Featured New Book: Lore of Fei by Kathleen S. Allen


As word of the Featured New Book spot spreads, more of you are dropping into my inbox. This is cool, and I hope these authors won’t be strangers once the post is up.

Today we’ve got Kathleen S. Allen, whose Lore of Fei is the first in a new series. Check it out!

Song is: To The Fairies They Draw Near By Lorena McKennitt

TAGLINE: Faeries vs. humans, who will win in the battle for Fei, the land of the faeries? The Book of Lore states a silver-winged faerie will be born to save their race but, no silver winged faerie has been born. There is only Ariela, a faerie without wings, and no wings means she has no magic, or does she?

Hmm…. no reason or explanation given… maybe it’s self-explanatory?


“I am not a human girl, Duri. I am a faerie, like you. I was born without wings.” His eyes widened, but he still did not speak. “The Old Ones sent me to find a way to stop the humans. There can be no war on Fei. I need to know what the humans plan and when they will raid Fei again. You can help save Fei from extinction, Duri. Will you help me and be loyal to me and to Fei?”

He nodded. It was a slight nod, but it was a nod.

“Thank you Duri.” I sensed relief from him. “Sunvi, of the Old Ones has been captured and is ensconced in the food area. His wings have been clipped, too. He will help us restore Fei to the land it once was.”

I moved away from Duri toward the dragons. Tashie spotted me and flew over. She gave me a look, and I laughed at her. I sensed hunger from her. I reached in my pouch and pulled a sweet out. She took it and gobbled it down. I scratched under her chin, feeling the happiness flowing from her into me. I looked over to where Duri had stood, but he had gone back to the Lair. I hoped I could trust him. Faeries were much harder to read than humans.

Intriguing, no?

Why don’t you go pick up a copy? And remember: if you like what you read, a few words in a posted review help an author out a LOT.

Buy it at Amazon

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On Twitter: @kathleea



  1. Chrissy

    June 4, 2012 7:56 am

    Hi there fellow Gypsy! The book looks great! I can’t WAIT to read it!

  2. catherinecavendish

    June 4, 2012 11:12 am

    Congratulations on the new release. Looks great!

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