January 8, 2018
Welcome 2018 and welcome Kimberley O’Malley to West of Mars!
And also, say thanks to Kimberley for her patience; she’d sent this in to me back in December, but I wanted to make sure it got maximum exposure because that’s the whole point, right? So here we are, starting January off with our first Featured New Book — it’s the third in a series, so you’ll probably want to go back and check out the whole thing. Who likes starting series in the middle? Well, okay, because writers improve with each book, sometimes that’s a good thing (to this day, I cannot read the first Stephanie Plum book, or the first Sookie Stackhouse, but both are series I swear by.)
Back to Kimberley, because she’s the focus today. We want to learn about Second Chances, the third book in her Windsor Falls series, so we can love it as much as we love Stephanie Plum and Sookie Stackhouse. Kimberley, what song makes you think of your book?
Take A Chance on Me by ABBA! I love ABBA and this song in particular. Both Brendan and Charlie bring emotional baggage to this relationship. Both have their own scars. Both have to be willing to ‘take a chance’. Second Chances is about two people who have to be willing to overcome their own personal demons to make this relationship work.
I know second chance romances are a HUGE catnip for a lot of people, so this is got to tempt a bunch of you out there!
Ready to hear the official description? I sure am.
Dr. Charlotte Avery is the newest resident of Windsor Falls, North Carolina. Just back from the war-ravaged plains of Africa, Charlie only wants to settle into her new life and to reconnect with Elizabeth Fitzgerald, her best friend from residency. What she doesn’t expect, or need, is the instant attraction she feels for Elizabeth’s brother-in-law, Brendan. A single dad, Brendan Fitzgerald isn’t interested in anything that will further complicate his life. Will they be open to a second chance?
Yeah, this sounds like something I’d totally read. I’m on it. Are you?
Or maybe you’re nervous because this is the third in the series and you haven’t read the first two. Worry no more! I asked Kimberley and she said that you can read the books in any order. Which means this may be the third book, but it’s also a great place to start. Grab your copy today!
Here’s how:
Smashwords (Referral link and please use it ’cause Smashwords delivers GREAT royalties. I don’t care about the referral; I want to see Kimberley get the great royalties!)
Who, me? Got a favorite retailer? Nah…
And be sure to connect with Kimberley. She’ll be interested in seeing your review once you read the book and post it!
Amazon Author Bio
Good Reads Profile
Book Bub profile
January 5, 2018
I LOVE this line!!!
Pick up your copy of Michelle Hazen’s Rock Fiction novel, A Cruel Kind of Beautiful.
Barnes and Noble
And of course, once you’ve read it, leave a review! Reviews help books find new readers… but they do more than that. Much, much more. If you need help, drop me a line.
And connect with Michelle! (She’s a lot of fun to chat with on Twitter.)
Newsletter sign up
December 18, 2017
Let’s welcome Peter Perrin to West of Mars!
Peter and I met via Twitter — another good reason to use Twitter to directly reach readers and other publishing industry professionals, such as myself. Twitter makes a good water cooler when you can find people willing to chat with you. And here’s proof: Peter’s come to tell us what song makes him think of his new book, Grace’s Turmoil.
In Grace’s Turmoil, Grace had suffered a painful divorce and been emotionally scarred. After that, she had settled for a life without men, without a love of her own.
But then a dashing widower moved into her retirement village. Alfred awoke feelings in her she had wanted to keep dormant.
Less than four weeks later, Grace sang “Blue Moon” for him at a karaoke night and her choice of song spoke volumes about how he had changed her life. Like the song says, she was no longer alone.
Ooh, I like this version! Billie Holiday is incomparable, and her version is so much more upbeat than the dirge we’re usually presented with. Be sure to check out the link and give this version of a classic a listen. I bet you’ll never go back. (I sure won’t.)
And yes, Peter specified this version of the song. For which I am grateful. Love this solo interlude!
Back to Grace’s Turmoil, though. What’s its official back cover copy?
Divorced and emotionally damaged, artist Grace Stollery wants nothing more than to spend her semi-retirement painting and let time heal her emotional scars.
But when dashing widower Alfred Nobel moves into her retirement village he turns her life upside down and her heart inside out by awakening feelings she wants to keep dormant.
Alfred quickly sets out to woo Grace and slowly she warms to him. But the village’s resident femme fatale wants him for herself. Will she succeed in driving a wedge between Alfred and Grace?
Get a copy! It just went live on the 15th — that was last Friday — and you know how the early sales help fuel a book’s success!
I’ll update with Amazon and other links later.
And, of course, connect with Peter at his website.
December 11, 2017
Let’s welcome Seelie Kay to West of Mars!
Seelie and I chat via Twitter from time to time — see why it’s useful to have Twitter? Come chat with us! — and I was thrilled when I saw she’d filled out the handy-dandy form to tell us what song makes her think of her new book, A Touchdown to Remember. Ready? It’s a good one!
It’s Feel Like Making Love, the Bad Company classic! If you click the link, you’ll LOVE the video — looks like someone recorded VH1 and alive appearance by the band. Since there was no official video, I went with this so you can at least see Paul Rodgers and band at their fashionable best. (We should not make fun, but come ON.)
Intrigued about the book? I sure am! Here’s the description:
A Touchdown To Remember
It takes more than a hard knock on the head to keep running back Tim Wheezer Douglas down. When life pelts him with the proverbial lemon—a career-threatening concussion—he simply runs the other way, right into the arms of litigator Laura Adler.
When a second concussion sidelines Milwaukee Greyhound running back Tim Douglas, the rest of his life continues full-speed ahead. A some-time law student, Tim is faced with a classic Catch 22: Whether to continue to play football and risk a third and possibly life-altering concussion or quit the game altogether to pursue a career as a sports agent. He loves the game, but his priorities change when he meets Laura Adler, a sassy, sexy young attorney and rabid Greys fan. Their sizzling romp of a romance turns serious and Laura demands that he make a decision about football before she accepts his marriage proposal. Will Tim choose football or the law, and what role will Laura play in his future?
Pick up a copy! This link will take you to the Goodreads page, as the Amazon link wasn’t working. And besides, I like Goodreads better than Amazon.
Hey! Here’s the link to the publisher. Buy direct!
And connect with Seelie, too. Get news of new releases and follow her career.
December 4, 2017
Let’s welcome Michelle Hazen to West of Mars!
Those of you who hung out at The Rock of Pages will recognize Michelle from some great reviews and book coveting spots she wrote for me and Jett over there. But if you don’t know her?
Well, sit down, grab your coffee, and let’s go. Because Michelle is super. AND today is the release day for her new book! How can you beat that?
Michelle, what song makes you think of your book, A Cruel Kind of Beautiful?
“Seeing is Believing” by Blind Pilot.
It’s a song all about the strange ways life brings you exactly what you need. In the book, Jera has a really rough time, but in the end, all those obstacles work together and end up bringing her just where she needs to be. I love how life does that, and it makes perfect, divinely-inspired looking sense in hindsight, but as you’re living it it feels messy and horrible and annoying. I wanted to write a book that did exactly that.
There’s a line in the song: “This life is going to make you believe…” Yes. For Jera, it really did.
Be sure to check this song out; it’s a different one for us avid followers of the Featured New Book Spotlight, and it’s pretty cool! Shades of the Fifties, of Rockabilly, of country music… I’m digging it.
Ready for the book’s description? I sure am.
If you can’t get to the Big O, can you get to the happily ever after?
Jera McKnight loves music, swoons for hot guys, but sucks at sex. Jacob Tate is her perfect storm: a pun-loving nude model with a heart as big as his record collection.
When a newspaper-delivery accident lands him in her living room, he’s almost tempting enough to make her forget she’s never been able to please a man—in bed or out of it. Sure, he laughs at her obscure jokes, and he’ll even accept a PG-rating if it means he gets time with her, but he’s also hiding something. And it has everything to do with the off-limits room in his apartment.
Jera pours all her confusion and longing into her drum kit, which pays off when her band lands the record deal of their dreams. Except just like Jacob, it might be too good to come without a catch.
She doesn’t know if her music is good enough to attract a better contract, or if she’s enough to tempt a man like Jacob to give up his secrets—even if they could fix her problems between the sheets. But if this rocker girl is too afraid to bet on herself, she might just end up playing to an empty house.
Fans of Alice Clayton’s Wallbanger or Kylie Scott will love this addictive new series because of its quick sense of humor and adorable found family.
Do you NEED this? I know all my Rock Fiction fans and friends do! (I sure do, and thanks to Michelle for approving me for a copy over at NetGalley.)
It’s Amazon only, though — so if that’s an issue, I HIGHLY encourage you to get in touch with Michelle and see what sort of magic she can make happen for you. Because you need it!
Connect with Michelle. She’s very cool, very involved in the literary community, and very diverse in her jobs, too. I’ll let you figure out what that means, because it’s too cool to spoil!
November 20, 2017
Let’s welcome Kayelle Allen to West of Mars today!
Kayelle’s new book, Bringer of Chaos: Forged in Fire (Marooned on a Barren World) is only available for pre-order right now (release date: December 29, which is a date near and dear to my heart), but what’s stopping you? Preorders are awesome because you can preorder and then when the book shows up on your Kindle, it’s like a belated Christmas present, right when the post-Christmas-present blues hit. How can you resist?
Before you go order (and the link’s at the bottom, of course, to slow down your excitement and instead build it up to a slow burn, let’s ask Kayelle what song makes her think of her book. Kayelle?
The Ancient One by the wonderful group Really Slow Motion. They perform movie trailer music for some of the biggest films out there, including Beauty and the Beast, the Justice League, Blade Runner 2045, Daddy’s Home, and hundreds more. You can find the song on YouTube.
Yeah, I linked twice. Just to make sure you go listen to movie music. Who doesn’t love that? (Honestly, I do, so this is a real treat to be exposed to and excuse me while I dash off to Spotify to see what I can add to my various playlists.) And just from the title of this book alone, the song is perfect. (If any of you have these guys on the playlists you write to, let me know! This song in particular would be incredible writing music.)
Intrigued yet? I sure am. So let’s check out the back cover copy and the description of Bringer of Chaos: Forged in Fire.
What if you were a soldier marooned on an undeveloped planet?
What if you had no food and few survival tools? What if you’d been genetically engineered? No matter how agonizing the wound, you’d survive. No matter how you died, you’d come back.
It could be worse. You could be here alone. But that’s the problem. You’re not.
On one hand, there’s a tribe of sentient panthers who protect you. Although you hate humans, the one who was dumped on this planet with you has become a trusted friend. The beautiful telepathic warrior you’ve loved since forever is at your side.
On the other hand, half a million people who depend on you are trapped inside stasis pods, waiting for you to save them. It wouldn’t be so bad if you could wake up a few at a time. But the traitors who abandoned you and your followers set the timers to release all half million.
At the same time.
You’re facing an ecological disaster and over five hundred thousand hungry, thirsty, homeless immortal warriors.
Worse still, before you can build shelter, figure out how to grow food, or set up a government, you must take back command from a ruthless enemy you’ve fought for centuries.
Your brutal, merciless father.
Talk about being forged in fire…
Immortals may heal, but a wound of the heart lasts forever.
Bringer of Chaos: Forged in Fire has no profanity or explicit content, but lots of angst, a little humor, some sweet romance, and a ton of betrayal with plenty of vengeance. Oh, and let’s not forget–one ginormous black “kitty”.
Anyone else sold on the kitty?
Pre-order your copy today — remember, you’ll order now, and it’ll magically show up on December 29. And yes, it’s Amazon-exclusive.
(Yep, double links again. Just to be sure you see it!)
Connect with Kayelle. She’s a neat lady.
Kayelle Allen writes Sci Fi with misbehaving robots, mythic heroes, role playing immortal gamers, and warriors who purr. She’s a US Navy veteran and has been married so long she’s tenured.
Romance Lives Forever Reader Group
October 31, 2017
Here’s an anthology I was invited to join. Not quite a call for submissions, but it’s an anthology! And they could have hated my story and sent it back, but it’s one of my favorite from the Trevolution. Grab a copy if you haven’t already.
Today’s call for submissions is for you romance writers and man, I wish I had something to submit. The deadline to submit is November 10, so if you’ve got something that needs a final polish, go for it. Otherwise, start on something for next year! (I am NOT kidding!)
The source is Fuse Literary — yes, a literary agency! — but don’t expect to back door your way in, and don’t disqualify yourself if you are already repped (but, of course, DO let your agent know what you’re up to, as they have a vested interest in your career). This is an anthology Fuse puts out annually, and the money from it goes to charity.
If you’re picked to contribute, you’ll get $10, which can be turned over to the charity, wink wink nudge nudge.
Here’s more about what they’re looking for:
The theme is winter-holiday romance. This can be any holiday in winter, any romance sub-genre, any heat level, any orientation, any fetish, etc. All are welcome, and diversity is encouraged.
Stories of all lengths will be considered, but this is not the place to submit a full-length novel.
We’re signing non-exclusive rights, so you’re free to publish your story elsewhere (let us know if your story has been published before).
As always, there’s no submission fee.
If your story is accepted, you will receive a single payment of $10, which you can choose to have donated directly to the Lung Cancer Alliance.
If you have any questions, leave a comment here so everyone can benefit.
For the record, this is the fourth time they’ve done this, so they’re old hands at by now (one would imagine). Submit your best!
And, since logic says they’ll go for the nice round Number Five (don’t ask how five is round; it is my brain), if you don’t have anything, start planning for next year. At worst, you’ll get a chance to write and push yourself and grow a little bit as a writer. And how is that possibly the worst that can happen?
Here’s the link to submit again.
As always, if you make the cut, let us know so we can brag about you and post links when the anthology goes live. Best part of the day when we get to do that!
August 14, 2017
I LOVE having books to feature around here, and I’m glad to see submissions rolling in. Keep ’em coming, so keep spreading the word.
Today we have one of my friends from Triberr, and although this book has a super long title, I’m fascinated just by the concept of it. It seems (to me, anyway) that lately, we’ve been learning that Vikings are more than just all rape-pillage-boats-conquer-wear hats with horns. And this book definitely helps us learn more than the old-time stereotype.
The book is called Vikings: The Truth About Lagertha and Ragnar: A historically accurate retelling of the ninth book of the Gesta Danorum. (Did anyone else not know what a Gesta Danorum is, or am I deficient?)
So. Author Rachel Tsoumbakos, what song makes you think of this incredibly ambitious-sounding book?
Not only is this song included in the opening credits to History Channel’s Vikings, but the theme of the song feels like it is on a very similar trajectory to that of Lagertha and Ragnar’s love story in my novel. Vikings: The Truth about Lagertha and Ragnar delves into their story and tries to shed some light onto the real version rather than the one shown on TV. Even though both characters are faced with many obstacles in their relationship, like the line “crushed and filled with all I found,” they still care for each other. They still feel the need their love “will never end” because they want more. However, it is never quite clear until the very end of their Viking saga whether their story will have a happy ending or not.
But… it’s a romance between Lagertha and Ragnar, right? But… it’s also real life, so…
Ugh. Now I NEED to read this!
Here’s the back cover copy:
Lagertha was known to be one of the wives of the famous Viking, Ragnar Lodbrok. But did you know they first met each other at a brothel? And just how long did their marriage last? Was Lagertha really the revered shield maiden we see her as today? ‘Vikings: The Truth About Lagertha And Ragnar’ aims to unravel all these secrets.
‘Vikings: The Truth About Lagertha And Ragnar’ is so much more than a history book though.
In Part One their story is brought to life with a historically accurate retelling. Part Two then explores the historical facts surrounding this story.
‘Vikings: The Truth About Lagertha And Ragnar’ aims to discover just how much of what we know of the shield maiden, Lagertha, and the famous Ragnar Lodbrok in popular culture today is actually true.
‘The Truth About’ series explores the historical fact from present day fiction in regards to the Vikings and other key historical figures that existed in the Viking era.
Pick up your copy. It’s Amazon-only, so know that going in.
And if you do read it, be sure to leave a review! If not at the place of purchase, then consider GoodReads or the other social book networks, or if you ask nicely, I’ll loan you my blog for a day. Reviews help books find new friends!
Connect with Rachel, too. (She writes amazing reviews of popular TV shows, and I recommend them!)
March 20, 2017
Welcome to the start of the week and a book that is hopefully new to you and that you’ll want to read after you reach the end of this post. That’s how this thing works, you see. I write about a book. We all pick it up, read it, and hopefully leave reviews. (If you need help writing a review, holler. My editorial self would be glad to help, and if you need a place to post your review, let me know. I’d be glad to host you.)
Today’s book comes from a new friend, who I just discovered via Twitter. You find fun people on Twitter. Christy is one of them.
Her book is called Panther Mountain: Caroline’s Story and before I tell you what it’s about, let’s hear from Christy about what song makes her think of her book:
The lyrics of Paul Weller’s “You Do Something To Me” perfectly sum up the passion of the love letter written to Caroline, the heroine of my book Panther Mountain: Caroline’s Story. The letter was written in 1854 in pre-Civil War western Virginia by a man named Nathan Hanna who desired to get to know Caroline better. His elegant handwriting showed him to be an educated man, his words thoughtful and polite as he requested a meeting with her. When she read his invitation, she was reminded of a long-ago passion she felt for him as well. But would they meet, and if so, where would the relationship lead?
Ooh, I don’t know about you, but I’m tempted. And this Paul Weller dude? This isn’t something I’d listen to all the time, but he’s kinda cute and I do like this song. Nice pick, Christy!
(You guys have exposed me to some really cool music, and I’m appreciative. Best of all, I’m expanding my own horizons, which is a bonus I never expected when I started this feature many years ago.)
Ready for more about Panther Mountain: Caroline’s Story? Here’s the description:
Panther Mountain: Caroline’s Story is a historical fiction novel based on true events in my great-great-grandmother Caroline’s life in antebellum and Civil War Virginia. Its centerpiece is a romantic mystery; a love letter, written to her by a suitor who was not my great-great-grandfather.
Caroline Grose was raised on a mountain deep in the heart of 19th Century western Virginia. Despite her geographical isolation, she was educated and well-read. At 19, she fell in love with a handsome young man whom she met at a church camp meeting. Her hopes for a romantic relationship were dashed, though, when she saw him kissing another girl.
The world around her grew increasingly chaotic. Caroline’s family members were Methodist Episcopalian abolitionists, and those beliefs pitted them against friends, neighbors and fellow church members. When she discovered that a runaway slave was hiding in a mountain cave near her home, she was faced with a hard choice: turn him over to the authorities or help him escape to freedom.
By 1854, Caroline was a spinster living at home with her parents. One day a letter arrived. It was from the love of her younger years. He wanted her back. Little did she realize, as she read the words on paper, that another man loved her, too. A romantic rivalry was in the making.
Caroline is challenged to go beyond her comfort zone and Victorian gender role to help and protect others. She showed courage in the face of violence and anarchy during the Civil War.
There is SO MUCH going on here that makes me want to read this… the setting, the era, the story itself.
If you’re as inspired as I am, here are the handy-dandy buy links:
Paperback or as an-ebook at Amazon.com
It’s also available online at:
And get to know Christy, too. I can vouch for how cool she is!
Panther Mountain Caroline’s Story website
January 22, 2017
SOMETHING MORE (The Three Graces Book Three) by Nia Farrell. Rachel Givens is supposed to be dead. She has post-rape PTSD and a three-year-old autistic daughter, father unknown. When her former lovers walk into the diner where she works, this single mother learns just how much more she can handle. Nominated for Best BDSM Book of the Year, Ménage Category, 2016 Golden Flogger Awards.
Buy links to SOMETHING MORE (a BSDM MFM ménage secret baby erotic romance):
Barnes and Noble
Dark Hollows Press
December 4, 2016
SOMETHING ELSE by Nia Farrell. Three soulmates forge a future from the flames of their pasts in an interracial MMF ménage erotic romance. “It’s part paranormal, part BDSM, part love story, but all good.”
Barnes and Noble
Smashwords *Affiliate link
Dark Hollows Press
November 7, 2016
SOMETHING MORE (The Three Graces Book Three) by Nia Farrell. Rachel Givens is supposed to be dead. She has post-rape PTSD and a three-year-old autistic daughter, father unknown. When her former lovers walk into the diner where she works, this single mother learns just how much more she can handle. Nominated for Best BDSM Book of the Year, Ménage Category, 2016 Golden Flogger Awards.
Buy links to SOMETHING MORE (a BSDM MFM ménage secret baby erotic romance):
Amazon https://mybook.to/SomethingMore
Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/something-more-nia-farrell/1122797262?ean=2940151160094
Allromance https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-somethingmore-1905345-147.html
Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/585262
Dark Hollows Press https://www.darkhollowspress.com/#!something-more/c1clr
October 10, 2016
SOMETHING DIFFERENT (The Three Graces Book Two) by Nia Farrell. Starving artist Anna James has sworn off men. Rock gods Jackson and Jacob Thomason just promised her the best sex of her life. Does Anna dare submit to the part-Comanche twins who perform as No Mercy?
Buy links to SOMETHING DIFFERENT (a BSDM MFM ménage rock star erotic romance):
Amazon ➔ https://mybook.to/SomethingDifferent
Barnes and Noble ➔ https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/something-different-nia-farrell/1122718107?ean=2940150808072
Allromance ➔ https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-somethingdifferent-1897500-147.html
BookStrand ➔ https://www.bookstrand.com/something-different-0
Smashwords ➔ https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/581142
Dark Hollows Press ➔ https://www.darkhollowspress.com/#!something-different/c13v4
September 18, 2016
SOMETHING MORE (The Three Graces Book Three) by Nia Farrell. Rachel Givens is supposed to be dead. She has post-rape PTSD and a three-year-old autistic daughter, father unknown. When her former lovers walk into the diner where she works, this single mother learns just how much more she can handle. Nominated for Best BDSM Book of the Year, Ménage Category, 2016 Golden Flogger Awards.
Buy links to SOMETHING MORE (a BSDM MFM ménage secret baby erotic romance):
Amazon https://mybook.to/SomethingMore
Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/something-more-nia-farrell/1122797262?ean=2940151160094
Allromance https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-somethingmore-1905345-147.html
Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/585262
Dark Hollows Press https://www.darkhollowspress.com/#!something-more/c1clr
August 30, 2016
August 27, 2016
Pick up your copy today! (Read a review at The Rock of Pages if you like)
B&N Nook
Google Play
Amazon (Paperback – US)
(Thanks to Rock Star PR for the teaser, the buy links, and the chance for Jett to read/review the book!)
(and if you have a line or two from your favorite book, or a graphic teaser, send them in! I’m always glad to help a felow author out.)
August 7, 2016
SOMETHING ELSE by Nia Farrell. Three soulmates forge a future from the flames of their pasts in an interracial MMF ménage erotic romance. “It’s part paranormal, part BDSM, part love story, but all good.”
Barnes and Noble ➔ https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/something-else-nia-farrell/1122571287?ean=2940151122504
Amazon ➔ https://mybook.to/SomethingElse
Allromance ➔ https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-somethingelse-1874223-340.html
BookStrand ➔ https://www.bookstrand.com/something-else-mmf
Smashwords ➔ https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/571934
Dark Hollows Press ➔ https://www.darkhollowspress.com/#!something-else/c1tdc
July 10, 2016
SOMETHING DIFFERENT (The Three Graces Book Two) by Nia Farrell. Starving artist Anna James has sworn off men. Rock gods Jackson and Jacob Thomason just promised her the best sex of her life. Does Anna dare submit to the part-Comanche twins who perform as No Mercy?
Buy links to SOMETHING DIFFERENT (a BSDM MFM ménage rock star erotic romance):
Amazon ➔ https://mybook.to/SomethingDifferent
Barnes and Noble ➔ https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/something-different-nia-farrell/1122718107?ean=2940150808072
Allromance ➔ https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-somethingdifferent-1897500-147.html
BookStrand ➔ https://www.bookstrand.com/something-different-0
Smashwords ➔ https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/581142
Dark Hollows Press ➔ https://www.darkhollowspress.com/#!something-different/c13v4
June 30, 2016
SOMETHING DIFFERENT (The Three Graces Book Two) by Nia Farrell. Starving artist Anna James has sworn off men. Rock gods Jackson and Jacob Thomason just promised her the best sex of her life. Does Anna dare submit to the part-Comanche twins who perform as No Mercy?
Buy links to SOMETHING DIFFERENT (a BSDM MFM ménage rock star erotic romance):
Amazon ➔ https://mybook.to/SomethingDifferent
Barnes and Noble ➔ https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/something-different-nia-farrell/1122718107?ean=2940150808072
Allromance ➔ https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-somethingdifferent-1897500-147.html
BookStrand ➔ https://www.bookstrand.com/something-different-0
Smashwords ➔ https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/581142
Dark Hollows Press ➔ https://www.darkhollowspress.com/#!something-different/c13v4
May 29, 2016
Buy links:
Amazon Kindle
B&N Nook
Google Play
Got a graphic, or a favorite line from your own book, or a book you love? Send ’em along! Details here.