March 15, 2021
I am beyond thrilled to welcome romance author Lucinda Race to West of Mars today! And how can I not me? Lucinda is ALL kinds of awesome. If you haven’t read her books yet, you’re in for a treat. And yeah, I may be a bit biased, but that’s okay, right?
So, Lucinda, tell us what song makes you think of your book!
Making Me Look Good Again – Drake White
The line – leather and lace and denim and pearls just sucked me into Sam and Sherry’s story – all about opposite fitting together.
This is a new song to me. Probably my first Drake White, too, and… ummm… WOW! Yearning, longing, and yet nostalgia in there. Good stuff.
Ready for the book description? I sure am!
His mother’s final illness waylaid Sam Price’s college dreams, but he’s content working in his family’s vineyard in the Finger Lakes region of New York. When he finds a woman with a flat tire on a vineyard road, he’s stunned to discover it’s the girl he’d had a crush on in high school. He’d never been confident enough to ask her out back then. He’d been a farm kid. Her daddy was the bank president. Way out of his league.
Sherry Jones is tired of her parent’s ambitious plans for her life. She’ll finish her college accounting degree like they want, but how can she tell them about her real love: working with growing things? Then a flat tire and a neglected garden offer her an unexpected opportunity, with the added bonus of a tall, gorgeous guy with eyes that set her senses tingling.
What does a guy with dirt under his nails and calluses on his hands have to offer a woman like Sherry? It will take courage for her to defy her parents and claim her own dreams. Sam and Sherry’s lives took different paths, but a winding vineyard road has brought them back together. Are they willing to take a chance to create the perfect blend for a lifelong love?
People. THIS is the start of a family dynasty. Right here. Don’t miss it.
Grab your copy. Here’s the universal buy link, and can I tell you guys how much I love universal buy links?
Connect with Lucinda Race, because she’s fun and totally bad for my discipline and yet so totally disciplined herself and yes, I just adore her.
Amazon Author Page
Lucinda’s Heart Racers Reader Group
Remember, the Featured New Book Spotlight is always open! You don’t have to be a friend, an acquaintance, or a client to step into it. I’ve met amazing authors and read great books they’ve written — and I know many of my readers have, too. Don’t be shy!
December 7, 2020
Do you LOVE this cover, or WHAT???
It’s what caused me to strike up a conversation with author Vickie Fisher, and then invite her to stop in today to tell us about the book itself. As if that cover doesn’t speak for itself. Ooh, baby. I am in love. With the cover. Don’t judge me.
So… Tell us, Vickie Fisher! What song makes you think of your new book?
What’s A Memory Like You (Doing In A Love Like This) byJohn Schneider. I have always loved this song and thought how amazing it would be to have someone love you so much that your memory is always just a moment away. Then of course the realization that the reason they are pining for me is that I didn’t love them the same way. And the happy feeling the song first gave me turned to sadness. I mean how could someone love someone so completely without that person loving them back. In my romantic mind, I had to fix it. After all, the foolish girl who threw that love away had to have a reason, right. Maybe she did love him like that, but something happened and she had to walk away from him. And so A Memory Like You was born.
Ooh, WOW. What a reason! I love books inspired by songs… obviously, right? Because what’s the one question I ask y’all around here? But to improve on the song and make it happy?
I’m there. Totally.
Check out the official back cover copy:
Anyone who knew them never doubted the love Cassidy and Shane shared was a gift from God.
When a misunderstanding blows their relationship apart, no one expects them to still be apart five years later. Champion bull rider Shane Cartwright has made too many mistakes in his life—the worst was letting Cassidy McDaniel go. Can she ever forgive him? With the rodeo season half over, he needs to convince her to once again pursue her dream of becoming the first female World Champion Bull Rider.
Can their time together mend broken fences, or will it take a miracle to bring their hearts back together?
And it’s a Western! The cover, the setting… this is my catnip, folks. Is it yours? Or maybe a friend’s? Pick up a copy:
Barnes and Noble
And connect with Vickie Fisher, too! We haven’t spoken much, but so far, I like her. She’s a fellow Pennwriter, after all. (And yes, I highly recommend the Pennwriters, no matter where you live. I have been a member for the past 20 or so years, and then for a short time before that, so yeah. 10/10. Highly recommend.)
Remember, the best way to thank an author for their hard work is to buy a copy of their book–and then to gift a copy, as well! But if you can’t do that and still want to pay it forward, think about leaving a review online. If you’re struggling with your review, let me know and I’ll help.
And if you’re an author who’d like to step into the spotlight, or have a friend who you’d like to see featured here, the Spotlight is open to all, even if we’ve never met before. Fill out the handy-dandy form and I’ll get to each entry in turn, usually on Sundays, after my bike ride. Because yes, I’m back on bikes and yes, that’s when I’m not busy editing!
August 3, 2020
Let’s welcome Sadira Stone to West of Mars!
Sadira’s a new-to-me author, and I’m glad to meet her and host her here today. Let’s get right to business:
Sadira Stone, what song makes you think of your book?
Call me corny, but the song that comes to mind when thinking of my steamy older woman/younger man beach romance novella Gelato Surprise is “At Last” as sung by Etta James. This one’s popular at weddings, and for good reason.
Hubs and I are a late-in-life love story. Both divorced, we met while working at the same high school on a U.S. Air Force base in Germany—which makes him my high school sweetheart, I guess. 😊 At our wedding in 2014 my daughter, a gifted singer (proud mama much?), sang “At Last” for our first dance. Reader, there was not a dry eye in the house. I’m so grateful to have found my perfect partner, even if I had to wait 48 years to finally meet him.
Danielle Peters, the heroine of Gelato Surprise, goes through something similar. Forty-two and freshly divorced, Danielle is determined to keep her kids’ lives as normal as possible. But her ex spoils their annual beach vacation by whisking the kids away for a surprise Disney trip, leaving her stuck with a two-week rental. Her friends convince her to take the trip solo, time to think about her next chapter. Skeptical and glum, Danielle heads for the beach alone—until she meets Matteo, a gorgeous young Italian gelato vendor and furniture designer. She agrees to be his pretend date to the town’s Sons of Italy banquet in an effort to thwart the matchmaking nonna mafia, but their first kiss flares into something much hotter than make-believe.
Now she’s faced with an impossible situation: what she promised herself would be a no-strings vacation fling is quickly spinning into a deeper connection, but how can she reconcile that with her responsibilities to her kids?
Here’s a peek at Danielle’s dilemma.
Still holding her hands, Matteo drew her to a patch of shade beneath a cluster of anemic palm trees. He flashed an adorable, shy grin that crinkled the corners of his eyes. “Danielle, I really like you, but I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring you to do something you’re not ready for.”
I’m ready! Her id hollered and waved like an over-excited second grader.
He twined his fingers with hers and continued. “Unfortunately, Sal needs me this afternoon, and I’m driving him to Aberdeen tonight. How about tomorrow? We could do a picnic lunch on the beach. There’s a special spot I’d like to show you.” He dipped his head and nuzzled the sensitive crook of her neck. “Are you still up for it? Or have I scared you off with my grabby hands?”
The heat of his breath scrambled her brain. No doubt about it, he wanted her. And she wanted him so badly her teeth ached.
She sucked in a deep breath. “I’ll bet you get a lot of single women tourists throwing themselves at you.”
He shrugged. “A lot of women flirt. Doesn’t mean anything.” He rested his forehead against hers. “I collect drawer pulls, and doorknobs, and picture frames—not women.”
She pressed her lips together and dropped her gaze to their joined hands. This guy definitely earned an A-plus in handholding. Never had such a simple act felt so intimate, so sensual. The way his thumb traced arcs across her knuckles made her imagine what those hands could do on her bare body, stretched out on her king-size bed, the sea breeze lifting the curtains while his hands brushed over her breasts…
Her common sense made a last, futile stand. “Matteo, I’m old enough to be your—”
“No.” He squeezed her hand. “You’re not. Though you are old enough to be my sexy babysitter.” He quirked an eyebrow. “Every guy’s fantasy.”
I love a good May-December romance, and this one looks like sexy fun.
Ready for the description? Although after that intro, you may not. That was a GREAT answer.
She came to the beach to find herself—and found him.
Forty-two-year-old divorcée Danielle Peters ends up alone on her family’s annual beach vacation. Maybe time to herself is exactly what she needs. That and gelato from her favorite ice cream shop. But when the owner’s intoxicating young nephew offers more than sweet treats, she’s tempted to indulge in a hot summer fling before returning home.
Thirty-one-year-old Matteo Verducci craved a fresh start to mend his broken heart, and he’s found almost perfection in Ocean View, where he scoops gelato by day and crafts furniture by night. But when a sexy older woman stops to sample his wares—Mamma mia! He only has two weeks to convince her their passion is more than a delicious surprise.
Need a copy? I bet you do!
And be sure to connect with Sadira Stone. It’s always fun to get to know the authors whose books you admire and appreciate.
Amazon author page
Author newsletter
As always, if you’re a reader, remember that the best way to show appreciation for an author’s work — well, beyond buying copies to share with your friends — is to leave a review. If you’re stuck, struggling, or need help, drop me a line and I’m glad to do so. Remember: I am a former pro book reviewer! I know a few things about book reviews.
And if you’re an author or friends with an author, this spotlight is always open to you! The only requirement is that the book be new to my readers…
March 30, 2020
Brenda Sparks is here to visit us!
I’ve known Brenda for years now, via Triberr, which helps us share our posts with the rest of the Twitterverse, but I think this is the first time she’s stopped in.
So let’s roll out the red carpet!
Brenda Sparks, what song makes you think of your book?
“Secret” by Maroon 5.
All of us have our secrets, and some secrets are easier to keep than others. Ever notice how secrets stomp around your brain, over and over, pounding hard footprints into your gray matter until at last, you share them with someone you trust. I began to wonder if vampires are any better at keeping secrets than humans. Turns out, not so much.I gave the lead characters in Alpha Revealed plenty of juicy secrets, and they just couldn’t keep them. So I guess vampires, like humans, have only so many secrets they don’t share…and maybe that’s for the best.
Ooh, now, I want to make sure you know this is the fifth book in a series, and so as enticing at this commentary is (and holy cow, am I curious!), you might want to check and make sure you can drop into the middle. Or, of course, start with the first! What else are you doing while social distancing or sheltering in place? (Okay, you could be like me and working, and if so, I hope your job is the joy that mine is.)
This brings us to the next best part of these spotlights. What’s the book about?
Natasha Peterhoff is the luckiest vampire in the world. Having pined over the sexy, but aloof Vladimir Starikovich for centuries, her feelings are reciprocated when the pair are drawn to each other the night of her brother’s wedding. Unfortunately, the stark light of day dawns, and the couple parts ways.
Back in Siberia, Vlad is overcome by doubts. Not only will Natasha’s brother kill him, but his own past is reason enough to keep her away. He vows to do everything in his power to keep her safe, even it if means never seeing her again.
With so many reasons to stay apart, will the ties that bind be strong enough to pull them together?
Ooh, a couple tropes at play in here… how can you resist?
Get your copy!
Barnes and Noble
And after all these choices, I’m going to say it! If you’d like a print copy, call up your favorite indie bookstore and see if they can get it for you. They’d love the business, the money you spend stays in their local community, and it’s helping keep lights on and doors metaphorically open.
Connect with Brenda Sparks, too!
Facebook Fan Page
Twitter Handle: @brenda_sparks
Facebook Author Page
Be sure to leave a review once you’ve read the book. Reviews help! If you need help with one, drop me a line and I’ll strive to give you pointers you can use forever and ever.
And if you’re an author, feel free to fill out the Spotlight form, yourself. If you’re not an author, feel free to ask your favorite author to stop in. A book only has to be new to the majority of my audience to be eligible…
March 29, 2020
Today’s guest, DV Stone, is especially comfortable in the spotlight. I mean, check out that book cover; it says it all, no?
Except… it doesn’t. Totally doesn’t. Not even close. I mean, do YOU know what song makes DV think of her book? I don’t. So I’m glad she provided the answer!
Hi, Susan.
What a fun question, especially with a book titled Rock House Grill. You know there’s going to be music. Each character has their own special song. Aden House, one of the main characters, is Simple Man. Every line of Lynard Skynard’s beautiful words touch me the author, and thus touches Aden.
The line
“Boy, don’t you worry, you’ll find yourself
Follow your heart and nothing else”
is something Aden and all of us need to do at times. Follow our hearts.
Aden’s path to becoming that “simple man” is a long, pothole-filled one. But with the help of family and friends, he should find his way.
Awesome song. Truly a classic. (And funny how many people think it’s a Shinedown song!)
I love that this song focuses on the hero’s journey, as well. Who said romance was only about the heroine’s journey?
So… what’s the whole thing about? Hero and heroine, together? Because, after all, that’s the fun of romance.
One man’s choices—One woman’s impact
Aden House, successful but driven chef and TV personality, refuses to slow down. His life implodes one night, damaging him both physically and emotionally. He’s rescued by a woman he thinks of as his angel.
Shay McDowell has rebuilt her life after her divorce. She juggles volunteer EMT duties and her job, while dreaming of becoming a chef. She finds her way to Rock House Grill and back into the life of the man she helped save.
Can love be the ingredient needed to survive the many obstacles they face?
I’m curious where the music comes in, since these people are all about cooking. Why is the place the Rock House Grill, and why does it get the title?
We need to read it, gang! C’mon! Pick up your copy and find out.
Barnes and Noble
Apple Books
Want a print copy? You can order that through your favorite independent bookstore, as well.
And be sure to connect with DV Stone! We all need a little human contact, no matter what’s happening outside (or inside) our homes!
Amazon author page
Remember! Leaving a review helps other readers find a good book — and that thoughtfully negative reviews are okay things, too. If you need help writing a review, reach out. I’m here. And if you’re an author with a book to tell us about, let’s hear from you, too!
March 28, 2020
It’s time for Stella Jayne Phillips to step into the Spotlight! Let’s give her the kind of warm West of Mars welcome authors are coming to expect once again.
And then let’s give her another because hey! This is Stella’s debut novel! (And if it’s not, it’s the only one she’s got for sale at Amazon.)
Stella Jayne Phillips (I hate that SEO makes me use your full name; it seems so stilted! But that’s what’s up. It’s all about SEO.), what song makes you think of your book?
Deep Purple by Nino Tempo and April Stevens pulls me into Sweet Dreams at The Palace Hotel and the town of Creekide because the moments when the sky is falling to purple, before true darkness, create infinite possibilities and a sense of magic. In the time between day and night, the appearance of Victoria, benevolent resident ghost of The Palace, feels almost normal and certainly believable.
I was SO not prepared for the age of this song! Or how poppy it is! I’d been expecting something dreamy, especially the way Stella describes the sky and the sense of magic… Wow! This is a really cool juxtaposition.
So. What’s the book about?
Nikki Benton crossed the threshold of the historic Palace Hotel, leaving her shattered dreams behind. Determined to follow in the footsteps of the Hotel’s original owner, she puts her heart into creating an intimate lodging experience while becoming an integral part of of the community. So what if she takes lessons on embracing life? And does it truly matter that her teacher, Mrs. Victoria Wyatt, is the hotel’s live-in ghost?
This sounds like fun! And something about the ghost makes me think of the Aunt Dimity books, which I adore as well, although I’m willing to bet that the similarity ends at the ghost.
Pick up your copy!
Barnes and Noble
As always, if you’d like a print copy, feel free to get in touch with your favorite indie bookstore and ask them to order it. They could use the business, more of the money you spend stays in the local community, and we don’t have to get angry at the store owners who act in less-than-heroic ways in order to protect their billions.
And remember: if you can leave a review online somewhere, it’ll help this book gain traction and visibility, and that’s always a good thing. If you need help writing reviews, contact me.
Connect with Stella Jayne Phillips!
And, of course, if you’re an author and would like to feature YOUR book, I’d love to host you. Seriously. This is fun for me and I love doing it. I love reading what your books are about, I love listening to your songs, and I love chatting with you guys. I’m here to help you, so take advantage!
March 27, 2020
Today, it’s Barbara Bettis’ turn to step into the spotlight! Let’s hear it for Barbara!
This one looks like it’s for all of us who love a good medieval tale! And yep, I’m totally in that category as well.
So, Barbara Bettis, what song makes you think of your book?
“Leave the Light On,” by David Cook. I listened to the song as background while writing my book and it produced a wonderful feeling of longing and hope that I can’t help but associate with Roark’s heartfelt desire for his own land and his hope that Alyss will at last accept him. It doesn’t capture the humor of Roark’s mistakes in wooing her or Alyss’s mistakes in trying to avoid him before they recognize they belong together. Still the song has the same feeling of triumph in the end and I finish it and the book with a huge sigh–and smile.
David Cook’s a favorite around here. Get me at the right time, and “Heartbeat” can level me.
If you haven’t checked out David Cook’s body of work, fire up that Spotify, shut out all the distractions, and get lost for awhile.
And now that we’ve had wooing and avoidance, what else is the book about?
He’ll do anything for land, even marry her; she’ll do anything for her people, except marry him. If only either had a choice. It’s a marriage only love can save.
Sir Roark will do anything to gain land, even beguile an unwilling lady into marriage. He knows she’s much better off with a man to take control of her besieged castle, to say nothing of her desirable person. But it isn’t long before he discovers that, although her eyes sparkle like sunlight on sea waves, her stubbornness alone could have defeated Saladin.
Lady Alyss is determined to hold her family’s castle, protect her people, and preserve her freedom— until her brother’s dying wish binds her to a stranger. Still, she’ll allow no rugged, over-confident, appealing knight to usurp her authority, even if she must wed him. Especially since he thinks a lady’s duties begin and end with directing servants. Alyss has a few surprises for her new all-too-tempting lord.
But when a common enemy threatens everything, Roark and Alyss face a startling revelation. Without love, neither land nor freedom matters.
Oh, this sounds like fun! I love an upstart heroine!
Get your copy at these retailers:
And as always, if you’d like a physical copy, feel free to call your favorite independent bookstore! They’d be glad to help you, and the majority of the money you’re spending stays in the store’s community (be it yours or a friend’s, in case you don’t have a good local indie). Plus, right now, you’re helping them stay afloat.
And, as always, if you read the book, consider leaving a review! If you’re not sure how, reach out and I’m glad to help, but a good model to start with is “I liked this because…” Or “I did not like this part because…”
Connect with Barbara Bettis, too! Always fun, always free, always rewarding.
I’ll leave with my usual standard note: if you’re an author and want a turn in the spotlight, fill out the form! If you’re a reader and would like to see your favorite author featured, that’s fine! The link will work for them, too.
March 26, 2020
Today, we get to welcome Virginia Barlow to West of Mars!
Virginia, what song makes you think of your book, The Wicked Sister?
Unchained Melody makes me think of my book The Wicked Sister. My heroine is Anastasia. How she longs for Val and the feel of his touch. She wants only him but time is running out. He loses her and searches desperately for her afraid he has lost her forever. Their hunger for each other pulls them through.
Oh, this song is a balm right now, isn’t it? Crank it, guys. Get lost in it.
Great songs never age. They merely improve, and this is one of them.
If that’s not enough of an enticement to pick the book up, here’s the official description:
With her stepfather’s sudden death, Lady Anastasia Covington goes from living a privileged lifestyle to selling vegetables in the village marketplace in the blink of an eye. Alone and at the mercy of her nefarious stepsister, she yearns for love and acceptance. Disguised as a simple soldier, Prince Percival catches a dark-haired,emerald-eyed beauty in his arms. He is bewitched. The more he sees her, the more intrigued he is by contradictions. Forced to keep his identity a secret, he must somehow convince Lady Anastasia he is the right man for her. But time is running out. Lady Anastasia’s mother is determined to find a proper suitor and see her wed-and someone wants her dead.
Ooh, shades of Cinderella there — for BOTH characters! That’s a fresh twist… so you fairy tale lovers, be sure to snap this one up. And remember, as always, leave a review. (If you’re struggling with a review, always reach out. It’s a cheap expense that hopefully will not only help the current review but any future ones you may write, as well.)
Grab your copy here:
Barnes and Noble
And, of course, if you’d like it in print, your favorite indie bookstore can help you with that, as well. Don’t have a favorite? This is the perfect time to discover one!
Connect with Virginia Barlow ’cause authors are cool people.
And, of course, if you’re an author reading this, or you know an author and want to see their book spotlighted, send them on over! I’ll be posting daily as long as we’re asked to remain home, and then will return to our weekly format.
March 23, 2020
Been seeing this cover a lot? I sure have been! So I’m beyond thrilled to host Terry Graham today and find out more about her new book, A Matter of Manners. What’s up with this book that’s seemingly everywhere?
Terry, what song makes you think of your book?
Use Somebody by Kings of Leon because I can imagine Jeremy singing the lyrics
Ooh, I love this song! As soon as it started to play, I realized it’s not on my Spotify playlists, and, well… THAT’s been fixed. Thanks, Terry!
So… what’s the book about? Why would Jeremy be singing these lyrics?
Jeremy Wyles believes himself sterile. He’s also a sadist and fears no lady would agree to marry him. When a woman shows up on his doorstep, pregnant and claiming to be his wife, he’ll do whatever is necessary to ensure his dukedom has an heir. A loveless marriage in name only seems the perfect solution, but his disobedient duchess stirs his desire for discipline…and something more.
Irish rebel Kathleen “Katy” Brennan only seeks recompense from the husband whose cousin married her by proxy and left her with child. The bargain he offers is tempting. He’ll claim her baby as his own, and she can become the grand lady she’s always imagined. There’s just one condition she’s not sure she can live with. The delicious-looking duke refuses to touch her…ever.
Can Jeremy put aside the wicked urges that rule his life, or will Katy’s rebellious spirit destroy his tenuous control?
WOW. That’s a hell of a premise, no?
I’m not sure this one is for me, given the elements of sadism, but if you’re carrying less baggage than I am, be sure to pick this up! I love every other element of the plot. Sigh.
THIS is why reviews are helpful, folks. You can leave a review that talks about the level of sadism and let those of us with issues decide if we can handle it. So remember to take a few minutes and write up your thoughts on a book. Even if it’s “I liked this because…” — that counts! And it’s important! Not every review has to inform the potential reader of what they are going to encounter. It’s just nice when they do.
Also, make note: this is the first in a new series! Get in on the ground floor; your buying a copy now helps Terry and her publisher decide if the series is worth continuing.
Grab your copy here:
Barnes and Noble
And, of course, your local independent store would LOVE your business, too!
Connect with Terry Graham!
My website is and I can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others as TGrahamWriter
As always, if you need help writing a review, drop me a line! It’s a nominal charge for my time, but I’ll make it worth your five bucks. Promise!
And if you’re an author or friends with an author, here’s the link to the Featured New Book Spotlight submissions page — the more submissions I get, the more books you get to learn about!
March 22, 2020
Let’s welcome CB Clark today! She’s here with her sixth book, Healing Hearts and I like the title. We could use a bit of healing right now, huh?
CB, what song makes you think of your book?
God’s Country by Blake Shelton
That was all she had to say, but I suspect the song says it all. I’m listening to it as I write this post, but I’ve got a mechanical keyboard and it’s LOUD. The keyboard. The song is fierce and atmospheric, and I get it.
So what’s the book about?
Reeling from loss and heartbreak, Stella King is desperate to escape painful memories. The position of nanny on an isolated ranch in British Columbia’s rugged Chilcotin Plateau seems the answer to her prayers.
Cattle rancher, Dawson Wheeler, has worked hard to overcome grief and build a predictable world for his young daughter. The last thing he needs is the all-too-attractive Stella disrupting the smooth running of his ranch, especially now that disturbing incidents are happening on his property.
Defending his land against those who want to gut it will be a challenge, but the biggest threat of all may be to his heart.
Yeah, the song fits.
Grab your copy:
Barnes and Noble
Google Books
Or, if you’re there, — but I couldn’t search for it, so if you find a link, let me know and I’ll update!
Remember, once you’ve read it, it’s always kind if you leave a review! Need help? Contact me. It’s a minimal cost for my time, but I’ll help you strengthen a review and give you tactics to help write good reviews, even good negative ones!
Connect with CB Clark:
Amazon Author Page
And now, your usual disclaimers: Authors, here’s the link so you can submit your own book to be featured; remember, it only has to be new to my readers to qualify!
And again, remember to leave a review!
March 20, 2020
Yes, friends, we’re back again today! I will keep posting Spotlights so long as you guys give me books to spotlight! Spread the word, tell your friends, and check in every day to find a new great read.
Today, we welcome Linda Griffin to West of Mars! (cue the fanfare. I like fanfares.)
Her latest book is titled Guilty Knowledge, and it’s been out barely two weeks now, so that means you can possibly be among the first to discover this gem!
Ready to learn about it? I sure am; that cover caught my eye with the purples in it. (I like purple.)
Linda, what song makes you think of your book?
“She is Still a Mystery” by Lovin’ Spoonful. Sariah is an enigma to Jesse, even as he’s more and more attracted to her. She has secrets and is in no hurry to reveal them. She knows a crucial detail about a brutal murder, one that was never released to the public, but how does she know? Is she really psychic? Is there a leak in the department? Or does she have guilty knowledge of the crime? And why won’t she let him into her apartment?
(I like the Lovin’ Spoonful. C’mon. You do, too.)
Also, I LIKE these questions! These are the sorts of questions that make me pick up a book? You?
Well, before we do, let’s learn more about it!
She’s a witness. She may be lying. And he’s falling in love with her.
Detectives Jesse Aaron and Camille Farris have no leads in the murder of Rosa Logan when pretty blonde Sariah Brennan claims to have seen the killer—in a vision. Unfortunately the man she identifies is dead—or is he?
Sariah is an unsophisticated small town girl, but her background and her motives are mysterious. Jesse is increasingly convinced that she has guilty knowledge of the crime, even as he finds himself more and more attracted to her. Can he and Camille unravel the web of secrets before the killer strikes again?
This feels like a series! If it is, it’s the first, so be sure to check it out and, if you like it, leave a review. That’s a good way for authors to know if they should continue investing time and energy into this set of characters.
Get your copy here:
And, of course, you can call your local indie bookstore and ask them to order and ship it to you. I’ve always been a fan of indie stores, now more than ever.
Connect with Linda Griffin as you practice real-life social distancing!
And remember: if you’re an author and would like to see your book featured, here’s the handy dandy link to the form.
March 19, 2020
WOOT! We are BACK, featuring books that are (hopefully) new to you guys. Check ’em out, pick ’em up, leave even a brief review when you’re done. Yes, even negative reviews are helpful reviews, so long as your negativity is constructive.
Today, we’ve got our friend Alana Lorens here with her brand-new, released-yesterday book, Tender Misdemeanors. Let’s get to it, shall we?
Alana, what song makes you think of your book?
ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH by John Denver. Both the hero and heroine in this book love their Montana locale, the old forests, the beauty of the mountain ranges, and they want to protect it–they just come at it from very different angles. One of the trips I did research on for this book, friends and I rode ski lifts in summer to the top of the Rockies outside Whitefish, MT– 70 degrees below, snow on top!!!
I am a sucker for anything Montana… although I have to admit that “Rocky Mountain High” makes me think of West Virginia… and this is why I ask this question! Songs have such a powerful hold over us.
Here’s the book description:
Caryn Orlane has law enforcement in her blood; her father was a cop, and his father, too. She’s a federal agent in northwest Montana, protecting the old forests and keeping the peace.
Levi Bradshaw also believes in protecting the forests, but has a very different MO. He’s the leader of a group of eco-warriors, determined to save the trees of the Bitterroot by legal—and illegal—means.
When they meet in the woods at gunpoint, their encounter ignites a spark of interest, despite operating on opposite sides of the law. When their worlds turn on them, they only grow closer. If they don’t work together, can either survive?
Mmm. I love the name Levi. I’ll read this book for that alone!
You, too? Ready to get a copy? Here are your buy links:
And be sure to connect with Alana Lorens! She’s a gem of a human, and we can all use some of those right now.
Amazon Author Page
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October 8, 2018
Let’s welcome Amy Valentini to West of Mars!
She’s got a new book out, the second in a series, and it’s one of those series that continues the main characters’ timeline, instead of focusing on supplemental characters. So if continuing stories are your thing (I’m glad to read ’em!), listen up. If not, well… check out the first! Either way, you’ll want to investigate the first.
So, Amy, what song makes you think of your book?
MAGIC by Pilot
Many would recognize it from the chorus, “Ho, ho, ho – It’s magic you know – Never believe, it’s not so – It’s magic, you know – Never believe, it’s not so.
Emma and Sam’s journey to where the Past meets the Present and Love Lives Forever is magical. A series that’s based in contemporary but takes the reader on adventures into the colonial era past as Emma and Sam seek answers connecting them to a couple from the past. Does love live forever, reborn again, and again?
Wow! When was the last time I heard this song? Amy, you ROCK for finding such a great old gem. I may need to add this to my main, crazy Spotify playlist.
So, after THAT bit of fun (I may or may not still be dancing around my office… does anyone remember how to do the Hustle? Can you do it to this song? Why would I want to?), let’s get back to the book itself. Because really, as much as we’re here for the music, we’re here for the books, too.
Ready for what it’s about? I am!
The Seekers of the Past series continues as Emma and Sam seek answers to a growing number of questions. The discovery of gold on the family farm has left them wondering about the world, time, and love. If love conquers all, can love prove greater than even time?
Emma discovers a journal written by the youngest member of the Embry family. The author of the journal is her look alike from the past. She begins reading the story of Anna Pelt and Joshua Embry. His return from England with a future bride has left Anna questioning her place in his world. Having loved him all of her life, she feels betrayed and discarded. When he claims to love her but honor is forcing him to marry the woman chosen by his parents, Anna believes it is because he thinks her too far beneath him—only a servant, and not good enough to be his wife. Can love prove stronger than honor?
Can the journey to find the answers Emma and Sam seek about the past uncover more about their mysterious connection to the couple in the portrait?
Definitely pick up the first in this series. And remember to leave a review once you read the book — reviews are SO helpful to authors, and it’s such an easy way to give back. (Remember, if you are struggling to write a review, drop me a note and I’ll help. Super cheap!)
Here’s where:
Amazon (Print and Kindle)
Smashwords (all other formats) *This is a referral link, so if you use it — and you should! — I’ll get a small cut.
Connect with Amy!
Amazon Author Page
review blog
October 1, 2018
Let’s welcome KG Fletcher to West of Mars!
KG’s got the third book in a series to share with us today, released just last week. And you know how early sales (and reviews! Don’t forget the reviews) help a book’s overall success. Which means you need to get those One Click fingers busy. And no, NOT like that! Sheesh. Focus on the BOOKS, people. Of course, with a cover like this…
So, KG, what song makes you think of your book?
Rewrite the Stars – Zac Efron, Zendaya – from The Greatest Showman
The lyrics in the song are hopeful and sad at the same time. In my release, GEORGIA PINE, my main characters, Jessica and Tim, are hiding their relationship from the world. They want to be together, but unless Tim comes clean with who he really is, they can’t publicly love one another. If only they could “Rewrite the Stars”, nothing could keep them apart. The gut-wrenching lyric in the song, “Say that it’s possible” is that glimmer of hope. Will they end up together? You’ll have to read the book to find out!
Yes, the video has subtitles in a different language. But this video had a lot of views, so that’s the one we went with.
Now, THAT song is enough to make me grab the book. How about you?
Here’s the official description:
The agony of defeat never felt so real.
Never in a million years did Jessica Kaufman think she would be divorced from her real-estate mogul husband and left to raise four young daughters on her own in an affluent Atlanta subdivision. The very last thing she expects is an encounter with her gorgeous gardener who looks more like a sexy beast from her daughters’ favorite Disney movie. She is smitten with his evergreen eyes, wild mane of hair and impressive stature.
Tim McGill is in hiding – his reputation and celebrated career on the West Coast left in shambles. He moves far away to distance himself from his downfall and inconspicuously tends the upper-class landscapes to keep his renowned identity a secret. Unlike his typical wealthy clients, Jessica doesn’t seem to mind that he’s a gardener. One spark between them is all it takes to ignite a fiery passion that could explode if Tim’s identity is revealed. He must earn Jessica’s trust and finally come to terms with what he has lost.
Can Tim open his heart wide enough to let in a beautiful mother and her four little girls? Or will his Southern Belle turn her back on him and walk away from their happily-ever-after?
Get your copy! Yep, Amazon only. Lots of authors find this is the best solution for their books.
Connect with KG, too! It’s always fun to connect with an author.
Georgia Pine Spotify Playlist
YouTube Channel
Original Song recorded for the series!
September 10, 2018
Let’s welcome author TN Nova to West of Mars!
TN has a new book to share with us today, and for you series lovers, it’s the first. You get to start on the ground floor — but you also have the agony of having to wait until the next one comes out. It’s a mixed bag, finding out about a series starter when it’s new. I’m still a fan, especially given how backlogged my own TBR mountains are. By the time I get around to starting a new series, the next one (or, let’s be honest, more) are out.
TN and Colette’s book is called For You I Fall and there’s got to be a song that makes TN think of the book, right?
Do or Die by 30 Seconds To Mars reminds me of For You I Fall on so many levels. It took Seth dying to learn to live and love. It took Dante Falling to achieve his love. They will never forget the moment that they were able to be together and love freely.
You know, this song is on many of my Spotify playlists, but I’ve never listened to it. Time to change THAT!
Ready for the description?
Despite having had a rough life, Seth has a big heart. After spending nearly ten years sleeping rough on the streets of New York, he’s managed to get himself freelance work and a place to live. But his new found security is about to be torn apart, as the horrors of his past come back to haunt him in the worst possible way.
Dante was sent to watch over a young Seth when his mother died. As an angel, he had many rules to follow. The most important of which was to never fall in love—especially when it involves a human who is your charge. For the last ten years, Dante has kept his feelings for Seth hidden. That is until the night Seth’s past catches up with him.
When Seth is murdered, their destinies are changed forever. Feelings and emotions come to the surface, but will the rules that govern the afterlife keep Dante and Seth apart for eternity, or will they be able to find their happily ever after together?
**Contains explicit language and scenes**
Ooh, there’s so much to like in here. Agree? Grab a copy!
Amazon UK
Amazon CA
Amazon AU
Remember, the best way to show your appreciation for an author’s book is to (well, pay money for it) leave a review online somewhere and talk about it to your friends and others who’ll like it. Another good way, though, is to connect with the author. Or, in this case, authors. Yep, TN stopped in, but that doesn’t mean you can’t connect with Colette, too!
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June 18, 2018
Let’s welcome Bree M Lewandowski to West of Mars!
Her newest book is called Chevalier, and isn’t that cover intriguing? I really dig it.
Let’s get right to it: What song makes you think of your book, Bree?
How will Fate dictate this adventure between lovers?
Hmm. That doesn’t tell us a lot about the book, does it? Are you intrigued? I am. I’d like to know more. So here we are:
Linah Morane, a well-known woman of Meridionalis has been scorned and taunted her entire life due to her abnormalities. After the humiliation of being abandoned at the altar, she humbly accepts the unexpected marriage proposal to the King’s Vizier, Kohl. Her heart still fluttered each time she fondly remembered their first and only dance together.
The depth in her eyes was emphasized by the rare hue of cerulean that peered into his soul. Those eyes had stopped the very beating of Kohl’s heart. He had fallen in love with her that very moment. Over the years, her poise and grace to overcome the whisperings were admirable on a royal level. Then fate arrived and Kohl lept at the opportunity to have Linah as his bride.
Seeking safety for his wife after learning of impending war, they journey through the forests and mountain caves until Kohl is mortally wounded. Linah turns to the Nightingale Queen and her gift of healing for help, but is unaware of the damaged past the Nightingale Queen and her husband share.
Secrets are exposed and loyalties shift in this thrilling tale of love and war!
Yeah, this one’s got SERIOUS potential. Pick up a copy!
Barnes and Noble
And connect with Bree, too. It’s always fun to connect with authors (especially when you like their books and leave them reviews. Not that I’m hinting; I’m coming out and telling you do it!)
And what’s this I hear? More coming from Bree? Check out her page, get in touch, read her book, leave reviews. You guys know the drill. Help support authors of all kinds; it’s good for all of us.
June 11, 2018
Let’s welcome Dee S Knight to West of Mars! She and I got to chatting via Twitter one day and the next thing you know, my inbox was full of a Featured New Book Spotlight that I’m thrilled to bring you guys today.
Do you guys like military fiction? I have to confess I like what I’ve read, but I don’t rabidly seek it out. Still, this is one that’ll probably show up on my GoodReads page sooner or later… it really sounds good!
But before we get to what the book’s about, let’s talk about music. Because that’s the fun of the Featured New Book Spotlight: the music. Dee, what song makes you think of your book?
“Blue, Navy Blue” by Diana Renay.
I like it for my book Naval Maneuvers because it’s kind of bittersweet. Men and women who choose the Navy to serve the country leave family and loved ones behind during long tours at sea. Of course, the song also mentions the happy homecoming, which is often filled with lots of kissing and loving behind closed doors (except those doors aren’t closed in my book! ;)) Naval Maneuvers is composed of three novellas: love denied because of childhood memories, love found and then lost because of military regulations, and love found for a second time after years of lies. All have HEAs, humor, and strong men and women.
An oldie! Oh, I love this song. I’d never heard it before, but it makes me think of a more innocent time. And Henry Winkler. That’s not a bad thing. In fact, it’s a compliment.
Now I need to read this book! But wait! It’s actually a three-in-one volume — and not novels, either, if you’re worried about time commitment. Nope. These are short stories. Even better.
Here’s what it’s about:
Men and women of the armed forces experience desire and love pretty much like everyone else. Except, well, there is that uniform. And the hard-to-resist attraction of “duty, honor, service” as a man might apply them to a woman’s pleasure. All things considered, romance among the military is a pretty sexy, compelling force for which you’d better be armed, whether weighing anchor and moving forward into desire, dropping anchor and staying put for passion, or setting a course for renewed love with anchor home.
Weighing Anchor (allowing a ship to move forward by retrieving the anchor): A professional woman sworn to avoiding all things military finds herself in love with a lieutenant commander in the Navy. Love won’t conquer all if she allows her childhood memories to eclipse future happiness.
Dropping Anchor (securing movement by dropping the anchor): Two people find (surprisingly) that they are both in the Navy and love their chosen professions—until one turns out to be an officer but not a gentleman and the other is a gentleman but not an officer.
Anchor Home (safe, smooth sailing): When two former lovers find each other after more than a decade, will a long-hidden secret threaten the course of a rekindled romance or be the cause of it?
So. Grab your copy, and be sure to leave a review — they help readers find books!
Smashwords (affiliate link)
Book Nook
And connect with Dee, too.
Good Reads
April 23, 2018
There’s a Reis Run Road not too far from West of Mars. Think the person that road was named for is any relation to Natalina Reis?
I know… who cares? But it’s fun to make those small connections, especially now that we’re welcoming Natalina to the West of Mars family. She’s got a new book out, called Her Real Man, Book 0 in the Rescue Me Collection.
How can it be Book 0? Well, think of it as Ground Zero: where it all begins.
The book is called Her Real Man, and the song that makes Natalina think of it is…
An awkward writer and a scarred firefighter. As imperfect as Ana and Gavin were, they were perfect in each other’s eyes.
I know a LOT of writers who would describe themselves that way… but I’m hopeful that for Natalina, this isn’t a case of Write What You Know.
Anyway, I love that very simple description. Don’t you? It’s so pure and trusting… Oh, that gives even the most jaded among us (and you all point to me, I know) hope.
Want more? Here’s the official description:
An imperfect firefighter defined by his past.
A determined author on a mission for the truth.
When Ana Mathews searches for book-boyfriend inspiration, she gets more than she expected from Gavin McLeod. Her quest to find imperfection could be the spark that brings to life their chance at happiness, or the burn that could destroy it all.
I LOVE that. “When Ana Mathews searches for book-boyfriend inspiration…” I have clients who do this! I have friends who do this!
(I do not. See above about being jaded.)
And suddenly, the title makes a LOT more sense. In fact, it’s really darn clever and I appreciate the sly nod here.
Grab a copy. You know I did.
Please provide buy links
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon AU
Amazon CA
And connect with Natalina!
March 21, 2018
WOOT! New Michelle Hazen!
How do you not love her writing? I am such a fan of her lyrical prose, I can’t tell you.
If you haven’t checked out her books yet, what’s keeping you?
Here’s the latest:
Hot. Hawt. And more than a little yummy.
Pick up a copy!
Connect with Michelle, too!
January 23, 2018
Ooh, how can you resist? Can you? I don’t think I can!
Grab your copy now! (And, as always, don’t forget to leave a review once you’ve read it. Need a place to post a review? Drop me a note. I’ll help.)
Barnes & Noble
Yay! It’s not exclusive to only one retailer!
Connect with Michelle (I keep telling you guys how awesome she is on Twitter. Are you listening? Join the conversation!)
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