Susan Speaks: Yellowstone Yearnings


You long-time, die-hard groupies may recall my visit to Yellowstone National Park in 2007-8. It was over New Year’s; I packed into three or four layers (I think four) and traipsed out to Old Faithful to watch the last eruption of 2007. We toasted the old lady with champagne. Part of my heart broke that night; I feel such a pull to that area. If there was a way for me to pick up and write about my rock stars from that part of the world, I’d be there in a heartbeat.

I’d link to those old posts but it turns out that when we fled Blogger for WordPress, the pictures got lost and the posts are all messed up. I’ll ask the Tour Manager to fix them, or — better yet — show me how.

Keeping my passion for the place alive and burning is Beth Pratt. I’m not sure what this woman does, but she’s living in Yellowstone. I, of course, am harboring an incredible jealousy for her. And a desire to be her friend and sit at her knee and hear about her adventures. I want to learn from her. Hell, I think I want to BE her.

Lucky me ’cause she’s got a great blog: Beth’s Excellent Adventures: Life In Yellowstone. I’ve been following it for awhile now and I eat up the amazing pictures she gets and her strong but sensible words.

She’s also into conservation and giving back, joining with Harrison Ford and Conservation International. She was doing a fundraiser with them, but it seems to have ended January 31. Which was yesterday. Ugh! I hate being late to a party.

You guys know I like to give away a part of my royalties to charities. Maybe, at some point down the road, I’ll do another one (right now, I gotta make some bucks to cover my overhead!) and include Conservation International. It’s too early to tell; I’ve got other irons in the fire and I’m still trying to bring you guys some new books — and some other stuff, too.

Lots going on over here… lots of changes about to happen. I did a Tarot card reading the other day and drew the Death card as my outcome card. I was totally not surprised. Let’s hope whatever ends is the bad stuff and whatever begins is amazingly good…

Yellowstone, take me away…



  1. Beth

    February 1, 2011 12:02 pm

    Don’t be jealous of me! It’s 15 below zero here and even the bison are cold. Thanks for the mention and kind words. I’ll keep the Yellowstone photos coming (when it warms up!) but come back to the park soon!

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