Susan Speaks: Outtake Imminent


I’ve got a ton of stuff to share with you, but the apparent demise — and, as of Friday night (that’s now), the apparent rescue — of Thursday Thirteen has inspired Trevor to speak up.

I’m busy making sure I’m channelling my favorite bass player properly, so I hope to post it tomorrow (that’d be Saturday).

Warning: Trevor’s cranky, the band’s drunk, and this upcoming outtake is rated PG-13 for language and references to sexual activity. Not to mention people who are drunk and stoned. But what else do you expect when a rock band made up of guys in their early twenties throws a party?

One last note: Apologies to those of you trying to access the website today or get mail to me. We switched DSL providers and … they screwed up. If you haven’t heard back from me, please try again.



  1. jewlsntexas

    February 24, 2007 11:47 am

    Hi Susan – BR/No jest about it – I want to figure out how to get my ratings up and get more traffic to my blog. Currently I have 3 friends that view it regularly – and I’d like to meet some new people. BR/I tried using the Mr. Link widget thing – no success – the post wouldn’t allow it – something was wrong with the “html”. BR/I also signed up for Technorati – and would like to figure out how to use the tags – but as of yet – no success. I sit at your feet to learn the wonders of serious blogdom!

  2. Christine

    February 24, 2007 4:20 pm

    Oh yeah!!! I’m so happy TT will be back. The idea of not being able to discover new bloggers was more than a little sad. Thanks for the update!

  3. karen!

    February 24, 2007 11:16 pm

    Phew… the outtake isn’t up yet. I was feeling kinda guilty about not checking in to the blog today (crazy day!)…BR/BR/Can’t wait to “see” Trev tomorrow!

  4. Susan Helene Gottfried

    February 24, 2007 11:27 pm

    I’m probably an idiot, but I was waiting for my groupies to check in and say they were ready… BR/BR/My hit counter missed you today. But I have hamantashen boxed up for you. Some are for Lauren, so play nice!

  5. rashbre

    February 25, 2007 12:07 pm

    Won’t we be able to add a technorati tag so that we can still find one anothers’ T13?BR/BR/A HREF=”” REL=”nofollow”rashbre/A

  6. Susan Helene Gottfried

    February 25, 2007 12:09 pm

    Sure, we can, but … TT has been sold and resurrected! We can continue as we had been before. Yippee!!

  7. Claire

    February 25, 2007 8:17 pm

    Hey i am back, just put up some new hiking photos, i don’t think you could bike up number 4 but number 3 would be perfect for cycling (no pictures on that one though!)BR/It’s great about TT!BR/Who or what is ‘trev’BR/Toodle Pip!

  8. Claire

    February 25, 2007 8:23 pm

    Ha! spotted trevor link in above post, i am off to investigate!

  9. Wylie Kinson

    February 27, 2007 10:44 am

    TT is back?? I had NO IDEA? Why wasn’t this on CNN?? BR/Oh oh,… now I’ve got to scramble for some new ideas.BR/BR/Love the excerpt in your above post. The imagery of the salami throwing was so vivid! I could see the grease marks on the wall.

  10. Susan Helene Gottfried

    February 27, 2007 12:27 pm

    Yup, Wylie, we’re back! BR/BR/And thanks for the compliment on the outtake. I don’t usually do that much description in my outtakes, but I couldn’t resist the Salami Sisters.

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