Buy a Friend a Book Week — our second winner!


Monday, October 2. Day two of Buy a Friend a Book Week reminds us of the importance of the independents — radio, especially.

This one goes to Nimrodiel, as she’s known online. She’d like us to check out and support WEFT 90.1 FM radio (although I’ll never argue if you also check out and support an independent radio station whose airwaves touch my precious Martian ears: WYEP.

Nim’s entry is especially important, not just because of the impact that independent radio made on her — and her father — but because when Trevor’s Song gets published and on the shelves, it’ll be time to turn our attention to my follow-up. Right now, that’s the story of Boomer, THE DJ at KRVR in Riverview, and her fight to help keep her independent radio station on the air.

Perfect timing, Nim, ’cause I’ve been editing like mad the past few days, while I wait for the good word from my trusted reader.

And for her efforts, she wins a copy of… (I have to decide between two!) Cowboys are My Weakness, by one of my favorite authors, Pam Houston.

Yeah, Yeah. I can hear you thinking, “But that’s a story collection about outdoorspeople and relationships. What’s it got to do with music?”

Well. The very first story, “How to Talk to a Hunter” quotes that independent lady herself, Janis Joplin. “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”

It was the first time I’d ever heard that lyric.

Long live independent radio.

Congrats, Nimrodiel.



  1. karen!

    October 2, 2006 8:16 pm

    yeah!BR/BR/congrats, nim!BR/BR/Sooz… if you’ve been checking your stats you know I’ve been popping over here all day waiting to see this post 😀

  2. Susan Helene Gottfried

    October 2, 2006 8:18 pm

    oh, I know. I know. BR/BR/I’m going to hate when this week ends and my hits drop like a ton of bricks on a planet with heavier gravity than this one!

  3. karen!

    October 2, 2006 10:53 pm

    :(BR/BR/I guess we’ll just have to give you lots of hits next week to let you down softly 😉

  4. nimrodiel

    October 3, 2006 7:51 am

    IWell. The very first story, “How to Talk to a Hunter” quotes that independent lady herself, Janis Joplin. “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”/IBR/BR/That’s a fantastic lyric. Janis has had some very profound words come from her.

  5. Susan Helene Gottfried

    October 3, 2006 8:00 am

    No offense, Karen, but I’d rather have more groupies than hits… We oughta work on THAT, instead! (in addition to?)BR/BR/And yes, Nim, that’s exactly right. That lyric has continued to stay with me and resonate. At times, I agree with it. At times, I disagree. It can be a hard call.

  6. karen!

    October 3, 2006 1:12 pm

    Just want to say that Boomer sounds like a great character. I went and read her little bio on the website… I think book 2 is going to be a winner 🙂

  7. karen!

    October 3, 2006 1:14 pm

    One more thing about that lyric:BR/When I first saw the mention – and every time I’ve come back to this post subsequently – I could/can hear JJ singing it inside my head…BR/what a voice. what attitude.

  8. Susan Helene Gottfried

    October 3, 2006 4:33 pm

    Yep, I have the same Janis problem. BR/BR/And thanks for the words about Boomer, too. I like her; she’s got a bit of a blurting problem. You’ll see…

  9. Anonymous

    October 4, 2006 8:53 am

    But it’s not Janis who WROTE that lyric! True, she delivered it better than anyone else who’s ever covered that song, but you gotta give Kris a bit of credit for putting the words to paper. ;)BR/BR/Drat. I’m gonna be singing this song all day now.

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