Monday Poetry Train: Life is Beautiful


I’m stealing a page from Sparky Duck and running with some song lyrics today. Nope, not ShapeShifter lyrics (sorry, guys. But if you have lyric ideas, send ’em my way!), but a popular song I’ve been jamming to. Might even download and hand out to my spin teachers and stick on my MP3 player. Plus, it’s fitting right now; I’ve finished the first draft of the new end of Trevor’s Song.

Anyway, here you go.

Life is Beautiful:

You can’t quit until you try
You can’t live until you die
You can’t learn to tell the truth
Until you learn to lie

You can’t breathe until you choke
You gotta laugh when you’re the joke
There’s nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

I know some things that you don’t
I’ve done things that you won’t
There’s nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home

I was waiting for my hearse
What came next was so much worse
It took a funeral to make me feel alive

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

Check out the way cool band site at Sixx:AM! And for more poetry and other fun things, Rhian’s Poetry Train‘s got room for you to ogle or jump on. Whichever your comfort level, come explore some really creative people.

Also, Sixx’s new book The Heroin Diaries will be published on Tuesday. Man, I can NOT wait to get my hands on that puppy. Think I can con someone into a free copy so I can review it for Front Street Reviews?

Life is Beautiful lyrics copyright 2007 by Sixx:AM. Used entirely without permission and hopefully without negative repercussions ’cause, hey, I’m not profiting here, just helping spread the word. Contact the webmaster at if you want to get all picky on my rear, and the Tour Manager will deal with it. I love the Tour Manager!



  1. Breeni

    September 16, 2007 10:59 pm

    I saw Sixx on CNN last week, plugging the book. Glenn Beck, I think. He’s pretty level headed nowadays. I was a bit surprised.

  2. julia

    September 16, 2007 11:04 pm

    Thanks for the musical interlude! I quite enjoyed it.BR/BR/These are my favorite lines:BR/’I was waiting for my hearseBR/What came next was so much worseBR/It took a funeral to make me feel alive’BR/BR/How far away from ShapeShifter would this music be?

  3. Tempest Knight

    September 16, 2007 11:47 pm

    As I read it, somehow I could hear Steve Perry and Journey in my head. Hehehe!

  4. November Rain

    September 17, 2007 6:20 am

    oh thanks for sharing this its greatBR/I have to check out them out

  5. Susan Helene Gottfried

    September 17, 2007 7:49 am

    Steve Perry, Tempest? Oh, no. You’ve gotta check out this vocalist. He’s got this gorgeous voice that’s much deeper than Perry’s. Very smooth and passionate. Apparently, he’s a producer and songwriter; I’m glad he’s stepped in front of the mic. BR/BR/And Julia… Hmmm. Good question. I’d say this is ShapeShifter light; my boys are a bit heavier and a little less reliant on a musical hook — and a bit heavier on the guitar. I love my guitars!BR/BR/Breeni, what I’ve been seeing of Sixx lately has blown me away. I said to the Tour Manager last night that I want to meet him.

  6. Sparky Duck

    September 17, 2007 7:59 am

    whats amazing is they don’t look like a band that would have such sweet looking lyrics

  7. Susan Helene Gottfried

    September 17, 2007 8:05 am

    Looks are deceiving, love!

  8. Anna J. Evans

    September 17, 2007 8:59 am

    I”ve never heard of this band, but they sound great. I’ll go check them out.BR/BR/have a great monday,BR/BR/Anna J. Evans

  9. Bonnie Jacobs

    September 17, 2007 11:53 am

    YOU have to pick a poem, Susan. Any of them you like, no matter how far back. It’s your choice. Mosey back over to Weekend Wordsmith and tell me which one you chose.

  10. cheesygiraffe

    September 17, 2007 12:23 pm

    Beautiful song! *cries*

  11. gautami tripathy

    September 17, 2007 12:58 pm

    I think I too will chk out that song.

  12. david mcmahon

    September 17, 2007 4:37 pm

    G’day from faraway Australia,BR/BR/I followed your link from gene Bach’s blog. We have much in common – you in publishing and I in journalism.BR/BR/I am also a novelist and photographer.BR/BR/I’ve enjoyed your blog. Will be back – even as I finish off my second novel for Penguin.BR/BR/CheersBR/BR/David

  13. M.

    September 17, 2007 5:20 pm

    susan -BR/belated thanks for hopping over to visit my blog. i visited earlier but got distracted by all the interesting links!BR/btw – i love your blog title, and am eager to find out what happens east of mars

  14. Joy Renee

    September 17, 2007 5:43 pm

    wise words be here.BR/BR/never heard of Sixx. but based on these lyrics i think i already like them

  15. Amy Ruttan

    September 17, 2007 6:53 pm

    That’s a great song. I was too sick to participate this week. Making my rounds before bed.

  16. Dewey

    September 17, 2007 7:10 pm

    Another positive thinking post! I’m going to be in the best mood by the time this poetry train pulls into the station!

  17. Ann

    September 17, 2007 7:34 pm

    Thanks for sharing this. I’ll have to check them out.

  18. Anne Douglas

    September 17, 2007 9:30 pm

    I’ll have to go check it out.BR/BR/I’ve the latest iPod song stuck in my head 1234, and the latest Maroon 5 song with the lines:BR/BR/If you needed loveBR/Well ask for loveBR/Could have given loveBR/Now I’m taking love

  19. Wylie Kinson

    September 17, 2007 11:16 pm

    Tagged you for a Christmas meme, SHG!

  20. Camille Alexa

    September 18, 2007 3:10 am

    CONGRATS on the new ending draft! That’s huge!

  21. Susan Helene Gottfried

    September 18, 2007 7:52 am

    Wylie, what does a good little Jewish girl know about Christmas???BR/BR/Good thing the band knows more than I do!

  22. Jill

    September 18, 2007 9:28 pm

    I need to go check that song when I have more time!!

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