February 20, 2024
Woo hoo! It’s here! It’s here! It’s here!
Yep, book three in the Tales from the Sheep Farm series, Safe House, releases TODAY. Thanks to everyone who bought it — and its two predecessors, Maybe the Bird Will Rise and Populated — at its presale pricing.
I don’t know what to tell you about this book. It continues the story of Mack and Tess and their hunt for the answers of the Mackenzie treasure and legacy. It’s my pandemic book, in its own way. And it’s a story of a person with a lot of baggage and secrets that simply cannot remain hidden any longer.
Of course, like the entire Sheep Farm project, there’s plenty of found family here.
Oh, heck. Here’s what the back cover says:
A deadly virus is bearing down on the world and Emerson Mackenzie, CEO of PharmaScience Technologies—now back in its ancestral home of Port Kenneth, Tennessee—opens up the historic Mackenzie house on the family’s defunct sheep farm to six people: himself, his wife Tess Cartieri, his house manager, two members of his board of directors, and his executive assistant, Taylor Alexander.
Taylor won’t abandon Emerson, but at the same time, they don’t want to be there. Taylor has secrets, a past and memories they cannot face, and they fear that being locked in a house with five others will be entirely too revealing.
Taylor’s passion is to be outside, hiking, in a world that makes sense to them, and Emerson harnesses that, asking Taylor to map the boundaries of the old sheep farm and maybe help discover secrets buried on the land. Taylor is glad to do so, although the secrets they help Emerson and Tess discover are immediately darker and more disturbing than any had expected.
As the virus rages, as tensions across the country simmer, as relationships within the house change, and as the land gives up its secrets, Taylor realizes time has grown short. Their secrets cannot remain hidden any longer.
When they spill, Taylor is exposed for all in the house to see.
And every person inside the house responds in ways Taylor never expected.
Like the first two books in the series — and the ones coming after — this was a ton of fun to write.
Pick up your copy. As always, my books are available at every retailer who’ll carry them, and via such library apps as Hoopa and Overdrive/Libby. Yes, I get paid if you read the book via the library! So if your book budget is thin, there’s a solution for you. (Granted, not all library systems play nice with Hoopla or Libby, and may not carry certain books. But go ahead and ask for ’em anyway. It’s good for them to hear what you’d like to read.)
A reminder for you Large Print lovers: All books in the Tales from the Sheep Farm series are available in Large Print. I recomment either B&N or Bookshop.org
As always, I am eager to know your thoughts. You’ve seen me say it over and over, but it’s so very true…
The best way to help an author is to buy a copy of a book for a friend.
The next best way is to tell a friend.
The third best way is to leave a review online. And in fact, if you’d like to join my reviewing team, drop me an email! I’d love to send you a free copy, and there’s no need to be all “I am afraid to leave a one-star review” in my world. Your opinion matters more than an algorithm.
People are treasures too. That includes you and your opinion of my books.
November 8, 2023
Cover for Populated, written by Susan Helene Gottfried
Two weeks to go.
I know I’m throwing books at you fast. That’s the idea: The faster I get ’em to you, the happier the people who like to see most, if not all of a series up for sale before they start reading. And it makes for better promotions when there’s a long backlist. Readers like those, and Populated will be my tenth release.
Now, if you picked up Maybe the Bird Will Rise (and over a thousand of you did! Thank you!), you may think you know what to expect.
If you’re expecting a tale set in the fictional city of Port Kenneth, TN, you’re right.
If you’re expecting something like Maybe the Bird Will Rise, which gets into heavy territory with Mack’s family history, well, think again.
Populated is the story of Delia Ford, street photographer and Port Kenneth social media darling, and what happens when someone breaks into the Woolslayer Gallery and steals all her art. And only her art.
We’re not kidding when we say all. Delia is suitably impressed.
Add in a slow-burn romance with a man early readers said is their new book boyfriend, an across-the-hall neighbor who is retired from the Bank of Port Kenneth, a family you love to hate (or hate to love), and oops, the ire of one of the less savory families in town, and you’ve got a story that expands the world of Port Kenneth into directions you may not have seen coming.
Grab your copy ASAP. I’m not doing any price drops until after the new year, so once the price goes back up after release day on the 21st, it’s going to stay there.
May 22, 2023
I love repeat offenders around here, and Hannah E. Carey (or just Hannah Carey, or just Hannah, as I know her) is always a favorite in particular. Today, she’s got The Scout: Legends of Pern Coen to tempt us. And let me tell you…
I’m excited to bring you news of an impending release! Order it now and either wait until tomorrow, or, if you’re reading this on Tuesday the 23rd or later, you won’t have to wait at all! How can you argue with that timing?
I sure can’t.
So let’s get to the book because you’re going to be itching to read this once you get through this post and I’m going to warn you now: You’ll need to read the first installment (The Shifter) to get the most out of this one. Ready?
Hannah, what song makes you think of your book?
A Storm Is Coming”- Tommee Profitt & Liv Ash
The Scout is Book 2 in a trilogy and as any good middle installment, everything more or less goes to hell. The first book really built up the brewing darkness in the land and in the second installment, the heroine, Seren, and hero, Bran, are forced to deal with the storm that’s been created by that darkness. This line of the song in particular really resonated with me:
A storm is comin’
That you can’t escape
Tears are fallin’
Like blood and rainSeren’s father (who is also the clan leader) has been trying to ignore the darkness that’s right in front of him, but as it grows in power, there’s no escaping it. And while Seren and Bran know this, there are many in their clan, Seren’s father included, who don’t want to heed their warnings and want to live in denial instead. But that denial costs the clan greatly, in both bloodshed and heartache, and it’s up to Bran & Seren to put a stop to it all.
Yeah. This. I don’t think the book description can get any better, but here it is:
Will they survive Fianna’s flames?
Seren has saved Bran’s life, but their hardest battle is yet to come. Fianna is gaining ground in the land of Blaidd as Cadfael refuses to unleash the full power of the war band against it. The future of the clan looks bleak and Seren is hearing whispers in the Spirit Realm. Ones that speak of a power that hasn’t been woken for over a hundred years.
If they want to save their people and their land, Bran and Seren will have to defy Cadfael in every sense imaginable. But will it be enough? And will they, and their love, survive the flames of destruction that threaten to devour them?
Epic fantasy meets shifter romance in part two of this Celtic inspired romantic fantasy trilogy featuring elaborate world building, shapeshifters, a fierce heroine, a morally grey hero with a hidden heart of gold, dark magic, fire monsters, forbidden love, and low spice romance.
Woo, right? And sheesh. This song! I think it was Hannah who first introduced me to Tommee Profit and wow wow wow. That’s one artist who’s become a favorite around here, and this song’s no exception.
Get your copy NOW! Lots of buying options, so pick your favorite:
My Direct Store
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
And be sure to connect with Hannah. She’s one of those people you want in your social circle. (Just not so much that she runs out of time to write!)
If you’ve missed Hannah’s other visits here at West of Mars, here you go!
The Hunter’s Featured New Book Spotlight
The Betrayer’s Featured New Book Spotlight
The Shifter’s Featured New Book Spotlight
Of course, if you’re still here and not busily buying Hannah’s backlist, let me remind you that leaving online reviews — thoughtful reviews that are oh, so much better than high school critical papers — is always the second best way to show appreciation for an author’s hard work. The first way, of course, is a tie between buying the author’s books and telling your friends to buy their books.
February 20, 2023
Let’s welcome Joyce Reynolds-Ward to West of Mars with her book, The Enduring Legacy!
Let’s dive right in, shall we? I love talking books and music… It’s my happy thing. Joyce, what song makes you think of The Enduring Legacy?
“My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys” as performed by Willie Nelson. It sums up the saga of Gabriel Martiniere, from star-crossed billionaire heir testifying against his family company’s abuse of mind control technology, to ranch hand on the run, to billionaire again and his ongoing crusade to reform the abuses of indenture and mind control tech.
Hello? Mind control tech?
I. Am. There. (Mostly because I am worried we’re not that far off from that day in our present society. Yikes. Something I never thought I’d have to say!)
Reaady for the cover description? I sure am.
Series Standalone.
Ruby Barkley and Gabriel Martiniere have made it. They’ve defeated Philip Martiniere, and Philip’s suicide leaves them an opening to reform the Martiniere Group as well as the Martiniere Family. To create their own, positive legacy.
But. The legacy of the Martinieres isn’t so easily repaired. Forty-five years of dominance by Philip doesn’t just go away overnight. Gabe and Ruby have a lot of work to do, especially since Philip’s toxic legacy endures in unexpected places.
New foes arise—including the specters of age and health. The mysterious worm that interferes with digital and living memories, and glitches their newest biobot designs.
Then Gabe begins to wonder—is Philip truly defeated?
Can he keep his legacy safe? Or is he doomed to lose his second family, only in a slower manner than the plane crash that killed his first family?
What will it take for Gabe to guarantee that his legacy endures?
Now, this is the fourth (Smashwords says fifth; Amazon says fourth and yes, I’ll ask and update when I get an answer) in a series, but it’s listed as a standalone, so… dive in here, or back up and go hunt down the first three books as well as this one. Your call! (I love when authors give you choices. It’s like Choose Your Own Adventure for grown-up bibliophiles.)
Grab your copy!
Connect with Joyce! I can’t say we’ve done that yet. YET. You all know how I love to chat with authors about their books and their worlds and their processes.
Substack link to the books
Joyce’s main
And as always, be sure to refer your author friends (including yourself) to the Featured New Book Spotlight submission page. This is my labor of love and… I’d love to exercise that love in your direction. Or your friend’s direction.
One last note? Leaving reviews helps other readers find good books, so be sure to leave a few thoughts!
October 3, 2022
We’re back after a short blackout (I hate those!) with a return visit from my new friend Tara Conrad.
You can visit her first post, featuring Submitting to Him, here.
Which means Tara’s an old hand at this already. I mean, of course she is after only being here once before. This isn’t hard stuff, gang — and that’s by design. I want it easy for you, both as spotlit authors and as readers. Which means, we gotta get right to it, no?
Tara Conrad! What song makes you think of your new book, His Melody?????? (Lots of question marks ’cause I really want to know and yes, today is a MOOD. Go with it.)
Viktor and the girl he ends up with (I can’t give away who it is) both believe they’re damaged beyond repair. Both of their pasts are filled with loss, pain, and more trauma than any person should have to endure. Neither of them believe they’re worthy of love.
Their paths cross–their worlds collide and they can’t ignore the pull to one another.
But, there’s one big problem, their love is forbidden.
This song? One of my all-time favorites! And I want to one day write a book that makes me think of this song. It’s so… mmmm. Everything. Yum.
And if you didn’t notice, by Tara’s refusal to let us know the female lead’s name, this is one in a series — the fourth, to be precise. So you might want to backtrack and catch up before reading this one! (Hey, the first book? I linked to it above! It’s Submitting to Him!)
But before we think about that, let’s talk about the official book description. Ready? I sure am!
Everyone seems to believe time heals all wounds. But is that really the truth or something people say to ease their conscience?
The pain from loss never completely goes away. Instead, we learn to live with the suffocating grief.
I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up. A man like me doesn’t get a happily ever after.
I knew better. That mistake won’t happen again.
This time, I’m starting over with nothing left to lose.
I just hope when the dust settles, everyone I care about can forgive me.
Ooh! Tara STILL didn’t spoil the woman’s name!!! Notice what she did there!
I gotta know. Do you gotta know?
Here’s the way: Amazon only book you gotta read
And here’s how to connect with Tara… well, how to get signed paperback copies, anyway! They make great gifts…. just sayin’…
This is that spot where I remind you that if you can’t gift a copy to a friend, and if your friends are tired of you talking up all the great books you find here and want them to know about, the next best way to help an author raise their visibility is to leave a review online! Another good way is to send them here, for their chance to stop into the spotlight.
Be a good reader. Share the name of your favorite book or author with the world.
August 8, 2022
Woot! I love welcoming back repeat friends, and Eileen Troemel has certainly become a repeat friend. Truth be told, I’d love to be as prolific as Eileen Troemel, although as an editor, I laugh at my prolific clients because sometimes, it’s hard to get other clients’ works in, too — and I need the palate cleanser that other styles and voices bring to my desk.
Here’s the list of Eileen’s last visits, so you can check out her backlist. Backlist books deserve love, too, you know! And of course, they ALL deserve a few thoughts in the form of a thoughtful review.
On the Line
Celtan Dilemma
Celtan Dilemma
Today, though, the main focus is on Solana, Eileen Troemel’s newest book. It’s the second book in a projected four-book series, and if you want it NOW, sorry, but you’ll have to wait a tiny bit, as the release date isn’t until August 20. But that’s not so far away! You can make it!
Eileen, let’s hear it! What song makes you think of your new book, Solana?
You Can’t Hurry Love by the Supremes
Solana is excited to arrive at the fire geyser site to study what she believes are fire dragons. She’s even more excited when she meets Lowkas – the ranger in charge – because he’s her mate. Except Lowkas doesn’t believe in mates. He denies they exist and isn’t interested. But when Solana touches him, their markings change and meld together. Her heart longs for him and she wants to be with him. Lowkas is firm. When she connects with the hidden fire dragons, they urge her to pursue Lowkas and to heal his pain so he will be her mate. But it’s a struggle because Lowkas denies it all – their being mates and the existence of dragons.
Ooh, the kindness baked into this story… she’s got to help heal his pain. Or just outright do it for him. And ordinarily, I’d be all, “You can’t do it for someone else,” but we’re dealing with fire dragons here and someone sunk really far into denial and hurt. This dude probably isn’t in a position where he’s even able to do it for himself, poor guy.
And how much do we love the Supremes? That’s some classic music, right there. I am thinking I neglected my kids’ musical education by not exposing them to the Supremes. (I am also about to cue some up on Tidal, which will get interesting, as I’m currently listening to Blind Guardian and hello! Musical whiplash!)
I should get myself back on track here, and the best way to do that is to read the official book description for Solana. Ready? Here we go!
Fire dragons are easy for Solana. Mates? Not so much.
On his own since he was ten, Lowkas learned early how to survive alone. Stationed at the fire geysers, he finds home and comfort from a source he didn’t expect. When Solana shows up exposing things he’s kept secret, he’s suspicious.
Will Lowkas put his past behind him, or will it take a dragon intervention?
There ya go! Short and sweet, it pretty much says it all. And it’s still interesting stuff. I need to catch up on my reading so I can pick up more of these books I feature. (Yes, I heard authors everywhere cringe. Come on. I’m not THAT mean.)
Grab your copy! (And again, let me rave about these universal buy links. They’re really super.)
Connect with Eileen Troemel! She’s wonderful; I promise! I mean… universal links, right???
Remember, the Featured New Book Spotlight is here for you and any of your author friends, and I’d love to host you (or them) and have fun getting to know all the musical tastes and all the books. It’s fun for me and I hear that it’s hard but fun for you.
August 1, 2022
Let’s welcome Hannah Carey back to West of Mars! Hannah Carey has been here twice before, in fact, if you’ve missed her and her romantic fantasy set on the island of Pern Coen. Here’s the link to The Hunter, and here’s the link to The Betrayer. And today, she’s here to tell us about her new book, The Shifter.
I really like Hannah’s books. If you like Tamora Pierce, I suspect you’ll like Hannah Carey’s world and her vision. That’s who immediately comes to mind.
Lucky for us, Hannah’s willing to drop in and talk music. (Although, to be fair, I’ve never invited Ms. Pierce to step into the spotlight.) And so, let’s get right to it: Hannah Carey, what song makes you think of your new book, The Shifter?
I listened to this song pretty consistently while writing The Shifter and I really felt like it fit both the main characters. Both the male lead, Bran, and the female lead, Seren, go on their own sort of “hero’s journey” over the course of the story and have to choose whether or not they’re going to step into the roles that await them. For Bran in particular with his troubled past, this song really felt like it fit. This song was definitely inspiration for one of my favorite moments in the book:
She saw something I didn’t. Something I didn’t dare hope to believe.
“I’m not a hero, Ren,” I quietly told her. “Not like you want me to be.”
“You are one to me,” she replied, holding my gaze.
If you’re looking for artist and title, since Hannah’s teasing us (fair!), it’s Tommee Profitt with Fleurie, and the song is called There’s a Hero in You.
And yes, the song fits the book. Totally. No argument from me.
Plus, I really like Tommee Profitt. I’ve got some of her music on my daily work playlists. So if you ever feel like no one cares what song you pick, you are WRONG. I care and I listen to it all. I really do.
So what’s the full book about? What do those three lines mean? Take a peek:
Bran has spent his life being hunted for what he is. Born with the gift of shape shifting, his very existence is in danger from the ruler of the Clan of Blaidd, Ri Cadfael. Bran has sworn his loyalty to a man who has vowed to see Cadfael brought to ruin, until a chance encounter with the Ri’s daughter leaves Bran questioning his future. Seren saved him years ago and the memories of her, and of his old life, aren’t so easily forgotten.
In the end, Bran must make a choice: kill Seren or spare her. And if he does spare her life, he will be forced to risk his very own. Can Bran turn away from his questionable past and help Seren save the clan from the Dark Spirit bent on destroying it? And will Seren lose her heart to a dangerous shifter in the process?
Sound good? I think so. Also, I may have already read it and know. Maybe. I’m not saying for certain.
Get your own copy, and then be someone who can and does say with certain — because leaving an online review is so important to help other readers find their next read.
Direct/My Online Store (eBook)
Smashwords *Affiliate link, so you know and so I can maybe earn a few pennies
Lots of options! Pick your favorite!
And be sure to connect with Hannah, too. She’s good people.
Remember, if you’re an author or friends with an author, the Featured New Book Spotlight is open to all — and I’d love to host you. Why not take a few minutes and let the spotlight shine on you?
June 20, 2022
Woo hoo! Tara Conrad and I have gotten to know each other over the past year or so, thanks to Pennwriters. If you’re looking for a top-notch writing group, that’s it. Right there.
But we’re not here to talk writer’s groups; that’s just your bonus tip of the day. No! We are here to talk about Tara and her new book, which is actually a re-release, cleaned up and made prettier and all sorts of better — for her and for us. And if you’re into BDSM fiction, this one’s for you. Need proof? Let’s get to it! Tara Conrad, what song makes you think of your book?
Caleb and Kelsey’s Medley: From this Moment/You’re Still the One
Alex and Natalie didn’t go to the club that night hoping to meet someone. They were both suffering from past hurts and wanted nothing to do with love. However, when they saw each other, they couldn’t ignore what they were feeling. The first lines of the song really speak to the heart of where Alex was at and what happened when he saw Natalie, “From this moment life has began…right beside you is where I belong.” Meeting Natalie brought Alex back to life. He found his soulmate, and he wasn’t going to let her get away.In the middle of the song, the lyrics read, “They said I bet they’ll never make it. But just look at us holding on. We’re still together still going strong.” This speaks to Natalie’s side, especially with her family discouraging her relationship with Alex. But despite all that, they were together and strengthening their bond.
Later in the song is the lyric, “And you’re the reason I believe in love. And you’re the answer to my prayers from up above. All we need is just the two of us. My dreams came true because of you.” For me, this is where Alex and Natalie have become a solid couple. Everything around them fades away. They’ve helped heal one another’s hearts. Love is no longer something they avoid, but is something they embrace.
The song ends, “So glad we made it. Look how far we’ve come my baby. I will love you as long as I live. From this moment on.” I don’t want to ruin the ending of the book, but these lines reflect on Alex and Natalie’s journey and the love the share. They’re going to need to rely on the strength of their love for the challenges that lie ahead.
Overall, I think the songs represent the beauty of two people finding each other and overcoming all the odds–finding that once in a lifetime love.
Ooh, wow! What a detailed, rich answer!
Ready for the official description? Here you go!
An act of betrayal, a call to 911, and a note from the brother she lost give Natalie the courage to embark on a journey of self-exploration.
Unknowingly set up by their friends, Alex and Natalie spend the evening together at New York City’s Fire and Ice Club.
Neither one is looking for love, but their chemistry is too strong to ignore.
They agree to a relationship with an expiration date—the insurance policy both believe will keep their hearts safe.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder, or so they say.
Forces outside their control seek to pull them apart, but they find their way back to one another.
The couple’s connection is stronger than ever until tragedy strikes Natalie’s family.
Mistakes are made. Words that can’t be taken back are uttered.
Sometimes it takes the love of friends to pick up the pieces.
Can two broken souls find their way back to one another?
Do you need a copy? Of course you do!
Readers can find Submitting to Him here
They can also find the pre-order links and physical book copy links for the other two books in the trilogy here:
Fighting with Him
Living for Him
They both release on June 21 — so preorder away and have a nice surprise waiting for you on the 21st (Hey, that’s my parents’ anniversary, too, so when your book magically shows up, be sure to send my parents anniversary wishes!)
Hey! Do you need a signed copy? Of course you do! Signed copies are available on Tara’s website
And get to know Tara, too. She’s lovely, and always glad to be active in the greater community to fundraise and be involved to help make the world a better place. You all know I love people who do that!
Newsletter Subscribe
April 18, 2022
Woo hoo! Let’s welcome Seana Kelly to West of Mars!
I have to tell you, I’m a HUGE fan of this series. Action, of the fighting variety as well as the sex variety, great characters, paranormal doings, world traveling, and more!
And so, these songs do NOT surprise me in the least. Ready for them? Okay, then! Seana Kelly, what songs make you think of your new book, The Hob and Hound Pub?
I think my books are a combination of Bad Moon Rising (Creedence Clearwater Revival) and So This Is Love (Cinderella)
So… that’s why I don’t recall Tom Keifer and company singing a song called So This is Love…
Are my hair metal roots showing?
Anyway, I stand corrected. I’m surprised by So This is Love, and yet I totally get it. It makes sense and it fits.
Ready to know what this fourth in the series is about?
I’m Sam Quinn, the newly married werewolf book nerd owner of the Slaughtered Lamb Bookstore and Bar. Clive and I are on our honeymoon. Paris is lovely, though the mummy in the Louvre inching toward me is a bit off-putting. Although Clive doesn’t sense anything, I can’t shake the feeling I’m being watched.
Even after we cross the English Channel to begin our search for Aldith—the woman who’s been plotting against Clive since the beginning—the prickling unease persists. Clive and I are separated, rather forcefully, and I’m left to find my way alone in a foreign country, evading not only Aldith’s large web of hench-vamps, but vicious fae creatures disloyal to their queen. Gloriana says there’s a poison in the human realm that’s seeping into Faerie, and I may have found the source.
I knew this was going to be a working vacation, but battling vampires on one front and the fae on another is a lot, especially in a country steeped in magic. As a side note, I need to get word to Benvair. I think I’ve found the dragon she’s looking for.
Gloriana is threatening to set her warriors against the human realm, but I may have a way to placate her. Aldith is a different story. There’s no reasoning with rabid vengeance. She’ll need to be put out of our misery permanently if Clive and I have any hope of a long, happy life together. Heck, I’d settle for a few quiet weeks.
Sound confusing? Maybe go back and start with the first in the series — it’s a USA Today Bestselling series, so you know you’re in good hands! And The Hob and the Hound is still up for preorder, so you’ve got time yet before it releases. Not a lot, so get reading!
Here’s your buy link. It’s a link aggregator, so pick your retailer and have some fun!
And connect online with Seana Kelly. I can confirm she’s great fun.
As always, remember to leave a review; it’s the second-best way to let an author know you liked their book (the first, of course, being when you buy a copy and give it to a friend).
And speaking of friends, if you’ve got a friend, be sure to send them this way to have their own book featured! Or is it YOUR book that you want to have featured? That’s fine, too! This is your moment, so step into the spotlight, enjoy, revel, and help yourself find some new readers. You’ll be glad you did.
March 21, 2022
Mmm. Bare male torso on the cover!
And with that, let’s welcome Eileen Troemel back for a second visit just this fast! Eileen’s got quite the backlist, and she’d like to share them with you. I’m game, so get your book-buying budget set accordingly.
This book is called On the Line, and it’s part of the Everyday Heroes World, which right there is intriguing. I want to know more! Don’t you?
So let’s start with the most important question of all time: Eileen Troemel, what song makes you think of your book?
I love music but I’m horrible at remembering song titles and artist names. So I recently wrote a contemporary romance and there’s a scene where they’re in the bar dancing. I wanted something ROMANTIC – not sexy or new but something where two people shared their feelings and you can really feel it in the song. I’m horrible at songs – as I’ve said – so I turned to my daughters. I got so many suggestions from them. I listened to all of them and it came down to two. As is normal for me, I cannot remember the one I didn’t pick but I waffled. My oldest daughter spoke up and said she suggested the date they were on, so she got to pick. I said true, she did. I think we were all satisfied with the end result. Tim McGraw and Faith Hill duet of Let’s Make Love. It fit the situation and I even had him sing to her.
Woo! That’s how you do it!
(Also, are your daughters old enough for songs like that??? Ehh, sex is healthy, right?)
So. Eileen, what’s the back cover copy? Tell us what the book is about!
Sunnyville offered Allison a return to a happy time in her life after leaving her cheating husband. After the drama of a car accident and the failure of her marriage, she wants nothing but peace and quiet. With the help of her daughters, she’s settled in her new home. She wants to do her job as a 911 operator and live a quiet life.
When his father fell off a ladder and his mother called 911, Chandler didn’t realize how much it would impact his life. One look at Allison and he knew he had to convince her to meet his family. But her ex-husband believes she’s still his. Is Chandler stepping over a line when he uses his computer skills to learn more about her ex?
Ooh, the jealous ex trope!! BRING IT. (Well, no, because no one needs that horror and trauma and just the sheer hassle in their lives and yes, I speak from experience. But for those of you who love it, here it is!)
Grab your copy! You know you want to!
Also, it looks like it’s Amazon exclusive, so know that before you click.
Be sure to connect with Eileen Troemel, too. Connections are what make life interesting and fun.
As always, don’t forget that if you’re an author or have a friend who’s an author, the Featured New Book Spotlight form is open to any author, with any book you’d like to feature. Got a short story in an anthology? I’ve featured those, too! (Apparently, it was a very long time ago, however, and I can’t easily link to one. But I have done it!)
And, of course, be sure to leave a few words of review about the book once you’ve read it. Authors appreciate it and it helps others find their book. Be part of an author’s success! Leave a review!
February 21, 2022
Woot! I love it when authors come back to West of Mars to feature their new books, and Hannah Carey’s doing just that today. She’s been here before with The Hunter, and today she’s back with The Betrayer.
(Psst, we’ve missed a few books in between, I think, so you’ve got to go find those. Hear me? Hunt ’em down, buy ’em, read ’em, and leave reviews.)
So. The Betrayer. That’s a rather… ominous title, no?
Hannah Carey, what song makes you think of your book?
There’s a lot of vying-for-the-throne vibes in The Betrayer (and in its companion novel, The Ascendant) and this was a song I found myself listening to on repeat during the writing and editing process, as it felt like it fit for multiple characters. The line of “Someday, they’ll tell my story” particularly resonated, as The Betrayer focuses on the next generation of characters in my Tales of Pern Coen series. Many of the characters are descendants of legends themselves and in The Betrayer, they get to begin carving out their own stories of bravery, sacrifice, and love.
Ooh, I like this song! I shall have to add it to my streaming playlists and keep it once I decide which streamer to stick with.
Okay, I LOVE this song.
So, Hannah Carey, what’s the book about?
Niall never imagined he would become king, nor did he ever imagine that he would be granted the abilities of a seer. His unnatural power, however, has proven to be no great gift, for it has already cost him the woman he loves and it threatens to cost him his kingship. His people already don’t trust him and if they knew of his power, they would view him as nothing more than a monster.
Niall’s future looks grim, but a twist of fate returns Ciara to his life when he least expects it. He latches onto the hope of a different future, only to discover that things have changed while he has hidden away in his castle. When the man Ciara trusted the most disappeared, she turned to his brother, a man she never saw herself falling for.
Bleddyn has shown Ciara that there is more to him than she first thought and she has carved out a life at his side, but things are unsettled on the island of Pern Coen. A dark power is stirring, one that hasn’t been seen in decades. One man is at the center of the growing darkness, but is it the man that Ciara, and the people, think? Is Niall innocent or is he hiding more than just his powerful abilities?
Let me just say that if this seems to be a book about Niall, it’s pretty evenly balanced between him and Ciara. And yet, the book description is dead-on perfect. Weird how that is working out, but you gotta trust I know what I’m talking about on this one.
Pick up your copy!
The Violet Fox Bookshop (Local Indie Bookstore, but does ship)
Ooh, yay! Buy indie, folks! I’m a huge fan of indie bookstores.
And remember, although I’ve said it before: Be sure to leave a few words of review. I’m confident you’ll like this one, but if you’re a hardass like me, be critical. I am probably not the only person who only reads the one- and two-star reviews! And, as always, if you’re struggling to be coherent in your review, I’m here to help.
And, of course, connect with Hannah Carey online. I can vouch for what a prolific reader she is, and she writes great reviews, too.
That’s it! Go get it!
But if you need more, and of course you do, submit a Featured New Book Spotlight request yourself. Or send the link to your author friends. I’m not picky, and yes, I’ll post spotlights for authors I’ve never met. Why not? How else are we supposed to meet?
July 5, 2021
Woo hoo! Let’s welcome Lyndi Alexander back to West of Mars!
Lyndi’s got a new book out, called Sixshooter, and it’s part of the Horizon Crossover series. Want to know more? I sure do!
Let’s start with the usual, of course. I mean, it’s what we’re all here for!
Lyndi, what song makes you think of your book?
The Joker by Steve Miller. I mean, a SPACE COWBOY? I’ve been a long-time FIREFLY fan, and the thought of living out among the far-flung stars leads naturally to thoughts of Terran cowboys on the Plains. No one’s micromanaging you, and you’ve got the open spaces to call your own. You meet all sorts of interesting people and aliens, too. But as always, evil parts of government manage to get their tendrils into every life, and you’ve got to fight to stay independent and free.
Oh, and his name isn’t Maurice–but his grandfather’s is. 🙂
Like space, love has no boundaries.
Heh. His grandfather’s name is Maurice. Get it? (If not, hello? CLICK THE LINK.)
So. What’s the official book description?
Valeni Pascual wants to be free to make a living hauling cargo with her spaceship and to understand the shapeshifting alien who presents sometimes as the steamy male Nik and other times as the blonde bombshell Nikki.
As a rebel insurgence builds against the oppressive government known as the Agency, Valeni and Nik/Nikki encounter a sexy Terran cowboy named Garrett Rawls. Since being pulled into this region of space by another mysterious wormhole, Garrett has looked for a way to return to Earth. After meeting Valeni and Nikki, he might have found something worth staying for.
However, dark forces may have a much bigger picture in mind for all of them. Valeni, Nik/Nikki, and Garrett are pulled into a life and death fight that lays bare all of their secrets and their desires. Will they lose everything as the battle against the Agency rages around them or can love pull them through?
Pick up your copy!
Barnes and Noble
Smashwords (affiliate link)
And connect with Lyndi:
Website and Blog
Amazon Author Page
Remember, if you like a book you’ve found here, the kind thing to do is leave a review (and if you hang out with me here, you’re kind. RIGHT?) wherever you bought your copy. Or, better, in multiple places. Tell a friend! Spread the word! Books bring us together as a community.
And if you’re having trouble with your review and need some help, drop me a line. I’m here to help!
May 24, 2021
Woot! Lucinda Race is CRUSHing it with the book releases of late! She’s back today with the next in the Crescent Lake Winery series, Crush. Because she’s so fast I can barely keep up with her, let’s get right to it! Lucinda, what song makes you think of your book?
The song that reminds me of these characters is Ed Sheeran – Perfect. It’s about getting a second chance at love. The first time Colin and Anna meet its just not the right time – but the second time he’s determined to not let her go. Anna is perfect for Colin and Colin is perfect for Anna.
Now, I’ve got ONE Ed Sheeran song on my Spotify playlists. So sometimes, I’m not sure how Lucinda and I get along so well, but this song’s quite lovely. And yes, it fits this book. Listen hard!
Are you dying to know what this installment is about? Oh, you should be!
He’s just the spark she needs…
Anna Price is an Enologist, a world-renowned expert in anything having to do with wine. Her work at her family’s Crescent Lake Winery in the Finger Lakes region of New York has her feeling as if she’s treading water. There has to be more to life than just wine. Has she lost her spark? She’s jolted when her father suffers a heart attack, then gets a jolt of a different kind from the man taking care of her father.
Colin Grant is a nurse practitioner, specializing in the care of cardiac patients. He’d met Anna once before, but had just ended a long-distance relationship and wasn’t ready for someone new. But this time it’s different. There’s no denying his attraction to the curvy girl who has no idea how beautiful she is.
When Anna is offered a job in France, they may find their growing relationship crushed. How can she say no to the offer of a lifetime? Colin’s job is caring for other people’s hearts; he’s determined not to have his own broken again. Absence doesn’t always make the heart grow fonder. But is it worth the risk, for a lifetime of love?
Seriously. This is a keeper. Don’t miss it!
And, of course, once you’ve finished it, remember to leave a review! Reviews are a great way to say thanks to an author, even if all you’re thanking them for is the hard work they put into a book.
And be sure to connect with Lucinda, as well:
Lucinda’s Heart Racers Reader Group
Amazon Author Page
Bookbub Lucinda Race
Goodreads Lucinda Race
As a reminder: the Featured New Book Spotlight is open to ANY author, regardless of… anything! Share the link, tell your friends, send them on over, and have them fill out the handy-dandy form. (It’s working again, in case you had tried when it was broken, and thanks to the author who notified me it was broken!)
April 19, 2021
Let’s welcome Kim McMahill to the Featured New Book Spotlight! Her newest release is the fourth in her Risky Research series, and it sounds like if you are into federal action heroes, this is right up your alley! We’ll get to more about the book in a second, but first, let’s get to what we’re all here for: the music!
Kim McMahill, what song makes you think of your book?
Whenever I hear, In The Air Tonight, I’m transported back to the 80’s television show Miami Vice and picture organized crime, hot tropical nights, and those iconic speedboat scenes off Miami. The latest installment in my Risky Research Series, A Measure of Madness, is primarily set in Florida, Puerto Rico, and Brazil. In the opening chapter, as the yacht races through the night, the bow rising and then slamming down over the gentle waves with the moonlight reflecting off the ocean and wind rushing through Max’s hair after successfully completing his mission, I can almost hear the music queue up. It really isn’t as much about the lyrics as it is about the mood the music creates.
Ahh. Classic song with a new twist. And yes, I can picture this scene? Can you? Well, we’ve got to know what happens next to this dude named Max, don’t we?
FBI agent Devyn Nash’s pursuit of a deadly organization heats up in this fourth installment of the Risky Research series.
The FBI locates the mastermind behind Coterie, but attempts to bring him in result in a shootout that sends Coterie’s members scrambling for cover. When Devyn’s partner is left fighting for his life in a Puerto Rican hospital, she becomes more determined than ever to bring them to justice.
Devyn’s decision to ignore her orders and pursue the head of Coterie to Brazil puts her job and her relationship with Sheriff Gage Harris in jeopardy, but she is unwilling to allow those responsible for so much death to live out their lives in paradise.
Hey… where’s Max? Max of the cool opening scene?
Well, shoot. Now I GOTTA read this to find out!
Pick up your copy; you know you want to!
Barnes and Noble
Apple Books
And remember: authors are fun to chat and connect with. Here’s Kim McMahill’s social information:
Facebook Page
As always, if you’re an author or have a friend who’s an author, the Featured New Book Spotlight is open to you or them. And, of course, no matter who you are, leaving a review is always the best way to say thanks to an author for their hard work. If you’re struggling with a review, never hesitate to reach out. Yeah, it’ll cost you a nominal fee to cover my time, but I am worth it. More importantly, so are you.
March 22, 2021
Yes, it’s back to back weeks of Lucinda Race! Woo!
Jealous? Step into the spotlight, yourself. You know I want to host you.
So last week, we learned all about Blends, the prequel novel in the Crescent Lake Winery Series. Now it’s time to dive in to the actual meat of the series, and hoo boy, is there meat to this series! Yes, I’ve had a sneak peek and yes, you will LOVE what Lucinda’s cooking up.
So. Book One. Breathe. Let’s talk about the important stuff first: the music! Lucinda, what song makes you think of Breathe?
In Case You Didn’t Know – Brett Young
Max holds so much inside, afraid of being hurt that he overly cautious – but he does fall hard for Tessa and when I hear this song I always think that Tessa didn’t know…
Okay, so what’s a rocker chick like me doing, hanging out with the likes of Lucinda Race, who’s exposed me to not one but TWO good country songs that I’d actually add to my playlist? Well, expanding my horizons and learning new things, of course! And yes, I can totally see this being Max’s song! Want to know why? Get the book.
But before we get to the buy links, here’s the official book description:
Romance and fine wine both need time to breathe…
Her family’s successful winery business in the Finger Lakes region of New York should have gone to Tessa Price. She’d always dreamed of running the winery, but when the “prodigal son” returns to take up the reins, she boldly strikes out on her own, purchasing Sand Creek Winery—a cash-strapped competitor—right out from under her family. She can forge her own destiny, using her marketing skills and big plans to bring new life to the winery. But first she has a proposition for the sexy previous owner. And he’s likely to hate it.
Kevin “Max” Maxwell would never have willingly sold his winery to anyone named “Price.” Family always comes first, and if paying for his sister’s cancer treatment cost him his business, it was worth it. But when the new owner offers him a one year contract to stay on as general manager, with a possible bonus, he really can’t afford to turn it down. He can ignore the effect her deep brown eyes and heart-shaped face have on his senses for a year, can’t he?
Relationships, like slowly ripening vineyards, take time. But Max has been keeping a secret from Tessa, one that could destroy her hopes for their future. Will a terrible accident force Tessa and Max to face how much they have to lose, or tear apart their budding relationship forever? Sometimes a romance is like a fine wine. To be its best, it just needs time to breathe.
Ooh, do you love that? “To be its best, it just needs time to breathe.”
Here’s your universal buy link. Because universal buy links are the way to go.
And remember to connect Lucinda Race so you don’t miss out on any of the great books in this series. Yes, I’m still biased, and proud of it.
Amazon Author Page
Lucinda’s Heart Racers Reader Group
Remember: I’d love to host you, your friend the writer, the person you really don’t like but pretend to… I don’t care! I’m about helping books find readers, so take advantage!
March 15, 2021
I am beyond thrilled to welcome romance author Lucinda Race to West of Mars today! And how can I not me? Lucinda is ALL kinds of awesome. If you haven’t read her books yet, you’re in for a treat. And yeah, I may be a bit biased, but that’s okay, right?
So, Lucinda, tell us what song makes you think of your book!
Making Me Look Good Again – Drake White
The line – leather and lace and denim and pearls just sucked me into Sam and Sherry’s story – all about opposite fitting together.
This is a new song to me. Probably my first Drake White, too, and… ummm… WOW! Yearning, longing, and yet nostalgia in there. Good stuff.
Ready for the book description? I sure am!
His mother’s final illness waylaid Sam Price’s college dreams, but he’s content working in his family’s vineyard in the Finger Lakes region of New York. When he finds a woman with a flat tire on a vineyard road, he’s stunned to discover it’s the girl he’d had a crush on in high school. He’d never been confident enough to ask her out back then. He’d been a farm kid. Her daddy was the bank president. Way out of his league.
Sherry Jones is tired of her parent’s ambitious plans for her life. She’ll finish her college accounting degree like they want, but how can she tell them about her real love: working with growing things? Then a flat tire and a neglected garden offer her an unexpected opportunity, with the added bonus of a tall, gorgeous guy with eyes that set her senses tingling.
What does a guy with dirt under his nails and calluses on his hands have to offer a woman like Sherry? It will take courage for her to defy her parents and claim her own dreams. Sam and Sherry’s lives took different paths, but a winding vineyard road has brought them back together. Are they willing to take a chance to create the perfect blend for a lifelong love?
People. THIS is the start of a family dynasty. Right here. Don’t miss it.
Grab your copy. Here’s the universal buy link, and can I tell you guys how much I love universal buy links?
Connect with Lucinda Race, because she’s fun and totally bad for my discipline and yet so totally disciplined herself and yes, I just adore her.
Amazon Author Page
Lucinda’s Heart Racers Reader Group
Remember, the Featured New Book Spotlight is always open! You don’t have to be a friend, an acquaintance, or a client to step into it. I’ve met amazing authors and read great books they’ve written — and I know many of my readers have, too. Don’t be shy!
November 30, 2020
Let’s welcome Brenda Sparks back to West of Mars and the Featured New Book Spotlight! If you missed her last visit in the early days of lockdowns and pandemics, here’s the link to remind yourself of all the goodness she brought us in March 2020.
Brenda is back today with the next in her Alpha Council Chronicles — the sixth book, actually! Wow! — and it’s called Alpha Eternal. But before we talk about the book, let’s go for the tunes. Brenda Sparks, what song makes you think of your book?
At the risk of dating myself, I can’t help but think of the song, Lovely Day by Bill Withers, when I think about my latest paranormal romance, Alpha Eternal. Having watched his fellow Alpha Council members find their heartmates, the hero of Alpha Eternal is ready to find a soul mate of his own, and he longs for that one person who will give him a reason for being.
Alex most definitely embodies the lyric from the song which goes, “When the day that lies ahead of me seems impossible to face. When someone else instead of me always seems to know the way, Then I look at you, and the world’s alright with me. Just one look at you and I know it’s gonna be a lovely day.”
Alpha Eternal is a dark paranormal story about a vampire who is sent to infiltrate a demonic compound. Unfortunately for him, a chance meeting in the past comes back to haunt him when he is assigned to a guard who despises him. Alex is a spy. Shira is his enemy. And yet for some reason, fate seems destined to bring them together…again and again.
Ooh, that funky bass line! And while the book may be dark, this song is not! How have I never heard this before?
Ready for the book description? I sure am!
Alexander Hall is a fun-loving vampire whose duty comes before all else, except maybe finding a heartmate. Discouraged when he is assigned to infiltrate a demonic compound, Alex plans on getting in and out fast, but fate has other plans. Once Alex discovers a sexy demon from his past is chosen as his guide, he couldn’t be more pleased.
Shira is a demon who likes to keep to herself, so when the demon king asks her to be Alex’s guide, she couldn’t be less pleased. Keeping the vampire from discovering demon secrets quickly becomes a full-time job. A job she didn’t ask for and most definitely doesn’t want.
With the vampire’s desire for someone to commit his heart to and the demon looking to run as far away as possible, how will fate intervene to bring this unlikely couple together?
A vampire-demon love… I love it! Fresh, unique… I love this sort of fiction!
Need a copy? Take note: The book doesn’t release until December 9, so you’ll be pre-ordering. Which means you’ll forget about it and then on December 9, you’ll open your e-reader and it’ll be there, a gift from your past self to your present self.
Be good to your future self.
Barnes and Noble
And connect with Brenda Sparks! Chatting with authors is fun.
Facebook Fan Page
Twitter Handle: @brenda_sparks
Facebook Author Page
Whew! Lots of ways to get to know a great author. Take advantage! What’s the point of social media if it’s not social?
And now, for the standard disclaimers:
* One of the best ways to show appreciation for an author’s book is to leave a review.
* The absolute best way is to buy a copy and gift it to a friend or family member.
* If you are struggling with a review, drop me a note and I will help!
* The Featured New Book Spotlight is open to anyone, so send your author friends over via this link. This is not something I only offer to certain authors. If you’ve published a book — or even a short story in an anthology! — the spotlight is yours to step into.
November 23, 2020
Let’s welcome Lyndi Alexander back to West of Mars! If you missed her earlier visits, Love Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me was featured here,and she featured Windmills with a spot in my Lines of Distinction fun here, as well.
So what has Lyndi Alexander have for us today? It’s her new release, Adversaries (The Color of Fear), and here she is to tell us what song makes her think of her book:
This book wraps up all the waiting that’s been building since Lin Kwan first saved her cousin from thugs in Hong Kong in the first pages of WINDMILLS. She has found her father and is poised to give him the herbs that can save the world. Xi San is in St. Louis and ready to have it out once and for all with the white supremacist Gabriel, who’s killed his friends and so many others. Assassin Jin Piao knows where to find his targets. Gabriel stands prepared to lead his Angels to cleanse what’s left of America of BIPOC. Battle is in the air….
This why “In the Air Tonight” by Phil Collins encapsulates this book, which takes place over only two weeks. IT’S COMING. WINDMILLS and DESTINATIONS have served to pull all the players into place; now all the pieces will fall.
Ahhh… Eighties music for the win, and this is a classic even beyond that.
And look at all these pieces coming together, along with the timely topics the book tackles — but what stands out to me the most is the tight timeline. The entire story unfolds in two weeks.
Here’s what this series-ender is about:
Life after the devastating biological terrorist attack that decimated the White population in the US is beginning to recover as Tzu Lin Kwan is finally able to deliver her precious cargo of herbs to her scientist father. Or is it?
The virus may be mutating, spreading to infect those previously immune. Tzu Shin and his fellow scientists—and now Kwan—are literal prisoners of the US military.
The White supremacist army of the demagogue Gabriel has invaded St. Louis. And the Chinese assassin Piao knows where to find his targets. Kwan and her friends Valery, Eddie, and San are ready to fight to the death to defend their recovering world. The question is: Are courage and determination enough?
Talk about timely… Wow!
Grab yourself a copy; you know you want to!
Zumaya Publications
And be sure to connect with Lyndi, too. Because it’s always fun to chat with authors.
Amazon Author Page
Smashwords | Lyndi Alexander
For the standard disclaimers:
* Remember that a review is one of the best ways to show an author appreciation for their book!
* Another good way is to buy a copy to give as a gift.
* If you want to leave a review but are struggling, reach out to me and I will help!
* Send your author friends the link to submit their own.
* Check back every Monday to see what books are being featured, help spread the word, and jam some great tunes.
September 28, 2020
My good friend Katie Zaber is back with the next entry in her Dalya series. If you missed out on the first one, you’d better get busy because this is a series that’s building into something that I fully expect to be monumental.
Katie, what song reminds you of Below Dark Waters?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have your childhood fears plague you instead of adult problems? Wouldn’t it be easier to hit rewind and relive your childhood when all you had to be afraid of was the imaginary monster under your bed?
Megan had to grow up fast, but that doesn’t mean she’s ready to make adult decisions. She’s constantly second guessing herself, afraid she will screw up or make matters worse. I think she would rather youth’s ignorant bliss than dealing with reality and all the lies she believed.
Ooh, so what does THAT mean? Well, you’re going to have to read the book to know!
And hey, Katie Zaber? I’m not an Indigo Girls fangirl — I like them well enough, I suppose, for a metal queen — but wow, I like this song. It’s moody. The harmony section fits the book. Nice choice!
So what’s Below Dark Waters about?
Princess Megan, who never had a reason to assume she was anything but human, has been on the run, protected by her friends. With each step toward the city of Delmont, she hopes they will have time to regroup before setting sail to the Ka’Pamau Islands, their final destination. Instead, her bad luck shadows her and chaos continues to ensue everywhere she goes—including a new part of the world that most air breathers have yet to explore. Confronted with another royal family and a smitten prince whose advances turn cold, she faces another life-altering decision with ramifications she can’t possibly begin to guess at.
Back on land, Lilly reveals more of her secrets, her story, and her goals. Monumental changes and challenges are headed her way as she embraces her new role in life.
On the sea, Aunt Carmia is stirring up trouble while continuing her hunt for the treasure she most desires. She experiences upheavals, but she is always prepared for the unknown.
As their stories unfold, they remain unaware how fate connects them in the world of Dalya.
Whaaaat? The song focused on Megan! What’s with these others?
Oh, my friends. Grab a copy and start reading — and yes, you must start with the first. Lucky for you, that’s only one book ago! (Unluckily for all of us, I have no idea where the third book is or how long we’ll have to wait for it.)
Here are your buy links:
Smashwords (This is an affilate link and will give me a few pennies of your appreciation.)
July 6, 2020
Let’s welcome Barbara Meyers to West of Mars!
I do owe Barbara an official, public apology. My spam filter got a little aggressive and started dumping all correspondence from my website into spam. Imagine my surprise when I found this sitting there, just days away from being deleted entirely!
But we’re all here now, and life is good. (However, if you don’t hear back from me within a week to 10 days, drop me an email independent of the site. That should go through.)
Now that I’ve taken care of that, let’s get down to business because Barbara’s song for her forthcoming book is one of my all-time favorites. Ready?
Barbara Meyers, what song makes you think of your book?
It’s the first song I thought of when I saw the question, because it makes me think of love and the pain of loss. This song is personal to me because of a tragedy that struck our family and was played at the memorial service. Both the hero and heroine in If You Dare have lost someone important to them, and they find their way through grief together. But still, they never forget the person they loved and lost.
Wow! To be able to hear something so starkly personal and not keep the song only for that memory. That takes strength and an open heart.
The book doesn’t come out until September, but the presale is running, and so here’s what it’s about. Go preorder now and then when it arrives, it’ll be like a gift that magically shows up on your ereader! How can you resist? Your future self will thank you. Here’s why?
Can a man evolve from arrogant ass to Father of the Year?
Doug Winston looks into his newborn daughter’s eyes and vows to become the kind of man and father worthy of her. But he first must navigate the mess he’s made of his life.
Doug’s wife has left him. His baby mama dies and to avenge her death her sister, Josie, wants to prove him unfit and attain custody. The teenage son he raised despises him, the father he worships disowns him, and a child Doug never knew he’d fathered arrives on his doorstep.
As Doug embarks on his quest to live authentically, to make amends where he can and build relationships with his children and with Josie, he discovers that the father for whom he was never good enough is part of a vast criminal network.
Just as Doug and Josie cross the line from hate to love, and Doug has cobbled together the family he always wanted, can he bring the man he once idolized to justice in order to protect them all?
That’s some description, huh? I love a good redemption story.
Like I said, preorder your copy!
Universal link
And connect with Barbara Meyers online. You’ll be glad you did.
Facebook Author Pages
Amazon Author Page
Twitter URL
As always, remember to leave a review once you’ve read the book. Reviews help in many ways! If you’re unsure your review will pass muster, I’m always willing to help out. Drop me a line, although if you don’t hear back, contact me directly!
And, as always, if you’re an author, I’d love to host you for a day. If you’re not an author but have a friend who is, send ’em on over! The only requirement is that the book be new to my readers. I’ll let you decide what exactly that means.