February 17, 2025
Long story short, I was hanging out with a bunch of book fans — romance fans, in fact — yesterday and the subject of working-class people in books came up.
The person talking about how great it is to see working-class heroes who are also billionaires was super eloquent. She cut through my privilege with a well-sharpened sword, talking about how what makes these books so attractive is the idea that billionaire-level privilege will allow working-class people to never have to worry about being taken care of, financially, again.
And I get that. I do. It’s a lovely goal, one every single one of us should live as our personal truth. To be taking care of financially. Hard stop on that idea. Every single one of us deserves that. (Well, except for the fascists, of course. They can spend time experiencing what too many of us do.)
But I’m also going to argue that if you’re a billionaire, you’re not a working-class person. You’re a billionaire with a working-class job. And that is something entirely different.
So once again — back to the point I’d made that she was responding to — we tend to not see true working-class heroes in the pages of romance. TRUE working-class heroes. People who are struggling to pay their bills and take care of themselves, their families, their friends, their communities. We don’t romanticize the people who get up in the morning and put on work clothes and do the hard labor.
And I argue that we should.
These people populate the world of my current fiction project, Tales from the Sheep Farm.
And I’m glad I made that choice.
The past two months — with another on the schedule yet — I’ve been having massive work done on my house. I can talk about the racial makeup of the various crews who’ve worked on the different parts, about how each group has been very different from the last, and more, but the one thing that has struck me, as Freya Cat and I have watched from inside the house as the exterior has been taken down to the studs and rebuilt (fun times in winter, let me tell you!), the one thing that has struck me through this all is how incredibly skilled these various men have been.
Even on the days when members of one crew are teaching members of another, or when the original demolition crew showed up and had never done this type of work before, so they took the time to figure it out and learn, what they were doing used skills I couldn’t even imagine.
There’s real craftsmanship in what they do. Yes, even the demolition! They’ve had to work around my existing landscaping, on a house built into a hillside, without doing damage to what’s underneath or to each other or to larger parts of my property.
And yet… that’s still not represented much in fiction. Oh, you’ll see it in literary fiction. I’ve seen it pretty often in mysteries (Liz Milliron‘s books are phenomenal for that), too.
But romance?
I love the genre. I do. So c’mon romance friends. Enough of the billionaires with working class jobs. Let’s see working class people with honor and dignity.
I don’t write romance, either. But I see working class people, even though I’m not one of you. But I do respect you and I am in awe of your skills and your various expertise, and I’m well aware of how vital you are to a healthy economy and a healthy society.
Pick up some of the Tales from the Sheep Farm books and see what I mean. I’m striving to give honor and dignity to all of my characters, including those we’re set up to not initially like. (Oh, wait until you get your hands on Legacy… talk about a billionaire fall from grace!)
If you’d like to go right to the buy links, here you go: http://Books2Read.com/Susan-Helene-Gottfried
People are treasures too.
April 24, 2023
Let’s welcome our buddy Linda Griffin back to West of Mars!
You all know I love repeat visitors, and I hope you’re having fun following the careers of these authors. I personally love watching authors grow and mature and settle into their craft of writing. And man, do we get some good books for it!
Today’s book is Reluctant Hearts, and let’s let Linda tell us what song makes her think of it:
“I’ll Never Fall in Love Again” by Burt Bacharach and Hal David because the characters in Reluctant Hearts aren’t ready for new relationships. Unexpected love may triumph though!
Whoa, this is an oldie, but wow, has it held up well. Not as a contemporary song but as a song that stamps the time it was written and made famous. It’s so much fun! Be sure to give it a listen.
Let’s get back to the book.
So you know, this book releases today!
Ready for what it’s about, so you know what you’re buying?
Four couples, four stories:
Darien Francis and Richard Li meet during a bank robbery, but she’s afraid to love again.
Shane Kenniston and Beth Parker are reacquainted years after she had a crush on him, but she is a recent widow, and Shane’s life was upended by a false accusation.
David Early and Kate Howard meet in the laundromat, but her life is consumed by the needs of her disabled child, and David isn’t ready for the responsibility.
Realtor Frank Ellison meets Kayla Barnes at an open house, but a mistaken first impression derails any chance of romance.
Can they all overcome the obstacles to love?
Lots of trauma and messiness in here… just like real life, no? I love it. I love messiness.
Pick up a copy of Reluctant Hearts!
Amazon print
Barnes and Noble
Connect with Linda:
If you’ve missed Linda’s past visits, this is a great time to go check them out, too!
Love, Death, and the Art of Cooking
Guilty Knowledge
Remember: The Featured New Book Spotlight is here for you if you’re an author, your friends, the authors you love to hate, whoever! If you’ve got a book that makes you think of a song, come on by.
October 3, 2022
We’re back after a short blackout (I hate those!) with a return visit from my new friend Tara Conrad.
You can visit her first post, featuring Submitting to Him, here.
Which means Tara’s an old hand at this already. I mean, of course she is after only being here once before. This isn’t hard stuff, gang — and that’s by design. I want it easy for you, both as spotlit authors and as readers. Which means, we gotta get right to it, no?
Tara Conrad! What song makes you think of your new book, His Melody?????? (Lots of question marks ’cause I really want to know and yes, today is a MOOD. Go with it.)
Viktor and the girl he ends up with (I can’t give away who it is) both believe they’re damaged beyond repair. Both of their pasts are filled with loss, pain, and more trauma than any person should have to endure. Neither of them believe they’re worthy of love.
Their paths cross–their worlds collide and they can’t ignore the pull to one another.
But, there’s one big problem, their love is forbidden.
This song? One of my all-time favorites! And I want to one day write a book that makes me think of this song. It’s so… mmmm. Everything. Yum.
And if you didn’t notice, by Tara’s refusal to let us know the female lead’s name, this is one in a series — the fourth, to be precise. So you might want to backtrack and catch up before reading this one! (Hey, the first book? I linked to it above! It’s Submitting to Him!)
But before we think about that, let’s talk about the official book description. Ready? I sure am!
Everyone seems to believe time heals all wounds. But is that really the truth or something people say to ease their conscience?
The pain from loss never completely goes away. Instead, we learn to live with the suffocating grief.
I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up. A man like me doesn’t get a happily ever after.
I knew better. That mistake won’t happen again.
This time, I’m starting over with nothing left to lose.
I just hope when the dust settles, everyone I care about can forgive me.
Ooh! Tara STILL didn’t spoil the woman’s name!!! Notice what she did there!
I gotta know. Do you gotta know?
Here’s the way: Amazon only book you gotta read
And here’s how to connect with Tara… well, how to get signed paperback copies, anyway! They make great gifts…. just sayin’…
This is that spot where I remind you that if you can’t gift a copy to a friend, and if your friends are tired of you talking up all the great books you find here and want them to know about, the next best way to help an author raise their visibility is to leave a review online! Another good way is to send them here, for their chance to stop into the spotlight.
Be a good reader. Share the name of your favorite book or author with the world.
September 19, 2022
Calling my dark fiction lovers! Author Eileen Troemel herself describes Fractured: Love of the Broken as being dark, and c’mon. That title says it all right?
Let’s let Eileen Troemel tell us all about the song that makes her think of her book, Fractured: Love of the Broken. Ready? It’s not some bizarre death metal (hey, I listen to death metal), I promise.
Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) Kelly Clarkson
Zulma’s space transport crash lands on Laken a Prisoner of War planet. She’s been sent there after being captured during a war with Dolians. She’s been through the ringer. Drugged, tortured, raped, she’s a mess. She’s greeted by four Conasians who have been prisoners on the planet for a long time. They’ve survived the drug addicts they call Sleepers but they’re tired of fighting to survive. Drake, Parker, Claud and Stuart take her back to their leader as ordered.Zulma is RAW from her experiences. She doesn’t know who to trust or believe. She’s been beaten down by the Dolian Premier. He tried to break her in every possible way. But she stayed strong, barely. She feels shattered but her four men help her cope with the trauma and terror she went through.
Four men, huh? Should I be winking at that? I don’t know! We’ll have to read the book!
Want to know more? I don’t know if that explanation can be topped, but let’s see. Here’s the official book description for you:
This is a Reverse Harem dark scifi romance. There is cursing and violence. Rape and torture are referred to.Sent to the prison planet Laken, Zulma expects to be raped and tortured. What she finds there may save her and her people.
Ordered to a crashed Dolian ship, Conasian prisoners of war Drake, Claud, Stuart, and Parker hope to survive the trek through the dangerous sleepers. The downed ship is vital. What they discover will change their future if they survive the sleepers and their own men.
Yep, I shoula winked. My instinct was right.
If you are offended by the use of the term reverse harem, I apologize. I know it’s a loaded term, that there’s a huge controversy about its use and meaning, and what good alternatives are… romance is HARD, y’all.
Anyway, regardless of the term, pick up the book. It sounds like it’s a dark book with a redemption or healing arc, and couldn’t we ALL use a bit of that right now? I sure could.
And make sure you make note! It will not be for sale until October 15! But if you preorder now, it’ll magically show up on your device on the fifteenth, like a gift from past you.
Here’s your universal link.
And visit with Eileen Troemel! She’s lovely, and I so enjoy our chats. Here’s her linktree — again, universal links, so have at it and have fun exploring her world. You’ll be glad you did!
Remember, if the book strikes and emotional chord with you, leave a review somewhere online, in addition to sharing copies with friends. Reviews help a book become more discoverable, which in turn means more sales, which in turn means authors who can make a living bringing you amazing books to read. See how you’re a part of that? You ARE important too.
And if you’re reading this and you are an author, or you have a friend who’s an author, send them over to the Featured New Book Spotlight! This is how we all find great new reads, hear great songs, and support each other. There’s room for everyone!
August 8, 2022
Woot! I love welcoming back repeat friends, and Eileen Troemel has certainly become a repeat friend. Truth be told, I’d love to be as prolific as Eileen Troemel, although as an editor, I laugh at my prolific clients because sometimes, it’s hard to get other clients’ works in, too — and I need the palate cleanser that other styles and voices bring to my desk.
Here’s the list of Eileen’s last visits, so you can check out her backlist. Backlist books deserve love, too, you know! And of course, they ALL deserve a few thoughts in the form of a thoughtful review.
On the Line
Celtan Dilemma
Celtan Dilemma
Today, though, the main focus is on Solana, Eileen Troemel’s newest book. It’s the second book in a projected four-book series, and if you want it NOW, sorry, but you’ll have to wait a tiny bit, as the release date isn’t until August 20. But that’s not so far away! You can make it!
Eileen, let’s hear it! What song makes you think of your new book, Solana?
You Can’t Hurry Love by the Supremes
Solana is excited to arrive at the fire geyser site to study what she believes are fire dragons. She’s even more excited when she meets Lowkas – the ranger in charge – because he’s her mate. Except Lowkas doesn’t believe in mates. He denies they exist and isn’t interested. But when Solana touches him, their markings change and meld together. Her heart longs for him and she wants to be with him. Lowkas is firm. When she connects with the hidden fire dragons, they urge her to pursue Lowkas and to heal his pain so he will be her mate. But it’s a struggle because Lowkas denies it all – their being mates and the existence of dragons.
Ooh, the kindness baked into this story… she’s got to help heal his pain. Or just outright do it for him. And ordinarily, I’d be all, “You can’t do it for someone else,” but we’re dealing with fire dragons here and someone sunk really far into denial and hurt. This dude probably isn’t in a position where he’s even able to do it for himself, poor guy.
And how much do we love the Supremes? That’s some classic music, right there. I am thinking I neglected my kids’ musical education by not exposing them to the Supremes. (I am also about to cue some up on Tidal, which will get interesting, as I’m currently listening to Blind Guardian and hello! Musical whiplash!)
I should get myself back on track here, and the best way to do that is to read the official book description for Solana. Ready? Here we go!
Fire dragons are easy for Solana. Mates? Not so much.
On his own since he was ten, Lowkas learned early how to survive alone. Stationed at the fire geysers, he finds home and comfort from a source he didn’t expect. When Solana shows up exposing things he’s kept secret, he’s suspicious.
Will Lowkas put his past behind him, or will it take a dragon intervention?
There ya go! Short and sweet, it pretty much says it all. And it’s still interesting stuff. I need to catch up on my reading so I can pick up more of these books I feature. (Yes, I heard authors everywhere cringe. Come on. I’m not THAT mean.)
Grab your copy! (And again, let me rave about these universal buy links. They’re really super.)
Connect with Eileen Troemel! She’s wonderful; I promise! I mean… universal links, right???
Remember, the Featured New Book Spotlight is here for you and any of your author friends, and I’d love to host you (or them) and have fun getting to know all the musical tastes and all the books. It’s fun for me and I hear that it’s hard but fun for you.
July 25, 2022
Woot! I have been sharing posts for books by Regina Jeffers for literal years and I’m so excited to host her today in the Featured New Book Spotlight. It’s always fun to get a better, closer look at a book I’ve seen bandied about on social media — and this is another reason why stopping in here is always a smart thing to do! I’m so ready to learn about your books, I can’t tell you.
So let’s get right to it, shall we? Regina Jeffers, what song makes you think of your new book, The Earl’s English Rose?
If I were to choose a song to accompany “The Earl’s English Rose,” I would choose Amanda McBroom’s “The Rose,” sung beautifully by Bette Midler as the soundtrack of a movie by the same name. Yes, I know, my choice seems so obvious, as such is the heroine’s first name, but there is more to the lyrics which speak of the “ease” of the young woman to give her heart to a man she realizes is both her savior and her nemesis and his “inherent” lack of trust in “LOVE” itself.
Some say love, it is a river
That drowns the tender reed
Some say love, it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love, it is a hunger
An endless aching need
I say love, it is a flower
And you, its only seedThe heroine, Miss Rose Vickers, although young, recognizes the fear of romantic heartbreak as real, but she does not avoid the possibility. Instead, she accepts what she cannot control and plunges head first into a relationship with a man dead set on only being her guardian.
It’s the heart, afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
It’s the dream, afraid of waking
That never takes the chance
It’s the one who won’t be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul, afraid of dying
That never learns to liveMeanwhile, Jacob Casper, the 13th Earl of Everwalt, believes his life of dissipation is all he requires until he must marry and provide the earldom the traditional “heir and a spare.” Love has nothing to do with begetting a child on his future wife. However, as Midler’s “The Rose” tells us, there are certain endeavors in life, including most importantly, falling in love, which require a considerable degree of courage on the part of participants.
When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed that with the sun’s love
In the spring becomes the roseSo, although some consider this song has something to do with dying, as it is often played at funerals, and because such was the plot, which is loosely based on the rise and fall of Janis Joplin, I think otherwise. I dwell on the lines , “I say love, it is a flower, and you its only seed” in the first verse and the last two lines of the third verse, which say, “Lies the seed that with the sun’s love, in the spring becomes the rose.” The song speaks to the durability of love. Therefore, I offer the book’s tagline: The True Beauty of a Rose Lies in its Contradictions.
OOH! What an explanation! I love it! I also love where Regina says, “There are certain endeavors in life, including most importantly, falling in love, which require a considerable degree of courage on the part of the participants.”
So. Much. Yes.
If that’s not enough for you (yet), I’ve got more! And so does Regina, thankfully. Ready for the book’s official and actual description (although what we’ve already gotten is pretty darn good)?
The new Earl of Everwalt was not one to appreciate being bamboozled by an obstinate, headstrong girl, though pretty she may be. If he did not require her to repair his reputation, he would leave her to the schemes she had concocted to save her father’s estate.
Just because he was now her guardian, the Earl of Everwalt had no right to decide who she might marry. Therefore, Miss Rose Vickers sets out for London to provide the new earl a piece of her mind, only to run into a highwayman. As if scripted, the new earl proves to be her savior, but it would be some time before the suspicious Rose and the extremely susceptible Everwalt learn the depth of their connection and the true meaning of love.
Are you ready to grab your copy? I sure am!
“The Earl’s English Rose” is one of six tales in The Regency Summer Garden Anthology.
Also Available to Read for Free on Kindle Unlimited
And remember: the best way to show your appreciation for a book is to leave an online review for it. Some of my favorite reviews are short; others are thoughtful and perceptive. And other favorite reviews of mine are in between. There are no rights and wrongs — so long as you are honest.
Be sure to connect with Regina Jeffers! It’s free! It’s fun! It’ll let you learn about more of her books!
Every Woman Dreams (Blog)
Austen Authors (Blog)
Amazon Author Page
You Tube Interview
Regina Jeffers’s Website
Remember if you’re an author or have a friend who’s an author, the Featured New Book Spotlight is waiting to be filled by you (or them)! This is my labor of love, my way of helping readers find new books. Join me. Grab one of the books you see featured here. Send your friends over. Fill out the form yourself, if it’s your book. Because no one can talk about your book if they don’t hear about your book!
June 20, 2022
Woo hoo! Tara Conrad and I have gotten to know each other over the past year or so, thanks to Pennwriters. If you’re looking for a top-notch writing group, that’s it. Right there.
But we’re not here to talk writer’s groups; that’s just your bonus tip of the day. No! We are here to talk about Tara and her new book, which is actually a re-release, cleaned up and made prettier and all sorts of better — for her and for us. And if you’re into BDSM fiction, this one’s for you. Need proof? Let’s get to it! Tara Conrad, what song makes you think of your book?
Caleb and Kelsey’s Medley: From this Moment/You’re Still the One
Alex and Natalie didn’t go to the club that night hoping to meet someone. They were both suffering from past hurts and wanted nothing to do with love. However, when they saw each other, they couldn’t ignore what they were feeling. The first lines of the song really speak to the heart of where Alex was at and what happened when he saw Natalie, “From this moment life has began…right beside you is where I belong.” Meeting Natalie brought Alex back to life. He found his soulmate, and he wasn’t going to let her get away.In the middle of the song, the lyrics read, “They said I bet they’ll never make it. But just look at us holding on. We’re still together still going strong.” This speaks to Natalie’s side, especially with her family discouraging her relationship with Alex. But despite all that, they were together and strengthening their bond.
Later in the song is the lyric, “And you’re the reason I believe in love. And you’re the answer to my prayers from up above. All we need is just the two of us. My dreams came true because of you.” For me, this is where Alex and Natalie have become a solid couple. Everything around them fades away. They’ve helped heal one another’s hearts. Love is no longer something they avoid, but is something they embrace.
The song ends, “So glad we made it. Look how far we’ve come my baby. I will love you as long as I live. From this moment on.” I don’t want to ruin the ending of the book, but these lines reflect on Alex and Natalie’s journey and the love the share. They’re going to need to rely on the strength of their love for the challenges that lie ahead.
Overall, I think the songs represent the beauty of two people finding each other and overcoming all the odds–finding that once in a lifetime love.
Ooh, wow! What a detailed, rich answer!
Ready for the official description? Here you go!
An act of betrayal, a call to 911, and a note from the brother she lost give Natalie the courage to embark on a journey of self-exploration.
Unknowingly set up by their friends, Alex and Natalie spend the evening together at New York City’s Fire and Ice Club.
Neither one is looking for love, but their chemistry is too strong to ignore.
They agree to a relationship with an expiration date—the insurance policy both believe will keep their hearts safe.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder, or so they say.
Forces outside their control seek to pull them apart, but they find their way back to one another.
The couple’s connection is stronger than ever until tragedy strikes Natalie’s family.
Mistakes are made. Words that can’t be taken back are uttered.
Sometimes it takes the love of friends to pick up the pieces.
Can two broken souls find their way back to one another?
Do you need a copy? Of course you do!
Readers can find Submitting to Him here
They can also find the pre-order links and physical book copy links for the other two books in the trilogy here:
Fighting with Him
Living for Him
They both release on June 21 — so preorder away and have a nice surprise waiting for you on the 21st (Hey, that’s my parents’ anniversary, too, so when your book magically shows up, be sure to send my parents anniversary wishes!)
Hey! Do you need a signed copy? Of course you do! Signed copies are available on Tara’s website
And get to know Tara, too. She’s lovely, and always glad to be active in the greater community to fundraise and be involved to help make the world a better place. You all know I love people who do that!
Newsletter Subscribe
June 6, 2022
Let’s all welcome Naima Haviland and her new book, The Name I Chose, to West of Mars and the Featured New Book Spotlight!
(Insert sound of crowd cheering and confetti flying because it’s just that sort of day and we all need cheers and confetti.)
Naima Haviland and I share a mutual friend who sent her over… so if you would like to be a mutual friend, I’d love it! Your other friend will, too, I’m sure. After all, this is a fun place. (Points to cheers and confetti.)
Let’s put the focus back where it belongs, on Naima Haviland and… the song that makes her think of her book, The Name I Chose. (Awesome, kickin’ title, by the way.) Naima? What say you?
You’re Dead by Norma Tanega:
You’ll never get a second chance
Plan all your moves in advance
Stay dead, stay dead, stay dead
Stay dead and outta this world
Run fast don’t stand in the sun
There’s too much work to be done
You’re down, you’re down, you’re down
You’re down and outta this worldIt’s a last-minute warning to a sheltered society girl before she dives headlong into London’s underworld to catch up with the man she loves before her family sees him hanged.
Whoa. This is oldie but WOW goodie. I’ve never heard it before; had you?
And how about that last line? Does that make you curious, or WHAT? I mean, let’s just get right to the book’s cover description because whoo boy, it sounds like a don’t miss.
A story of passion and peril in alternative Victorian England.
It’s the late 19th century. Bold inventions usher in a new age, while genetic and cosmetic sciences reinforce an age-old class system. For the rich, immunity to disability and disease justifies their hold on power. Born disfigured, Mordecai Michaelson has employed his musical talent to rise above a life of poverty. Philomena Paulson appears no less perfect and no more talented than her upper class world requires. But she has secrets only Mordecai understands. Acceptance, trust, and a passion for music compose bonds of forbidden love between them. When chance discovery of Philomena’s darkest secret threatens scandal and revolution, she’s determined to save Mordecai from the gallows. But Mordecai is just as determined to keep her from social suicide, even if it costs him his life.
Whoo boy, there’s a lot going on there. And WOW.
I need a copy. Do you need a copy? Get yours here:
And be sure to connect with Naima Haviland, too! You never know when you’ll run into a lovely person, although I’ve been doing this so long, I feel safe in saying everyone who stops in here is lovely. Like attracts like, right?
As always, remember that the best way to thank an author for a good book is to buy a second copy for a friend. Or more copies for more friends, of course! But if you can’t do that for whatever reason, leaving a review online is also great and helps other readers find the book you’ve read.
Pay that kindness forward. Tell others about your reading experience.
And, of course, send your author friends my way, too! I love meeting new people, I love learning about new music, and I love hearing about new books. Win-win-win!
May 23, 2022
It’s another visit from our friend Alana Lorens! This is her FIFTH visit here, which might be a new West of Mars record, and one I encourage all my author friends to try to take on and exceed. And the author friends of my author friends, as well!
If you’ve missed her earlier visits, here they are:
Second Chances (in 2013!!!)
Tender Misdemeanors
A Rose by Any Other Name
Wow! And you ask why she’s one of my favorite people! Here’s only one example of why. Well, two. She’s prolific AND likes to drop in to visit. Plus, she’s really super, but we’ll talk about that part in a minute.
First, let’s find out what song makes Alana Lorens think of her NEW book, Prophecies and Promises. Alana, take it away!
Who doesn’t like pirates? Well, I suppose those enforcing the letter of the law may not be thrilled with them, but many ladies I know swoon over the romantic notion of a man who lives at sea and experiences the wild, free life! The mystery, the wicked pleasures …the sea shanties. Yes, the sea shanties, and there are several in PROPHECIES AND PROMISES, as sailors used the songs to set the timing for their tasks, pulling lines and setting sails, even swabbing the decks. When I was polishing this story, the pandemic was in full swing, and the sea shanty craze hit. I was inspired, of course, but this one hits my funny bone. I hope you enjoy it too.
Not only did I turn off TIDAL’s list of heavy metal to give it a watch and a listen, it summoned both my cats! Okay, maybe that’s only coincidence, but it happened. I swear.
So other than sea shanties and cats — although probably not cats — what’s Prophecies and Promises about? Alana Lorens, let’s hear it!
Tamsyn McKiernan thinks her dreams have come true. She’s engaged to a dashing Key West bachelor and finally in her widowed father’s good graces. But in her heart, she knows something’s wrong. She loves the ocean and the quiet pleasures of nature—so what does the aristocratic life she’ll lead truly hold for her?
Mercenary captain Drake Ashton is neck deep in preparations for the Spanish-American War, running guns and other supplies to Cuban natives who want out from under their Spanish masters. He and his brother Freddie risk their lives daily, focused on saving his friends on the island. Nothing else matters but his mission.
A chance encounter with a spiny sea urchin brings the two together, and neither of their lives will ever be the same again.
This might be the most intriguing Alana Lorens plotline yet, and I know I say that every time. I don’t know how she manages to top herself, but… she does. Also, the idea of shrugging off a life of propriety sounds mighty appealing. Maybe I just need a grand adventure, though. It’s possible. And this book just might be grand adventure enough!
Be sure to grab your copy! It’s not releasing for another week, but c’mon. You know how important preorders are, and you know that there’s no better gift to yourself than to wake up one day and find hey! A new book on your device!
Remember, the best way you can show your appreciation for an author’s book is to buy a copy for a friend or two. Or seven. But the second best way is to leave an online review, and I heartily encourage all readers to get in the habit of leaving reviews.
So. Ready to connect with Alana Lorens? Like I said, she’s pretty awesome.
Amazon Author Page
As always, if you’ve got author friends who’d like a turn in the spotlight, or if you’re an author wondering how to get in on the fun, follow this link to the handy-dandy form. Even if we’ve not met yet, I’d love to fix that and host you for the day!
April 25, 2022
Third time’s a charm, right? Well, let’s welcome Linda Griffin back to West of Mars for her third stint in the spotlight.
If you missed the first two, here they are:
Guilty Knowledge
Love, Death, and the Art of Cooking
And so Linda Griffin is back with a third book! This one’s called Bridges, and let’s learn about it, shall we?
Linda, what song makes you think of your book?
“Bridge Over Troubled Water” because Neil is always on Mary Claire’s side when she needs a friend, and their friendship is a bridge over the troubled water of their differences and her situation.
Oh, my! That’s rather provocative, isn’t it? I’m intrigued by that, and I love good, healthy friendships in books, too.
Ready for the cover copy? I sure am!
In 1963, Neil Vincent, a middle-aged World War II veteran and “Christian atheist”, is working at Westfield Court as a chauffeur. He spends most of his spare time reading. Mary Claire DeWinter is a young, blind Catholic college student and reluctant heiress. To secure her inheritance, she has to marry within a year, and her aunt is pressuring her to marry a rich man who teased and bullied her when she was a child. Neil and Mary Claire shouldn’t even be friends, but the gulf between them is bridged by a shared love of books. Can they cross the bridge to more?
Oh, I hope so! No one should be forced to marry a bully, current or former. (My clients can tell you I’m a big proponent for healthy relationships among their characters!) And how romantic could it be for Neil to read to Claire…
Heck, why don’t we see MORE scenes of couples reading to each other?
Are there reading-to-each-other scenes? I sure hope so, but grab a copy and see for yourself. Because that’s what we’re here for: to entice you to pick up a copy!
Remember, the best way to help an author is to leave a review after you’ve read the book. It doesn’t have to be fancy; one of the best reviews I saw recently read “This gutted me.” That was it! The whole review! How EASY is that, and why aren’t you helping make a book more discoverable, especially if you liked it?
And, of course, connect with Linda Griffin.
Remember, if you’ve got a friend who’s an author, or if you’re an author yourself, send them over to the Featured New Book Spotlight. One question, a bunch of links, a lot of fun. And, of course, we all get to discover new books–and, often, new music, too! Everyone wins!
April 11, 2022
Let’s welcome author Carly Spade to West of Mars!
And does that book cover remind anyone — in a very very very good if a bit I-miss-you way — of Lucifer? That right there is reason enough to grab this book, no?
But we’re here to talk about the music! So let’s talk music! Carly Spade, what song makes you think of your book, Zeus?
Throne by Saint Mesa This song represents the royalty aspect of Zeus but also the carnal and powerful sides he exudes as well as the book’s themes as well.
I have never heard of Saint Mesa before, but WOW. I ran over to TIDAL and added this and made a note to myself to explore more of this Saint Mesa man. This is good stuff. And it’s great to have on as I work, too.
So okay… we’ve got carnal and powerful sides and this amazing song… if THAT hasn’t sold you yet on this book, how about its description?
𝘼 𝙜𝙤𝙙-𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙙𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙚 𝙡𝙖𝙬𝙮𝙚𝙧…
Zeus/Zane, King of the Greek gods, holds the world in his palm in both his mortal and godly form… until Hera leaves him, forcing him to uphold Gaea’s clause: There must always be a Queen, or he loses his title and part of his power along with it. Time is short. Too bad the one woman he has his sights on wants nothing to do with him. Or does she?
𝘼𝙣 𝙚𝙢𝙥𝙖𝙩𝙝 𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙪𝙩𝙤𝙧…
There’s nothing Keira Bazin dislikes more than defense lawyers. So when she discovers Zane Vronti, one of New York’s finest, has been brought in on her newest murder case, it’s anything but good news. Tensions flare as the two immediately butt heads, but there’s something about Zane she can’t put her finger on. His emotions are the strongest she’s ever felt–borderline overwhelming. Power. Lust. Command. Can she fight her growing attraction for him? Does she want to?
WOW. This looks like fun.
Make note, though: this is the last (the sixth! Good on you, Carly!) in the series and CAN be read as a standalone, there are some Easter Eggs that’ll jump out at you if you’ve read the first five. So… I’d say get this, read it, then go back and start at the beginning and read the series the whole way through to catch those Easter Eggs. Why not?
Pick up your copy:
Universal Amazon link
Pre-Order Incentive Bonus Sign Up (Free art print and bookmark)
Nice. Preorders are always good things. And you won’t have to wait TOO long, as this releases on April 25. That’s two weeks! Heck, if you’re a fast reader, you can buy the first five and speed read and be ready for this one to drop. (I wish; how about you?)
And be sure to connect with Carly Spade, too.
My Readers Group
Of course, the best way to thank an author for a book you like is to either tell a friend or buy them a copy. The second best way is to leave a review, and I think leaving fair reviews is always the way to go. If you’re not sure what a fair review is, drop me an email.
But the bestest best way of all? Send your author friends to the Featured New Book Spotlight submission page!
March 28, 2022
Lies of Gold by Jan Selbourne
Jan found us because an author friend pointed her in our direction. Yay, author friend! Yay, Jan for taking a chance on a total stranger! (I am only strange until you get to know me, so welcome to my world.)
Jan’s got a book. It’s a Regency Romance, for those of you who love Regencies (I don’t love them, but like them a lot and will gladly read them, so if you’re in that boat with me, welcome and let’s find out more about this one, shall we?), and it looks like it’s a standalone, for those of you who like those (Me! You?). Standalones are always nice in between all those commitment-demanding series.
So. Jan Selbourne, what song makes you think of your book?
Emotion in music speaks to all of us. The words from Some Enchanted Evening, (musical South Pacific) -‘You may see a stranger across a crowded room. And somehow you know, You know even then, That somewhere you’ll see her again and again,’ was exactly how Julian felt when he set eyes on Katherine in the crowded ballroom. Although my book Lies of Gold is set in Regency England, and Julian and Katherine were forced to part, fate, cloaked in treason and treachery, brings them together again.
South Pacific! An absolute classic!
Jan, tell us what the book’s about!
Their love affair ended in anger and painful consequences. Katherine Ashford has guarded a secret through years of abuse from her husband and now, after his death, from his brother now guardian to her children. Hard living and fighting wars have numbed Julian Ashford, Katherine’s former love. Then, as so often happens, fate steps in. A traitor is smuggling gold across the Channel to Napoleon Bonaparte, and Julian is ordered back to Halton Hall and Katherine, the woman he’s tried for years to forget. It’s her secret and their increasing danger that rekindle the love they once shared. Even when a murder reveals the shocking truth of the gold smuggling, nothing can prepare them for the devastating betrayal that awaits when they finally face the mastermind behind the sordid operation.
Lots going on here… definitely one you’ve got to pick up and read, no?
It’s an Amazon exclusive, so apologies to those of you who don’t buy via Amazon for whatever reason. (They’re all valid!)
And be sure to connect with Jan, too! Being an author can be lonely work. Rewarding, especially when readers leave good reviews (good = well thought-out, focused on the book and its merits and nothing personal to the author; etc. Good doesn’t always mean the number of stars!)
Remember, as always! The best way to appreciate an author’s book is to recommend it to a friend. The second best way is to leave a review. And the third best? Tell them to come here and take their turn in the spotlight!
March 7, 2022
The book is called Marelo and it was written by Eileen Troemel
Eileen’s new book is called Marelo, and it sure sounds interesting to me! Let me share with you the hows and whys, and let’s start, of course, with the question of the day: Eileen Troemel, what song makes you think of your new book?
When I write, I listen to classical or non-vocal music. With Marelo, she’s very focused and has a light touch. Gary Stadler Fairy in the Woods album is one that comes to mind as I think about the story. The music is ethereal and that’s how I see the studies Marelo is doing.
I have always loved classical music and lately have been getting into instrumentals to play as I edit, as well, so I understand this impulse! And this song is everything Eileen says it is, so check it out, and then grab a copy of Marelo.
But before we get to the buy links, let’s hear the description!
Marelo studies water dragons. Bandor studies her heart. Driven to succeed, Marelo focuses on her studies. She doesn’t have time for males claiming her as a mate. She came here to study the dragon’s ancestral home. She will find the evidence she needs while avoiding all males especially Bandor who makes her heart rush. Bandor takes one look at Marelo and knows she’s his mate. Her haughty demeaner doesn’t put him off. She’s his mate, he’ll do anything to win her. But he has secrets only his mate can know. Can he convince her to be his mate or will it take something more?
Whoa. There’s a LOT of interesting stuff going on there! And this is categorized as a short read, too, so if you’re in the mood for something quick and (what sounds) lovely, this might be perfect for you!
Pick up your copy here:
And be sure to connect with Eileen Troemel!
And my usual reminders for you all…
* If you read a book, be sure to leave even a few words in a review of it. Reviews help readers find good books — and, of course, they help readers know what to avoid. Do your part! Your opinion matters!
* If you are an author, if you are friends with an author, if you have an author you like but want an excuse to talk to… I don’t care! Send them my way and tell them to fill out the form. I genuinely miss the days when I was posting one of these a week.
January 24, 2022
Let’s welcome Alana Lorens back to West of Mars! Woot!
Alana is one of my favorite people and if you catch us at the right moment, you’ll see us chatting on Twitter. Come join the conversation, of course!
But today, the focus is on business, which means Alana Lorens’ new book, A Rose by Any Other Name. If you’re on social media at all, you’ve seen this making the rounds, but only I have the scoop on what song makes Alana think of this new book baby. Ready for the answer? I am!
Marisol and Russell, known as Rusty, dated in high school, but he broke off their relationship to chase the popular homecoming queen. When they get together at their 20-year high school reunion, Rusty is importuned by the committee to reprise his famous interpretation of Pee Wee Herman’s “Tequila” big shoe dance. It may not be as ubiquitous as the Chicken Dance or the Macarena, but it’s definitely a performance number.
This might be a new height of perfection.
Ready for the description? I sure am. I mean, after THAT, how can you not be?
Up-and-coming mommyblogger and single mom Marisol Herrera Slade returns to her old hometown in Western Pennsylvania for her 20th high school reunion in 2005, reluctant and yet compelled to see her high school sweetheart, Russell Asher, who dumped her for the homecoming queen.
Russell’s marriage to the golden girl, however, ended in a nasty divorce, and he has been systematically excluded from his sons’ lives. In his Internet wanderings, he’s found a feminist blogger named Jerrika Jones, who glorifies single motherhood, essentially putting a stamp of approval on what’s happened to him. His group of single dad advocates have vowed to take this woman down.
What Russell doesn’t know, when he thinks to rekindle what he had with Marisol, is that Marisol and Jerrika are one and the same. When his group discovers the truth, will their drive for revenge derail any chance the couple have to reunite? Or will they find they have more in common than they ever expected?
Oh, my. Russell, Russell, Russell… Maybe you need better single dad advocates, my man.
Or does he? Gotta read it to see!
Before you grab a copy, check out the book trailer.
Grab your copy:
And like I said, feel free to connect with Alana Lorens! She’s fun.
Amazon Author Page
And remember, the best way to say thanks to an author for their hard work is to leave a review. Even a few words, or a bulleted list of what you like is super!
As always, if you’re an author, have a friend who’s an author, or want to help promote a book you love, here’s the link so you or your author friend can step into the spotlight themselves. All are welcome!
August 23, 2021
Let’s welcome Linda Griffin back to West of Mars! She was just here last March, which means she’s either really prolific or likes us. Or both!
Her new book is called Love, Death, and the Art of Cooking, and how can you NOT love that title? Not only does it flow really well off the tongue, but it’s intriguing as all get out. Let’s learn more about it, shall we?
Linda Griffin, what song makes you think of your book?
“Friends and Lovers” by Gloria Loring and Carl Anderson, because Alyssa wants to be just friends, even though they keep ending up in bed, and Reid wants so much more.
Wow, that’s an oldie.
So what’s the book about? How do Alyssa and Reid handle this familiar (and beloved; it really is one of my faves) trope? Let’s see…
Software engineer Reid Lucas loves to cook and has a history of falling in love with married women. When he leaves his complicated past in Chicago for a job in California, he runs into trouble and must call a virtual stranger to bail him out of jail. Alyssa Knight, a tough street cop waiting for a church annulment from her passive-aggressive husband, is the roommate of the woman Reid calls for help, and she reluctantly provides bail for Reid. He falls for her immediately, and cooking for her is an act of love. She just wants to be friends, but they keep ending up in bed together. When his boss is murdered, Reid is a suspect—or is he the intended target?
YES. Cross-genre stuff happening here, it looks like. Some mystery with your romance, some romance with your mystery. Maybe some romantic suspense entirely?
Gonna have to read it to see… Grab your copy today!
Remember, the best way to say thanks for a good book is to recommend it to others. And one way of doing that is to leave a review. Leave reviews, friends!
And connect with Linda Griffin. Authors are fun people to chat with.
August 2, 2021
Let’s welcome Marilyn Barr back to West of Mars! This isn’t her first, err, rodeo here, so let’s get right to business.
Marilyn Barr, what song makes you think of your book?
The core issue of Dance to a Wylder Beat is the need for community. Nartan’s secret Shamanic dancing and Olive’s paranormal secret keep them on the outskirts of Wylder society. In line with their desires, their song is “Stolen Dance” by Milky Chance.
Listen to this haunting song here – https://youtu.be/k750IIdKq08
In the late 1870s, the Arapaho nation’s way of life was being destroyed by the US Government. Their nomadic existence was at odds with the settlements, like Wylder Wyoming, popping up along the railway line. The Arapaho followed the migratory herds with small bands creating circles of teepees for a season before packing their travois and heading to the next place. The US Government turned tribes against each other and in 1871, the Shoshone and Arapaho battles destroyed the Antelope Band which broke my heart. This conflict is the catalyst for Nartan and his brother, Ikshu to set up their homestead at the edge of Wylder.
“I hope they didn’t get your mind
Your heart is too strong anyway
We need to fetch back the time
They have stolen from us.” –Stolen Dance, Lyrics – Clemens RehbeinAway on a vision quest, Nartan missed the chance to defend his band. His younger brother, Ikshu, was with the women, elderly, and children when the attack happened. His PTSD gives him night terrors and selective mutism. Despite being a Shamanic apprentice and destined for mystic greatness in his tribe, Nartan becomes a humble leather tanner and protector of Ikshu’s fragile state. What he refuses to give up is the support of his spirit team. The six spirits answer his calls when he dances in secret. His ceremonial herbs, dance steps to create the sacred geometry of his people in the dirt, and incantation (the same incantation I use in my energetic healing practice) are offerings to the spirit realm. Such practices are against the law on the reservations which is a second reason why Nartan left. While I would argue Nartan is never stoned, the unbelievers contribute his visions to the ceremonial herbs – which were most likely sage, tobacco, and sagebrush in 1878.
“You’ve never danced like this before
We don’t talk about it
Dancin’ on, doin’ the boogie all night long
Stoned in paradise
Shouldn’t talk about it” –Stolen Dance, Lyrics – Clemens RehbeinWhat about his love interest, Olive? While she doesn’t dance, this song has a ring of truth for her story as well. Olive is a guttersnipe. These were orphaned kids who rode the railways to find their adventure. Olive migrated from “Mexico to Montana” with the native tribes who would protect her. She learned many skills – such as the basics of leather tanning – from the gentle souls who helped her along the way. Unfortunately, her paranormal secret has kept her from assimilating into the settler towns of the Wild West. Yes, Olive is too wild for the Wild West and tired of wandering alone.
“I want you by my side
So that I never feel alone again” –Stolen Dance, Lyrics – Clemens RehbeinWhen a medicine man on the Wind River Reservation suggests answering Nartan’s telegraph ad for a wife, Olive dares to dream of living in a house with a soft bed and a roof over her head. Could she keep her secret, learn to be a settler wife, and have a family of her own? She has nothing to lose.
“Coldest winter for me
No sun is shining anymore
The only thing I feel is pain
Caused by absence of you” –Stolen Dance, Lyrics – Clemens RehbeinWill they put aside their differences to create a family nestled in the community of Wylder or will Nartan reject Olive out of the desire to hide his spiritual past? Find out in Dance to a Wylder Beat.
Whoa. There’s a LOT going on there. And I’m fascinated.
And this song? It’s catchy. Fun. I’d add this to my Spotify playlist. I can see myself singing along as the miles while away on a road trip. It’s got that vibe. Also, it kinda makes me want to dance. That would definitely be hard to do while driving.
Ready for the back cover copy? Here you go:
Nartan Sagebrush’s name may mean “to dance” in Arapaho, but he dances in secret. Forced to abandon his Shamanic apprenticeship, he is overwhelmed with homesteader life, and even his spirit guides are at their wit’s end. Nartan takes fate into his own hands. Instead of divine intervention, a wife will help with his responsibilities and in assimilating into the Wylder community.
Olive Muegge answers Nartan’s “wife wanted” advertisement. Wildly independent she has secretly dreamed of a family to call her own. The secret she carries inside makes her an outcast and her wild ways don’t fit the quiet wife Nartan thinks he desires. Despite their differences, they are drawn to each other but a mistake may drive them apart. Will Nartan embrace his Shamanic past to save them both or will he choose to rid himself of Olive forever?
Yeah… I’m so there. Are you? Grab a copy of Dance to a Wylder Beat by Marilyn Barr
Go and connect with Marilyn Barr! She and I chat very occassionally on Twitter and just based on that, I can say she’s lovely.
Website/ newsletter
Amazon Author Profile
BookGems Profile
Still here? Good! Remember that the Featured New Book Spotlight is open to any author of pretty much any book or even if you have a short story in an anthology. I’m here to help spread the word about your fictional masterpiece!
And since the best way to say thanks to an author for all their hard work — well, other than buying their book (often in multiples) — is to leave a review, if you’re struggling with one, drop me a line. I’m really busy right now and this isn’t a free service, but if I’ll make the time for you, I’ll also make it worth your five bucks.
July 5, 2021
Woo hoo! Let’s welcome Lyndi Alexander back to West of Mars!
Lyndi’s got a new book out, called Sixshooter, and it’s part of the Horizon Crossover series. Want to know more? I sure do!
Let’s start with the usual, of course. I mean, it’s what we’re all here for!
Lyndi, what song makes you think of your book?
The Joker by Steve Miller. I mean, a SPACE COWBOY? I’ve been a long-time FIREFLY fan, and the thought of living out among the far-flung stars leads naturally to thoughts of Terran cowboys on the Plains. No one’s micromanaging you, and you’ve got the open spaces to call your own. You meet all sorts of interesting people and aliens, too. But as always, evil parts of government manage to get their tendrils into every life, and you’ve got to fight to stay independent and free.
Oh, and his name isn’t Maurice–but his grandfather’s is. 🙂
Like space, love has no boundaries.
Heh. His grandfather’s name is Maurice. Get it? (If not, hello? CLICK THE LINK.)
So. What’s the official book description?
Valeni Pascual wants to be free to make a living hauling cargo with her spaceship and to understand the shapeshifting alien who presents sometimes as the steamy male Nik and other times as the blonde bombshell Nikki.
As a rebel insurgence builds against the oppressive government known as the Agency, Valeni and Nik/Nikki encounter a sexy Terran cowboy named Garrett Rawls. Since being pulled into this region of space by another mysterious wormhole, Garrett has looked for a way to return to Earth. After meeting Valeni and Nikki, he might have found something worth staying for.
However, dark forces may have a much bigger picture in mind for all of them. Valeni, Nik/Nikki, and Garrett are pulled into a life and death fight that lays bare all of their secrets and their desires. Will they lose everything as the battle against the Agency rages around them or can love pull them through?
Pick up your copy!
Barnes and Noble
Smashwords (affiliate link)
And connect with Lyndi:
Website and Blog
Amazon Author Page
Remember, if you like a book you’ve found here, the kind thing to do is leave a review (and if you hang out with me here, you’re kind. RIGHT?) wherever you bought your copy. Or, better, in multiple places. Tell a friend! Spread the word! Books bring us together as a community.
And if you’re having trouble with your review and need some help, drop me a line. I’m here to help!
May 24, 2021
Woot! Lucinda Race is CRUSHing it with the book releases of late! She’s back today with the next in the Crescent Lake Winery series, Crush. Because she’s so fast I can barely keep up with her, let’s get right to it! Lucinda, what song makes you think of your book?
The song that reminds me of these characters is Ed Sheeran – Perfect. It’s about getting a second chance at love. The first time Colin and Anna meet its just not the right time – but the second time he’s determined to not let her go. Anna is perfect for Colin and Colin is perfect for Anna.
Now, I’ve got ONE Ed Sheeran song on my Spotify playlists. So sometimes, I’m not sure how Lucinda and I get along so well, but this song’s quite lovely. And yes, it fits this book. Listen hard!
Are you dying to know what this installment is about? Oh, you should be!
He’s just the spark she needs…
Anna Price is an Enologist, a world-renowned expert in anything having to do with wine. Her work at her family’s Crescent Lake Winery in the Finger Lakes region of New York has her feeling as if she’s treading water. There has to be more to life than just wine. Has she lost her spark? She’s jolted when her father suffers a heart attack, then gets a jolt of a different kind from the man taking care of her father.
Colin Grant is a nurse practitioner, specializing in the care of cardiac patients. He’d met Anna once before, but had just ended a long-distance relationship and wasn’t ready for someone new. But this time it’s different. There’s no denying his attraction to the curvy girl who has no idea how beautiful she is.
When Anna is offered a job in France, they may find their growing relationship crushed. How can she say no to the offer of a lifetime? Colin’s job is caring for other people’s hearts; he’s determined not to have his own broken again. Absence doesn’t always make the heart grow fonder. But is it worth the risk, for a lifetime of love?
Seriously. This is a keeper. Don’t miss it!
And, of course, once you’ve finished it, remember to leave a review! Reviews are a great way to say thanks to an author, even if all you’re thanking them for is the hard work they put into a book.
And be sure to connect with Lucinda, as well:
Lucinda’s Heart Racers Reader Group
Amazon Author Page
Bookbub Lucinda Race
Goodreads Lucinda Race
As a reminder: the Featured New Book Spotlight is open to ANY author, regardless of… anything! Share the link, tell your friends, send them on over, and have them fill out the handy-dandy form. (It’s working again, in case you had tried when it was broken, and thanks to the author who notified me it was broken!)
April 19, 2021
Let’s welcome Kim McMahill to the Featured New Book Spotlight! Her newest release is the fourth in her Risky Research series, and it sounds like if you are into federal action heroes, this is right up your alley! We’ll get to more about the book in a second, but first, let’s get to what we’re all here for: the music!
Kim McMahill, what song makes you think of your book?
Whenever I hear, In The Air Tonight, I’m transported back to the 80’s television show Miami Vice and picture organized crime, hot tropical nights, and those iconic speedboat scenes off Miami. The latest installment in my Risky Research Series, A Measure of Madness, is primarily set in Florida, Puerto Rico, and Brazil. In the opening chapter, as the yacht races through the night, the bow rising and then slamming down over the gentle waves with the moonlight reflecting off the ocean and wind rushing through Max’s hair after successfully completing his mission, I can almost hear the music queue up. It really isn’t as much about the lyrics as it is about the mood the music creates.
Ahh. Classic song with a new twist. And yes, I can picture this scene? Can you? Well, we’ve got to know what happens next to this dude named Max, don’t we?
FBI agent Devyn Nash’s pursuit of a deadly organization heats up in this fourth installment of the Risky Research series.
The FBI locates the mastermind behind Coterie, but attempts to bring him in result in a shootout that sends Coterie’s members scrambling for cover. When Devyn’s partner is left fighting for his life in a Puerto Rican hospital, she becomes more determined than ever to bring them to justice.
Devyn’s decision to ignore her orders and pursue the head of Coterie to Brazil puts her job and her relationship with Sheriff Gage Harris in jeopardy, but she is unwilling to allow those responsible for so much death to live out their lives in paradise.
Hey… where’s Max? Max of the cool opening scene?
Well, shoot. Now I GOTTA read this to find out!
Pick up your copy; you know you want to!
Barnes and Noble
Apple Books
And remember: authors are fun to chat and connect with. Here’s Kim McMahill’s social information:
Facebook Page
As always, if you’re an author or have a friend who’s an author, the Featured New Book Spotlight is open to you or them. And, of course, no matter who you are, leaving a review is always the best way to say thanks to an author for their hard work. If you’re struggling with a review, never hesitate to reach out. Yeah, it’ll cost you a nominal fee to cover my time, but I am worth it. More importantly, so are you.
March 22, 2021
Yes, it’s back to back weeks of Lucinda Race! Woo!
Jealous? Step into the spotlight, yourself. You know I want to host you.
So last week, we learned all about Blends, the prequel novel in the Crescent Lake Winery Series. Now it’s time to dive in to the actual meat of the series, and hoo boy, is there meat to this series! Yes, I’ve had a sneak peek and yes, you will LOVE what Lucinda’s cooking up.
So. Book One. Breathe. Let’s talk about the important stuff first: the music! Lucinda, what song makes you think of Breathe?
In Case You Didn’t Know – Brett Young
Max holds so much inside, afraid of being hurt that he overly cautious – but he does fall hard for Tessa and when I hear this song I always think that Tessa didn’t know…
Okay, so what’s a rocker chick like me doing, hanging out with the likes of Lucinda Race, who’s exposed me to not one but TWO good country songs that I’d actually add to my playlist? Well, expanding my horizons and learning new things, of course! And yes, I can totally see this being Max’s song! Want to know why? Get the book.
But before we get to the buy links, here’s the official book description:
Romance and fine wine both need time to breathe…
Her family’s successful winery business in the Finger Lakes region of New York should have gone to Tessa Price. She’d always dreamed of running the winery, but when the “prodigal son” returns to take up the reins, she boldly strikes out on her own, purchasing Sand Creek Winery—a cash-strapped competitor—right out from under her family. She can forge her own destiny, using her marketing skills and big plans to bring new life to the winery. But first she has a proposition for the sexy previous owner. And he’s likely to hate it.
Kevin “Max” Maxwell would never have willingly sold his winery to anyone named “Price.” Family always comes first, and if paying for his sister’s cancer treatment cost him his business, it was worth it. But when the new owner offers him a one year contract to stay on as general manager, with a possible bonus, he really can’t afford to turn it down. He can ignore the effect her deep brown eyes and heart-shaped face have on his senses for a year, can’t he?
Relationships, like slowly ripening vineyards, take time. But Max has been keeping a secret from Tessa, one that could destroy her hopes for their future. Will a terrible accident force Tessa and Max to face how much they have to lose, or tear apart their budding relationship forever? Sometimes a romance is like a fine wine. To be its best, it just needs time to breathe.
Ooh, do you love that? “To be its best, it just needs time to breathe.”
Here’s your universal buy link. Because universal buy links are the way to go.
And remember to connect Lucinda Race so you don’t miss out on any of the great books in this series. Yes, I’m still biased, and proud of it.
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