January 5, 2007
My favorite activewear catalog is having a sale and I can’t choose which color fleece to buy… Tangerine, celadon, periwinkle, or citron. Such a rock-and-roll-inspired choice…
But in some happy and not-really-long awaited news, I have found the coveted Dethklok shirts. MyTeeSpot’s got ’em and I asked and yup, they’re officially licensed. Right now, this is the only shirt in stock, but the very nice Jeremy Barasch at MyTeeSpot told me that they are expecting more soon.
So now I can be the only girl on my block in a Dethklok shirt, after all. I’m just not sure what color fleece to put over it when I get cold…
(If you haven’t heard my rant about why you should make the effort to get only officially licensed merchandise, I’ll be glad to rant at a later date. Let’s just say it involves much, much more than making sure the proper people, who are often millionaires to begin with, get their cash.)
(We’ll miss you, Coach Cowher!)
January 3, 2007
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A lot of you are new to me and my fiction project, so it seems that to make you feel more at home, I ought to take a step back and show you around. This week, let’s sightsee around the fictional city of Riverview, USA. 1. Lyrical Pleasures, Lyric’s shop 2. Roach’s Diner 3. Victory’s, the sports bar where Mitchell and Kerri have their first “date,” the spontaneous one. 4. The Washburn Theater, one of the ritzy theaters in town, usually used for plays, musicals and the symphony but also the scene of the Regional Music Awards show that Mitchell takes Kerri to on their official first date. 5. Pigeon Square, a hip yuppie area of old brownstone walk-ups and small yards, set around a small park. A police station backs up against this park. Needless to say, parents love it and junkies hate it. 6. Decade, one of the smaller clubs in the city 7. All Access, the rockin’ joint in Riverview. If the cops aren’t called, it’s not a good night. 8. KRVR, the local, independently-owned rock radio station where Boomer works. 9. Big Buck’s Best Barbecue, featuring Bodacious Sauce. For a city known for its diversity, this is some good barbecue. Here’s an earlier mention of Big Buck’s, and here is something I’ve since found: actual Bodacious Sauce. Tell them I sent you if you order any. 10. Moon Shadows, Trevor’s favorite strip club. Catering to the upscale market, they have the best girls in town. 11. Centrino’s, a boutique clothing store that carries designer clothes in limited quantities so you don’t have to worry about looking like everyone else. 12. Harry’s Hoagies, the people who make Trevor’s favorite meatball sub. 13. The Strand Hotel, a cheap, by-the-hour motel. Here’s an outtake about it. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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December 28, 2006
If you haven’t been here in a few days — or since last week — be sure you scroll down a few posts and catch up. You’ve missed some fun stuff — including me being tagged for a meme! (shocking!)
So when you’re done Thirteening this week, be sure to check out what you’ve missed. Dethklok, Miss Snark, and a few words of wisdom from Trevor himself.
What’ll this week hold?
I’m still figuring that out.
Now, on to the business at hand:
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1. More of the new Susan Speaks commentaries (the link will bring you to an example of a past one) 2. Pam Derbish 3. more story arcs like Green Hair Week 4. merchandise! 5. Podcasts devoted to the outtakes 6. a Myspace page that’ll feature music 7. new West of Mars graphics and art (got ideas? Know anyone who does? Speak up!) — possibly related to the aforementioned merch 8. hopefully a new look to the old meet-and-greet here 9. contests! Contests! (look for the first one soon) 10. a reputable agent, publisher, and agent who love Trevor and everyone else as much as we do (from my typing fingers to God’s eyes, huh?) 11. more of you groupies to entertain on a semi-daily basis 12. A listing in my sidebar of books I’ve loved, so you can read and love them, too 13. Charity — like this one, or not. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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HUGE thanks to laughing muse for today’s TT header. Isn’t it incredible?
December 27, 2006
That evil Scooper, with whom I haven’t even exchanged links yet (hint!) tagged me for a meme. I’m honored — and I’m going to obey. (usually, I look at who people are tagging and think, “Oh, you mean that other Susan. Why on earth would you mean ME?”)
So… here we go:
Four Jobs That I’ve had
1. Record store employee
2. Stage crew
3. college radio DJ (and everything associated with being a department head)
4. freelance copy editor
(methinks I see a theme…)
Four Favorite Foods
1. Chocolate
2. lobster
3. brownies
4. chocolate chip cookies
(methinks I still see a theme in this meme…)
Four Movies I can Watch Over and Over
1. Slapshot
2. This is Spinal Tap
3. Heavy Metal (one day, I’ll figure out what the hell is happening)
4. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
(nope, no theme this time. Anyone know how long it took me to think of four movies, let alone four I like???? HUH????)
Four Favorite TV shows
(I had to change the title because the way it WAS worded reminded me of … oh, nevermind. Someone I don’t particularly like)
1. Dog the Bounty Hunter
2. Metalocalypse
3. The Amazing Race
4. Farscape (you never said it had to still be running!)
Four Places I’ve travelled
1. Mars
2. Moon
Oh, wait. You mean like overnight and stuff. Well.
1. San Francisco
2. Yellowstone
3. San Rafael
4. San Jose
(yep. Theme. I did that on purpose ’cause they were cool trips)
Four Websites I go to daily
1. My own blog
2. My stat counter page
3. Rashenbo’s joint
4. Karen!’s joint
Four people I’m now torturing uhh… tagging
1. Rashenbo
2. Karen!
3. ls
4. Janet
Now, let’s see if any of them will behave…
See you later for this week’s Thursday Thirteen…
December 24, 2006
Ever wondered what I really look like, since that picture on the old website was horrid?
Well, Southern Writer made a cool YouTube vid, and I’m in it. Check it out.
Back later with a Christmas entry. Or maybe not.
December 23, 2006
Apparently, according to Blabbermouth.net, Gene Hoglan of Strapping Young Lad is in the studio with Dethklok creator Brendon Small, laying down tracks for a full-length album.
That rocks.
Now, where’s the shirts????
December 22, 2006
I am sad to report that I will not be the first (let alone only) woman on my block to be wearing a Dethklok t-shirt this holiday season.
What’s wrong with the merchandisers at Adult Swim, anyway?
Oh, yeah. There don’t seem to be any.
December 20, 2006
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Thirteen Things about Hanukkah as listed by Amy, Chelle, and Kerri, the ladies around here. So far.
If you aren’t a regular West of Mars groupie, you might want to start by reading this post. 1. You’re asking three shiksas? (Amy) 2. You can spell the name of the holiday six different ways, which makes the copy editors go nuts. (Chelle) 3. Candlelight. (Kerri smiles and licks her lips knowingly) 4. Hey, if you’re going to involve me in my little brother’s sex life, try this on for size: Hot oil! (Amy) 5. Girl, that’s too kinky for my blood! Give me the chocolate coins instead! (Chelle) 6. You can do plenty of kinky things with chocolate coins, Chelle. (Kerri, who winks while her sister-in-law gags) 7. Is Hanukkah a kinky holiday, or is it just us? (Kerri) 8. You’re the dirty ones, not me. (Chelle) 9. Back to Hanukkah… those spinning tops. Only religion I’ve ever heard of that condones gambling. (Kerri) 10. How’d you know all this? I thought I’d be the expert here since I have to read the same stupid articles in my paper every year. (Chelle) 11. It’s a story of a war victory and oil that lasted eight days instead of one. And this is where I point out that the winning team was led by a woman. (Amy) 12. Back to the oil, Aim? Is there something we should know about you and Derek? (Kerri, who’s grinning) 13. I give up! I can’t do a damn thing with these two dirty birds here! Did anyone notice that you stuck me in a room with the two women closest to Mitchell Voss? What is it with that man and sex? Happy Hanukkah, everyone! If you’d like to celebrate with ShapeShifter, you might want to check out this post, too. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will try to link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Big thanks to Headmeister for this week’s cool header!
December 19, 2006
To help you feel more comfortable with some of what’s going on around here, today I’m introducing a new series where I get to talk to you about the background of the fiction you’re either about to read, or should have already enjoyed. Consider it a look inside an author’s mind.
Today, I need to set you up for this week’s Thursday Thirteen.
Thursday Thirteen #8, the Hanukkah Edition, brings together Kerri Voss, Amy London, and Chelle LaFleur. The one thing these women have in common is, of course, the fictional band ShapeShifter. Most specifically, ShapeShifter’s singer and rhythm guitarist, Mitchell Voss.
Kerri is Mitchell’s wife. Amy is Mitchell’s older sister. And Chelle is Mitchell’s friend. While Kerri and Amy see each other often, both living in the fictional city of Riverview, Chelle’s the outsider here. Still, these are the three women you guys know the best, although there are others floating around, who you’ll meet later on.
Together, these three women have a synergy about them that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. That’s why I sat them down and asked them to talk about the holiday of Hanukkah. Given that these three women all have a certain similar sensibility, the results are probably not what you’d expect from one of the usual Thursday Thirteens that we do here at a West of Mars. Or a Thursday Thirteen you might see elsewhere.
See you for this week’s Thursday Thirteen.
December 13, 2006
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will try to link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
December 10, 2006
Yep, it’s that time of the month again, folks. As Green Hair Week ends, I’m morphing into a Working Stiff.
Read it, let me know what you think, and stop back here often. More fun awaits!
December 6, 2006
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(if you feel lost, scroll down the page, or click on the Green Hair Week label)
1. Lemon juice (Not only didn’t it work, it made his hair so dry, it stood out from his head like he was plugged directly into an electrical outlet. You could smell it from the audience, too.) 2. Mountain Dew (Hey, it’s the same color as lemon juice. Sort of. Mostly.) 3. Coffee (Brown and green make… green.) 4. Milk (Gotta make the coffee less bitter, I suppose.) 5. Tea (Might have worked better had they brewed it instead of rubbing wet tea bags on Mitchell’s head.) 6. Toothpaste (Mitchell smelled minty fresh!) 7. Beer (Made it shiny. Trevor said the shine made it look like pond scum. Mitchell promptly beat him almost senseless.) 8. Honey (Don’t call Mitchell honey. Ever.) 9. Mayonnaise (Didn’t do a thing for the color, but it gave his poor hair a good conditioning after all this stuff he’s used so far.) 10. Mustard (What’s one more condiment? And no, ketchup wasn’t next, for fear of going from green to pink.) 11. Orange juice (Mitchell’s always drinking it; maybe it’ll help if he wears it, too.) 12. Vodka (Screwdriver, anyone?) 13. Corned Beef (This was Trevor’s half-joking solution. At this point, Mitchell figured he had nothing to lose. Including, it turned out, the green.)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will do my best to link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
December 1, 2006
Just wanted to say a public thanks to you guys, steady readers, first-time visitors, and groupies. My stat counter was in heaven yesterday thanks to you — I had more than double my record number of hits.
Two more days to the start of Green Hair Week. Can you stand it?
Since it’s hard, let me ask you this:
If YOUR hair could be any color (complete, highlights, splotches, whatever), what color would you go for?
November 30, 2006
I had to point out that my friend Lauren added a fourteenth thing that ShapeShifter fans want for Christmas. Ready?
#14 – The author who wrote all about ShapeShifter to get a book deal and be published!
Amen, sister. From your fingertips to God’s eyes.
Thanks for the support — thanks to Lauren and all the rest of you who stop in once in awhile, or regularly. You guys keep me motivated and keep the creativity flowing. I need that — and appreciate the hell out of you for it!
(Green Hair week starts in THREE DAYS. Can you stand it?)
November 29, 2006
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1. A new album! 2. A tour to come to town, hopefully soon, and hopefully at a time when they’ve got the cash and time off from work to get floor seats. 3. To get to go for a ride with Trevor on his Vincent. 4. Backstage passes to finally meet the band, and permission to bring a camera inside for pictures to prove that it really happened. 5. To have their art picked for a ShapeShifter t-shirt. 6. To catch one of Daniel’s drumsticks when he tosses them into the crowd before Eric’s solo. 7. Guitar lessons from Eric. Years of guitar lessons, even though that’ll only scratch the surface. And a gift of one of Eric’s guitars, too. 8. Mitchell and Daniel to break up with Kerri and Val and hook up with them instead. 9. The collected videos to be released. Or a video of a show. Or any sort of video of the guys, especially if it includes candid stuff. 10. To run into the band during a visit to Riverview. Or, maybe even better, to run into a member or two when they are tooling around their own hometown, looking particularly cool. So cool that the band member flags them down and wants to be their friend. 11. A personal phone call from their favorite band member, asking what Santa brought. 12. A job as a ShapeShifter roadie. 13. To be the guys’ new best friend. (thanks go to Rashembo for today’s inspiration) Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
November 27, 2006
Green Hair Week will commence on Sunday, December 3, I believe. Expect a bunch of posts that tell the story of my poor, beloved Mitchell Voss and how he turned his hair green during a … Oh, never mind. You’ll get to read all about it.
Warning, though: there’s rough language, as always with the ShapeShifter boys, and some references to sex. I’d rate this PG-13, myself, but then again, I’m pretty liberal. You’ve got to be when you’ve got THOSE people living in your head…
More ahead, including a new arrival on the scene — well, she’s been there awhile, but will be new to you guys. Stay tuned and rock on!
November 25, 2006
A few years back, my book club read India Edghill’s first novel, Queenmaker. We loved it, but we had questions about it. I contacted India via e-mail and we struck up a nice correspondance. So, when her second novel, Wisdom’s Daughter came out, we had to read that one, too.
In fact, we had India call in to our book club meeting during our discussion of Wisdom’s Daughter, although we mostly wound up talking about other books, especially the Biblical Historical genre, which both Queenmaker and Wisdom’s Daughter fall into.
As we were talking, though, I mentioned that I had three novels here that her sister, Rosemary, had written. Gathered into one Omnibus, they are commonly referred to as The Bast Novels, after the main character.
Finally, over a year later, I’m reading them. And let me tell you, these books may be about ten years old, but they have stood up to the passage of time. The world that Rosemary creates is real, it’s colorful, it’s vibrant — and it’s alive. Separately, the three are Speak Daggers to Her, Book of Moons, and The Bowl of Night. Together, they are Bell, Book, and Murder.
(Mystery Lovers’ Bookshop doesn’t have a link to The Bowl of Night, but I bet if you call them, they can find it for you.)
Go get ’em. Heck, go get all five of them. You won’t be disappointed.
Don’t forget! Mitchell’s Green Hair week is coming! Stay tuned!
November 22, 2006
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1. Trevor’s original vision that created the band 2. A savvy manager 3. The rabid fans who would sooner miss work than a show, the fans who follow the band on tour, the fans who buy the records but never come to shows, and everyone in between 4. The girls who take the time to make themselves look good so they’ll please the band 5. Musical talent, even though Trevor’s is a bit lacking at times 6. Kerri, who keeps Mitchell grounded and his head the proper size 7. Multi-platinum records 8. The journalists who cover the band, even when they don’t do anything they think is particularly newsworthy 9. Val, who cooks for them 10. No more day jobs! 11. Mitchell’s parents, who are the ultimate band parents: always supportive but brutally honest, and who love to send the band care packages while on the road 12. A creator with a great vision (that’d be me) 13. lots of readers for Susan’s blog (that’d be you) Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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November 15, 2006
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1. Finding all four members (how Trevor did this without putting an ad in the paper, no one really knew. Daniel and Eric both said that one day, there was this total stranger named Trevor, offering them a spot in his band. Good thing they were smart enough to trust Trevor’s charisma) 2. Surviving practicing in the Voss’ basement, with Amy as the peanut gallery and Sonya as the band Mom. 3. Getting good. (Or, in some cases *coughTrevorcough*, learning how to play.) 4. Landing their first gig. (Trevor seduced a clueless waitress into putting in a good word with the club owner.) 5. Recording their first demo. (Daniel offered to play drums on the producer’s little brother’s country band to get better studio time, which was largely wasted by four largely clueless little boys.) 6. Making their first t-shirts — after they had to tape one of the design choices back together and wipe the spit off it. 7. Getting gigs out of state before they had JR as their manager. (Accomplished by Daniel calling small holes-in-the-walls that Trevor found, or by Daniel calling bands they’d opened for in Riverview and, while Mitchell rolled on the floor with laughter in the background, begging to open for them again even though a lot of them sucked and weren’t heard of again.) 8. Touring in Mitchell’s dad’s Ford Bronco, with a trailer on back for their gear and one sleeping bag for the four of them to use in the cargo area. 9. Landing their manager, who previously had been a mail boy at a bigger management company, but who harbored dreams of being on his own and, like Mitchell, needed the push from Trevor to up and do it. 10. The celebration the night they signed their first record deal, when Daniel ran naked up and down the street in front of All Access, screaming that ShapeShifter was getting out of this shithole town and was never coming back. 11. Pam. 12. A blonde rhythm guitarist/singer who all the girls lusted for showing up at the end of a three-day-break sporting green hair that he hadn’t dyed and was desperate to get rid of. (remind me to tell you that one…) 13. Repeated Death by Cheese Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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November 15, 2006
I was inspired by the whole Death by Cheese thing, and I seem to be entranced by a new plot idea. For a new novel, folks, not another outtake.
This cracked me up. ShapeShifter’s been in demand for TV appearances:
Apparently, one of the kids’ cable networks had called and put out feelers, but had run when reminded of Mitchell’s love for the words “pussies” and “fuckers.”
“Funny,” Mitchell had pointed out to JR, “I’ve never said those two particular words on any other broadcast we’ve done.”
They’d both conveniently ignored Mitchell’s talent for slipping them into songs and somehow past the censors who were supposed to be on guard for them.
Back tomorrow with a Thursday Thirteen