Susan’s Book Talk: Who Knew Punk was so Hot?


Another book about punk rock has entered my radar: Babylon’s Burning: From Punk to Grunge, by Clinton Heylin.

Best known as a biographer of Bob Dylan, Heylin’s apparently written other books about punk: From the Velvets to the Voidoids, and All Yesterday’s Parties: The Velvet Underground in Print, among other books about music.

Well. If you don’t remember what happened the LAST time I blogged about a book about punk, let me refresh your memory.

One book hardly makes me an expert on the genre of books about punk, but I’m sure game to turn myself into one. Therefore, I’d like to hand down this challenge:

If Barb at Front Street Reviews is willing, and if someone in Mr. Heylin’s camp is willing, I’ll read Babylon’s Burning and review it for all of you. We’ll see how this Brit’s take on punk compares to Steven Lee Beeber’s.

Given that we’ve got the perspectives of two different countries, each rich in punk tradition, I think this could be an interesting project.



  1. Karen

    December 15, 2006 11:17 am

    A challenge… he he he!

  2. cheesygiraffe

    December 15, 2006 11:30 am

    Very interesting indeed. 😉

  3. Susan Helene Gottfried

    December 15, 2006 11:49 am

    Nothing to lose by doing it, ya know? And a lot — for both authors — to /br /Plus, I get to do some writing, which is always fun, AND learn something. All at the same time!

  4. Lauren

    December 16, 2006 1:09 pm

    Hi from Washington, DC!!br /br /I have lots of time right now so if you want to send me that list, Susan, I can go through it :)br /br /And I knew punk was so hot 😉

  5. Susan Helene Gottfried

    December 16, 2006 1:10 pm

    You’re in DC?? Well, have fun, woman!br /br /I’ll get on this list for you. Beware, it’s long!!

  6. musiewhocan'tremembercrud

    December 18, 2006 12:03 am

    i knew it was cool (i refuse to say anything is “hot” blame parasite hilton). anyway, i’m going with i thought (i didn’t know) it started with velvet underground and weirdly/oddly enough even a bit of the new york dolls. i know english bands that were heavily influenced by these bands and others which of course i can’t think of now..gotta go take a referesher on punk 101 (or not be so ticked off atm) which i thought led to the sex pistols and they were just kind of more overt about being punk..hey..i’ve seen steve jones in one of his picks somewhere..anyway that’s the way i always saw /oh clear static is kind of a new punk band you should check them out..i’ll try to find that link i have to their /ok rambler shutting up now

  7. musiebeinganidiot

    December 18, 2006 12:05 am

    ps i would be interested in seeing the different views as /ps my “friend” is a punk at heart too and he grew up in england..but i know he was influenced by velvet underground..should see if i could get some answers on that view. hmmm

  8. salomedesade

    December 28, 2006 9:05 pm

    I have to admit I’m partial to one of the authors, but you knew that. Steven and I both enjoyed your review of his book on Front Street Reviews. Hey Lauren, I’m in DC too.

  9. Susan Helene Gottfried

    December 28, 2006 9:14 pm

    DC threw our friendly Canuck out of the country… well, not really. It was time for her to leave the man behind and put the tuuk back on. br /br /Oh, I like teasing Lauren. She’s so cool. br /br /Anyway, thanks for the kind words about my review! I’m still hoping we can make this second one happen. It’d be one heck of a cool /br /Thanks for stopping in again, Salome!

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