September 19, 2022
Calling my dark fiction lovers! Author Eileen Troemel herself describes Fractured: Love of the Broken as being dark, and c’mon. That title says it all right?
Let’s let Eileen Troemel tell us all about the song that makes her think of her book, Fractured: Love of the Broken. Ready? It’s not some bizarre death metal (hey, I listen to death metal), I promise.
Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) Kelly Clarkson
Zulma’s space transport crash lands on Laken a Prisoner of War planet. She’s been sent there after being captured during a war with Dolians. She’s been through the ringer. Drugged, tortured, raped, she’s a mess. She’s greeted by four Conasians who have been prisoners on the planet for a long time. They’ve survived the drug addicts they call Sleepers but they’re tired of fighting to survive. Drake, Parker, Claud and Stuart take her back to their leader as ordered.Zulma is RAW from her experiences. She doesn’t know who to trust or believe. She’s been beaten down by the Dolian Premier. He tried to break her in every possible way. But she stayed strong, barely. She feels shattered but her four men help her cope with the trauma and terror she went through.
Four men, huh? Should I be winking at that? I don’t know! We’ll have to read the book!
Want to know more? I don’t know if that explanation can be topped, but let’s see. Here’s the official book description for you:
This is a Reverse Harem dark scifi romance. There is cursing and violence. Rape and torture are referred to.Sent to the prison planet Laken, Zulma expects to be raped and tortured. What she finds there may save her and her people.
Ordered to a crashed Dolian ship, Conasian prisoners of war Drake, Claud, Stuart, and Parker hope to survive the trek through the dangerous sleepers. The downed ship is vital. What they discover will change their future if they survive the sleepers and their own men.
Yep, I shoula winked. My instinct was right.
If you are offended by the use of the term reverse harem, I apologize. I know it’s a loaded term, that there’s a huge controversy about its use and meaning, and what good alternatives are… romance is HARD, y’all.
Anyway, regardless of the term, pick up the book. It sounds like it’s a dark book with a redemption or healing arc, and couldn’t we ALL use a bit of that right now? I sure could.
And make sure you make note! It will not be for sale until October 15! But if you preorder now, it’ll magically show up on your device on the fifteenth, like a gift from past you.
Here’s your universal link.
And visit with Eileen Troemel! She’s lovely, and I so enjoy our chats. Here’s her linktree — again, universal links, so have at it and have fun exploring her world. You’ll be glad you did!
Remember, if the book strikes and emotional chord with you, leave a review somewhere online, in addition to sharing copies with friends. Reviews help a book become more discoverable, which in turn means more sales, which in turn means authors who can make a living bringing you amazing books to read. See how you’re a part of that? You ARE important too.
And if you’re reading this and you are an author, or you have a friend who’s an author, send them over to the Featured New Book Spotlight! This is how we all find great new reads, hear great songs, and support each other. There’s room for everyone!
August 8, 2022
Woot! I love welcoming back repeat friends, and Eileen Troemel has certainly become a repeat friend. Truth be told, I’d love to be as prolific as Eileen Troemel, although as an editor, I laugh at my prolific clients because sometimes, it’s hard to get other clients’ works in, too — and I need the palate cleanser that other styles and voices bring to my desk.
Here’s the list of Eileen’s last visits, so you can check out her backlist. Backlist books deserve love, too, you know! And of course, they ALL deserve a few thoughts in the form of a thoughtful review.
On the Line
Celtan Dilemma
Celtan Dilemma
Today, though, the main focus is on Solana, Eileen Troemel’s newest book. It’s the second book in a projected four-book series, and if you want it NOW, sorry, but you’ll have to wait a tiny bit, as the release date isn’t until August 20. But that’s not so far away! You can make it!
Eileen, let’s hear it! What song makes you think of your new book, Solana?
You Can’t Hurry Love by the Supremes
Solana is excited to arrive at the fire geyser site to study what she believes are fire dragons. She’s even more excited when she meets Lowkas – the ranger in charge – because he’s her mate. Except Lowkas doesn’t believe in mates. He denies they exist and isn’t interested. But when Solana touches him, their markings change and meld together. Her heart longs for him and she wants to be with him. Lowkas is firm. When she connects with the hidden fire dragons, they urge her to pursue Lowkas and to heal his pain so he will be her mate. But it’s a struggle because Lowkas denies it all – their being mates and the existence of dragons.
Ooh, the kindness baked into this story… she’s got to help heal his pain. Or just outright do it for him. And ordinarily, I’d be all, “You can’t do it for someone else,” but we’re dealing with fire dragons here and someone sunk really far into denial and hurt. This dude probably isn’t in a position where he’s even able to do it for himself, poor guy.
And how much do we love the Supremes? That’s some classic music, right there. I am thinking I neglected my kids’ musical education by not exposing them to the Supremes. (I am also about to cue some up on Tidal, which will get interesting, as I’m currently listening to Blind Guardian and hello! Musical whiplash!)
I should get myself back on track here, and the best way to do that is to read the official book description for Solana. Ready? Here we go!
Fire dragons are easy for Solana. Mates? Not so much.
On his own since he was ten, Lowkas learned early how to survive alone. Stationed at the fire geysers, he finds home and comfort from a source he didn’t expect. When Solana shows up exposing things he’s kept secret, he’s suspicious.
Will Lowkas put his past behind him, or will it take a dragon intervention?
There ya go! Short and sweet, it pretty much says it all. And it’s still interesting stuff. I need to catch up on my reading so I can pick up more of these books I feature. (Yes, I heard authors everywhere cringe. Come on. I’m not THAT mean.)
Grab your copy! (And again, let me rave about these universal buy links. They’re really super.)
Connect with Eileen Troemel! She’s wonderful; I promise! I mean… universal links, right???
Remember, the Featured New Book Spotlight is here for you and any of your author friends, and I’d love to host you (or them) and have fun getting to know all the musical tastes and all the books. It’s fun for me and I hear that it’s hard but fun for you.
May 16, 2022
Let’s welcome Eileen Troemel back for a trifecta visit! Woot! (Also, I keep telling y’all it’s addictive and fine with me if you need to feel the high. Come on by anytime.)
If you missed her previous visits, here you go! Here’s her first time in the spotlight, featuring her book Marelo. And her second time? Right here, with On the Line. Eileen Troemel likes us, and we like her right on back. How can we not? Her books sound wonderful!
So what do we have today? Today, it’s Celtan Dilemma, and let’s talk music before we get to what the book’s about. That is, after all, how we do things around here. Music first to set the mood! And also, music!
My Fight Song by Rachel Platten would be the perfect song to go with Lilly and her song. The refrain of the song is as follows:
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I’m alright song
My power’s turned on
Starting right now I’ll be strong
I’ll play my fight song
And I don’t really care if nobody else believes
‘Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in meLilly and her squad as fighters for the human military and they fly the missions they’re told to fly. They live in fear of the punishments the male military members impose on them. They are sent on a mission to take out a Celtan (Keltan) transport. While it carries Celtan people, they are women and children. The transport is unarmed and barely has shields. Lilly and her subordinates have to make a decision – take out the transport and become war criminals or disobey orders to be labeled traitors. Up until this point, Lilly has done what was required of her. But in the moment she knows the right choice for her. She makes her decision, her squad follow her decision, and Lilly believes they will suffer the punishments from the human military. The Celtans offer them other options.
WHOA!!! I love this song and actually recognized it, so I had to scurry over to Tidal to add it to my work playlist. Talk about empowerment… and ladies, do we need some of that right now, or WHAT? Let’s let Lilly inspire us. And Rachel Patten, too.
Ready for the book description? Although after THAT, how can a mere book description fire us up as well as the song does?
Traitor or criminal?
Lieutenant Lillian Buckner receives orders to take her squad of women pilots out to specific coordinates and destroy an unarmed transport. Lilly must decide whether to be a war criminal by firing on an unarmed vessel or to be a traitor and disobey her orders. Her life and those of her six pilots depends on her decision. No matter her decision, the punishment may kill her if she returns to the human forces.
Trust or Punish?
Lord Hugh Korol fights against the humans. They invaded the Celtan’s territory and took sectors of space from them. The humans attacked their home world. When human women aid one of their unarmed transports, he must decide what to do to them. Can he trust the one he desires or will she break more than the fragile trust growing between them?
Ooh, this looks like a FUN read. Yes. I am into it. Are you? Preorder your copy and on June 4, you’ll wake up to a nice surprise waiting for you! It’s Amazon exclusive, sad to say (I’m always sad and it’s never personal). Just don’t forget to leave a review; they help with a book’s discoverability, which means it gets noticed by more and more readers.
And be sure to connect with Eileen Troemel! This link will take you to a LinkTree (I love these aggregators… they make everything so easy!), so have fun and make a new friend!
As always, send your friends over to the handy-dandy form if they’d like to step into the spotlight. Or if you’re an author, fill it out first so you get priority scheduling and then share it with your author friends. That’s not against the rules!
March 21, 2022
Mmm. Bare male torso on the cover!
And with that, let’s welcome Eileen Troemel back for a second visit just this fast! Eileen’s got quite the backlist, and she’d like to share them with you. I’m game, so get your book-buying budget set accordingly.
This book is called On the Line, and it’s part of the Everyday Heroes World, which right there is intriguing. I want to know more! Don’t you?
So let’s start with the most important question of all time: Eileen Troemel, what song makes you think of your book?
I love music but I’m horrible at remembering song titles and artist names. So I recently wrote a contemporary romance and there’s a scene where they’re in the bar dancing. I wanted something ROMANTIC – not sexy or new but something where two people shared their feelings and you can really feel it in the song. I’m horrible at songs – as I’ve said – so I turned to my daughters. I got so many suggestions from them. I listened to all of them and it came down to two. As is normal for me, I cannot remember the one I didn’t pick but I waffled. My oldest daughter spoke up and said she suggested the date they were on, so she got to pick. I said true, she did. I think we were all satisfied with the end result. Tim McGraw and Faith Hill duet of Let’s Make Love. It fit the situation and I even had him sing to her.
Woo! That’s how you do it!
(Also, are your daughters old enough for songs like that??? Ehh, sex is healthy, right?)
So. Eileen, what’s the back cover copy? Tell us what the book is about!
Sunnyville offered Allison a return to a happy time in her life after leaving her cheating husband. After the drama of a car accident and the failure of her marriage, she wants nothing but peace and quiet. With the help of her daughters, she’s settled in her new home. She wants to do her job as a 911 operator and live a quiet life.
When his father fell off a ladder and his mother called 911, Chandler didn’t realize how much it would impact his life. One look at Allison and he knew he had to convince her to meet his family. But her ex-husband believes she’s still his. Is Chandler stepping over a line when he uses his computer skills to learn more about her ex?
Ooh, the jealous ex trope!! BRING IT. (Well, no, because no one needs that horror and trauma and just the sheer hassle in their lives and yes, I speak from experience. But for those of you who love it, here it is!)
Grab your copy! You know you want to!
Also, it looks like it’s Amazon exclusive, so know that before you click.
Be sure to connect with Eileen Troemel, too. Connections are what make life interesting and fun.
As always, don’t forget that if you’re an author or have a friend who’s an author, the Featured New Book Spotlight form is open to any author, with any book you’d like to feature. Got a short story in an anthology? I’ve featured those, too! (Apparently, it was a very long time ago, however, and I can’t easily link to one. But I have done it!)
And, of course, be sure to leave a few words of review about the book once you’ve read it. Authors appreciate it and it helps others find their book. Be part of an author’s success! Leave a review!
March 7, 2022
The book is called Marelo and it was written by Eileen Troemel
Eileen’s new book is called Marelo, and it sure sounds interesting to me! Let me share with you the hows and whys, and let’s start, of course, with the question of the day: Eileen Troemel, what song makes you think of your new book?
When I write, I listen to classical or non-vocal music. With Marelo, she’s very focused and has a light touch. Gary Stadler Fairy in the Woods album is one that comes to mind as I think about the story. The music is ethereal and that’s how I see the studies Marelo is doing.
I have always loved classical music and lately have been getting into instrumentals to play as I edit, as well, so I understand this impulse! And this song is everything Eileen says it is, so check it out, and then grab a copy of Marelo.
But before we get to the buy links, let’s hear the description!
Marelo studies water dragons. Bandor studies her heart. Driven to succeed, Marelo focuses on her studies. She doesn’t have time for males claiming her as a mate. She came here to study the dragon’s ancestral home. She will find the evidence she needs while avoiding all males especially Bandor who makes her heart rush. Bandor takes one look at Marelo and knows she’s his mate. Her haughty demeaner doesn’t put him off. She’s his mate, he’ll do anything to win her. But he has secrets only his mate can know. Can he convince her to be his mate or will it take something more?
Whoa. There’s a LOT of interesting stuff going on there! And this is categorized as a short read, too, so if you’re in the mood for something quick and (what sounds) lovely, this might be perfect for you!
Pick up your copy here:
And be sure to connect with Eileen Troemel!
And my usual reminders for you all…
* If you read a book, be sure to leave even a few words in a review of it. Reviews help readers find good books — and, of course, they help readers know what to avoid. Do your part! Your opinion matters!
* If you are an author, if you are friends with an author, if you have an author you like but want an excuse to talk to… I don’t care! Send them my way and tell them to fill out the form. I genuinely miss the days when I was posting one of these a week.