passive as anything. Like… super-duper passive.
Because knocks don’t just happen. In the example I linked to, alarms won’t just magically be sounded. You’re not just sitting there and bam, a knock appears out of the blue or an alarm magically goes off. Oh, maybe that’s how it sounds since you’re on the other side of the door and all you hear is the knock. But something, someONE makes that knock happen. SomeONE sets that alarm. It’s an active, planned action, not a passive one. In order for your character to hear that sound, a series of events had to take place. That’s all action. It may happen off the page, but it still happens.
And how many of you have been taught to use the active voice, not passive, when writing?
Yeah. Do that here.
No more knocks, explosions, voices sounded. Take the time. Write in active voice.
Your mastery of craft will thank you.
Remember, I’m always taking new clients. First-time authors, please have gone though a critique group or partner before a round of beta reads. Learn as much as you can about your craft; this lets your editing budget stretch further and benefit you more deeply.
March 30, 2020
Brenda Sparks is here to visit us!
I’ve known Brenda for years now, via Triberr, which helps us share our posts with the rest of the Twitterverse, but I think this is the first time she’s stopped in.
So let’s roll out the red carpet!
Brenda Sparks, what song makes you think of your book?
“Secret” by Maroon 5.
All of us have our secrets, and some secrets are easier to keep than others. Ever notice how secrets stomp around your brain, over and over, pounding hard footprints into your gray matter until at last, you share them with someone you trust. I began to wonder if vampires are any better at keeping secrets than humans. Turns out, not so much.I gave the lead characters in Alpha Revealed plenty of juicy secrets, and they just couldn’t keep them. So I guess vampires, like humans, have only so many secrets they don’t share…and maybe that’s for the best.
Ooh, now, I want to make sure you know this is the fifth book in a series, and so as enticing at this commentary is (and holy cow, am I curious!), you might want to check and make sure you can drop into the middle. Or, of course, start with the first! What else are you doing while social distancing or sheltering in place? (Okay, you could be like me and working, and if so, I hope your job is the joy that mine is.)
This brings us to the next best part of these spotlights. What’s the book about?
Natasha Peterhoff is the luckiest vampire in the world. Having pined over the sexy, but aloof Vladimir Starikovich for centuries, her feelings are reciprocated when the pair are drawn to each other the night of her brother’s wedding. Unfortunately, the stark light of day dawns, and the couple parts ways.
Back in Siberia, Vlad is overcome by doubts. Not only will Natasha’s brother kill him, but his own past is reason enough to keep her away. He vows to do everything in his power to keep her safe, even it if means never seeing her again.
With so many reasons to stay apart, will the ties that bind be strong enough to pull them together?
Ooh, a couple tropes at play in here… how can you resist?
Get your copy!
Barnes and Noble
And after all these choices, I’m going to say it! If you’d like a print copy, call up your favorite indie bookstore and see if they can get it for you. They’d love the business, the money you spend stays in their local community, and it’s helping keep lights on and doors metaphorically open.
Connect with Brenda Sparks, too!
Facebook Fan Page
Twitter Handle: @brenda_sparks
Facebook Author Page
Be sure to leave a review once you’ve read the book. Reviews help! If you need help with one, drop me a line and I’ll strive to give you pointers you can use forever and ever.
And if you’re an author, feel free to fill out the Spotlight form, yourself. If you’re not an author, feel free to ask your favorite author to stop in. A book only has to be new to the majority of my audience to be eligible…
March 29, 2020
Today’s guest, DV Stone, is especially comfortable in the spotlight. I mean, check out that book cover; it says it all, no?
Except… it doesn’t. Totally doesn’t. Not even close. I mean, do YOU know what song makes DV think of her book? I don’t. So I’m glad she provided the answer!
Hi, Susan.
What a fun question, especially with a book titled Rock House Grill. You know there’s going to be music. Each character has their own special song. Aden House, one of the main characters, is Simple Man. Every line of Lynard Skynard’s beautiful words touch me the author, and thus touches Aden.
The line
“Boy, don’t you worry, you’ll find yourself
Follow your heart and nothing else”
is something Aden and all of us need to do at times. Follow our hearts.
Aden’s path to becoming that “simple man” is a long, pothole-filled one. But with the help of family and friends, he should find his way.
Awesome song. Truly a classic. (And funny how many people think it’s a Shinedown song!)
I love that this song focuses on the hero’s journey, as well. Who said romance was only about the heroine’s journey?
So… what’s the whole thing about? Hero and heroine, together? Because, after all, that’s the fun of romance.
One man’s choices—One woman’s impact
Aden House, successful but driven chef and TV personality, refuses to slow down. His life implodes one night, damaging him both physically and emotionally. He’s rescued by a woman he thinks of as his angel.
Shay McDowell has rebuilt her life after her divorce. She juggles volunteer EMT duties and her job, while dreaming of becoming a chef. She finds her way to Rock House Grill and back into the life of the man she helped save.
Can love be the ingredient needed to survive the many obstacles they face?
I’m curious where the music comes in, since these people are all about cooking. Why is the place the Rock House Grill, and why does it get the title?
We need to read it, gang! C’mon! Pick up your copy and find out.
Barnes and Noble
Apple Books
Want a print copy? You can order that through your favorite independent bookstore, as well.
And be sure to connect with DV Stone! We all need a little human contact, no matter what’s happening outside (or inside) our homes!
Amazon author page
Remember! Leaving a review helps other readers find a good book — and that thoughtfully negative reviews are okay things, too. If you need help writing a review, reach out. I’m here. And if you’re an author with a book to tell us about, let’s hear from you, too!
March 28, 2020
It’s time for Stella Jayne Phillips to step into the Spotlight! Let’s give her the kind of warm West of Mars welcome authors are coming to expect once again.
And then let’s give her another because hey! This is Stella’s debut novel! (And if it’s not, it’s the only one she’s got for sale at Amazon.)
Stella Jayne Phillips (I hate that SEO makes me use your full name; it seems so stilted! But that’s what’s up. It’s all about SEO.), what song makes you think of your book?
Deep Purple by Nino Tempo and April Stevens pulls me into Sweet Dreams at The Palace Hotel and the town of Creekide because the moments when the sky is falling to purple, before true darkness, create infinite possibilities and a sense of magic. In the time between day and night, the appearance of Victoria, benevolent resident ghost of The Palace, feels almost normal and certainly believable.
I was SO not prepared for the age of this song! Or how poppy it is! I’d been expecting something dreamy, especially the way Stella describes the sky and the sense of magic… Wow! This is a really cool juxtaposition.
So. What’s the book about?
Nikki Benton crossed the threshold of the historic Palace Hotel, leaving her shattered dreams behind. Determined to follow in the footsteps of the Hotel’s original owner, she puts her heart into creating an intimate lodging experience while becoming an integral part of of the community. So what if she takes lessons on embracing life? And does it truly matter that her teacher, Mrs. Victoria Wyatt, is the hotel’s live-in ghost?
This sounds like fun! And something about the ghost makes me think of the Aunt Dimity books, which I adore as well, although I’m willing to bet that the similarity ends at the ghost.
Pick up your copy!
Barnes and Noble
As always, if you’d like a print copy, feel free to get in touch with your favorite indie bookstore and ask them to order it. They could use the business, more of the money you spend stays in the local community, and we don’t have to get angry at the store owners who act in less-than-heroic ways in order to protect their billions.
And remember: if you can leave a review online somewhere, it’ll help this book gain traction and visibility, and that’s always a good thing. If you need help writing reviews, contact me.
Connect with Stella Jayne Phillips!
And, of course, if you’re an author and would like to feature YOUR book, I’d love to host you. Seriously. This is fun for me and I love doing it. I love reading what your books are about, I love listening to your songs, and I love chatting with you guys. I’m here to help you, so take advantage!
March 27, 2020
Today, it’s Barbara Bettis’ turn to step into the spotlight! Let’s hear it for Barbara!
This one looks like it’s for all of us who love a good medieval tale! And yep, I’m totally in that category as well.
So, Barbara Bettis, what song makes you think of your book?
“Leave the Light On,” by David Cook. I listened to the song as background while writing my book and it produced a wonderful feeling of longing and hope that I can’t help but associate with Roark’s heartfelt desire for his own land and his hope that Alyss will at last accept him. It doesn’t capture the humor of Roark’s mistakes in wooing her or Alyss’s mistakes in trying to avoid him before they recognize they belong together. Still the song has the same feeling of triumph in the end and I finish it and the book with a huge sigh–and smile.
David Cook’s a favorite around here. Get me at the right time, and “Heartbeat” can level me.
If you haven’t checked out David Cook’s body of work, fire up that Spotify, shut out all the distractions, and get lost for awhile.
And now that we’ve had wooing and avoidance, what else is the book about?
He’ll do anything for land, even marry her; she’ll do anything for her people, except marry him. If only either had a choice. It’s a marriage only love can save.
Sir Roark will do anything to gain land, even beguile an unwilling lady into marriage. He knows she’s much better off with a man to take control of her besieged castle, to say nothing of her desirable person. But it isn’t long before he discovers that, although her eyes sparkle like sunlight on sea waves, her stubbornness alone could have defeated Saladin.
Lady Alyss is determined to hold her family’s castle, protect her people, and preserve her freedom— until her brother’s dying wish binds her to a stranger. Still, she’ll allow no rugged, over-confident, appealing knight to usurp her authority, even if she must wed him. Especially since he thinks a lady’s duties begin and end with directing servants. Alyss has a few surprises for her new all-too-tempting lord.
But when a common enemy threatens everything, Roark and Alyss face a startling revelation. Without love, neither land nor freedom matters.
Oh, this sounds like fun! I love an upstart heroine!
Get your copy at these retailers:
And as always, if you’d like a physical copy, feel free to call your favorite independent bookstore! They’d be glad to help you, and the majority of the money you’re spending stays in the store’s community (be it yours or a friend’s, in case you don’t have a good local indie). Plus, right now, you’re helping them stay afloat.
And, as always, if you read the book, consider leaving a review! If you’re not sure how, reach out and I’m glad to help, but a good model to start with is “I liked this because…” Or “I did not like this part because…”
Connect with Barbara Bettis, too! Always fun, always free, always rewarding.
I’ll leave with my usual standard note: if you’re an author and want a turn in the spotlight, fill out the form! If you’re a reader and would like to see your favorite author featured, that’s fine! The link will work for them, too.
March 26, 2020
Today, we get to welcome Virginia Barlow to West of Mars!
Virginia, what song makes you think of your book, The Wicked Sister?
Unchained Melody makes me think of my book The Wicked Sister. My heroine is Anastasia. How she longs for Val and the feel of his touch. She wants only him but time is running out. He loses her and searches desperately for her afraid he has lost her forever. Their hunger for each other pulls them through.
Oh, this song is a balm right now, isn’t it? Crank it, guys. Get lost in it.
Great songs never age. They merely improve, and this is one of them.
If that’s not enough of an enticement to pick the book up, here’s the official description:
With her stepfather’s sudden death, Lady Anastasia Covington goes from living a privileged lifestyle to selling vegetables in the village marketplace in the blink of an eye. Alone and at the mercy of her nefarious stepsister, she yearns for love and acceptance. Disguised as a simple soldier, Prince Percival catches a dark-haired,emerald-eyed beauty in his arms. He is bewitched. The more he sees her, the more intrigued he is by contradictions. Forced to keep his identity a secret, he must somehow convince Lady Anastasia he is the right man for her. But time is running out. Lady Anastasia’s mother is determined to find a proper suitor and see her wed-and someone wants her dead.
Ooh, shades of Cinderella there — for BOTH characters! That’s a fresh twist… so you fairy tale lovers, be sure to snap this one up. And remember, as always, leave a review. (If you’re struggling with a review, always reach out. It’s a cheap expense that hopefully will not only help the current review but any future ones you may write, as well.)
Grab your copy here:
Barnes and Noble
And, of course, if you’d like it in print, your favorite indie bookstore can help you with that, as well. Don’t have a favorite? This is the perfect time to discover one!
Connect with Virginia Barlow ’cause authors are cool people.
And, of course, if you’re an author reading this, or you know an author and want to see their book spotlighted, send them on over! I’ll be posting daily as long as we’re asked to remain home, and then will return to our weekly format.