Musical Hanukkah Flashback #3


Today’s flashback to the Musical Hanukkah Celebration takes us back to 2007 once more. It’s a Thursday Thirteen post from the days when Thirteening was an Internet phenomenon. I truly miss those days, you know.

The idea of the post was to give readers — most of whom only stopped in on Thursdays — a background into the event. That in and of itself makes for the perfect flashback.

Stop in and refresh your memory. Mark your calendars for November 1, which is the start of the two-month period during which at least 50% of the royalties I earn will go to charity. Want to know more about THAT? Check it all out here.

If you can’t wait until November 1 (because books make great gifts!), that’s great, too. Go buy a book or three now and I’ll be able to donate more than 50% to charity come January 1.

Need to go back to the first flashback? Or move forward to the next?


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