May 8, 2010
Well, drat. It’s been 24 hours or so since I came across an apparently not-as-new-as-I-thought line of rock and roll clothing. And in that time, I’ve managed to completely space on who was kind enough to point me in this direction. (Okay, it’s now been a few months after I started this post. Still spaced.)
I suspect either Blabbermouth or Brave Words. Maybe Metal Sucks. You know: my usual haunts for all news rock and roll.
Anyway, this is DirtBag. Yes, that’s the name of the company. As soon as I got to the page, I was in love. I mean, hello? That’s Phil Demmel on the front page. Phil Demmel of Machine Head, formerly of Vio-lence.
Phil Demmel, who I had a small crush on back in my radio station days. Never did anything more than sigh at the man, and never regretted my lack of action, either. I mean, heck. I got the Tour Manager! Who needs Phil Demmel when she can have a Tour Manager???? (Mrs. Phil may not agree, if there is a Mrs. Phil, but hey. I saved her man for her. Look at it that way.)
Back to the clothes. So far, these Dirt Bag folk have got the requisite tight clothes for super skinny girls and not much for us moms of two who have sort of made peace with being a bit curvier but who are finding it easier than ever to rock out. *sigh*
Bummer because I want the t-shirt with the wings on it. I never really wanted to be an angel, but to have wings? Up to now, I’d figured the only way to have wings would be to attach a set for a Fairy Ball at the Romantic Times convention or something.
With this shirt, I could have my wings AND be the cool metal chick you guys expect to see ogling the fairies at the Fairy Ball.
I’m off to diet (’cause I biked over 10 miles today and am I less curvy? Hell no. But my calves are… strong). And the DirtBag folk? As always when I find great clothes, my offer remains: you give me free clothes and I’ll make sure I get in front of cameras with those clothes on. Maybe even a pro’s camera when it’s time to take those fancy-schmancy author pictures.
Man, my books would look awfully good poking out of one of those messenger bags, too. Know that????
C’mon, DirtBag people. Who needs to sponsor bands when you can sponsor a WRITER???
(yes, typing that last line made ME snort with some form of fake laughter. Why do you ask?)
April 22, 2010
Welcome to all the cool folk looking for my mini-interview with David Grant, author of Rock Stars. It’s over at Rocks ‘n Reads, my book-oriented blog, so head on over and join the party!
April 21, 2010
I’ve had a week where it seems as if everything has inspired me somehow. Here’s a partial list:
1. Janet
2. the punching bag in the back seat of the car I parked next to
3. my pillow
4. Boot camp today
5. A bag of Goldfish crackers (wait. That inspired the cat. To eat them. Same for the spaghetti sauce. And popcorn.)
6. The NHL playoffs
7. Mary
8. My bicycle
9. This book I’m reading (Greg Mortenson’s Three Cups of Tea)
10. Opening my PO Box
11. Celtic Librarian
12. The couch in my family room
13. A cool spring evening spent on a soccer field
Ahh, to have the proper time to work this into fiction now…
April 20, 2010
I found this cool chick online: the LA Stylist Mom. I wish you’d all buy more copies of my books so I can afford to have her come fix my fashion issues, which are many (and which I mentioned during this guest blog post I wrote a little bit ago).
Check out these earrings! I don’t wear studs much because my second piercing is too close to the first, but man, I might take out my favorite pink ESP guitars for these babies.
And then there’s Martha Rotten. I drool. I covet. I wish I could have professional pictures taken and a free something from Martha so I could wear it in the pictures. I wish I could walk into my kids’ school with some of her jewelry on; the staff knows me too well to be scared by it. So do the kids. The parents, however, I think get their cheap thrills from being scared of me.
Ahhh…. on I dream. Of fashion. My tastes sure have changed since the days of prairie skirts, but hey. I’m cooler than prairie skirts now!
April 15, 2010
1. Blank
2. Void
3. Devoid
4. Absent
5. Empty
7. On vacation
8. Truant
9. Missing
10. Incapacitated
11. Frozen
12. Stale
13. Abandoned
April 7, 2010
You guys miss the nut cases in my fictional band, ShapeShifter? Me, too.
Here’s some moments you might have missed. (and yes, I’m playing with words again. It’s what I do. Go figure.)
1. A Saturday Afternoon Trevorism
2. A Trevorism
4. Another one I hated to cut.
5. And a third, but a paragraph this time.
6. Some of Trevor’s favorite foods
7. One of Trevor’s Favorite Comebacks
8. This Moment with Trevor was in response to a video in which I’d supposedly appeared.
9. You can meet and greet Trevor as part of the first life of Thursday Thirteen.
10. Another Thirteen list about our boy.
11. Trevor? Sappy? Valentine’s Day?
12. More Thirteen fun! Trevor’s favorite perks of being in ShapeShifter.
13. And a final thirteen, where Kermit Ladd makes his debut on the blog and the boys school him.
If you’re a link clicker, have fun looking around. Comments on all posts should still be open, so feel free to leave some! I live for comments — what blogger doesn’t?
March 31, 2010
1. April marks a milestone around here.
2. My blog turns four!
3. I turn … a lot older than four.
4. You’re glad of that part. Four year-olds should NOT blog.
5. Because it’s my blog’s birthday, I have now closed the files on what will become Demo Tapes: Year 4.
6. I plan to have at least two new books out for you guys to buy and read during the next calendar year.
7. Check out where I was last year.
8. Holy smoke, have I come far in one year.
9. Notice how I said the blog was turning four that year, too. Maybe I’m stuck on the number four.
10. Really, I counted wrong last year. I did.
11. So… this place has its fourth birthday. That makes me feel like an old blogger. And I am.
12. I miss some of the old friends who used to hang around here.
13. Why don’t YOU take their place?
March 30, 2010
Last night was that night again. That night when Jews all over the world gather around a ceremonial table in comfort and luxury. They drink four cups of wine (yep, you’re supposed to get drunk! One of two Jewish holidays where this happens). They eat horseradish, among other foods, fine and foul.
And the smart ones among us choose a most unfortunate time (according to everyone else) to break into song.
Yes, boys and girls, in answer to the famed question, “Why is this night different from all other nights?” the answer is:
We all become Metallica fans.
Let my people go, land of Goshen
I will be with thee, bush of fire
Running red and strong, down the Nile
Darkness three days long, hail to fire”
(Lyrics copyright 1984 by Creeping Death Music, used here entirely without permission, with the sole intent of having fun and educating the non-Metallica loving public — the poor sods — to how relevant this band is to our daily life. Legal, please be nice to me. Again. Don’t make me take these down. Have someone grant me a license to post this, okay? If I’d thought of making this post sooner than five minutes ago, I’d have asked permission beforehand. I know who to talk to, and you guys know me. I’m more harmless than gefilte fish is foul. Happy Passover.)
I was going to embed this video, but it seems I need to tinker with the code to do that, and the Tour Manager is (most likely correctly) convinced I’ll nuke the entire operation here at West of Mars if he lets me tinker with the code. So… click this link and sing along with James! Don’t forget to chant!
March 17, 2010
I’m in a mood. Sit back and have some fun with me.
1. You’ve met Soul Bendorff on these pages before. Here. And here. Only sorta here. But very definitely here.
2. Like many young men out on his own, Soul would wear socks with holes in them.
3. No big deal, right? I mean, come ON. You’ve had a favorite pair or two of socks that you haven’t been able to part with. I know you did, even if you won’t admit it.
4. But when you’re a rock legend in the making, people talk about your socks. (among other things) Especially the fact that you wear them at all. (especially when you looked as grungy as Soul did.)
5. Or that his were dark blue, worn with his dark blue Chuck Taylors.
6. Dark blue was the Soul Bendorff color.
7. But back to the socks. It was amazing that Soul wore socks. But have YOU even worn Chucks with no socks? Onstage? Under hot stage lights?
8. It was at a party one night, when Soul had wrapped each talented hand around the very cool, long neck of a bottle of booze (he never cared WHAT booze, only that it was booze), that he let some girl take off his shoes. She wanted to play with his toes, she said.
9. Now, I know you’re expecting me to say his big toe was sticking through that hole I’ve hinted at. But… you’re wrong.
10. It was his heel. Soul had narrow heels, you see. They always rubbed, no matter what shoes he wore. Socks wore out after a week, it seemed. But see above about why he didn’t just chuck the things entirely.
11. So this girl picks up Soul’s foot and finds the sock. She sticks her finger in and tickles. He’s not amused. Wants her to put his shoes on.
12. Someone hands him a fresh bottle. He forgets about the girl. He’s had enough to drink, he can’t feel his feet anyway.
13. Five years after he dies, she donates them to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Hole and all.
March 15, 2010
After reading Annette Dashofy’s great summary of the weekend, I can’t put it any better. Go see the play-by-play. See if you can recognize me.
Let me add a few things: Inspiration struck at 4AM after that first, interrupted session. Book therapy, indeed. I like the inspiration and can’t wait for the time to build on it. You guys will be in heaven.
Another random bit: Annette’s taken on the grand task of teaching Clueless here the fine art of skin care. No one else ever has, and so my gratitude to Annette is huge. I just may stop hating what I see when I look in the mirror. Might even have some professional pictures taken.
If you ever get to be on the safe side of a historic flood, I highly suggest it. Watching the water creep in and out — although at times it wasn’t exactly creeping. Racing. Devouring. Threatening. — and the water heaters, the barrels, the tree trunks (was that a bear?)…
Fascinating. Invigorating.
Coupled with the workshops designed to kick-start the creativity, it turned into a very good thing. Lots of ideas. New things, and not all in the written, book form, either.
Now to catch up so I can implement them all…
March 10, 2010
Before we get into the Thirteen fun, I’ve got to say… I am having THE BEST time watching the sales reports for The Demo Tapes books. As part of Read an E-Book Week, I’ve offered them for FREE. Here’s the link. Make me happy, will ya?
Now. Thirteen words that equal a whole
1. The
2. Snow
3. Around
4. Here
5. Is
6. Melting.
7. I
8. Am
9. Sad
10. to
11. See
12. it
13. Go
Happy Thursday Thirteen, gang! And welcome spring!
March 4, 2010
The day’s half over and I’m finally encouraging you to stop by Reading with Tequila. I’ve got a guest blog post there all about the Mitchell Versus Trevor war. Who do you prefer, the bad boy or the sensitive man?
You can also enter to win a few copies of The Demo Tapes — one is print and two are digital downloads. Get ’em now. Read ’em during Read an E-Book Week.
March 3, 2010
1. Last year, I posted about Read an e-Book Week.
2. This year, YOU (yes, you) can read BOTH of my books.
3. They are listed at, as part of their special Read an E-Book promotion.
4. Yeah. That link won’t actually work until the 7th.
5. Or you can visit my profile page there now.
6. If you’re savvy, you’ll notice I dropped the price on the books.
7. And if you’re even savvier, you’ll hang tight for the 7th. The books will be discounted a FURTHER 50%.
8. If you want to make me extra royalties, or want a print copy, go to
9. Use coupon code IDES between now and March 31 for a 10% discount on the print or download (it’s a .pdf download) copy.
10. But be sure to visit Read an E-Book Week’s home site.
11. You’ll find links to other e-books.
12. But they won’t be as good as mine. Or their authors as friendly as me.
13. Discover a new author this upcoming week. At the prices many of us are charging, you can REALLY load up and let the fun last beyond one mere week.
February 24, 2010
Back in September, I made this list for my thirteen. Details.
This week, I thought we’d do more telling details. The small things that speak volumes.
1. Leaving dirty dinner dishes on the bed.
2. What a smoker does when confronted with a full ashtray.
3. If a fan looks their star in the eye. If they speak up, ask for a picture, an autograph. And what they do once the interaction ends.
4. What you do when the guy behind you spills his Coke. Beer. Whatever.
5. How you handle being heckled by the drunk who’s got the seat beside you.
6. Which member of the band is first in the after-concert shower. And which member is last.
7. How a hockey player puts his gear on.
8. Dirt caked under a fingernail. Lunch stuck in a tooth.
9. Which side of the camera you’re most comfortable on.
10. How hard you fight sleep each night.
11. Your favorite bookmark.
12. Dog, cat, rabbit, reptile?
13. A person’s jeans.
Think about it. It’s the small things that speak so much.
February 17, 2010
Between the Olympics, putting my nose to the grindstone to bring you something you REALLY want, and two hours shoveling my driveway and front walk, time’s been tight here.
I haven’t forgotten you. Or abandoned you.
Be back soon–
February 10, 2010
My kids have been home for five days now, thanks to the snow. We’re all a little bit stir-crazy, even though we’ve been getting out.
Here are thirteen headlines that were ripped straight out of my imagination…
1. Snowbound kids turn 22 inches of snow into 20-foot snowman.
2. 20-foot snowman Crushes Neighbor’s Car
3. Kids Buried Waist-Deep in Snow. Freeze while Mom takes pictures for scrapbook
4. Mom serves doctored cocoa to kids. Takes bath while they sleep off the effects.
5. Heavy snow breaks skylight in local home. Kids build snowmen in bathtub.
6. Husbands around region bring sleeping bags to work. Seek to avoid family with cabin fever.
7. Man has heart attack clearing spot in grass for dog to pee on.
8. Mom Climbs Walls — and Refuses to come Down until Spring.
9. Bored kids plead with school board to reopen schools.
10. Snow Reminds Seniors of The Winter of 1900! Fifty inches over five days. Five hundred dead.
11. Libraries glad city shut down. Fear all books would be gone otherwise.
12. Vampires asked to help fill blood donor shortage. (Okay, inspired by a true story)
13. Punxy Phil laughs himself to six more weeks of hibernation.
Wait. That last one seems to have happened.
February 9, 2010
HUGE thanks to the special woman who makes me smile when she calls me “Sis.” There are starting to be fan pages for me and the band over at Facebook.
That’s right. You can be a fan of Trevor. Or Mitchell. Or this here entire operation called West of Mars.
Because I’m new at this and relatively clueless, if you’ve got ideas for what should be on these pages — sorry, but audio clips don’t exist, although I’d be willing to listen to your own version — speak up. Are there other characters you’d like to see pages for? (I can hear the Roadie Poet fans rumbling now…)
Let this be just another way you interact with our boys. It’s all for you.
And, okay, some royalties for me.
February 3, 2010
It’s Wednesday night. It’s been a busy week, with Alice Audrey stopping by (scroll down if you missed it) and my royalty-based donation to the Red Cross for Haiti (scroll down some more if you missed it). And it’s only Wednesday!
For some reason, tonight I’m craving…
1. Chocolate. Okay, that’s not new. In fact, that’s pretty much a constant.
2. A return to the summer night my friend Ryan and I sat on the hoods of our cars after a late-night hockey game and chatted for hours. I remember the way the damp, humid air felt on our ice-cooled skins. The thickness in my swollen knee (I had it cleaned out not even six months later). The feel of the smooth metal of my car under my thighs and palms. It was such a lush, erotic night.
3. A hot jacuzzi. A hot, PRIVATE jacuzzi. Score one for my old health club, where the jacuzzi was located in the locker rooms, thus making it relatively private. The Hoity-Toity Health Club? The jacuzzi’s in the pool area. Not so private.
4. Time with Trevor. Fiction (and Roadie Poet) has been absent from my site for a few weeks now. That’s gotta change.
5. More book sales. Of course. I can’t take over the world if no one’s reading my book!
6. The time to write this one outtake that’s been bugging me. It’s going to be one of those quiet, sensual types, like Rain. Or Hands.
7. Speaking of time and fiction, Deadly Metal Hatchet. If I’m not careful, Fozzy will let the Hatchet loose on ME.
8. I need to sigh heavily. ALL the fictional friends have been missing from this place. And I’ve got a ton of tabs open, waiting for Chelle to speak up.
9. Other things I’m craving… ice cream. The kind with a ton of butterfat and a full mouth feel. Preferably chocolate of some sort. Maybe with peanut butter. Maybe from Bruster’s. Or Dave and Andy’s. NOT from the grocery store.
Wha? Huh? I didn’t finish?
Okay. You can do it for me. I’m off to go write something.
February 1, 2010
So back on January 11, I said that I’d be donating a portion of my royalties to the Red Cross, to help with Haiti. I wish I could donate them all, but I’m still a little bit in the red.
Let’s see how I did…
On January 13, I got a payment from My royalties there were $11.41
On January 18, I got a payment from My royalties there were $9.80
That comes to $21.21
But there’s more… the royalties from what you guys bought that haven’t been paid out yet.
At Smashwords, there’s $1.81 waiting to be paid.
At Lulu, there’s $6.55 waiting to be paid.
And at the Kindle store, there’s … a mystery. Their reports are hard to read; I’m not sure if they owe me 3.50 or 7.00 — excluding anything you bought during January, as there are NO January records available yet. So we’ll have to exclude the Kindle store and reiterate that if you buy Demo Tapes: Year 1 and send me the receipt, I’ll send you a coupon for a free Year 2 via Smashwords.
If we figure a minimum of $3.50 for Kindle, we have $33.07
I still have some overhead to pay off — print copies of the books, promotional money spent — so instead of donating the whole amount like I wish I could, let’s halve it and see what we get…
That’s not a monetary amount!
So let’s round that UP to the nearest nickle and we get … $16.55.
I like even numbers. Let’s call it a $17 donation, shall we? That’s just over 50% of the royalties that arrived either via payments or sales during the twenty days my offer ran.
There ya go. $17 to Haiti via the Red Cross.
Thanks for supporting me, The Demo Tapes project, and reading in general. Not to mention the people who really need it right now.
Just a reminder… once I break even on my expenses, I’ll be donating larger portions to various charities. Stay tuned and keep supporting the books, even if all you do is spread the word. That helps more than I can tell you.
January 29, 2010
Yep, I haven’t been doing as many Only the Good posts as I have been. But here’s one for you:
I am off for the weekend, with Opening Act #1. We’re headed to a Boy Scout camp North of Mars, and we’re going to sled and use his new snowboard and … well, freeze. It’s colder there than it is here, and it’s only about 15 degrees here right now.
I’ve packed my Yellowstone layers. Yep, by that I mean the layers and fleece and alpaca wool and all the other good stuff I bought when the Tour Manager took me to Yellowstone over New Year’s two years ago. (Read all about it here. Just … don’t expect to see the pictures. I don’t know where they went! And here. And… here. And see what Trevor did as soon as I left!)
Scarily, those posts don’t even BEGIN to touch the experience that trip was.
Anyway… One thing I’m not bringing? The laptop. I’m not sure there’s service, and frankly, these weekends away are all about being in the moment and having fun with my kids. And the other adults we’ll be with; they’re a cool group.
The only downer is that I haven’t been sleeping well and the thought of snuggling on the couch with Opening Act #2 and watching tween girl flicks via Netflix on Demand and making French Toast for dinner appeals way more than the idea of being so darn cold (especially because it got so cold in my office today, I’ve been on the couch in the family room for over an hour now!). But… #1 got to pick which parent was undertaking this adventure, and I snookered the Tour Manager’s best friend into driving and …
Off we go. Into the wild cold yonder.
See you guys on Monday!